
Chapter 263 Break through the blockade

In shock, Zhou Cheng couldn't help but attract all his attention and carefully sensed the array inside the mecha. These arrays are full of mysterious and complicated decorations, some look like children's graffiti, some you are some strange pictures, and some are like mysterious words.

Even if it was some of the most inconspicuous parts, Zhou Cheng did not let go. His mind scanned all the places inside the mecha, forcibly mapping those arrays into his heart, trying to deduce the operation of the array, and then deduce the way of these array combinations, and finally deduce this The principle of mecha.

Zhou Cheng originally thought that although this Honghuang was special, it was just a mortal created by mortals using the so-called technology. Therefore, he intends to refine the mecha with the means of practitioners to enhance the power of the mecha, so as to help Ji Shaoqing gain stronger power, so that he can have a higher status, so as to be exposed to more secrets.

But when he really understood the internal structure of the mecha, he couldn't help but have great doubts. Is such a complicated and mysterious array really just something that mortals can do?

"No! Impossible, absolutely impossible! Although everything is similar, perhaps when science and technology have developed to a certain extent, they begin to come into contact with the origin of the world: after vitality and energy, human civilization may develop unique energy use methods and technologies to form something similar to the magic array. However, human civilization on earth is far from reaching this height.

The ten complexities of the internal array of the Honghuang are beyond imagination, and even Zhou Cheng can't figure it out for a while. Although Zhou Cheng has not specifically studied the magic array, but he did not forget that he has his own set of original magic arrays, and it is also an innate array, coupled with his realm, so he is not unfamiliar with the magic array. On the contrary, he also has an extremely deep understanding. Even so, he still can't figure out the operation of the internal array of the Honghuang, let alone the principle.

That is to say, Zhou Cheng can't come to sacrifice the flood and famine until he understands the principles of these magic arrays. Otherwise, the Honghuang will only be destroyed.

Under curiosity and helplessness, Zhou Cheng can only rely on his superb cultivation and strong spiritual thoughts to forcibly deduce the information of this magic array.

I don't know how long it took, Zhou Cheng suddenly opened his eyes.

"No! Although this magic array is magical, the method of arranging this magic array is very rough and even can be said to be a piece of nonsense. Some of them even conflict with each other. How can this be? Since such a smart array can be created, how can the means of arrangement be so inferior!"

In doubt, Zhou Cheng suddenly thought of a possibility: "Is it possible that this mecha was really created by human beings? Human beings inadvertently got this magical array, understood the principle of the array, and then used the array by means of technology. So there is such an extremely powerful array, but it is poorly arranged that it can't exert the real power of this array at all? Yes, it must be so!"

The reason for this speculation is that Zhou Cheng found that although the magic array in the Honghuang is complicated and mysterious, its technique is extremely naive and it can be seen at a glance that the people who arranged the magic array do not know about the magic array. It's just that all the arrays were forcibly portrayed.

If countless arrays are compared to some parts, the Honghuang is a whole assembled by countless parts. Well, these parts of the Honghuang are powerful and the design is extremely reasonable. However, many of the parts were installed in the wrong place, so the Honghuang looked very amazing, but in fact it was an extremely failed thing.

"If this magic array can be completely clarified and this magic array can be completely arranged, how horrible the power of the Honghuang will be. I'm afraid that even the practitioners of the Yuanshen period want to defeat the human warriors with this kind of mecha. Moreover, although the quality of this mecha is good, it is not a treasure. If you find enough natural resources and earth treasures and sacrifice this kind of mecha, it will be really amazing!"

At this time, Zhou Cheng was suddenly moved. He couldn't wait to make a mecha made of natural materials and treasures, and there was nothing wrong with the array. With this natural treasure to carry this magic array, the power of this magic array can be completely exerted. Zhou Cheng believes that this kind of mecha is of great help to himself.

"It's useless to be in a hurry! Let's use this Honghuang to find out the mysteries of these magic arrays first, otherwise, even if you find enough natural resources and treasures, it is impossible to make a mecha that satisfies me! No, it should also be called mecha, but armor!"

The idea is certain. Zhou Cheng immediately began to take action. Suddenly a golden light shot out of his eyes, which fixed the shrinking Honghuang. These two golden lights are special spells formed by his mind that produce Nanming's fire combined with the magic power of the dragon in his body.

At this time, Zhou Cheng is the manifestation of the yuan god, so even in his power, it has a faint pure yang nature, which is very different from the power of ordinary practitioners. In the same way, there are also some extremely light pure yang properties in his mind. The golden light produced by the combination of the two is beyond magic and magic power, and it can even be called a fairy spell.

After the two golden lights shot out of Zhou Cheng's eyes, the Honghuang, which was originally the size of a basketball, was stained with a layer of light golden light, squirming slightly like a living body.

Gradually, the wriggling became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a violent beat, making a loud heartbeat.


The heartbeat kept ringing. In the beatings again and again, the shape of the Honghuang really changed into a heart, and even its volume gradually shrank, and finally became no different from the ordinary human heart, but showed gold.

Zhou Cheng looked at the golden heart beating in the air and nodded with satisfaction. It turned out that he was giving spirituality to this abandoned material. Although the original material of this mecha is very extraordinary in the secular world, it is still ordinary. How can mortal things exert the greatest performance of the magic array?

At this time, after being fixed and irradiated by the two golden rays in Zhou Cheng's eyes, these materials already have some spirituality. The whole Honghuang seems to have become a special heart. If it weren't for the wrong color, it would definitely make people think that this is a heart that has just been taken out of the creature's body.

After finishing these, it's just the beginning. After seeing that the material already had some spirituality, Zhou Cheng's palm turned into dragon claws, grabbed it directly into the heart, and then suddenly pulled it.

Under the pull, the dragon's claw pulled out countless strange things composed of light: strange words, mysterious patterns, some meaningless graffiti, countless chaotic lines, and something that seemed to be pictures.

These things fill the whole space. These are the maps inside the Honghuang. It turned out that with the gentle pull just now, Zhou Cheng actually split the array inside the Honghuang from the inside of the mecha and directly took it out of the mecha.

These arrays were originally extremely rough, and some of them even conflict with each other. Now once they leave the mecha, they will immediately conflict with each other and be completely destroyed.

"It's settled!" At this time, Zhou Cheng suddenly sent out his spiritual thoughts, sang loudly, and fixed the chaotic and dispersed magic array.

"The array is returned, and the magic array is reorganized!"

Zhou Cheng's hands moved quickly, and countless strange fingerprints were formed at every moment. At the same time, his spiritual power flowed into the fingerprints and evolved one by one with the fingerprints.

Zhou Cheng kept printing with both hands, and at the same time put these evolved arrays into those suspended arrays. It turned out that because he did not know the principle and operation mode of this magic array, Zhou Cheng had to evolve these arrays one by one and then enter the wrong array to test what effect each array would have and how they would react to each other.

This is a very consuming thing. Every time an array evolves, it consumes a little spirit, and the magic array in the mecha has an extremely large array. If you really want to test these arrays at one time, even Zhou Cheng can't do it. However, fortunately, although Zhou Cheng does not know the principle and operation mode of the magic array in the mecha, he can always vaguely feel the uncoordinated operation of the magic array. And he just needs to fix this part.

As for the principle of the magic array, as long as this magic array can be completely repaired, there will be time to think about it in the future, and there will always be a day to figure it out.


Zhou Cheng suddenly let out a soft shout and hit the last array. This array suddenly entered the countless arrays suspended in all space. In an instant, somewhere in these countless arrays suddenly lit up, like an electric light, and then the phenomenon spread to all the arrays in an instant. After a moment, all the arrays lit up.

With a violent rotation, these countless arrays automatically combine with each other, and finally condense into one and turn into a whole, inseparable without a half gap.

"It's done!"

Zhou Cheng was overjoyed. He stretched out a finger and pointed at the array that turned into a ball of light, hitting the light into the golden heart that was still suspended in the air.

The golden heart had stopped beating after losing the magic circle, but now the light was hit, and it immediately beat violently, making a heartbeat like thunder.

"It's not good! Damn spiritual imprint!"

At this time, Zhou Cheng's face suddenly changed. Because he sensed that the alien spiritual imprint he took from Ji Shaoqing's body suddenly became restless and burst out and threw it into the golden heart.