ghost monk

Chapter 51 Grace

Chapter 51 Grace

"Li Chang'an, don't be shameless." At this time, Shen Jie was completely angry. She looked at Li Chang'an in front of her and said angrily, "Shen Jie has always remembered your kindness to Shen Jie. When I was promoted from the outer disciple to the inner disciple, I returned the Lingdou I owed to you. When I became a personal disciple, I gave you more than 100 times as many spiritual beans. You want a fire lotus seed to practice and beg on my head. I, Shen Jie, pleaded with the master. For the sake of your help, the master personally found a fire lotus seed in the sectarian warehouse for you to practice. Do you think you haven't finished repaying my kindness to Shen Jie after doing so much? Do you think the spiritual beans you gave me were really so heavy when I was at the outer door that I needed Shen Jie to return them?

Shen Jie said this and remembered that when she first entered the inner door, it was this brother who said that she had helped her and asked her to go to the Tianji camp and meet Zhan Tai Luoyun on the grounds of kindness. Shen Jie refused to invite her with that little affection. In the end, Shen Jie was forced to take out the Lingdou she received from the door and repay it to Li Chang'an every month. And Li Chang'an said, "If you received what I gave you, then you should give me the corresponding reward. If you didn't return it to me, why did you accept the spiritual beans I gave you at the beginning?

"Repayment? Hahahaha!" Li Chang'an looked at Shen Jie in front of him and laughed, and several inner disciples behind him also laughed, as if they were watching an interesting scene.

"What? Isn't the value of what I repay is not enough?" Shen Jie looked at Li Chang'an in front of her, and her eyes were cold and cold. At this moment, Shen Jie's cold light surged, and the surrounding air was swimming by the cold air in his body.

"Repayment? That's what you should do. If it hadn't been for me, Li Chang'an, how could you have practiced so fast at that time? How can you enter the inner door so fast? If it hadn't been for me to protect you at the inner door, you would have been bullied by those other parties! In the end, you were asked to join our Tianji Camp, but you said that you are quiet and don't like these party disputes! I saw through you. Isn't it because I have some posture and mercy everywhere to have the current status? Now the status is high, but we men who have helped you today don't take it seriously, because you don't need me, because you have more pursuers, more flower protectors, and..."

"Shut up!" Shen Jie's original cold face was a little red, her breath was a little unstable, her breathing was short, and her plump breasts kept trembling up and down, as if she wanted to jump out of a package, giving people infinite reverie.

"Li Chang'an, what should be returned to you, I have already returned it to you, and even more. But you are like this, and you will never be satisfied. Do you really think I dare not kill you? Based on what you just insulted me, I can completely follow the sectarian rules and play first. Exercise the power of my personal disciples. Shen Jie looked at Li Chang'an in front of her and said coldly.

"Kill me?" Li Chang'an looked at Shen Jie in front of him with an evil smile on his face. He looked at Shen Jie in front of him and continued to say, "Did I insult you? Isn't that what I said true? At the outer door, it relied on my pillar, and to the inner door, it depended on the support of Mr. Zhan Tai. Now you have more supporters, such as blood princes, poisonous princes and so on. Don't your current achievements and status rely on these men to climb up step by step? Now even the two princes in the devil's way support you together. I think you will judge Taixuanzong sooner or later.

"You!" Shen Jie was stunned. She didn't expect that Li Chang'an's character was so bad and his tongue was so vicious that she insulted her so much. It seemed that this person could no longer be left. He should have listened to the master's words and found a reason to kill him to eliminate future troubles.

"Say it! What other last wish do you have? I will kill you today!"

Shen Jie looked at Li Chang'an in front of her, with murderous intent in her eyes.

"Ah ha! Kill me, you want to kill me!" Li Chang'an looked at Shen Jie in front of him in disbelief and continued, "Do you think you will be stronger than me after becoming a personal disciple? Don't forget that I'm your brother. Last time, my ranking has always been ahead of you!"

"Look for death!"

As soon as Shen Jie's words came out, a cold chill immediately emanated from her body and rippled in the air. No one thought that Shen Jie would suddenly change her face while talking. In his eyes, he seemed to regard Li Chang'an in front of him as four people.

"Okay, let me see what power my disciples have, and they actually shouted to kill the disciples of the inner door!" As soon as she heard that Shen Jie was going to kill him, a murderous intention suddenly appeared on Li Chang'an

Shen Jie kicked the ground with her right foot, and her whole body rose into the air. Her white clothes floated, and the air around her body seemed to freeze. As her body turned, she heard the crackling sound of broken ice, proud of the world, and the cold and unique breath conveyed from her body.

At this moment, Wenshan felt that Shen Jie was a frozen sword, emitting a sharp sword light.

After the jade hand, an ice sword appeared in his hand, followed by the second, third, fourth... ninety-eighth, ninety-nine, hundredth. When the ice sword formed a hundred on its jade hand, it finally stopped. Hundreds of ice swords circled in the air, devouring the surrounding air, with the power of killing and contempt for everything.

When the 100th ice sword was formed in Shen Jie's hand, Li Chang'an was stunned, 'When did her ice sword skill progress so fast? At the last big comparison, she was able to condense 36 ice swords. At this time, it was only a year, and she could condense into hundreds of ice swords? Her repair is getting harder and harder for me to see through!' Thinking of this, I suddenly felt as if I was in a dangerous situation. The great progress of Shen Jie's strength left a little surprise in Li Chang'an's heart.

"Three brothers, this woman is too angry to pay attention to our inner disciples. Let's capture it together and give it to our ancestors for punishment. At this time, Li Chang'an did not dare to ask for life and death, although he contacted the three brothers who came with him.

"Let's go together! Save me trouble!" Shen Jie saw Li Chang's thoughts and said it directly. Anyway, she was going to kill these people together.

After Shen Jie's words, hundreds of ice swords condensed in the palm of his hand, one after another, like electricity like the wind, soared out and killed the four people to Li Chang'an.

This is a fierce chill.

Unexpectedly, he attacked four people.

Bang bang!

First of all, four ice swords collided with four people at the same time. The four people soared into the air at the same time, and their figures were extremely fast. In the face of such a scene, it was not the first time that they quickly avoided the four ice swords.

The ice sword stabbed into the soil with a cold breath and instantly froze the ground bluestone platform, and the texture of the silk appeared on the bluestone platform.

"Six brothers, don't stop, let's take action together." Li Chang'an was really angry by Shen Jie's hand and took the lead in taking action. The red light flashed all over his body. Each red light was like a small poisonous snake, constantly swimming around Li Chang'an. In the end, it condensed into an invisible mouth composed of 48 poisonous snakes, opening his teeth and claws, devouring the air all over his body. It is rippling and the temperature is soaring.

At this time, he released the viper fire condensed in his hand and rushed in the direction of Shen Jie. Facing the ice sword shot by Shen Jie, he constantly collided and devoured it without fear. And the ice swords released by Shen Jie continued to decrease. Shen Jie was furious when she saw that the poisonous snake monster was about to shoot in front of her eyes.


Shen Jie coquettified, looked at the fire of the viper flying quickly, and released the remaining 70 or 80 ice swords in her palm.

Just as Li Chang'an shouted for success, he saw that more than 70 ice swords were released together, passed through the mouth of the horrible fire snake, and swept directly to Li Chang'an and the three people on the opposite side.

At this time, the three brothers standing behind Li Chang'an also moved. They released the same fire attribute aura as Li Chang'an. They wanted to defeat the ice with fire and melt the Taoist ice sword released by Shen Jie.

A younger brother of "Fire Demon Mist" spewed out from the palm of his hand, and the aura of fire was like a fog in the surrounding air.

"Fire Snake!" A younger brother condensed into a snake-like monster around his body in an instant, wrapped around his body, and then swam towards the fast ice sword, extremely fast, but in the blink of an eye.

"Fire escape!" Another brother, at this time, he was already standing at the front of the four people, forming a red light air wall in front of him, surrounding the four people, trying to devour everything around him.

"Touch!" Puff!"

A few strange sounds rippled in the air. After more than 70 ice swords broke through the mouth of the fire snake, there were less than 50 ice swords left, which hit the fire snake one after another. With only 40 ice swords left, they rushed into the fog of fire demons. Finally, there were less than 30 ice swords left and hit the fire escape at the same time. With the sound of the explosion, the ice swords seemed to be flying into the fire. They dissipated in the fire escape, and the light of the fire escape gradually faded. Just as there were still the last few ice swords left, they finally dispersed the fire escape and shot at the first brother who used fire escape, followed by the other two brothers, and finally shot and hid in the most The one behind is Li Chang'an.

The first three brothers died on the spot, while Li Chang'an fell from the air and was seriously injured. It looks like it will be dying. The rampant madness just now has long dissipated. At this time, there is only a trace of desolation, and the color of pain permeates the whole face, which looks very pitiful.

"Wenshan, go kill him!"

At this time, Shen Jie spoke and asked Wenshan to kill a person with a deep energy gathering realm. Although this person was already exhausted, his status and status in this Taixuanzong were still extremely high. Although Wenshan is only the person who helped Shen Jie kill, so the responsibility has nothing to do with him, if this matter spreads, it is estimated that his reputation will become popular. The scoundrel shook his head and walked towards Li Chang'an. Looking at Li Chang'an's desperate eyes, Wenshan looked very sympathetic.

'Don't pretend to be a man, in the end it will end like this!' Wenshan thought so in his heart.

Just as Wenshan was about to step on Li Chang'an, who was lying on the ground and couldn't move, he was suddenly bounced away by an invisible wind.

"Bad!" The first thing Wenshan thought of was that he had been attacked. He quickly ran his inner strength, stabilized his body, and at the same time, his soul was released, and quietly checked the movements around him.