
Chapter 270 cocoon

In the picture scroll transformed by Yuanshen, powerful mana and vitality burst into the body of Zhou Cheng's fire dragon. Generally speaking, the body is broken into tens of millions of pieces, and there is no possibility of recovery. However, after getting the vic Divine Realm with the physical evidence, the physical body can change at will. Even if it is divided into many parts, it can still be completely restored, but it will consume a lot of vitality and mana.

However, after Zhou Cheng's fire dragon body was bursting and recovered, instead of being depressed, he was more energetic and lively, as if he had just swallowed some big tonic pills.

This is because when the vitality and mana bursting out in Zhou Chengyuan God smashed the body, these vitality and mana were instantly absorbed by the body of the fire dragon. It must be that this yuan god and the body are one, and the body of the fire dragon absorbs the power and vitality of the yuan god without any obstacle.

It has absorbed so much mana and vitality. Although it consumes some when reorganizing the body, it still absorbs far more than it consumes. Therefore, after being smashed once, the fire dragon's body was not damaged, but more powerful.

After the scroll transformed by Yuanshen released so much mana and vitality, the mana and vitality immediately calmed down a little. Although it was still chaotic, there was no such uncontrollable phenomenon.

Zhou Cheng immediately sensed these changes, so all the spirit of the spirit to fix his vicamoto god, and at the same time borrow the connection between the body and the moto god to help calm down the mana and vitality of the moto god.

Zhou Cheng gradually fell into a fixed situation and tried to immerse himself in an eternal and unmoving mood. At the same time, the power and vitality in the yuan god rushed out and flowed into the body. These chaotic and violent mana and vitality flowed into the body and wandered freely in the body. However, at this time, the fire dragon's body automatically operated the method of refining, and in a moment, these mana and vitality were completely suppressed, and finally calmed down and returned to normal.

And these restored normal mana and vitality but poured into the genshen from the body to nourish the genshen.

With the passage of time, the violent mana and vitality in the genshen flowed out. After the filtration and refining of the body, it returned to normal, and finally returned to the genshin.

A strange cycle is gradually formed: the mana in the genshen and the mana in the body of the fire dragon blend with each other and exchange, forming an interoperable cycle. All the manas of Zhou Cheng can flow arbitrarily in the body and the yuan god, without any obstacles at all. It seems that there is no barrier between the genshin and the body.

In fact, even if it is part of Zhou Cheng, the body and the yuan god are still different, and even the mana in the yuan god and the mana generated by the body are different. However, at this time, these two different parts and two different manas are really communicating without barriers.

At this time, the mana and vitality are restored at any time, but Zhou Cheng's yuan spirit automatically changes from the form of the scroll to the form of the dragon again.

With no longer any barrier between the yuan god and the body, and the mana and vitality were integrated, Zhou Cheng changed again: the yuan god swallowed into the body gradually became larger and coincided with the body little by little.

It's not just a simple thing. When the two completely coincide, the yuan god and the body seem to melt at the same time, turning into a ball that seems to be ** and something that seems to be light, mixed together and turned into a ball dozens of meters.

The ball slowly squirmed and turned into an egg shape. The surface gradually solidified into a hard and thick shell, crystal clear and red. Through this shell, it can be seen that countless colors emerged in it, which seemed to contain all the colors in the world, but again, I feel that there is chaos in one of them. But in this chaos, there is a small thing conceived, like an innate god is gradually growing.

The change has not stopped. The eggshell-like shell is getting thicker and darker, and the color is getting darker, and finally it can no longer see what's inside. Moreover, a trace of mysterious and beautiful stripes, some strange symbols, images and so on slowly emerged on the shell.

Take a closer look, isn't this the innate magic array that grew on Zhou Cheng's eggshell when he was born? At this time, looking at this trend, it seems that Zhou Cheng once again returned to a giant dragon egg and experienced the magical process of being conceived that day.

At this time, Zhou Cheng fell into a very deep situation and only had a slight feeling about what happened outside him, but he was not very clear. In fact, it's not that he really doesn't know, but in this fixed situation, nothing will leave traces in his heart. His heart is like a mirror, reflecting everything, but everything can't leave traces in the mirror. When everything dissipates, the mirror is still a mirror, and there will be nothing in Zhou Cheng's heart. Impurities, returning to his most original heart and spirit, perhaps only the truth of the road will leave a vague feeling in his heart.

Don't talk about Zhou Cheng. However, those peak masters who retreated quickly avoided far away and waited for Zhou Cheng to explode and die. At the same time, he released a trace of spirit to pay far attention to Zhou Cheng's situation.

However, after waiting for a long time, Zhou Cheng did not explode. Instead, he saw the scene where Zhou Cheng turned into a dragon egg and felt that Zhou Cheng's breath actually calmed down magically and got out of the danger of self-explosion.

All of these top masters are superb and knowledgeable guys, so they can see at a glance that Zhou Cheng has cultivated into a yuan god and a ever-changing body that can be reborn at the same time. What's more, Zhou Cheng has begun to combine spirit and flesh at this time and is about to embark on a magical road of practice, even since ancient times. Come to the unheard-of road of practice.

When the creatures in the world practice, 90% of them follow the path of practicing the genhs for long life. Because the body is too limited, it is extremely easy to decay, and it is basically impossible to live an immortal life. Of course, there are also a very few special creatures who specialize in physical cultivation, seeking to obtain the road with physical evidence and achieve long life.

However, no creature has ever cultivated the yuan god like Zhou Cheng, and the body has been cultivated to the realm of ever-changing and immortality, because the energy of creatures is always limited. Whether you choose to practice the spirit or practice the body, only all the energy of the spirit may be successful. If it is scattered, not only I can't live, and I can't even get into it. In the end, everything is just a flower in the mirror and the moon in the water.

Moreover, although the practice of the body and the spirit of practice are not opposed, there is indeed an irreconcordant difference: if you want to cultivate the yuan spirit, you must strengthen the spirit and make the spirit independent and detached from the body. However, if you want to practice the body, you must integrate the spirit into the body, regardless of each other. Therefore, when practicing, you can only choose one.

Therefore, after seeing Zhou Cheng's situation, those peak practitioners were first a little unbelievable, and then surprised. They instinctively know that if they can practice the genh and immortal body at the same time, the benefits are absolutely beyond imagination. Therefore, they immediately rushed to the Dome transformed by Zhou Cheng and took action together to grab the Dome.

These practitioners grabbed Zhou Cheng, who wanted to turn this into a huge egg and lost the threat, and then forced him to ask how to practice the yuan god and the method and mystery of cultivating the immortal body at the same time

In an instant, dozens of different magical powers fell on Zhou Cheng's giant egg at the same time. However, at this moment, the magic array on the Dome suddenly lit up, and countless runes and arrays flew out to form a large array. With a gentle shake, those magical power was scattered.

"Daw, it's still like this! I see the magic power!"

When those peak practitioners saw that their magic power was randomly broken by a giant egg, they suddenly felt ashamed and immediately became furious. They forcibly operated the Yuansang, issued the most powerful collection magic power, and turned into a big hand to catch it together.

Since these magical big hands fell, the giant seemed to feel pressure and couldn't help radiating a million light. When it flew up, more runes and arrays flew out in an instant, surrounded by it, and suddenly collided with the magic power issued by those peak masters.

The sound of "kaka" is random. The array outside the big hands and the giant egg were collided with each other, and at the same time it broke and suddenly dissipated. Even the light emitted by the huge egg suddenly weakened a lot, and it convercated a lot in an instant, leaving only a faint layer.

At this time, just after the blow of those peak masters, when the magic power was a little weak due to the weakness of the yuan spirit, a strong green light suddenly appeared on the giant egg, and a huge ancient tree rose in an instant. The ancient tree stretched out countless roots and branches, entangling the two peak masters around the Dome and then pulling them into the Dome.

"Gun back my Taoist friend!"

Those peak masters were heartbroken, roared together, and then forcibly operated the yuan god and issued a terrible magic power to break the giant egg on the spot. They know that Zhou Cheng must be practicing at this time and is in a special state. As long as he can break the Dome, he will definitely suffer extremely serious injuries, and even his cultivation will be directly below the Yuanshen realm.


The Dome seemed to have a spirit, and suddenly there was a deep and angry voice. Then I saw it suddenly vibrate a few times. Some strange fluctuations are caused by the vibration of the Dome. In an instant, the whole Dome was blurred and integrated into the fluctuation, disappeared out of thin air in front of those peak masters, and completely lost their trace. Even if they frantically searched the whole empty space, they still found nothing.

These peak masters did not expect that Zhou Cheng was no longer in the empty space they were in.

When the giant egg suddenly penetrated the space of nothingness after integrating into the fluctuation, and then appeared out of thin air in a strange place: in an inexplicable space, it is vast at a glance, there is no sun and moon above, only a gray sky, but below is a land composed of black rocks and dust, in the whole space Dead and lifeless, it seems that this is the legendary hell, the legendary place of the underworld.

In the farthest distance from the Dome transformed by Zhou Cheng, a huge and gloomy black palace stands in the chat. This palace looks a little dilapidated, with a strong atmosphere of years, and seems to have been located here for countless times.

After Zhou Cheng appeared here, an extremely evil breath suddenly rose in the distant palace, and a dark and evil force gradually came out, as if an ancient demon awakened here, but was awakened by the arrival of Zhou Cheng and gradually woke up.