
Chapter 201 Domain Battle

He tried his best to hold the giant claw that attacked him, but Zhou Cheng was hit to the ground and directly hit the hard rock.

Who? How dare you sneak up on me!"

Being embarrassed by this sudden attack, Zhou Cheng couldn't help but be a little furious. He turned the virtual world into countless invisible swords and shot them in all directions, intending to force his attackers out of the dark.

The bug originally thought that his blow could seriously or directly kill the future, but he didn't expect that after his claws hit the other party, it was like hitting the hardest thing in the world. Whether he didn't kill the other party, he would shake his claws with faint pain.

What's more, the bug did not expect that the other party not only was not seriously injured by his own sneak attack, but also launched a counterattack in a very short time.

Although the countless swords transformed from the virtual world are invisible and only transformed, these nihilistic swords are sharper than real swords, and they are not only sharp, but also carry great power, flying in all directions.

The huge bug was not aware of it for a moment, and it was immediately many times in the head and the first half of its body. When these invisible swords hit the worm's body, countless Mars splashed. After countless Mars flew, there was not even a scar on the worm's body. It seems that the swords transformed from the virtual world just now have not hurt it at all.

If you take a closer look, you can see that the insect's body is covered with a layer of dark, thick, and extremely hard shell, which is simply an extremely sophisticated armor. Although the magic swords in the virtual world are sharp, Zhou Cheng has no power to destroy its real power. These swords are just attack methods based on the virtual world's own power. Although they are also a little extraordinary, they are absolutely not good.

With Zhou Cheng's current state to control the virtual world, he can play the protective role of this magic weapon at most, and can't play one millionth of the virtual world's attack ability.

At present, Zhou Cheng's biggest reliance is the almost inbreakable defense of the virtual world, but this defense is actually just the ability of the virtual world itself, which can also be said to be determined by the nature of the magic weapon itself, but Zhou Cheng's wonderful use with his own strength.

Therefore, although Zhou Cheng was extremely angry, he also knew that he could not help the other party at all, and even he could not find the trace of the other party at all, let alone take the initiative to attack the other party. If you want to launch an attack, you have to consume Zhou Cheng's own strength, but now he has lost all his strength, so what it consumes is his vitality and his longevity.

Even an ordinary person or an unintelligent creature will not do anything that harms his life. Of course, Zhou Cheng is the same. How could he attack by losing his life?

However, this does not mean that Zhou Cheng has nothing to do. He motioned to Xi. Xi immediately understood what Zhou Cheng meant, but saw that it suddenly poured the mana and vitality in its body into the virtual world.

The virtual world suddenly accepted the powerful power and immediately began to change greatly. It saw that it evolved countless images in an instant, with strange creatures and countless scenes. Finally, these things combined and turned into a real world.

This illusory world expanded tens of millions of times in an instant and expanded rapidly in this absolutely dark space.

The virtual world is Zhou Cheng's original magic weapon. Only Zhou Cheng can exert its real power. However, at this time, Zhou Cheng uses Xi's power to destroy this magic weapon. Although the power will be much weaker, it is much more powerful than the attack launched by relying only on the power of the virtual world itself.

And the virtual world is also a magical weapon, a magic weapon stained with pure yang nature. Therefore, once it is destroyed by force, its power is really unstoppable. Even this absolutely dark field cannot stop the power of the virtual world from expanding rapidly.

Every time the illusory world evolved from the virtual world expands, the darkness in this space will retreat a little. There is an extremely obvious dividing line between the two forces, which is full of light and absolute darkness on the other.

This absolutely dark field was formed after the manifestation of the power of the huge bug. Therefore, when the virtual world evolves into an illusory world to fight against this darkness, it is equivalent to competing with the bug.

The bug was caught off guard by Zhou Cheng's sudden, but in a moment, its dark field had been occupied by most of the illusory world.

However, the bug reacts extremely fast. It opened its mouth and spewed out a thick black, which was like a thick smoke, a black fog, and a pure black light.

This black shot like electricity in the world that evolved from the virtual world, directly through the dividing line of light and darkness and rushed in.

It's like a drop of ink falling into the clear water, and this black color slowly spreads in the world evolved from the virtual world. Although the speed is not fast, it has an unstoppable momentum and has the intention to turn the nihilistic world into an absolute darkness again.

Yes, after this black passes through the nihilistic world, the place where the black passes will be dyed into absolute black and turn into the original dark field.

The huge bug actually invaded its own power into the scope of the virtual world, intending to assimilate and contaminate it.

Of course, what is contaminated and assimilated is just some power released by the virtual world, not the magic weapon itself. As long as you think about it, this virtual world is pure yang, and you can wonder how it can be so easily contaminated and assimilated by external forces.

Therefore, Zhou Cheng saw that the virtual world was about to break through the whole dark field, but he was attacked by the other party into the power of the virtual world with the strange and inexplicable magic power, and began to produce another dark field directly from the world evolved from the virtual world. Although he was not worried about how his own magic weapon would be damaged. However, if the other party really succeeds, it will be more difficult to break through this dark field.

"Xi, don't hesitate any more and immediately convey all the strength of your body. We have to break this darkness in one fell swoop. Otherwise, I'm afraid that the longer it takes, the more our power will be consumed, and we will be powerless to resist in the end.

Zhou Cheng quickly said a sentence to Xi and said the powerful relationship. When Xi first delivered the mana, she did not do her best, but left most of the power.

This does not mean that Xi is wary or disloyal to Zhou Cheng. It is caused by its nature. The living conditions of this underground world are not comparable to that of the surface world. After surviving for a long time, they finally reach the creatures closest to the cultivation of Yuanshen. None of them have the most alert nerves. If there is a little wind and grass, they will be found by them, and they will always retain some unknown means or forces to deal with them at any time. Possible dangers. Therefore, even if Xi has been subdued by Zhou Cheng, it still retains most of its power under the influence of nature.

When Zhou Cheng said this, Xi couldn't help but hesitate. Its instinct tells itself to retain strong power to deal with dangers that can no longer happen at any time. However, Zhou Cheng's words resounded in its heart, and the voice was getting louder and louder, putting more and more pressure on it.

Seeing that the world of nothingness has been occupied by darkness, it is about to fall apart. Zhou Cheng doesn't have time to let Xi linger there. Therefore, he directly conveyed his thoughts through the virtual world to Xi's spirit and suppressed Xi's own thoughts.

Xi's body suddenly burst into a strong light and powerful power. Countless vitality flowed on the surface of its body, and the strong mana burst out in its soul. These vitality and mana, this powerful force is like a turbulent tide, encouraging endlessly to pour into the virtual world.

It was just a moment, and Xi lost all her strength and collapsed softly beside Zhou Cheng. However, Zhou Cheng didn't care at all and only cared about using the power of Xi to destroy the power of the virtual world

After the virtual world received all the power of Xi, it suddenly changed greatly. The nihilistic world it evolved suddenly became clear, and it was really like a real world, but the world was narrowed to a small area of only a few dozen meters.

Although this small world is very small, it looks extremely real, including land, oceans, and countless kinds of terrain on land. Among them, there are endless creatures living in mountains, plains, forests, canyons, rivers, and occasionally there are some huge giants in the ocean from time to time. Things shuttle by.

It's strange that the world is only a little big, but even ordinary people can clearly see everything with their naked eyes, such as a small piece of sand in the world.

Of course, the world evolved from the virtual world is not a real world. It has only one image, and it is just a virtual shadow. You can regard this world as a very special spell, magic power and great power. It is like the dark field of the huge bug, which builds a special environment with powerful power.

In this field, the release of creatures in this field will take great advantage, while other creatures entering this field will be greatly limited.

At this time, the dark field of the bug is fiercely colliding with the illusory world field released by Zhou Cheng with the virtual world. They all want to completely suppress or even destroy each other, and then cover everything around them with their own power. In this way, you can dominate everything nearby.

This field is somewhat similar to the magic array, or it can be said that it is also one of the magic arrays, and it is also the most magical and mysterious kind. The biggest difference between this field and the ordinary array is that this field receives and sends from the heart, which is a kind of ability of life itself, rather than the magic power brought by external objects and external forces. Therefore, if the power of a field is strong to the extreme, then this field can really become the most terrible magic power.