ghost monk

Chapter 11 Guyue Riverside

Chapter 11 Ancient Moon Riverside

In the face of the extremely abundant aura, Wenshan did not panic at all. Obviously, this is not the first time that this has happened, and it has been the case for nearly half a month.

According to the practice of 'broken and stand', it has the power of the soul to drive the reiki to transform the body, which is faster than ordinary martial arts practice. However, you can't blindly talk about speed. In the face of fragile internal organs, Wenshan obviously can't directly use Reiki to transform them, which will only damage these internal organs. Therefore, in the past half month, Wenshan has been following ordinary methods, constantly practicing boxing, constantly refining the body, driving qi and blood through boxing, using qi and blood to constantly strengthen the flow of internal organs, step by step.

Three days ago, Wenshan felt that his internal organs were already very energetic, so he used the 'broken and stand' martial arts door. The aura entered the body, slowly penetrated into the internal organs, and slowly operated and recuperated. Although it is only three days, through the transformation of Reiki, the internal organs have become more than doubled, which is enough to reflect the uniqueness of the skill. And today, Wenshan vaguely felt that he was about to break through to the refining stage.

Facing the crazy surging of aura, Wenshan gritted his teeth, and the power of his soul suddenly burst out. With a trace of alive aura, he accelerated his pace and kept rushing to the internal organs. At this time, he was no longer concerned about whether the internal organs could bear it. Under the impact of so much aura, the internal organs emit 'Zizi! Zuzzz!' The sound.

In fact, Wenshan is a very bold move. You should know that the aura looks very calm. In fact, it is not. When the artificially changes the direction of the aura, the aura is no longer so obedient, just like a naughty child, bumping around and wants to escape the bondage. If the soul power is not strong enough, it will not stay. If God makes the aura that enters the body out of control, then he must be impacted by this aura, causing great damage to his body. And in the face of so much aura entering the body, not to mention the internal organs, even the refined meridians will not be able to withstand the impact of aura, causing the meridians to be damaged. If he is a master of the ordinary physical realm, the meridians will be broken long ago, and the martial arts will be lost. However, Wenshan obviously makes the meridians stronger and stronger than the masters of the general physical realm. It is because of this that Wenshan dares to rampage like this.

Huh? Er?"

At this time, Wenshan's face was twisted and sweat fell like rain, and he felt extremely painful. This is because the reiki enters the meridians, causing the meridians to expand sharply. As the operation of the aura is accelerated, the meridians are distorted and the degree of distortion gradually increases.

The swelling and deformation of the meridians, bursts of pain surged into his heart, but Wenshan has always insisted, and in his heart, he has always had this persistence. Although practice pays attention to the gradual process, it is not possible to refine the internal organs today, but there is plenty of time, and the road to cultivation is long. But Wenshan didn't think so. He took this as a challenge, a challenge to his life.

Although the cultivation time is long, after all, practitioners are competing with heaven and racing against time. In their limited years, they break through the realm and prolong their lives before the failure of life again and again. Although it takes a long time, for practitioners who want to achieve the road, the age of cultivation is very short. Everything should be grasped, compete for valuable resources, and improve cultivation as soon as possible. Therefore, in the face of difficulties, we should seize the time to break through.

In Wenshan's heart, in addition to eager to break through the existing cultivation, he wants to catch up with Hou Yulin's cultivation as soon as possible, trample it under his feet, insult him in all kinds of ways, and let Su Linger know that men's dignity can't be hurt.

Of course, Wenshan is not a fool. If he is not sure to break through the existing cultivation, he will not risk the rupture of the meridians to strengthen the internal organs, which is obviously not worth the loss. Of course, I'm not 100% sure. The practice itself is taking risks.

" hiss~ his~" At this moment, Wenshan suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were bright, and the surrounding aura immediately returned to peace. Then, an extremely strong momentum burst out from Wenshan's body. Between his arms, the inner strength was endless, and his heart sometimes beat sharply, and there was 'dongdong, dongdong!' The sound came out, but then the heart stopped beating silently, and the whole person held his breath, and his breath was long and endless. Judging from all the signs, Wenshan obviously broke through the original realm and reached the realm of refining dirt.

Now Wenshan's whole appearance has changed. He is no longer so strong and domineering, but a little restrained. On the surface, he can't see any strength. Instead, he is like a scholar, very elegant. Maybe this is the practice of martial arts to the depths, and the qi and blood all over the body can be controlled to subtleties!

Wenshan didn't expect that he could achieve such a strong strength in a month of cultivation. It's incredible. Although he has only cultivated to the stage of 'refining dirt', in the face of the master of the 'blood exchange' stage, Wenshan also has the power to fight. Within the scope of Shengjing City, there is only one palm that can defeat him, and it is estimated that he can kill him is not yet born.

While his strength soared, Wenshan did not want to continue to practice in this cave, but wanted to exercise in the outside world. Only outside can you find opportunities to fight with others, constantly increase your combat experience, and enhance your rich experience. In this way, there is also a chance to fight in the face of real masters.

The bluestone platform has lost its original light and looks very ordinary. Wenshan quietly knelt on the ground, kowtowed and talked to the bones in front of him, with tears in his eyes. After a long time, he slowly stood up, resolutely walked to the tunnel, and never looked back. In Wenshan's heart, there is a sentence echoing, 'When I become the master of the whole Qianlong mainland, I will definitely bury you in a place full of feng shui, repair mausoleums for the masters and predecessors, build ancestral shrines, and let all sentient beings believe...'


On the banks of the ancient moon river, the capital is 100 miles to the north, which is the source of water for the whole capital.

At the beginning of the construction of the capital, considering the environment and other factors, we chose 'one cliff, one water', the bone cliff and the ancient moon river.

Although the skeletal cliff is a dangerous place, as long as you don't enter, your life is still not in danger. On the contrary, relying on this dangerous land and harvesting spiritual grass and elixirs every year make the whole capital economically prosperous.

The ancient moon river is vast and vast, with thousands of miles wide, surrounding the freshwater river in the north and east of the whole capital. The river is clean and sweet, making it extremely convenient for people in the capital to use water. On the bank of the ancient moon river, there is an extremely vast sandy beach, which seems to be very elegant and calm.

In fact, this elegant calm is only superficial. In the depths of the ancient moon river, there are many powerful monsters living in seclusion.

As early as a hundred years ago, the ancient moon river was not this scene, but a rampant monster. Many people in the holy capital who salvaged, washed and carried water here were killed and swallowed up by this monster. Whenever someone walks by the river, they are scared. Even every five years, these monsters in the water will have a large-scale*, diving ashore, attacking the holy capital, killing people at sight, and then devouring them.

In that * a hundred years ago, the ancestors of the Shen family had just established in the capital and were destroyed in this battle. In the face of such a bad situation, the ancestors of the Shen family used their identity as a disciple of Taixuanzong to ask Taixuanzong for help.

Taixuanzong originally set up a school with the purpose of supporting the peace of the world and killing demons. In addition, it was the affairs of the children's family of his own sect, so he sent many masters down the mountain. Among them, there were as many as 50 masters in the realm of gathering, and its scale was extremely large.

But it was this group of strong people who gathered with as many as 50 people, led the strong men of the eight and nine sections of the physical realm to rush to the Guyue River for large-scale killing, so that the blood stained the Guyue River, and the bodies of the monsters also floated on the water, covering the whole holy capital for half a year. Of course, this group of disciples also suffered a lot of damage and death, and more than 50 masters of the realm of gathering gas also lost more than a dozen.

However, this group of disciples seemed to be competing for some credit. They were not satisfied with killing the monsters on the bank of the ancient moon river. Under the leadership of the remaining 40 masters of the gathering realm, they killed deeper places of the ancient moon river, but then there was no news. It is estimated that they were swallowed up by the more powerful monsters in the depths of the ancient moon river.

More than 50 masters in the realm of gathering gas, plus a large number of outside children disappeared at the same time. This matter has become serious to the future development of Taixuanzong. Young masters have the responsibility to accept, carry forward and strengthen Taixuanzong in the future, and are the successors of Taixuanzong in the future! This incident touched the senior management of Taixuanzong. The senior officials actually sent five desperate elders to check. Later, it was verified that the five people did not get any benefits when they entered the depths of the Guyue River. After a bloody battle, they fled back to the mountain gate with serious injuries. One of the elders' arm was broken, and an elder's leg was broken. It left a big claw mark on the back. No one knows why. From Taixuanzong, it seems that there is a monster living in the ancient moon river that has reached the peak of his life-threatening realm, and at the same time ruling all the monsters in the river basin of Shengjing City.

But for many years after that incident, the monster in the water has never gone ashore to kill people. Rumor has it that the powerful monster in the water has been killed, and other strong monsters in the water are afraid of the majesty of Taixuanmen and dare not invade the ancient moon city. There are also rumors that the suzerain of Taixuanmen dispatched and fought with the powerful monster. The two were equally divided, and the two verbally agreed that they would not invade each other.

Of course, these two may be rumors, and no one cares about the real reason, but one thing that can be explained is that the fishermen in Shengjing City who fished out of the river have never been attacked in the inland river, but no one has ever escaped back when entering the outer river.

And after Taixuanmen besieged and suppressing this group of monsters in the water, the Shen family informed the city owner's government that the * was to designate the Guyue River as an inland river and an outer river, within a distance of thousands of miles from the Holy Capital City as an inland river, and outside the outer river. All breeding and fishing operations can only be carried out in the inland river, and fishing outside the inland river is not allowed.

If there is such a * non-compliance, there will be no news after leaving the inland river. Since then, people who are not strong enough dare not go out of the inland river. Of course, many adventurers or practitioners have gone out of the inland river to kill monsters. Some have escaped from injuries, and some have harvested a lot of elixir.

Again, as long as the strength is strong, even the Nine Nether Hall can go.