ghost monk

Chapter 54 Little Sky Camp

Chapter 54 Little Sky Camp

At the outer peak of Taixuanzong, a lot of people gathered in a part of the Lover's Valley at this moment. And the size of the crowd is getting bigger and bigger. This phenomenon is already very common above the outer peak of Taixuanzong, but it is rare on such a scale as today.

The outer peak of Taixuanzong is no better than the inner peak, and the 28th main peak. That is the sacred place of Taixuanzong, where countless masters gather. They usually spend the most time practicing and care very little about foreign things. On the outer peak, there are some people gathered in the physical realm. What they usually do is to do some foreign transactions with Taixuanzong or to execute somechang wus in the sect. If they have time left, it is to exercise, and finding someone to fight is a form of practice. If you can seek a breakthrough in the fight and enter the state of gathering in one fell swoop, then the low position of Taixuanzong in the future will not be the same as before. Therefore, these handymen on the outer peak are very happy to carry out the test. Sometimes, those foreign peak miscellaneous disciples with strong strength will wait for the opportunity to find faults and fight with people. Taixuanzong did not care much about this phenomenon, or was very indulgent.

is very common for today's scenes, but the scale is not common. Because a group of people here are all members of the small Tianji Camp, that is, the affiliated members of the Tianji Camp or reserve members of the Tianji Camp. For these handymen, it is already a lucky thing to be a member of the small Tianji camp. In the whole Taixuan Sect, among the forces formed by the disciples of the sect, Tianji Camp is already a very powerful group. The power and strength of its members have surpassed the caves and mountain gates established by some ancestors of the Taixuan Sect. The only thing that can't be compared is the strength of the doorkeeper. After all, Zhantai Luoyun is still relatively young, and compared with those ancestors, there is still a big gap. If his father Zhan Taijinshi had not supported him, a large group of rampant disciples like Tianji Camp would have been destroyed by some caves and mountain gate ancestors.

"You two are Wu Hao and Wenshan!" The scholar-like man looked at the two people surrounded in the middle and said with a smile. He held a beautifully made folding fan in his hand and suddenly opened it and incited it. The cool breeze came, and even the people around him felt refreshed. This is Sun Wen, a nine-stage elder in Xiaotianji Camp. He has been in Taixuanzong for ten years, and his cultivation has been stuck in the nine stages of the body for 20 years. At this time, his cultivation has become a strong man at the peak of the nine stages of the body. From the strong breath of blood emanating from his body, it can be seen that this person's cultivation is extremely unfamiliar.

"Yes, I'm Wu Hao, and the one next to me is the Wenshan brothers." Wu Hao looked at Sun Wen in front of him and frowned slightly. He is more advanced than Wenshan Taixuanzong and has stayed here for nearly eight years. He still knows a lot about the situation of the outer door of Taixuanzong. Just like Sun Wen in front of him, his name has long been spread all over the outer peak of Taixuanzong, with the title of the first person under the realm of gathering.

"Oh, you are Wu Hao!" Sun Wen first glanced his eyes at Wu Hao. After looking at it for a long time, he nodded and said, "Yes, his strength has also entered the ninth level of martial arts saint. As long as there are good medicinal materials to nourish, it is not a problem to step into the realm of gathering gas. You have met the requirements to enter our small sky camp.

This statement seems simple, but it shows something very different. First, it is said that your strength is good, and second, we like Tianji Camp. This concise meaning has been highly valued. In the sect, it is difficult to survive without a strong backer behind him. Wu Hao knows this very well. When he entered Taixuanzong, he also turned to a force. At that time, the goal he chose was Xiaotianji Camp, but at that time, Wu Hao's strength was not very strong and was directly eliminated by Xiaotianji Camp. At this time, Sun Wen said that Xiaotianji Camp had accepted Wu Hao. Wu Hao finally found his backer!

At this time, Wu Hao did not perform too much. For today's Wu Hao, he has experienced too much. First of all, he was made difficult by several outside children of Tianji Camp, and later saw the fight between the inner disciples of Tianji Camp and Shen Jie, as well as the legendary strength of Zhan Tailuoyun, which was a shock to Wu Hao. I'm afraid that today is the first time he has seen such a strong person. His heart is also trembling, a yearning for strength. Wu Hao is a martial arts idiot and a fighting man. Although his strength is the first level of the nine-level martial arts saint, even in the face of the middle-level martial arts saints, there is also a battle. His power in the outer peak of Taixuanzong is not to be underestimated. Now he is the captain of the law enforcement team in the outer peak of Taixuanzong. Wu Hao's insight is also extraordinary. He was born in a rich family in the capital of the Hanwu Dynasty. His family is not much different from the Shen family. Wu Hao has always maintained a disgust for some of the behaviors shown by today's Tianji Camp and the practices of things. In particular, he was injured by Brother Zhu and almost lost his martial arts. Fortunately, he was later saved by Shen Jie, plus the nourishing elixir given by Shen Jie. At this time, his internal injury was basically cured, so he was very grateful to Shen Jie. At the same time, I am also very grateful to Wenshan beside me.

Seeing that so many people from Tianji Camp in front of him came to find trouble in Wenshan, Wu Hao seemed very careful. The first thing he thought of was that these people came to trouble. After all, Shen Jie has just killed so many disciples from the inner and outer doors of Tianji Camp, and they have hatred for Shen Jie. However, Shen Jie is a personal disciple of the sect. Her identity is very noble and can't be dealt with by Tianjiying, but Wenshan is Shen Jie's family, and it is very easy to deal with Wenshan. Wu Hao was not in a hurry to agree to the conditions given by Sun Wen, but looked at Wenshan beside him. He is waiting for their treatment of Wenshan. If they must take action against Wenshan, he will definitely not stand by and may have to fight with these people.

At this time, in addition to Wu Hao, Sun Wen also stared at Wenshan in front of him, looked at him for a moment, shook his head slightly, and looked at the woman beside him. The woman was covered with a gray robe to her knees and covered all her beautiful figure. The slightly exposed calf, without any fat, was very smooth. The skin is like cream. The face is extremely beautiful, but it always shows a cold face. This woman's name is Dongfang Feier, and she is also an elder of Xiaotianji Camp at the peak of Jiudan Wusheng. His strength is very strong, and his strength is second only to Sun Wen in Xiaotianji Camp. So this time, the elder of Xiaotianji Camp was dispatched at the same time to see the family of Shen Jie, a disciple of Wenshan, who was valued by the senior management of Tianji Camp.

"Are you Wenshan?" Dongfang Feier frowned slightly, opened her lips slightly, and said.

At this time, Wu Hao whispered a few words in Wenshan's ear, seemingly introducing the extreme figure in front of him and the extreme strength in front of him.

For Wenshan, from the time this group of people surrounded him, he covered his soul around him, which is a kind of Wenshan's vigilance. I have a certain understanding of what the bamboo pole said, and I also have a certain understanding of the group of people in front of me. This group of people are all members of the small Tianji camp. Sun Wen, Dongfang Feier, Zhang Dali and Liu Xiaoxiao are the four elders of this group of small Tianji camp, and their strength is the peak of martial arts. As for some other people, after scanning Wenshan's soul power, he suddenly found that they were all nine-stage martial arts strong men. In front of him, he could see the strength of this small Tianji camp. That is, if this force is placed in the Hanwu Dynasty, it can build a large family, at least bigger than the Shen family.

Wenshan didn't want to talk to the group of people in front of him. After all, Wenshan's strength at this time is not a problem to deal with the group of people in front of him, but the movement is certainly not small. If he is noticed by some force, his life will be difficult. It is not an easy job to win over or exclude from other forces. So Wenshan doesn't want to do it here.

"I'm Wenshan." Wenshan's answer is very simple.

"You are also taken a fancy to by our little sky camp. You and Wu Hao will be members of our small Tianji camp in the future. Dongfang Feier took a look at Sun Wen and said, "Do you two agree?"

"Ah! Join the Little Sky Machine Camp!" At this time, a person in the onlookers suddenly muttered.

"Yes! Who on earth is this person who can be valued by Xiaotianji Camp? Another person is talking.

"I heard that he is the family of a personal disciple of the sect!"

"Even if the disciples are supported behind their backs, they will not be valued by Xiaotianji Camp with the cultivation of the four sections of the body! Anyway, the small Tianji Camp is also a reserve member of the Tianji Camp. Tianji Camp is a very powerful group, and there is Jinshimen as a backer behind it.

"It seems that this boy is definitely not simple. Xiaotianji Camp is not accessible by people with nine physical bodies, and he has to go through a strict assessment. At least four sections of the body will not be collected as members.

With this discussion, the words also reached the ears of the members of the small Tianji camp present. Each of them feels differently.

'If it hadn't been for the upper level's request to take the boy into the small sky machine camp, how could we have taken so much effort? Now it has been discussed that if this boy fights with people in the future and is killed by other handymen, our little Tianji Camp will lose face and be lost by other small groups, and they will not be able to save their face. Humph, that's hateful.'

At this time, a group of people gathered around the outside of the crowd. As soon as this group of people arrived, they looked at Wenshan in the crowd, as if they had come here for Wen Shanhao.

This strange group of people wearing gray handymen robes and hanging blue badges on their chests seemed to be another small group. With the arrival of this group of people, several groups of people came in an endless stream, but although these groups are all gray robes worn by miscellaneous disciples, the badges on their chests are different, and there are differences in shape and color. Wenshan also noticed this. Suddenly, he turned his eyes to the little Tianji Camp in front of him and found that they were also wearing badges. Wenshan had seen this badge and was also worn on Brother Zhu and Li Chang'an not long ago. This is a white and blue badge, shaped like a white cloud, and the pattern is a floating cloud. It seems that this badge is constructed according to the cloud in the name of Zhan Tailuo.

At this time, another group of forces came over, but there were no badges on this group, and their strength was uneven. There were nine-stage martial arts saints in the flesh, and there were eight martial arts kings in the flesh. Because he can become a member of the miscellaneous service of the Taixuan Sect, the lowest strength is also the physical eight-stage martial king. So the power of this small group does not seem to be very strong.

When Wenshan thought that this group was not a power group, Wu Hao beside him suddenly waved his hand and greeted this group of people. He seemed to be very familiar with this group of people.