
Chapter 218 Struggle to the Death

Seeing the black flame mixed with the power of magnetism rushing towards him, like a huge wave, he wanted to destroy everything, just like a flat boat, Zhou Cheng's face couldn't help but change wildly. His expression instantly became cold and his face turned pale.

From this, it can be seen that Zhou Cheng's mood and outside world must have suffered extremes. Indeed, the flame is not an ordinary thing, but the dark demon worm gave up its own life. After all its vitality and mana, it burned everything in an instant and turned it into a strongest force.

Light is the power of this black flame that Zhou Cheng can't compete with. Not to mention that the flame is also mixed with some metamagnetism. After the combination of the two, it has mutated, and its power is more than ten times stronger out of thin air. Therefore, under this power, nothing, let alone any creature can survive, and even the laws of nature will be forcibly reversed by this force, because this power is so powerful beyond the control of the laws of nature.

The laws of nature exist in all things in the world. Nothing can be separated from the influence of the laws of nature. When countless natural laws are together, it is the Tao and the Tao of heaven. The truth of heaven and earth.

However, if a force or something exceeds the limit, there is even a constraint that can be detached from the law of nature. For example, practitioners are actually some creatures that intend to detach from the law, and those peerless masters who have concluded the yuan god have already detached the law of life and death in some directions.

In addition to realm and cultivation, if light is extremely powerful in power, it may not be able to transcend the law of nature, but this power has the power to break the law.

Detachment, or breaking the law, does not mean that you have detached everything. It is not difficult to be able to detach from a certain law. It is rare to detach from the way of heaven and earth and the operation of the universe. Only these creatures who are detached from the way of heaven can truly live forever, live together with heaven and earth, and survive the sun and the moon.

This seems contradictory, but it is not. Because the detachment is also one aspect of the road, which is a part of the road allowed. There are countless Tao, and the heavenly, human and natural Taos are different. However, these are just part of the real road. The true Tao contains everything, all true and false, the past, present and future are part of the Tao, and even includes everything that is illusory and non-existent.

All kinds of heaven and earth and hundreds of millions of creatures are the epitome of the Tao, and they are also specific and tiny beings dominated by the Tao. The whole universe is powerful and weak to an ant, all of them. And so is Zhou Cheng.

Faced with the power that can even break the law of heaven, he knows that he is invincible. However, he was trapped in the metamagnetic whirlpool and could not escape. In fact, even if there was no metamagnetic barrier around, Zhou Cheng could not escape. Because the black flame has locked his breath and completely blocked him. No matter how he avoids it, he can't stop the end of the flame. Even if he can use the Haotian Mirror to cross the space and reach another place in an instant, the black flame will come to Zhou Cheng in an instant through infinite time and space. On, we want to completely destroy him.

"This damn bug is not reassuring when he is dying. He also came to trouble me! What's wrong with this?"

In a tens of millions of moments, countless thoughts flashed through Zhou Cheng's mind, and then these countless thoughts were finally destroyed, leaving only a fear like falling into the abyss and a kind of endless despair.

"No! Since no resistance is death, why not give up all fights to the death, and there may be a glimmer of life.

The chaos and despair in his mind were just a momentary, and Zhou Cheng immediately escaped from this state. Zhou Cheng opened his mouth and spit out a bright thing. When he took a closer look, he saw that this was a kind of illusory silk.

These are extremely fine, but they are extremely bright and shiny. At first glance, they are thought to be made of pure gold, and there is a soft and dazzling golden light blooming on them.

After Zhou Cheng opened his mouth and spit out such a filament, his look seemed to be very painful, and after the golden silk left his body, his originally chaotic but majestic and magical head suddenly faded, as if the head had suddenly lost a vital thing. It's like a ball of gold turned into a piece of brass in the blink of an eye.

This looks incredible, but it won't be surprising after knowing what the gold wire is. That golden ball is nothing else, that is, it is not vitality or magic power, but the dragon nature in Zhou Cheng's body, which is the source of his divine dragon. It is also the most important thing.

Dragon nature is not a vitality or a special force, but an indescribable existence, a product of intangible, real and nothingness. On the contrary, this thing is a little like the law of nature, like the law owned by the dragon itself, which is a special law given by the road to the dragon.

The reason why the dragon is called a natural Yangshen realm creature is that it is because of the dragon nature in its body. These dragons must not be damaged at all. Once they are damaged, it is almost impossible to make up for them. If the dragon's sexual loss is too much, the origin of the dragon will be seriously damaged, and it will no longer be able to become a natural life in the Yangshen realm.

However, at this moment, Zhou Cheng cut out half of his body and forced him out of the body. After forcing half of the dragons out of the body, these dragons actually showed their real appearance, as if they were about to transform into a magical substance.

However, without waiting for the real transformation of these dragons, Zhou Cheng opened his mouth and blew them away. I saw thousands of extremely subtle gold ribbons dancing all over the sky, reflecting Zhou Cheng's surroundings like a dream. However, this is just an image for a moment, and the next moment, these dancing gold suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

No, these gold wires didn't disappear out of thin air. Instead, a huge scroll suddenly appeared around Zhou Cheng and pulled these gold wires in an instant. This picture scroll is nothing else, but Zhou Cheng's original magic weapon - the virtual world.

As Zhou Cheng's original magic weapon, in fact, there are some Zhou Cheng's dragon nature, so this magic weapon is stained with Zhou Cheng's origin of life, so it can also become a magic weapon, and Zhou Cheng's mind can do all kinds of magical things at will.

After Zhou Cheng sprayed half of the dragon in his body into the virtual world, did he want to use the virtual world to resist the horrible black flame? Yes, it's not.

What does it mean or not? It's not difficult to understand. Yes, because Zhou Cheng really wants to use the virtual world to resist the horrible black flame. In the face of this powerful force, the only thing he can think of is to use his most magical weapon to protect himself. However, he also knew that the defense of the virtual world was strong, but he could not resist the flame that broke the laws of nature without enough strength to support it.

So why did he spray half of his dragon nature into the virtual world?

Don't forget. In addition to Zhou Cheng's original magic weapon, the virtual world also has the power of metamagnetic. However, on weekdays, because the power of this magnet is too powerful and difficult to control, Zhou Cheng can't effectively use this most horrible thing.

However, under this near-kill attack, Zhou Cheng ignored it. He abandoned half of his dragon nature and integrated these dragon nature into his own magic weapon. After the virtual world got so much dragon, it immediately produced great changes. As for the specific change, outsiders can't know, but they can also vaguely feel that it has become more magical. It seems that this invisible magic weapon is about to turn into a real creature, and this magic weapon actually produces a spiritual flavor.

However, this is not Zhou Cheng's purpose. The reason why he integrated half of his dragon nature into the magic weapon was not to make it more powerful and magical. You should know that in order to strengthen the magic weapon and lose half of the dragon's nature, you will lose the potential to become a natural yang god world creature. No matter how magical this magic weapon is, it is a very cost-effective deal. Because no matter how powerful the magic weapon is, it is not as powerful as its own cultivation and realm.

Zhou Cheng's real purpose is to integrate half of his dragon into the virtual world, and his control of this magic weapon will reach an incredible level. This magic weapon will become the same as his own body. With one thought, he can launch any function of this magic weapon, just like reaching out to hold things and open his mouth to eat. It's simply my instinct.

Not to mention, after those gold wires fell into the virtual world, because there were some dragons in the virtual world, these gold wires were completely integrated into the virtual world in an instant and could no longer be separated. Even Zhou Cheng wanted to recycle them.

At this time, Zhou Cheng not only had any worries, but also showed an evil smile and a trace of madness. He suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, "The world is infinite, the universe borrows the method, and the magnetism burns into power. The virtual world shows your true face, burst out your real power, destroy everything in front of me, and destroy all the existence that dares to challenge me!"


A magical flame suddenly appeared on the virtual world that was originally in the form of a picture scroll, covering it layer by layer, giving birth to tens of millions of layers in an instant. However, in the blink of an eye, the shape of the virtual world was completely changed, and the scroll suddenly shook gently and shattered into hundreds of millions of pieces. These fragments did not disappear, but all began to expand at the same time.

(This book has been published for several months now, and it has not been updated for a day. The results have not been ideal, and this aspect may be a newcomer and not famous. But the important possibility is still my own problem. It must be not well written. I also know that there are many problems in what I write, so I have always wanted people who have read this book to give me some suggestions or opinions. In fact, I don't care, but I sincerely hope you can give me more advice. Thank you very much.)