
Chapter 286 Chaos Green Lotus

This newly derived world is desolate and has no life. Suddenly, a little green bud broke through the layers of barriers in a corner of the world and penetrated the rocks and grew out.

And once this bud grows out, it looks like crazy, growing crazily. In the sound of a dense rock cracking, this tender bud grew into a huge green lotus in a moment, a green lotus full of an acre in size, and three huge lotus leaves drooped slightly.

Take a closer look, isn't this Zhou Cheng's green lotus fruit? Hasn't his green lotus fruit already completely withered? Why does it suddenly appear again and don't see the withering appearance at all?

And the green lotus that appeared again was originally slightly different: a huge white lotus has been formed on this green lotus, and I don't know how many petals there are in total. In the center of this lotus is a lotus platform. This lotus exudes a strong and faint fragrance. Even if you look at it from a distance and smell the fragrance of white lotus, it makes people have the illusion of rising day.

"Huh? I didn't expect that the height of the dragon's growth was beyond my original imagination. Instead of dying, he broke through!"

Just when Qinglian first came out, a pair of huge eyes suddenly appeared in the world. Then the next moment, the monster of the beast's head appeared again. He appeared in the green lotus less than 100 meters out of thin air and quietly looked at the green lotus and the huge white lotus.

"Okay, okay! Little guy, since you are not immortal, you have made a real breakthrough. If you really step into the door of the road with one foot, it has become the supreme existence in the world. But this supreme glory is accompanied by death, and today I will destroy you with my own hands. It's to blame you for not being born at the right time, whether it's me or those saints, how can you tolerate another supreme existence in the world that can compete with yourself.

The monster slowly stretched out a hand and pressed down at the green lotus 100 meters away. As this palm slowly falls, the sky of this world is about to fall down and destroy the earth.

At this time, the green lotus did not respond, that is, there was no change, nor did it run away, so it was fixed in place and let the monster attack itself.

This green lotus is not a mortal thing, but Zhou Cheng's fruit. No, it can't be called Taoist fruit now. This thing is beyond the scope of Taoist fruit, because Zhou Cheng's true spirit has been integrated into this green lotus. This green lotus is both the fruit of Taoism and the true spirit of Zhou Cheng.

For more preparation, it is not accurate to call this green lotus Zhou Cheng now. Because this green lotus has little to do with the original Zhou Cheng. Because this green lotus is the most perfect life at this time, and it is a life that has no memory and is purer than a newborn baby.

You should know that after his immortal body is destroyed, Zhou Cheng only has a little true spirit and Taoist fruit left. And his true spirit gradually disappeared, and all his past memories were completely and truly dissipated, and could no longer be found, which is equivalent to saying that Zhou Cheng, the creature, has died.

According to the saying, Zhou Cheng's immortal body is destroyed, then there will never be any chance of survival. However, I don't know why the only thing he left was the true spirit that lost all his memories completely combined with the withered green lotus fruit and became one.

Immediately after the combination of the true spirit and the Taoist fruit, the most wonderful changes occurred: this green lotus is no longer just a Taoist fruit, but also a real life. It is no longer an illusory product of the evolution of the breath of the road. This green lotus turned into an innate demon god. The most perfect life in the world must become the supreme creature.

However, Zhou Cheng should not have broken through in this totem pillar. You should know that this totem stone pillar is a sacred artifact on the other side, the sacred artifact on the other side of the horrible existence, and everything in it is in the hands of the monster. Therefore, Zhou Cheng's change can't escape the eyes of the monster at all.

After the exposure, the monster was about to destroy the chaotic green lotus immediately. Moreover, Qinglian actually didn't have a chance to resist. She was slapped by the monster's manifested split, and it immediately broke an inch, and finally completely destroyed.

Zhou Cheng's cultivation breakthrough evolved into the body of the innate demon god Chaos Qinglian, but he is still very weak in front of that totem. In particular, his immortal body, which should have been sacrificed into a sacred weapon on the other side, was destroyed. Although there was a breakthrough in his cultivation, his strength not only did not grow at all, but even a great decline.

However, he said that the monster easily destroyed Qinglian with a gentle palm, but there was a trace of regret on his face. It seemed that he regretted that this supreme existence had been destroyed by himself before he grew up. However, the next moment, the trace of regret on the monster's face disappeared, replaced by excitement and greed.

"If I devour such a newly conceived innate demon god, I can definitely become stronger! I didn't expect that this time it was really lucky. Not only did I get an immortal body to strengthen my totem stone pillar a lot, but this fire dragon also broke through and conceived a congenital demon god! For tens of thousands of years, I have never devoured this innate demon god. I'm about to forget the taste of this innate demon god!"

The monster opened its mouth to the broken chaotic green lotus and was about to swallow the destroyed green lotus. However, he didn't expect that the green lotus gradually dissipated after being destroyed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Huh? What's going on? Shouldn't the extermination of this innate demon god be wiped out?" The monster sucked into the air and couldn't help but be curious.

At this moment, a green light flashed, and a green lotus appeared out of thin air in the place where the original green lotus was destroyed, nearly twice as big as the original green lotus. The green lotus has left the ground and floated in the air. The lotus leaves swing gently, the white lotus blooms slowly, and a distant fragrance spread far away.

The monster didn't seem to expect such a scene at all, so he couldn't help but be stunned, and then snorted angrily: "Humph, I just escaped my attack and deceived me! OK, OK, this Qinglian is really not simple. However, the more magical it is, the more nourishing it will be. Anyway, in the totem pillar, even if you are a hundred times stronger, you can't escape from my hands!"

I saw the monster waved his hand again and instantly wiped away the whole green lotus. However, the monster's face changed slightly, because he felt that he had not completely destroyed the other party. Qinglian actually escaped with her magical ability.

Sure enough, the next moment, a green lotus appeared again, and this time, the green lotus doubled again.

"Damn! Instead of receiving any damage, it is absorbing the power of my attack to grow!" This time, the monster finally changed a little. His face became extremely uncomfortable, because he felt that every time he attacked, Qinglian actually swallowed up all the power of his attack, and then became much stronger. This green lotus is unimaginably magical.

"I just got pregnant with such a magical ability. OK, let you see my real power!"

The monster whispered and then disappeared in an instant. At this time, the indescribable huge eyes in the sky appeared again. This is a pair of giant eyes that occupy the whole sky. When the giant eyes appeared and opened, it seemed that this desolate world suddenly had life and came back to life.

This huge eye stared at the green lotus, and an invisible force locked the green lotus. Under the gaze of this huge eye, Qinglian finally trembled violently for the first time, as if she were afraid, and as if she couldn't help struggling when her life was threatened.

"I am the Tao, and the Tao is me. I said you want to destroy, then you will destroy!"

A loud voice from nowhere sounded out of thin air. The huge eyes burst out with a luster and hit the green lotus in an instant.

These giant eyes are the eyes of the monster's body. This monster is a congenital demon god who has been pregnant for tens of thousands of years. It is almost completely integrated into the road, and there is a great sense of movement between his hands and feet. In this desolate world in the totem pole, this monster actually evolved the road with his body and became the real creator of the world. He can have infinite magical power when his thoughts move.

When the monster saw that his manifested split could not destroy Zhou Cheng's Qinglian, he directly used the ontology and was bound to swallow the Qinglian.

"Dangerous, extremely dangerous!"

Qinglian has no memory of the past, but this does not mean that Qinglian really has no wisdom like a newborn baby. He felt that under the gaze of the giant eye, a feeling of extreme danger suddenly rose, so he knew that the giant eye must have the ability to destroy himself. So the green lotus trembled violently and suddenly escaped through the air.

"Would you like to go? How can it be so easy!" There was a loud sound in the sky. As soon as Qinglian set out, she was fixed in place. At this time, the luster that had just burst out of the huge eyes was wrapped around the green lotus, and the green lotus trembled crazily and seemed to be extremely painful.

(There are still two chapters left in this book. Since January, there has never been a day of update, but this book has had many problems because it was not well conceived at the beginning of writing. Now it's finally coming to an end. Looking at the bleak results, I feel a lot in my heart.

will open a new book in July, which is expected to be released in the middle of the first lunar month. In the next half month, I will try my best to lay a good foundation for the next book and try to write a good book.

I hope that some brothers can strongly support me when opening a new book. Help me click and collect it every day. Of course, if you can cast some red votes, you are very welcome. However, I hope that everyone can help me make more suggestions and opinions. Only in this way can my writing level continue to improve.

Thank you in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!