
Chapter 251 Opposite

"Kill that bastard!" The second young master of the Ji family was shocked, but once he saw the mecha appear, he felt that he was safe.

The second young master of the Ji family knew that this mecha was the strongest warrior sent by the family to protect every core child. Under the protection of this mecha warrior, no one can hurt himself, and no one dares to hurt the person protected by organic armor.

In half a century after Zhou Cheng's departure, human civilization has changed a lot. In fact, the most important thing is that a new thing has been born in human society, that is, mecha warriors.

This mecha warrior is the profession that appeared because of the appearance of mecha, or the strongest warrior among human beings. Think about it, when the mecha first appeared, Zhou Cheng's younger brother Zhou Cheng could use the mecha and have far more abilities than ordinary people.

After decades of continuous innovation and change, the mecha has gradually matured and been widely used, and its performance and power are far greater than the simple and primitive test products at that time.

When the performance of the mecha becomes more mature and stable, coupled with the progress of science and technology, the ability to manufacture this mecha has also been greatly improved. In this way, a strange army was born, that is, mecha soldiers. Each mecha soldier is an extremely horrible warrior.

The destructive power of a mecha warrior will even exceed thousands of ordinary soldiers. Therefore, in this era, this mecha warrior has become a sign of the strength of various countries. Of course, this is only the view of ordinary human beings and is not accurate, but it can also be seen that the importance of mecha in this society.

The mecha is indeed powerful, but the manipulator is also extremely important. All the warriors who operate the mecha are absolute elites selected from countless ordinary human beings. The powerful mecha, combined with the most elite human beings, gave birth to the strongest warrior of mankind.

It is precisely because the mecha warrior is too powerful, just like Superman. Therefore, mecha and even mecha warriors are under extremely strict control, far more than the guns half a century ago. Therefore, ordinary people have only heard its name, and have never seen the real mecha, let alone seen the horror of the real outbreak of mecha warriors.

However, although most people have never seen the real horror of real mecha and mecha warriors. But this is not in case that people know one thing, that is, they must obey when they encounter mecha, because in front of that thing, an ordinary person is not even as good as a piece of paper, and the other party can destroy themselves in one breath.

Fortunately, mecha is strongly regulated by the state. Although the mecha warrior has a very high status, it is absolutely impossible to use this horrible killing machine without authorization.

Yes, any country or any human group is composed of people. As long as there are people, there will be all kinds of dark things, such as privileges. Nowadays, even if the mecha is clearly stipulated that it can only serve the country and the people, don't forget that even the fate of the whole country is actually in the hands of a very few people.

Therefore, sometimes, how can the country distinguish between the family? For this small number of people who can control the fate of the country, what is it that they want to have some mecha or even mobilize the mecha warriors who are nominally the country to serve themselves. It's just a very simple thing.

And the Ji family is a family that can control the fate of the country. In this era, the Ji family is an extremely famous family all over the world, and there are many rumors.

Rumor has it that the Ji family has an extremely long history. Even before AD, the family already existed. But this family has never been known to the general public. Until half a world ago, when mecha appeared, the family actually mastered the technology of making mecha. And in the next 50 years, the Ji family has made a major breakthrough in mecha technology, thus becoming a world-famous family.

It can be said that there are not many countries in the world that can manufacture mecha, and only a dozen countries in the world have this high-end technology. Among them, it is led by the United States and China. However, China's core technology of mecha is in the hands of the Ji family.

It can be imagined what status and glory the Ji family has in today's human society. Therefore, when the disciples of the Ji family travel, there will always be light or dark people around them to protect them, some of whom are those horrible mecha warriors.

It was the mecha warrior who had been secretly protecting the second young master of the Ji family that flew Zhou Cheng out. Originally, this mecha warrior wanted to kill Zhou Cheng directly with one blow, so as to eliminate all possible dangers. But to the surprise of this mecha warrior, his blow did not work.

The mecha warrior was shocked and thought to himself, "Who is this man? Unexpectedly, I can take the blow of the mecha. Although I just hit it casually, even if it is a tank, the horror will be scrapped. But he was not hurt at all! What a horrible physical fitness! Is it possible that he is also a mecha warrior? No, even if he is a mecha warrior, his physical fitness can't be so strong! Are those people?"

The mecha warrior knows that in addition to ordinary people, there are some special creatures and some legendary immortals in the world. These immortals are even more horrible than mecha warriors. An ordinary mecha warrior may be much stronger than a creature who has just learned to practice. He can even easily kill those practitioners who have just been psychic with the power of the mecha, or even kill a practitioner in the psychic period by surprise.

Because of this, more than a decade ago, an extremely serious conflict broke out between mecha warriors and practitioners. A large number of mecha warriors died, but practitioners suffered more. In the end, I don't know why. It seems that there are some extremely terrible existences among the practitioners, destroying all the mecha warriors who took action.

Anyway, the process has been caused by the death of all the soldiers involved at that time, so it is not humane. However, since then, there has been a strange rule in the manuals of all mecha warriors: no mecha warriors can conflict with humans or other creatures with special abilities without authorization.

Therefore, as soon as the mecha warrior saw that Zhou Cheng was fine after being hit by him, he immediately became alert. In case the other party sent out some strange ability, he might really suffer a big loss. However, he had no intention of fighting. Even if the second young master of the Ji family kept giving orders, he still had no intention of coming forward.

"You damn slave, you damn servant, how dare you not obey my orders! Hurry up and tear that guy for me, otherwise, when I go home, I will definitely ask my brother to disqualify you as a mecha warrior!" The second young master of the Ji family roared many times in a row, but saw that the mecha warrior did not move at all, so he immediately roared at the mecha warrior.

The mecha warrior felt great pressure under Zhou Cheng's gaze, as if the mecha he was wearing had disappeared. ** stood here facing a horrible monster, and he had no ability to fight back at all.

At this time, the second young master of the Ji family was still scratching. The mecha warrior couldn't help but produce an evil fire in his life. He grabbed the second young master of the Ji family in mid-air in front of him with his backhand and said in a mechanical and cold voice, "Second young master, please take care of yourself! I was just ordered by the young master to protect your safety! Remember, I'm a mecha warrior, not your th Fighter. If you dare to scratch again, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

After saying this, the mecha warrior casually threw the second young master of the Ji family back and looked at Zhou Cheng again. However, after the second young master of the Ji family was thrown back, instead of restraining, he felt that he had been greatly insulted, and then howled crazily and lost his mind, he rushed directly to the mecha warrior.

"You damn and cheap slave dare to insult me! I want you to die. I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill your whole family!"

"Puff!" The mecha warrior then turned around, then waved his hand and knocked the second young master of the Ji family out, falling to the ground with a click, like a dead dog, and went straight into a coma.

"It's finally quiet!"

The mecha warrior only felt that his ears suddenly calmed down. Then he suddenly turned around and faced Zhou Cheng. At this time, Zhou Cheng didn't know what he was thinking. His face was obviously angry, but his eyes were extremely cold. He stood still and looked at the mecha warrior coldly. The mecha warrior vaguely felt extreme danger, but he was oppressed by the other party's air and could not raise the idea of escaping or rushing forward to fight, so he had to stand in a stalemate with the other party.

Every second, the atmosphere is depressing. Finally, the mecha warrior couldn't stand the invisible pressure and opened his mouth and shouted softly: "Oh! I don't know what this friend is called? I am a soldier under the commander of the Fourth Mecha Corps.

"The Mecha Corps? Chief Ji? I don't know, and I don't want to know! You don't deserve to know my name! Leave your mecha behind and get out of here immediately!" Zhou Cheng seemed to finally come to his senses and opened his mouth slowly.

"What? You bully people too much! Don't think I'm really afraid of you!" Hearing Zhou Cheng's words, the mecha warrior finally broke out and hit Zhou Cheng like lightning.

At that time, the reason why the mecha warrior did not dare to move was that on the one hand, he was oppressed by Zhou Cheng, but Zhou Cheng did not release his breath, so this oppression would not make a most elite warrior among human beings lose the ability to act. The reason why he did not move was limited by discipline. If he dared to start a conflict with the practitioners first, the consequences would never be borne by him. However, now that the other party dares to hit his own mecha, the situation is certainly different. In the manual of mecha warriors, protecting mecha is in the absolute first position. It is the minimum duty of all mecha warriors to allow their mecha to be taken away by anyone under any circumstances.