
Chapter 214 Military Dangerous Move

As mentioned above, after the dark demon worm was beaten back to the prototype by Zhou Cheng, it suddenly burst into more powerful power. It was not until then that Zhou Cheng realized that he might be really in danger.

It turns out that this bug is actually a huge group formed by countless tiny creatures. How long will it take to evolve from some tiny creatures to this horrible monster? No one can give a definite answer, but even if you think about it with your toes, you can know that this time must be very long.

In this long time, perhaps thousands of years, this worm basically exists in the form of insects. When it exists in this form, it is actually a kind of semi-sleep for the monster, and most of its power and consciousness are automatically sealed.

And just now, Zhou Cheng tried his best to divide the dark field that the monster evolved into. Then the monster was hurt and felt pain.

suffered a slight injury, which not only did not lose the power of the dark demon worm, but the worm was completely excited because of the pain.

After excitement, all the consciousness of the Dark Devil Bug finally woke up from the endless sleep. I really woke up.

In an instant, the demon worm once again evolved into a huge and solid dark field. The darkness in this field has been so strong that it can't be opened, and even the space in this field has mutated because of the influence of this field, and even produces that kind of terrible spatial fluctuations.

Zhou Cheng looked at the indelible darkness around him in panic. This darkness seems to condense into substance and turn into a black mucus, suppressing everything in the field, even including space.

In this field, whether it is Zhou Cheng, Xi or the giant, they can feel that the whole field seems to be changing. This field is constantly contracting, just like the stomach of a giant creature is squirming rapidly to digest everything on the surface.

And this field is even more horrible. When it shrinks to the extreme, the space in it is also compressed by this field. This space seems to be about to collapse and evolve into a black hole that destroys everything, completely annihilating all its matter, creatures, energy, and even space and time.

Sensing these changes, Xi has completely lost his fighting spirit, almost complete despair. It trembled and said, "Big, my lord, that bug is so vicious. It doesn't attack us directly. It wants to torture us to death slowly like this. Let's feel the pain of death little by little, and we may not even die!"

Xi still has the spirit of speaking, and Zhou Cheng is even worse. At this time, he couldn't even speak. This dark field keeps shrinking, and when it shrinks, it will continue to compress everything, including Zhou Chengxing and others.

The pressure caused by contraction is so great that even the space can be destroyed. Although Zhou Cheng's bodies are strong, they can't stand this power. Therefore, Zhou Cheng had to rise up with the last little strength and spirit to sacrifice the virtual world and protect himself by his own side.

At this time, Zhou Cheng is like an ant pinched in the palm of his hand, which may be pinched to death at any time. Therefore, he did not dare to be distracted and was also unable to be distracted. He just held his breath and shouted crazily in his heart: "I won't give up. I won't give up. I can definitely resist it. I can definitely resist it, and I will not die!"

In this meaningless and instinctive murmur, Zhou Cheng tried his best to squeeze out any of his strength. His eyes, nostrils, ears, and even the whole head oozed a trace of dark red **, which seemed to be blood, but it was like the kind of blood that had been inactive for a long time.

And this blood-like thing seems a little abnormal. Normal blood should be abnormally viscous and almost fluid, and Zhou Cheng, as a dragon, has a much higher concentration of blood than human beings, almost as heavy and concentrated as mercury. However, at this time, the blood-like thing penetrating from Zhou Cheng's body was very thin and only light red, like clear water with a little red pigment.

In fact, these things are the dragon blood in Zhou Cheng's body. At that moment, Zhou Cheng launched a powerful attack at the cost of nearly half of his own flesh and blood. This time, instead of helping him escape from danger, he attracted the enemy to exert all his strength.

Zhou Cheng only has one head left. The rest of the flesh and blood is already very little. After burning half of his own flesh and blood, there are almost only some bones and few rare muscles left in Zhou Cheng's head, and the dragon blood is even about to dry up completely.

After being hit desperately by Zhou Cheng, the dark demon worm became more horrible. It turned into a field again, and then slowly squeezed it with this field, intending to slowly torture the enemy to death.

Since Zhou Cheng can't escape, he is absolutely unwilling to be captured and sacrifice his own magic weapon to protect himself.

Since it is a magic weapon, it is actually closely related to Zhou Cheng's spirit and body. It can even be directly said that the two are basically one. At this time, the virtual world is under the terrible pressure of the dark field. The virtual world itself is nothing. It is an invisible weapon and has pure yang properties, so no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to directly cause any damage to the virtual world.

However, Zhou Cheng is different. Although he is a dragon, he is also a creature, and at this time his power becomes extremely weak, and he can't exert much of the magic and power of the virtual world. Therefore, when the field kept compressing internally, the power generated was so strong that it finally directly penetrated the protection of the virtual world or that this power was so powerful that it could be directly transmitted to Zhou Cheng's body through the virtual world, causing great pressure on Zhou Cheng's body. Therefore, he showed that it was already extremely thin. The blood was rigidly pressed out of the body, slowly oozing along various acupuncture points and even the skin around the body.

said that Xi's original power in the dark field almost collapsed, but after a moment, when it found that Zhou Cheng did not answer, it instinctively looked at it, so it found Zhou Cheng's miserable appearance.

Seeing this, Xi suddenly found that although the dark field that completely surrounded him was powerful, it had not directly affected him for a while. Because Zhou Cheng can abruptly put out the power in this field. Therefore, it couldn't help but have a glimmer of hope.

There is hope, even if it is just a tiny hope. However, Xi suddenly refreshed and immediately understood, and secretly thought to himself: "My lord, he is desperately resisting, and I have given up. Damn it. In this dangerous time, I not only did not work hard, but also despaired first. No, I have to help adults. Seeing that adults support so hard, it seems that they can no longer support it. Now we are a rope grasshopper. If adults can't do it, my life will not be saved.

After this awareness, Xi roared in a low voice, and then saw it trembling violently, as if it was convulsing. At the same time, it saw a transparent, invisible but faint flame burning on its body. The flame emitted powerful power fluctuations, while Xi's body suddenly dried up and withered a lot. , becomes wrinkled.

It turned out that Xi actually burned the vitality in his body and turned into a powerful mana. After losing too many essence in an instant, his body began to degene and age. However, the mana went straight into Zhou Cheng's body.

This is a secret method similar to the method of passinggong. After interpreting this secret method, Zhou Cheng has gained a strong mana in a short time. Of course, this is only temporary. These manas are not cultivated by him, so every point he consumes will completely lose one point and can no longer recover by himself.

However, it doesn't matter. Importantly, after this mana entered Zhou Cheng's body, part of it immediately flowed into the virtual world. With the support of this mana, the virtual world suddenly became much more powerful, and the shrinkage speed of the dark field immediately slowed down a little.

In this way, Zhou Cheng's pressure immediately became less. Finally, you can take a long breath, and then your mind runs at a high speed, intending to come up with a proper way to escape.

"My power has almost been consumed. Looking at Xi's appearance, it doesn't seem to work either. And the giant can't count on it. It's hard to get out of the blue sky. What should I do? What should I do?

In a short moment, countless beliefs rose up, and ideas quickly formed in Zhou Cheng's mind, but they were immediately rejected by himself. Because those ideas are of no use and have no effect in this situation.

"Is it possible that we are really going to die here today? Although the mana that Xi just transmitted to me has not been completely consumed, at this speed, I'm afraid that after a moment, the mana will be weak. Then it's time for us to die!"

After thinking about countless ways, Zhou Cheng couldn't help but feel a little shaken. However, at this moment, I suddenly remembered something, which gave birth to a good strategy that might help me get out.

"Why did I forget the Haotian Mirror? How did I forget this innate magic weapon? What a fool!"

Zhou Cheng suddenly remembered that he had an innate magic weapon, that is, the huge mirror.

However, Zhou Cheng did not think of using this magic weapon to attack the dark field. Because he knows most deeply that although the power of Haotian Mirror is huge, it takes a huge amount of vitality and mana to destroy this magic weapon. Moreover, even so, he may not be able to break the dark field that surrounds him again, let alone Zhou Cheng can't exert the greatest power of the sky mirror at this time.

So what does Zhou Cheng want to do? In fact, Zhou Cheng planned to make dangerous moves and make a desperate bet: try his best to sacrifice the last power in his body, sacrifice the Haotian mirror, and then send this magic weapon out of the dark field.

At the meeting, Zhou Cheng intends to do this, but in fact he is gambling. Once the dark demon worm senses the breath of the Haotian Mirror and finds that the breath is out of its own field, it will definitely be distracted and then have greed to track it.

This is really a big gamble. Zhou Cheng used the lives of his three people to play the possible choice of the dark demon worm. If the bet is won, the three may have a chance to escape. If he loses, there is no need to mention anything, because he will give his life.

Even if he wins, Zhou Cheng will lose a precious magic weapon. Losing something that can even cause great turmoil for the whole surface practitioner. But if it really succeeds, then what is a magic weapon compared with your own life?