
Chapter 261 Mysterious altar

At the moment when Ji Shaoqing completely surrendered, Zhou Cheng waved his hand and lifted the ban around him, and their figures appeared again.


Zhou Cheng suddenly felt something abnormal, so he immediately stared at the source of this strange feeling, but found that this feeling was actually transmitted by Ji Shaoqing, the servant he had just received.

After carefully distinguishing for a moment, Zhou Cheng knew that this strange feeling originated from a strange spiritual idea from Ji Shaoqing's body. This spiritual idea is extremely weak and comes from a mysterious place in the depths of Ji Shaoqing's spirit.

"Strange! This weak spiritual idea obviously does not belong to him. And I didn't feel it just now, but it appeared out of thin air after I surrendered him. Is it possible that the spiritual seed of a practitioner has been planted in Ji Shaoqing's spirit?

Zhou Cheng felt very strange and couldn't help being curious, so he suddenly penetrated his thoughts into Ji Shaoqing's spirit and kept searching, intending to find out the weak alien spiritual fluctuations. As long as this mental fluctuation can be found, Zhou Cheng can learn some information with this mental fluctuation, which is even enough to deduce who planted the spiritual seed in Ji Shaoqing's body.

There are countless creatures in the world. Throughout the ages, there have been many creatures that have appeared in one world as many as stars, and countless. However, even so, it is impossible to find two creatures with exactly the same mental fluctuations. It can be said that the spiritual fluctuations of every creature are by no means different.

In an instant, Zhou Cheng's thoughts have searched every bit of Ji Shaoqing's spirit, even every thought, and never let go. Even the flesh and blood, etc., all the details have not escaped Zhou Cheng's attention. However, after searching three or five times in a row, Zhou Cheng still failed to find the place where the alien mental fluctuation came from and the root of it.

This heterogeneous spiritual fluctuation seems to arise from every thought and spirit of Ji Shaoqing, which seems to be a kind of self-attribute brought by this creature. However, when I searched carefully, I found that this mental fluctuation occurred out of thin air, appeared out of thin air, traceless, and magical abnormal.

"I don't believe that I can't even understand the spiritual thoughts of a mortal!"

Zhou Cheng suddenly became fierce, and really encouraged his spiritual ideas like an overwhelming tide rushing to Ji Shaoqing's head. First, he began to search carefully from every trace of flesh and blood, bones and so on of the other party. This spiritual idea is extremely powerful and sharp, with needles in every seam, accessible, and does not let go of anything that can be touched.

A trace of progress, but after searching the flesh and blood of the other party, nothing was found. Therefore, Zhou Cheng directly explored his spiritual thoughts into the spirit of the other party.

The spirit of ordinary people is very small, just some messy ideas. Zhou Cheng's thoughts suddenly invaded these chaotic ideas, one by one, and little, completely fixed these ideas.

Ji Shaoqing only felt that his consciousness was getting more and more blurred, as if something kept disappearing from him, but he couldn't remember what had disappeared. Because every time Zhou Cheng settles an idea, part of his memory will disappear out of thin air. Of course, this is not really completely disappearing, but just because the idea can't work, a part of the memory no longer appears. When Zhou Cheng released those thoughts, the other party naturally returned to normal, but he couldn't remember what had just happened. It can even be said that when all the thoughts were fixed, Ji Shaoqing's time had stopped at a certain moment.

with a "boom". All Ji Shaoqing's thoughts were finally completely fixed. At this time, in a sense, there is no Ji Shaoqing in the world, and his spirit has died and disappeared.

And at this moment, an extremely subtle, tiny point to the limit gradually emerged.

"Finally came out? What a smart method forced me to use this method to find the root of the alien spiritual fluctuation! I'd like to see what kind of person he is, but he has such a means!"

At this time, Zhou Cheng really admired the guy who still didn't know who it was. It is a rare and common thing to plant spiritual thoughts into the inner human body. Even if you completely control the spirit of the other party, it is not a great thing. However, it is strange to plant spiritual seeds outside the spirit of the other party like this, but integrate with the spirit of the other party. It's an impossible miracle.

Zhou Cheng did not dare to be careless and carefully touched the infinitely small point with his spiritual thoughts. Suddenly, I only felt a violent explosion in my mind, and a strong suction absorbed his thoughts into that small dot.

"What is this? Why did I suddenly appear in such a place!"

Zhou Cheng seemed to see a ghost and screamed. Because he saw an extremely incredible scene: in a space of nothingness, I don't know where it is or how wide it is, and it is empty as if it were before chaos.

However, in this chaos, there is a huge altar standing, with a Hongmeng atmosphere before the creation of heaven and earth, an eternal and ancient artistic conception. It seems that this altar existed before the emergence of the universe, and until the collapse of the universe, it was still intact. This feeling is very strange. Just looking at the altar can actually give people this feeling, and the spirit and soul of the creatures of this altar will be completely shocked and subdued.

Even Zhou Cheng couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this mysterious altar. He only felt that infinite pressure instantly oppressed his mind, causing his mind to be in a trance and almost lost it, sinking into the breath and artistic conception of this altar.

Try your best to calm down the invisible pressure in your heart. Zhou Cheng shouted violently, "No matter what you are, this is just a spiritual projection at this time. Does a projection want to subdue me?! Break it!"

The idea belonging to Zhou Cheng suddenly expanded rapidly in this chaotic space, as if he wanted to completely drown the space. This idea fiercely clashed with the breath and artistic conception of the mysterious altar in this space, and instantly intertwined tens of millions of times. Every collision will emit invisible shock waves. After tens of millions of times, these wave waves are superimposed, already like huge waves, surging in this wonton space.

Zhou Cheng's thoughts were suddenly shattered into tens of millions of pieces by this invisible impact and scattered throughout the space. And the altar was also shocked and swayed slightly, and the breath and mood in it completely dissipated.

After a while, the space finally returned to normal and became ancient. The mysterious altar still stands in this chaos, unharmed. But its breath has disappeared, so although there is no damage, it is like a person who has lost his soul. The dusk is deep, and there is no such shocking magic.

At this time, Zhou Cheng appeared somewhere in this space. It turned out that after his spiritual idea was dispersed, it was not enough to eliminate this spiritual idea, so when the shock wave passed, he immediately collected his mind and recondensed his body. Of course, this is not his real body or his phantom, but just a real illusion revealed by some spiritual thoughts.

At this time, this part of Zhou Cheng's spiritual thoughts were not really eliminated, but it was also extremely damaged and consumed his mind greatly. However, Zhou Cheng smiled when he saw the mysterious altar standing in the space.

"Damn things actually hurt my vitality and consumed so much! Humph, but in the end I won! Let's see how I deal with you now!"

Zhou Cheng knew that the altar was not a physical object, but a little spiritual idea left by some existence. And this spiritual idea will automatically evolve into the image of the altar because of the information contained in it.

Once the breath and artistic conception of the altar are lost, it will become a dead object. There is no longer any influence or threat to Zhou Cheng. Zhou Cheng is thinking about one thing: he wants to take away the spiritual idea that has evolved from the mysterious altar.

"Do you want to do this or not! This altar is just a little spiritual projection, but it is already very horrible. I don't know what kind of existence it is. But now I want to subdue and collect a little spiritual idea that exists. This is simply a taboo. If you shock the essence of this spiritual idea, you will have a lot of fun!"

With a stir of heart, Zhou Cheng came up with a bold guess: "Is this altar related to the change of luck? Or is the body of this thing behind everything? No. Although this altar is mysterious and powerful, it is only a dead thing or a magical array or a great treasure, but it will never be the person behind the scenes! However, even so, this thing should be related to the people behind the scenes.

Since he had this speculation, Zhou Cheng could not care about it. He immediately took action, and his body suddenly disappeared into a spiritual idea and wrapped the altar. Then he will start to devour this spiritual idea.

Zhou Cheng believes that there must be some special information in the virtual shadow of this altar, which can help him learn more secrets.

Although this altar is wide and boundless, it is actually just a mark of spiritual thoughts. Therefore, there was not much resistance under Zhou Cheng's spiritual idea. After a moment, it was compressed into a small altar, and then Zhou Cheng's spiritual idea once again manifested into a human form and absorbed this small altar into his abdomen.

As soon as the altar went, Zhou Cheng only felt that the chaos around him suddenly trembled violently and disappeared. This part of my thoughts instantly returned to the ontology.

That part of the spiritual idea returned to the ontology with a little mysterious spiritual idea. Zhou Cheng immediately began to operate the yuan god, and the infinite idea and spirit emerged, and immediately practiced this heterogeneous spiritual idea and absorbed the information in it.

However, in an instant, he had to stop. Because Zhou Cheng found that although that spiritual idea was compressed and imprisoned by himself, this thing was like a mortal swallowing a piece of gold iron, which could not be digested at all, let alone absorbed.