
Chapter 281 Shed and Deed

"The vast sea of suffering is boundless. Everything is in the sea of suffering, and everything has a circle of cause and effect. Whether it is life or death, whether it is mortals or practitioners, they are in the circle of cause and effect and sink into the sea of suffering. How can I be detached?"

Having devoured nearly a hundred yuan gods, Zhou Cheng's immortality has grown a lot, and he has even really had some immortal breath. This immortal body is like a huge ship that will never sink, carrying Zhou Cheng's true spirit to break through the sea of suffering, suppressing the wind and waves, and will directly reach the other side.

After the immortal body became strong to a certain extent, Zhou Cheng naturally realized many things. He had a faint feeling of epiphany, and a trace of mysterious and incredible things kept flashing in the depths of his spirit and thoughts.

"I walk against the sky, have no heart of good and evil, be sincere to myself, be selfish to everything in heaven and earth, and only ask for a little true spirit to go beyond the sea of suffering and reach the other side. This is the true meaning of practice!"

"But everything is in cause and effect. No matter how powerful, how powerful or powerful, no matter how strong you are, you can't be detached. Therefore, even if you have the magic power that can rival the true immortals of Yangshenjing, you may not be able to cross the sea of suffering! Even the stronger the power, the greater the result, and the deeper the magic barrier. When the limit comes, everything will be wiped out!"

"I have taken the wrong path! Although my immortal body is powerful and magical, it is not really immortal. There must be power or something that can hurt my immortal body. More importantly, although this immortal body has a life that is close to eternity, it is not really eternal. When the limit comes, there will always be a decaying day! Therefore, no matter how strong this immortal body is, it is still impossible to truly be detached, and it is impossible to be truly immortal and immortal!"

In fact, Zhou Cheng is not wrong, and he himself is not wrong. If he wants to say where his way of practice is wrong, then practice is a wrong thing: if you want to practice, you must open your wisdom, polish your body step by step, practice your spirit, and feel the heart of heaven and the truth of the road with your own heart. Reason, thus has mana, magic power and so on. However, after reaching the peak of practice, I found that practice was just a cliff with no back road and a dead end road that could never retreat.

The reason why practice is a dead end is that whether it is the yuan god or the body, it is in the circle of cause and effect and is part of the sea of suffering, so no matter how powerful it is, it is still impossible to change this relationship. Just like a fish, no matter how powerful it is, it can only live in the water. This strength can only make him live a little better in the sea. If the fish wants to escape the world of water, there is only one way to die. The fish left the water and set foot on land when he died. Therefore, there will never be a possibility or opportunity for the fish to be detached. And practitioners are just fish that intend to set foot on land.

The suffering of the sea of suffering is unspeakable. The suffering of ordinary creatures: trapped in the sea of suffering but don't know it, either as an animal that only wants to be full, or a mortal entangled by endless thoughts and tackiness.

Even those creatures who have opened their wisdom and can practice are not like this, but they have greater sorrow: ordinary practitioners only seek magic power and spells, but like mortals and animals, they do not know the true meaning of practice at all. Those creatures with great opportunity, great perseverance and great wisdom found that practice is a cliff with no way out after experiencing thousands of hardships to reach the peak of practice. Practitioners who could see everything and be detached from the mortal world after climbing to the peak are even more pathetic than ordinary creatures.

"It turns out that practice is practice. If you want to prove the Tao and be detached, then you have to give up everything! Abandon the body, abandon the yuan god, divine power, mana must be abandoned, and even abandon yourself! It turns out that cultivation can't prove Taoism. Practice is just to pave a way to reach the other side!"

Zhou Cheng has a sense of enlightenment. He has always been as clear and grateful for his practice as he is now.

"Originally, for creatures, the true spirit that does not exist at all is the only opportunity to prove Taoism and detachment. Only when the true spirit awakens can there be a chance to climb to the other side of the sea of suffering. Because only this true spirit that has never been in reality is not affected by the causal cycle, so that he can completely get rid of the causal relationship, get out of the mortal world, prove the road, and never die!"

Zhou Cheng knew that if he wanted to make progress on the road of practice, he must abandon his immortal body evolved from the yuan god and the body, the mana of his whole body, and all the magical powers. Only one green lotus fruit can be preserved.

This green lotus fruit will merge with the true spirit and evolve into an innate demon-like existence at the core of the mysterious altar, which will be Zhou Cheng's future body and his foundation. Perhaps it can also be understood as a special body, a congenital Taoist body, a body condensed by the road. This body is completely detached from vulgarity and cuts off cause and effect.

And although the abandoned immortal body, all magical powers and mana are abandoned, it does not mean that these things are useless. On the contrary, these things are still indispensable on the road.

This immortal body will be sacrificed into a true spirit that is used to carry its own fruit. The true spirit that has just awakened is very fragile. After integrating into the Taoist fruit, the true spirit will change wonderfully. It has the spirit of the road, so it is no longer the absolute illusory form. Part of this true spirit will be integrated into the road, so it has the ability to communicate reality and touch reality.

Of course, although this evolved innate Taoist body already has real characteristics, it is not in the causal cycle, because what constitutes it is the qi of the road. It is only in the road, not into cause and effect, and does not touch the mortal world.

"But how can I get rid of and abandon my immortality?"

Zhou Cheng has understood the direction and method of his future practice, but he is distressed to find that he can't start this new practice. Because he can't abandon everything at all.

This is not what Zhou Cheng is reluctant to give up. In front of the road of proof and transcending the sea of suffering, everything seems insignificant and can't be reluctant to give up. What really confuses Zhou Cheng is that there is a fundamental relationship between the true spirit and the body or the yuan god: the true spirit is something that does not exist, is an absolutely illusory product, and exists by relying on the body or the yuan god. Once the body or genshin is lost, the true spirit will disappear and can no longer appear. Yes, it's disappearance, not destruction. It disappeared out of thin air as if it had never appeared at all. In fact, the true spirit did not exist in the real world.

Just as Zhou Cheng was thinking, the impact and struggle between the mysterious altar and the totem pole became more and more intense. These two extremely horrible giants kept colliding with each other. They have been completely destroyed beyond this inexplicable, the space has collapsed, even time has been shattered, and everything has turned into chaos. In the chaos, only the two sacred weapons on the other side exist.

Suddenly, Zhou Cheng suddenly sensed a burst of horrible thoughts on the totem pole, and then a voice resounded in countless spaces in the whole mysterious altar: "You damn saints, how many times have we fought for countless years! You took advantage of the luck of this world when I was sleeping, and you actually wanted to completely cut off my path!"

"Totem, we have all set foot on the door of the real road. Do we still need to do these verbal disputes here? In the endless years, your totem has always been the master of the world, controlling the luck of the world and helping yourself to prove the road with the power of the whole world. But now that you have failed, you are no longer the real master of the world. We, our saints, have surpassed you!"

The mysterious altar suddenly vibrated and separated from the totem pole, and then made a grand sound in it. It's just that the voice is a little strange. It seems to be one person. If you listen carefully, it seems that thousands of voices are mixed together, which are words spoken by thousands of people at the same time.

And the totem pole seemed to be angered by the altar, and the voice suddenly became a little violent. A bunch of despicable guys! You were originally just a group of slaves under me, just my captive animals. Now he not only dares to resist me, but also uses such a despicable means. If I had known this, I should have completely wiped out you before endless years!"

The mysterious altar didn't care at all, but said in a balanced voice, "Yes, I was originally just your captive animals. The reason why you left my life is just to eat me as food when I grow up to help you prove the road. However, what you didn't expect is that our wisdom is far beyond your estimation, so we finally got rid of your control, and now we have won the final victory after countless battles. You will completely lose the opportunity to seek the way, and we will truly transcend, climb to the other side of the sea of suffering, and become the supreme Yangshen Zhenxian. Tao! Is it possible that you still want me to wait to thank you? No, we will completely destroy you. You will be the last step on the road of many saints. As long as we destroy you and completely absorb and asimilate everything about you, then we will immediately become true immortals, and from then on, immortality and immortality!"

"Damn traitor, damn saint! Want to defeat me and destroy me? I don't know how many years I have experienced since I was born. The long river of time is just a stream in my eyes, which can be crossed in one step. I have integrated into the road, I am the Tao, the Tao is me, and I am immortal. It can't be destroyed by you!"

The totem pole suddenly calmed down, and there was no longer the rage just now. He said in a cold and inexplicable voice, "That's right! In this era, you and others have gained the upper hand by despicable means. However, it only has the upper hand. If you want to really defeat me, you can't think about it. As for destroying me, it's completely impossible! Time has lost its meaning to us, and hundreds of millions of years are just a flash. Since you and others have gained the upper hand in this era, you have cut off my chance to prove it. Then I will bring down the disaster of extinction, turn this world back into chaos, completely erase everything in this era, and re-evolution into a world! The next era will definitely be the time for me to prove the way!"

After saying this, the totem pole immediately retreated and disappeared in an instant.

"How dare you! Totem, where are you going?" After listening to the words of the totem pole, the mysterious altar could no longer maintain the posture of winning, but seemed a little anxious and gently chased the totem pole.