
Chapter 170 The Arrival of Death

The ancients said: "Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, karma", which is true. Zhou Cheng had just refined his own magic weapon and was suddenly attacked by insects and beasts when he was excited. So he detonated the whole volcano and killed all the hundreds of insects and beasts.

This is nothing. In reality, practitioners are not like those practitioners in mythical stories who avoid killing. On the contrary, real practitioners are predators, plundering the best things in the world and plundering the world's luck for immortality. It can be said that practitioners are all ruthless people, and any of them has never been killed.

But in anger, Zhou Cheng forgot that this is the underground world. In the height of the underground world, there is a layer of the most terrible thing in the world: geomagnetic. This geocentric magnetism is simply the most vicious and horrible thing in the world. Even if the peerless master of the Yuanshen period falls into the geocentric magnetism, it will turn into a thick water for a moment.

Even if a magic weapon falls into the geomagnetic field, it will instantly lose its spirituality, and even if the body is shattered by magnetism, and it will be restored to vitality and become part of the metamagnet.

At this juncture of life and death, Zhou Cheng roared: "I can't die. I don't want to die!" Hao Tianjing, come out!"

Zhou Cheng's crazy operation mana destroys the power of Haotian Mirror to resist the erosion of metamagnetism. As a magic weapon, Haotianjing does not have no power of resistance in the face of the terrible geocentric magnetism. Supported by the magic power instilled by Zhou Cheng, the power of Haotian Mirror was fully opened, emitting auspicious clouds to forcibly open the core magnetism.

Thanks to Zhou Cheng's timely response and magic weapon to protect himself, he actually opened up a small space in the geocentric magnetism, a space without any magnetism.

However, Zhou Cheng's expression did not relax at all. He didn't even have time to take a breath, and encouraged the magic to use the wonderful use of the Haotian Mirror to shuttle through time and space.

The Haotian Mirror shook violently under Zhou Cheng's destruction, and then turned into a delicate and magical light door. Zhou Cheng was overjoyed and immediately waved his body into this light door.

However, in a second, Zhou Cheng retreated at a faster speed. When he hit the light gate at a very fast speed, he did not appear elsewhere directly through the light door as usual. The light gate seemed to become a real gate, and it was also a completely blocked gate, directly rebounding Zhou Cheng.

"It's terrible that the door of time and space can't be opened in the geocentric magnetism. Is the geomagnetic field in the underground world strong enough to block time and space? What a day, I will die!"

At the collision, Zhou Cheng was knocked dizzy. He instinctively sensed something bad and his mind beat wildly, because he felt that death was getting closer and closer to him.

"No, it's impossible. There can be no power in the world to block time and space. There can't be anything that can close the door of time and space opened by the Haotian Mirror.

Zhou Cheng knows that once he falls into this geomagnetic layer, he will die. The only chance is that he can open the door of time and space to escape from the underground world at any time. When he found that his biggest dependence had completely lost its effect, Zhou Cheng's heart was cold and he almost collapsed and died on the spot.

However, Zhou Cheng still did not give up. He resisted his physical discomfort and bumped into the light door again.

I only heard another dull sound, and Zhou Cheng was bounced back again. However, he still did not give up and still ignored the light door.

Once, again, for a short moment, Zhou Cheng didn't know how many times he had tried, but he still couldn't get into the light door and escape. Instead, he was hit by the head and blood, and his body was almost scattered.

This is not the worst yet. Zhou Cheng's body has been stained with some magnetomagnetic light. Although he used the Haotian mirror to open up a small space in the magnetic layer, he could not force out the magnetic light that had been stained on his body.

What a vicious magnetic light! Even if Zhou Cheng, as a dragon, has a strong immunity to all vitality, mana and magic power, he still looks too weak and small in the face of this magneto light. In this short moment, those magnetic light have been eroded into Zhou Cheng's body.

After the magneto light invaded the body, it began to assimilate Zhou Cheng's flesh and blood, transforming Zhou Cheng's flesh and blood into vitality, and then becoming a part of itself.

This is simply the most vicious criminal law in the world, but Zhou Cheng can no longer care about the pain. He only knows that he is about to die, and he is suddenly a little frustrated. But the instinct of survival still supported him and made him make his final struggle.

I don't know whether it was too hard to hurt the body when I just hit the light door, or whether the magnetic light invasion destroyed the body. Anyway, Zhou Cheng only felt that the body was getting stiffer and stiffer, and he gradually began to be unable to control the body. So he had to fall back to the bottom of the space opened up by Haotian Mirror and climb to the door of time and space step by step.

"I can definitely enter the door of time and space to escape from here. I can definitely do it. I am the dragon, and I am the ancestor of the dragon clan. How can I die in obscurity like this! Impossible, impossible!"

While crawling slowly, he roared in his heart. Zhou Cheng's only idea was to climb to the gate of time and space and get in. He never thought that even if he got into the door of time and space to escape from here, the magnetic light of the geocentric magnetism in his body had no possibility of survival. Even if he returned to the surface world, he would still inevitably turn into a thick water.

I don't know how long it took, maybe just an instant, maybe after a long time, Zhou Cheng finally climbed to the light gate. Full of confidence and hope, he jumped to the door of light with all his last strength.

At this moment, the door of time and space opened by Haotian Mirror suddenly flashed, and then disappeared out of thin air, and there was no trace of it. It turned out that Zhou Cheng opened up a small safe space in the magnetic layer with Haotian Mirror, and opened the door of time and space with Haotian Mirror.

Whether it is opening up a small safe space or opening the door of time and space, it is extremely exhausting. You should know that a trace of metamagnetism has become more and more important, and the metamagnets will attract each other, and there is no peerless magic power to separate them at all.

Haotian Mirror opens up a space in the metamagnetic layer, but it needs the support of Zhou Cheng's mana. In order to eliminate the metamagnetism, Haotian Mirror consumes an extremely horrible amount of mana at every moment. Opening the door of time and space also consumes extremely amazing mana. If it is just a short moment of opening, it will be fine, but Zhou Cheng has been maintaining the door of time and space from dissipating because he has not been able to enter it. It even needs more mana than the mana needed to maintain the space opened in the metamagnet.

Zhou Cheng is just a practitioner in the early stage of soul training. Although he is a dragon and has sufficient mana and vitality, he can't withstand such consumption. Therefore, his mana has been consumed for a moment.

After the lack of magic power, the door of time and space certainly could not continue to exist in the material world, and suddenly dissipated invisibly. Not only that, even this small security space has become extremely unstable. The metamagnetism on all sides keeps squeezing into the middle, and it seems that it is possible to break through the power of the Haotian Mirror to crush this space at any time.

"I'm going to die! I didn't expect that my Zhou Cheng would eventually die in this place, and my Zhou Cheng would die in my own hands. It's ridiculous and sad. I actually buried myself with my own hands.

Watching the door of time and space disappear and see this small space constantly shaking, Zhou Cheng is finally completely desperate. He knew that he was out of vitality and had no possibility of escape.

Until this time, after learning his fate, Zhou Cheng relaxed instead. As soon as he relaxed, Zhou Cheng immediately felt the boundless pain. It was not until then that he found that his body had begun to gradually melt under the erosion of magnetism.

Yes, Zhou Cheng's body is indeed beginning to melt. The hard dragon scales on the surface of the body have no luster. These dragon scales are extremely hard and powerful things on Zhou Cheng's body. However, under the erosion of magneto light, these dragon scales can only be defeated, become soft, and seem to melt, and there is no protective effect at all.

Even the dragon scales are about to melt, so the situation caused by magnetic light penetrating into Zhou Cheng's flesh and blood through the gap between the dragon scales is even more horrible. As soon as Zhou Cheng's flesh and blood came into contact with these magnetos and light, many bubbles immediately rose, and then quickly melted into wisps of yellow water, flowing out of the body from the cracks in the scales on his body, and finally converged into a pool of dirty small water puddles in the space opened up by the vast sky mirror.