
Chapter 205 Take it all away

Seeing the disappearing and annihilating small world and the dark flame in it, Zhou Cheng was a little sorry that he failed to completely kill the bug and let it escape part.

Of course, it escaped only a little bit. Therefore, although it has escaped, its strength and strength must decline sharply. Not to mention finding Zhou Cheng's trouble, I'm afraid that even a practitioner in the divine period can't beat it.

It's a pity, but Zhou Cheng has not forgotten the purpose of his trip. Finding the material to refine the elixir is the real purpose of his trip, and nothing else can be compared with this.

The bug was eliminated, and the dark field in the space under the huge building dissipated, and everything clearly appeared in front of Zhou Cheng.

Looking around, this is a huge space. There is a large stone platform in the center of this space. There are many kinds of things on the table, arranged in different categories.

"It's not easy! I didn't expect to come to this tribe of insects to steal something and encounter such a strange monster. Fortunately, this monster is so big that it takes the initiative to drill into the small world evolved from the virtual world, otherwise, I really can't deal with it.

In fact, Zhou Cheng had some fears at this time. If the bug is a little more cautious, I'm afraid the situation will be very different.

The reason why Zhou Cheng was able to defeat this bug and even almost eliminate it is because the bug underestimated Zhou Cheng and accidentally came to such a disastrous defeat.

If it does not enter the small world evolved from the virtual world, with its power, Zhou Cheng will not only defeat it, but also be killed alive.

Zhou Cheng can destroy monsters that are hundreds of times more powerful than those who are in the later stage of soul training, but this is only because the monster has fallen into the small world of the evolution of the virtual world. Because everything that falls into this small world will be affected by this small world, so when Zhou Cheng is ruthless and fights for the power of the virtual world to suffer some losses, and directly annihilates the small world, he can destroy the monster.

However, if he does not enter this small world, Zhou Cheng can't even defeat a practitioner in the early stage of soul training. Moreover, with the cultivation and strength of the bug, at the beginning, if it wants to avoid the world evolved from the virtual world, it is just a piece of hands.

It's to blame the bug for having a greedy and arrogant mind, so it finally ended up so miserable. This can't be said to be Zhou Cheng's good luck. He is really immortal!

However, these are no longer important. Zhou Cheng saw that all the obstacles had been eliminated, and what he wanted was in front of him. He was slightly excited, so he immediately flew over and landed on the stone platform.

withdrew the power of the virtual world to his side, and Zhou Cheng put Xi on this stone platform. After this moment of rest, although it still has no power, it can stand up by itself, which is much better than the state of almost fainting.

As soon as Xi was put on the stone platform, he took a breath, trembled all over, and his eyes widened to the extreme, looking straight at the things on the stone platform.

was slightly stunned for a moment, and saw it jump on the piles of materials. Its eyes glowed and pulled those things into its arms, as if it could not wait to take all these things.


Seeing Xi's gaffe, Zhou Cheng couldn't help laughing bitterly and had to cough to remind the other party not to behave so unbearably.

Awakened by Zhou Cheng's voice, Xi did not feel embarrassed, but still said excitedly:

"Your Excellency, we haven't been in vain this time. I really did it this time. I didn't expect this tribe to be so rich. There are so many good things that can't be found here. OK, OK, with these things, no matter what the adults need, the elixir is available, and these things can also be used to refine more good things, and all kinds of elixirs can be refined to help the people practice.

Seeing Xi so excited, Zhou Cheng didn't quite understand. Although he knows that since it can be placed in it, these things must not be ordinary things, but in his opinion, the things on the stone platform are not attractive except for what he needs, just like the stones on the roadside.

In fact, the reason for this is not that Zhou Cheng has seen too many good things, so he doesn't care about these materials carefully collected by the insect and beast tribes. Because Zhou Cheng doesn't know much about these things at all, doesn't know what these things are for, and doesn't know what benefits these things can bring to him, so he doesn't pay attention to them.

But Xi is different. It is a monster born and raised in an underground world, so it knows these things very well. As soon as I saw these things, I immediately knew that these things were extremely rare and good things. Whether they were used to refine elixirs, or directly used to assist practice or masters like it who knew how to sacrifice magic weapons got these materials, they could use these materials to strengthen the power of their magic weapons, so that they could make themselves Become stronger.

is like a box placed on the roadside*. People who know its value will definitely be excited when they see it. However, if people who don't know what paper is at all see it, then this * is also a waste, just a pile of useless pieces of paper.

Although Xi is excited, its wisdom and shrewdness have not been reduced at all. As soon as it sees the disapproval of the situation, it knows that Zhou Cheng must not understand these things very well, so it seems so calm. It does not believe that there will be any other creatures in the world who can know these things. After the value, I don't care so much.

So Xi pointed to a material and said, "Your Excellency, look at this thing, this is the crystal of Xuanmu. Legend has it that this mysterious mother crystal is a magical thing formed after endless time in the depths of the earth. It looks like an ordinary crystal, but it has great benefits to earth practice. It can not only be used to refine elixirs, but also be sacrificed into magic weapons, and can even directly refine this thing into the body to strengthen meat. Extend your life!"

Zhou Cheng didn't care much after hearing the previous words, but he was really shocked when he heard that this thing could be directly refined into the body, and it could also strengthen the body and even prolong the longevity. Therefore, Zhou Cheng's interest increased greatly and he took the initiative to ask:

"Oh, this thing is so amazing, so tell me what else is good in it!"

When Xi saw that Zhou Cheng was also interested, she couldn't help but be more excited. She pointed to something with her hand, and then explained:

"Your Excellency, look. This is this thing, which looks like a dead branch, but it is said that this thing comes from part of the tree of life.

After a short pause, Xishuang said, "Your Excellency, have you heard of the legend of the Tree of Life?"

The tree of life? What is this?" Zhou Cheng had never heard of the legend of the Tree of Life, so he asked directly.

"The tree of life is the original ancestor of the spiritual clan, the most born group of spiritual clans, and all of them are incredibly powerful. They are extremely magical, not only powerful, but also hidden the secrets of the origin of life in the world. It is said that the reason why so many practices are born in the world, such as spirits and saints, is because of the 'source of life stone'. But now, the 'source of life stone' seems to have lost all its magic. However, in the rumors, clues can be found in the tree of life to unlock the true meaning of the stone of life.

The tree of life? Life source stone? The mystery of the origin of all living things? How is this possible! Xi, what would happen if he could solve this mystery?" Zhou Cheng suddenly remembered the lifestone he once got. Now when he hears the news about it again, he can't help asking.

"Your Excellency, I can't answer your question. Because no one knows what the mystery is, let alone what will happen after the mystery is solved. However, as long as you think about it, you can imagine that you can unlock the mystery of the origin of life in this world, and the benefits are absolutely unimaginable!"

The tree of life? The source stone of life, the origin of life!"

Repeatedly read the above words several times. In a vague way, Zhou Cheng seemed to think of something, but when he really wanted to grab the inspiration, he would find that the inspiration was looming. After thinking for a while, the inspiration gradually faded, and Zhou Cheng had to give up, so he motioned Xi to continue the introduction.

After Xi was signaled by Zhou Cheng, he picked out more than a dozen extremely special or extremely precious materials and explained their uses and sources one by one.

Zhou Cheng finally heard it and smiled, nodded repeatedly, but felt very satisfied, and sighed in his heart:

"It's finally not in vain. The materials for refining elixir can be found here. In this way, my hope of preservation is much greater. As long as there is no more delay, it should be successful! Haha, and I got so many extra things this time. This is what the whole tribe has collected and stored for thousands of things, and now it all belongs to me. This is really wonderful! It's so cool. This insect is really rich. It seems that when my injury is completely healed, I will continue to use my brain on this insect beast!"

With excitement and excitement, Zhou Cheng unfolded the virtual world, showing the most primitive form of the magic weapon, turning it into a huge painting across the stone platform.

Under Zhou Cheng's manipulation, the huge painting rolled into the stone platform and directly wrapped the whole stone platform in it. In just a moment, the whole stone platform gradually disappeared into the huge painting, and there was a small figure exactly the same as the original stone platform, and even the things on it were no different.

It turned out that Zhou Cheng directly put the whole three sets into the virtual world. This virtual world was originally a magic weapon used to collect items. Although it has undergone a series of changes, its function of collecting items has not disappeared, but has become more magical. In particular, after it is contaminated with pure yang nature, it will also cause a qualitative change in the receiving items. For example, it can put living things into the magic weapon without hurting them at all.