ghost monk

Chapter 4 Bone Cliff

Chapter 4 Bone Cliff

In the northwest of the bustling capital, hundreds of miles away, there is a dangerous place, "Bone Cliff".

Over the cliff, the miasma is perennial, up to more than 100 feet, like a huge gray cloth covering the cliff.

This miasma is poisonous and long-term absorption will lead to tendons and pulse depression, increase the number of impurities in the body, and corrode the internal organs, which will reduce the cultivation of practitioners in the physical stage. However, those who are highly cultivated, the muscles and veins in the body are connected, and the internal strength swims away. In the face of small miasma, they are completely ignored.

For thousands of years, the fierce name of the bone cliff has been rising day by day, and there are many monsters on the bone cliff. It has several talents that can actually climb out of the cliff and pass through the miasma to harm the world. The ordinary people around the bone cliff have long left, or moved away from this place and moved into the high cities around the bone cliff, or It is under the protection of the Lingshan sect of the Xiuzhen sect, relying on the strong high wall and the protection of many gathered great magical monks, so that you can live in peace.

It's just that although the corpse cliff monsters are ferocious and dangerous, they are said to ordinary people. In the eyes of those monks who practice Taoism, the monsters are treasures, which are of great benefit to practitioners, especially the essence demon elixir produced by high-level monsters, which is a treasure that many monks flock to. In addition, the bone cliff is rich in aura and rich in many precious spiritual grass materials, which is also mouth-watering.

Because of this, the Bone Cliff has attracted a large number of practitioners to hunt for treasures, and even many practitioners have sent their disciples to enter this place to find natural treasures. Therefore, many cities near the Bone Cliff have also prospered. After hundreds of years of business development, the vast area around the Bone Cliff is now quite meteorological. The major families in the capital can maintain the family's wealth for a hundred years by relying on the acquisition of spiritual grass and demon elixir here every year. There are thousands of scattered monks gathered here.

The bottom of the cliff, that is, the interior of the bone cliff, is not covered by miasma. Instead, it is very refreshing, but the miasma over the cliff valley is covered all year round, making the bottom of the cliff not very light, and it has been in darkness for a long time, which looks deep and strange.

The bone cliff is full of aura, and the ground at the bottom of the cliff is not bare. It breeds different kinds of spiritual grasses and trees. The night wind blows, the treetops shake, and the dense forests are like a deep sea. Fierce beasts and strong monsters run through this deep forest.

However, the vastness of the cliff valley stretches for thousands of miles, so that powerful monsters are not everywhere, but the bones of monsters and practitioners will always appear in front of you easily. Even in some places in the cliff valley, there will be "bone fields". The bones are everywhere, and the bones are piled up hundreds of miles, several feet high. At the same time, feces and blood are mixed with the bones, making this place deep and horrible, and there is also a smell of smell and blood. In some bone sites with strong aura, a spiritual body will be born... After the death of some powerful creatures, the soul will not die, but condense into the original appearance of the creature. At this time, it is no longer an entity, but a spiritual body, that is, the rumored ghost. After some creatures die, they have strong resentment. After the evil spirit invades the spirit, the soul is easily stained, forming a devil, which has the characteristics of actively attacking creatures.


After a long time, a panic and a sad scream suddenly came out, breaking the tranquility of the night. After a moment, the sound stopped suddenly.

The night was deep, as if nothing had happened. Darkness shrouded the woods, the cold night wind blew through, and the branches rustled softly. A faint blood gas floated gently in the air, and a wisp of light shone into the forest through the cracks between the trees. A teenager wearing a emanating face, with fear, twisted muscles and stiff face lying there, with ragged clothes and blood hanging on his body, and faintly could see a denseness. The small hole appeared on his back, and the blood on the small hole had already solidified, but the moment his body moved, there would still be blood flowing out. What's more horrible is that under the teenager's body, the place where the teenager lies down is not a land, grass, but a place where bones, feces and blood are mixed together. Where the teenager's eyes reach, it is also bones, feces and blood. This is a natural bone cemetery, and all that is missing is tombstones and sacrifices... Of course, this is not a place full of aura, otherwise, it would not be so peaceful.

When the sight is close and the teenager climbs up from the ground with difficulty, revealing his scarred face, we will find that he is Wenshan who was thrown off the cliff by the Shen family slave not long ago. Wenshan's face has recovered from the panic just now, but now it seems extremely calm and calm. Facing the bones in front of him, he seemed to be extremely familiar. It seemed that he fell from the cliff and was not killed because of this pile of bones! Wenshan sighed. It is estimated that after his death, when he is old, there will be a pile of bones left. Under the washing of the long river of time, it will become the dust in the cliff valley, or the nutrients of trees and spiritual grass...

"Hou Yulin, Su Linger." Wenshan said calmly, and the hatred for them seemed to be less deep. In fact, Wenshan's insight is not shallow, otherwise he will not become the delicateness of the young generation of the Holy Capital, nor will he cultivate to the third stage. Unfortunately, he is trapped by love. With a difference in thought, he was deceived by Su Linger and fell into today's field. Just as Wenshan was preparing to end herself, Su Linger's beautiful face once again came to her mind, not appreciation, but hatred. This woman took away Wenshan not only love, but also the man's self-esteem...

'I won't let you two go. One day, I will trample on you two and make you regret cheating and insulting me today. As long as Wenshan still has a breath, it will pose a great threat to you.' This was Wenshan's last harsh words to Su Linger and Hou Yulin. At this time, it echoed in Wenshan's heart and could not calm down for a long time.

"As long as Wenshan still has a breath..." Wenshan said silently, an unspeakable mood or heart knot suddenly gave Wenshan the motivation to survive. It may be hatred or human instinct. Wenshan is not a fool, but a young man's hot-blooded impulse. After experiencing this, his mind calmed down and felt that he had grown a lot and was more sophisticated and deeper.

"I want to live." Wenshan whispered that this was what he said to himself.

Wenshan looked around him and looked at the surrounding environment, but to Wenshan's disappointment, in addition to the bones, the bones piled up to more than a hundred feet. When Wenshan looked at the cliff, he suddenly found that a cave was several feet away against the cliff, because it was at the bottom of the cliff. Wenshan did not dare to walk around, so he slowly paced towards the cave, and the wounds on his body were still very painful...

This is a semicircular cave more than two people high. The mouth of the cave is slightly tilted downward, only the entrance of the cave is a little bright, and it is dark inside. Standing five or six feet away from the mouth of the cave, Wenshan can feel the gloomy wind blowing out of the cave, brushing his face, and it is cold to the bone. At the same time, there was a faint rustling sound, like whispering and ghost crying, which made people's hearts numb.

It's a matter of life and death, and I dare not neglect it. As soon as Wenshan gritted his teeth, he walked slowly to the mouth of the cave and slowly observed carefully. In order to survive, the surrounding environment must be clarified. Wenshan is still very independent in dealing with some things.

Just as he entered the entrance of the cave, and the wind became colder and colder, Wenshan was stunned and observed at the entrance of the cave for a long time. He carefully stepped into the cave. After a few steps, Wenshan felt that his feet were soft and his whole body sank down. He was shocked, but fortunately he only sank into his thigh and stopped. With a little light penetrated through the mouth of the cave, Wenshan looked at his feet, and his face was stunned. It turned out that there was a blood pool under his feet, one foot deep, and his legs stood in the blood. On the blood, there is feces floating, and the feces are extremely thick, mixed with blood. The stench is not to mention the feet are still stuck in it. How uncomfortable it is. Wenshan did not have the slightest emotion because of the blood pool of feces here. In the face of what happened in the past few days, he felt that the cave should have been like this, and his body was not much stronger than these feces.

With the stepping into Wenshan, the originally covered feces were pushed away, and the dark red blood was exposed. There was a light green halo on the surface. The green light spots kept approaching and accumulating into a ball, slowly rising, forming a light green fire and ghost fire.

Ghost fire, after the death of the creature, the spiritual thoughts dissipate, and the remaining soul origin enters the blood. Over time, in a place where the aura is abundant, the remaining spirit in the blood becomes active, and the remaining spirit is spiritual and detached from the blood. Because the remaining spirit has no thoughts, ghost fire is not aggressive. It is a very natural phenomenon, but can play a role in lighting in the dark.

With the blood pool passing through Wenshan, the ghost fire rises one after another, and the whole cave also has brightness. If you are not strong-willed, you may feel that the depth is more terrible. This is a huge cave. The top of the cave is extremely high from the ground. Wenshan suddenly saw countless black bats hanging upside down at the top of the cave, and the rocks of the cave could hardly be seen at all. And the "sand" sound is born from the low sound of these animals' friction.

In the darkness, with the arrival of Wenshan, the bats seemed to feel uneasy and moved one by one, but did not fly up. Instead, they climbed on the rocks and moved to the dark, and some simply grabbed the same kind. Those fangs that are getting more and more horrible in the dark are shocking.

Wenshan didn't dare to breathe. After stopping for a moment, he found that the small movement he created in this quiet darkness was particularly loud, but these bats did not seem to have movement and would not attack. Finding this, Wenshan was somewhat relieved. If these beasts attack him together, with his current strength and physical strength, he would have no choice but to escape. It is estimated that he will even have the strength to escape.

Quietly, Wenshan walked to the depths of this horrible cave, the deeper dark end. With the footsteps of Wenshan, the bat feces under his feet became thicker and thicker, and the bats at the top of the cave seemed to be endless. More and more, with sharp teeth and muttering, all roaring around. If it hadn't been for Wenshan's long-term martial arts practice and a firm mind, ordinary people would have to go crazy.

"Hmm?" Suddenly, Wenshan seemed to kick the iron plate and leaned down slightly to find that there was an open space in front of him, which was no longer a blood pool. Wenshan smiled bitterly, climbed up the open space and sat down. Suddenly, there was a sense of down-to-earth and comfortable. In Wenshan's mind, he didn't expect the ground to be so comfortable and comfortable.

Walking several feet in the open space, another stone wall blocked the way. Obviously, he had reached the deepest part of the cave. This also means that there are no dangerous monsters around here, except for those damn bats.


The danger signal was relieved, and Wenshan was in a good mood. Hunger and fatigue suddenly surged into his mind, making Wenshan realize that he had not eaten for a long time, and the only thing he could eat around him was probably the damn bats and winged mice at the top of the cave. Thinking of this, Wenshan's stomach rolled over. Not to mention the hard-won bats at the top of the cave, even if he could really catch it, Wenshan did not want to eat it. This reminds Wenshan of the most famous snack "Three Callings" in Shengjing City, which eats newborn transparent young mice, which is said to be very popular with the children of rich families.

Thinking of this, Wenshan suddenly woke up. If he had been here, he would starve to death sooner or later. The idea of living supported him to stand up, looked at the stone wall behind him, and was ready to leave.