
Chapter 230 Suppress Everything

The underground world has been overturned, and the powerful force has stirred the space hundreds of miles into a pot of porridge. The laws of the material world and practitioners are like a boat in this space, which will be destroyed at any time.

In a moment, tens of thousands of powerful monster practitioners have lost more than 30%, and nearly 4,000 dead people. And the space in this area is really on the verge of extinction.

Until then, these practitioners finally realized the danger. Because the space has been extremely turbulent, and a dangerous breath emanates in vain, waking up all the monster practitioners. Sensing the breath generated by the abnormal movement of this space, all practitioners feel frightened, and their heartfelt coolness extinguishes all their greed and madness.

However, by this time, although these practitioners have awakened, it is too late. The situation has long been out of control. These practitioners are fighting to death. Even if they know that they should stop immediately and escape, if any practitioner dares to stop immediately, they are afraid that they will die immediately at the hands of the rest of the practitioners if they don't even have a chance to escape.

Not only that, even if all practitioners can stop at the same moment, these practitioners may not be able to escape. When all practitioners stop at the same moment, when all the forces disappear in an instant, the whole space is extremely fragile, and even some small changes are enough to trigger the complete annihilation of the whole space. Once the space is annihilated, which of the practitioners in the sound can escape? Even if Zhou Cheng takes back the virtual world and protects himself, he will inevitably die. If his body has recovered and practiced until the great success of the yuan god, when he destroys the virtual world, he may have a chance to live.

"I personally caused this chaos, and I wanted to hide in the dark and reap the interests of the fisherman. However, now the scene is out of control. What's wrong with this? No, run away before you get involved in this chaos. Otherwise, after a while, you can't leave even if you want to!"

In fact, by this time, Zhou Cheng had controlled the dark part of the virtual world and absorbed the flesh and blood of more than 2,000 monsters. They gathered together in the virtual world and became a huge blood lake, with strong blood and life energy stirring freely in the space of the virtual world. With so much monster flesh and blood, you can produce a lot of pure blood. Although it is not enough to restore Zhou Cheng's body immediately, it is also very beneficial.

Therefore, even if he withdraws from the battlefield at this time, Zhou Cheng may have a trace of regret for not getting all the flesh and blood of all the monsters, but after getting so many benefits, this regret will not be too strong.

Since he sensed that danger was coming, Zhou Cheng did not dare to stay and immediately sent out the idea of calling to the virtual world in his mind. The next moment, dozens of miles away, the virtual world that was robbed by countless practitioners suddenly disappeared out of thin air and appeared beside Zhou Cheng.

In an instant, the virtual world suddenly wrapped Zhou Cheng, and then vibrated and shuttled to the space of nothingness and quickly went away. In the blink of an eye, Zhou Cheng appeared in the normal and real space again, but at this time, he was 200 miles away, far away from the center of chaos.

Zhou Cheng did not stop. As soon as his figure appeared, he launched the virtual world to shuttle through the space again, and in an instant, he went away for more than 200 miles.

After swallowing the Haotian Mirror, the virtual world was promoted to a spiritual weapon. A magic weapon devoured a magic weapon, which itself is incredible. What's more incredible is that this magic weapon was only promoted to a spiritual weapon, but failed to be promoted to a magic weapon. The reason for this is that the virtual world is different from ordinary magic weapons. It has a magic array exclusive to the dragon, so if you want to be promoted, it is much more difficult than ordinary magic weapons. You need more magical materials, more road marks, and more natural laws.

However, once the virtual world is promoted, its magic is not comparable to ordinary magic weapons or even ordinary magic weapons. It can be said that at this time, as a spiritual weapon, the virtual world has magically surpassed the magic weapon and transcended the once great mirror.

Therefore, the virtual world also has the ability to shuttle through time and space, such as escaping into the void and appearing in another place in an instant, which is simply a piece of cake for the virtual world. Even, as long as the power is strong enough, you can use the virtual world to freely travel in the starry sky of the universe. Even if there is only the cultivation of the soul practice period, with the magic of the virtual world, it can completely go around the planet, and the idea can appear anywhere on the planet.

However, no matter how magical the external things are, they also need to be exerted by practitioners. Zhou Cheng's power is now weak to the extreme, so when using the virtual world to shuttle through space, he can only shuttle 200 miles at most at a time, and then the mana is a little unfunctioning, so he has to appear from the void.

Quickly flashed several times, and after a few breaths, Zhou Cheng has gone thousands of miles away. It was not until then that he put his heart back into his stomach, stood in the air and looked at the chaotic battlefield.

Although Zhou Cheng's physical damage was serious and his strength was extremely weak, his vision as a dragon did not have much impact, and with the help of the power of the virtual world, his eyes instantly penetrated through the endless barriers, saw through the void of rebirth, and observed the chaotic place thousands of miles away.

Zhou Cheng saw that the monster practitioners who were still tearing up were trying to control their power. All the monsters were tacitly controlling the development of the situation. They withdrew their power bit by bit, trying to withdraw their power without affecting the space change, and then withdrew. Back.

However, the situation is still not optimistic. It must be that the space has boiled and chaotic like a pot of porridge, and it is not easy for the monster practitioners trapped in it to recover their power smoothly.

"Although I have been far away from the battlefield, once the space is annihilated, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous. This world will also be destroyed. If this world is destroyed, how can I survive? No, you have to find a way to resolve this disaster, even if you want to save your own life!"

At this time, Zhou Cheng suddenly saw a soft green light bursting out in the space thousands of miles away. The pole of green light seems to be spiritual, and this light contains a spiritual idea of life, growth and immortality.

When this green light first appeared, it was just a trace, but this greenness spread in the blink of an eye, like the shock wave generated by a nuclear explosion, spreading rapidly in space, completely covering hundreds of miles of territory in an instant, whether it is The sky, or the earth, and even the geomagnetics at the top of the underground world have been dyed with a layer of green.

This green light is amazing. After being stained with the green light, the practitioners in that area felt a wonderful feeling: a sense of tranquility, a tranquility from the depths of the soul. At this moment, even time seemed to have stopped. No, to be more precise, it's not because time has stopped, but because I have fallen into a magical state, in which nothing can affect myself, and even the most mysterious and inescapable time seems to leave any traces on myself.

In the depths of tranquility, it is not a dead silence. On the contrary, the deepest part of this tranquility breeds a growing and eternal growth idea. A strong and unimaginable vitality is accumulated in the deepest part of this tranquility.

Under the influence of this green light, the spirit of those monster practitioners calmed down in an instant, and naturally slowly withdrew their strength and sat in the air, like an ancient Buddha with a peaceful face.

These many practitioners sitting in the air seem to be in an inexplicable state. When their power was withdrawn for a moment, a powerful mana gushed out of its body again, emitting strong spirit and thoughts. The power of these mana and mind blew away in all directions like the wind. .

When this storm transformed by mana and mind blows into all directions, it keeps integrating into the green light, and then the green light suddenly soars, more and more, as if there is an invisible channel in the void, and the green light is constantly pouring out of the channel.

In the end, the green light is extremely strong, giving people the illusion of condensing into an entity. It seems that the light is covered in a area hundreds of miles, and the whole world has become a green world.

The green light that turns into transparent crystals continues to cover the whole world and penetrates into the space. Strangely, once the green light penetrates into the space, even the space has a quiet mood, and then the boiling space surprisingly calms down magically and slowly

This is a magical scene. The green light is like a basin of snow water pouring on the fire, extinguishing the originally burning fire in an instant. In fact, this is the quiet and growing idea in the green light that affects the space of nothingness, engraves this quiet idea in the space, so that the space can calm down by itself, thus avoiding the crisis of space annihilation.

When the space completely calmed down, the whole space suddenly shook, and a huge black whirlpool appeared out of thin air. The whirlpool kept wriggling, as if something wanted to rush out of the whirlpool.

After a while, a huge ancient tree gradually emerged from the whirlpool. The ancient tree is hundreds of meters high, standing at the top of the sky, and its huge torso covers the whole sky. Its long roots are directly rooted in the depths of the void, and its body emits thick green light.

It turned out that the green light in the sky actually emitted from this ancient tree, suppressing and calming the space that was about to be annihilated.

Zhou Cheng, who was thousands of miles away, was shocked by this scene. Zhou Cheng knows how incredible it is to suppress and calm down hundreds of miles of space, how powerful it takes, how profound cultivation and how strong determination it takes. This is completely beyond Zhou Cheng's imagination, like a miracle.

"What is this? Is it possible that this is a tree man? Has this tree man proved to be a yang god? Otherwise, why can it do this miracle completely!"

In an instant, Zhou Cheng even thought that the ancient tree that appeared had even proved the legendary Yang Shenjing. However, after thinking about it carefully, I denied this idea again. Because after calming down a little, Zhou Cheng found that the ancient tree actually did it with the help of the power of many monsters when suppressing the space.

If this is really a creature that proves the yang divine realm, there is no need to be so troublesome. You only need to move your mind to smooth out the abnormal movement of the space. Therefore, although this ancient tree is unfathomable, it has certainly not been proved to be a yang god.

Thinking of this, Zhou Cheng couldn't help exhaling and suppressing the fear in his heart. However, he did not dare to stay any longer and immediately fled farther away. Because as long as he thinks of such a horrible creature thousands of miles away, how can he stay? Maybe the other party can feel himself, and the distance of thousands of miles is just the distance to the ancient tree in the blink of an eye. In case the ancient tree finds the root cause of this turmoil, Zhou Cheng knows that his end must be miserable.