ghost monk

Chapter 64 Great Wealth

Chapter 64 Great Wealth

"Yes! As long as Xiaowu likes it and I have it in Wenshan, you can take it!" Wenshan looked at the lively dance in front of him and said with a smile.

In Wenshan's heart, feelings are always more precious than things. No matter how precious they are, if Wenshan is allowed to exchange friendship and love, Wenshan will not agree. From the attitude towards the Shen family, Shen Jie, Shen Bing, Su Linger and other things, Wenshan is such a true temperament. I don't want to attach too much unhappiness to others.

In order to repay Wenshan's kindness to the Shen family, Shen Jie actually rewarded 500 spiritual beans. Wenshan seemed to be an insult to himself at that time. But now that I think about it, it's a true feeling. Five hundred Lingdou is nothing for an explosive household like Wenshan, but it is also a large income for others, even the personal disciples of Taixuanzong.

Although Shen Jie's approach is indeed a little extreme, it can be seen from Li Chang'an's incident that this is attached to her by this domineering world, which is her pain. If Shen Jie really didn't care about Wenshan, she would not follow him all the time. Seeing that he was surrounded by the small Tianji camp, he wanted to take action, but the whole thing was solved lightly by Wenshan. Since that time, Wenshan has really entered Shen Jie's heart and has a certain position in Shen Jie's heart.

"Ah! Wenshan, you really give it to me!" The light dance was shocked again.

Wenshan nodded with a smile and did not show any unwillingness. It seems that what is in front of us is just a small matter.

"Xiaowu, how can you do this! These are all from Wenshan, and they will be the organizational expenses of our bright moon and starry sky in the future. How can you take it for yourself like this? Dai Mubai stepped forward and complained. As for Xiaowu's understanding, although she likes to gather money (lingdou), she is not the kind of person who ignores the overall situation. She often cheats Lingdou from Dai Mubai, but as long as Dai Mubai does not have Lingdou, Xiaowu will return it to Dai Mubai little by little, so she generally acquiesce to Xiaowu's fraud. But today, it's really outrageous. Although there are many spiritual beans in Wenshan, as a brother, you can't take advantage of your brother for no reason. This is very boring. Besides, these spiritual beans are funds for the Mingyue Starry Sky Organization in the future. Dai Mubai blamed Xiaowu's behavior.

"Wenshan, I want one in the bottle, no, two are fine! I have one, and there is another one for Mu Bai!" Xiaowu didn't seem to hear Dai Mubai's scolding. Her small eyes stared at Wenshan in front of her and whispered.

"Sister Wu, what's good in your arms!" Tietou looked at the solemn light dance and asked in a low voice. In the eyes of Tietou, although the light dance is sometimes a little cheap, sometimes it is very righteous. I used up the Lingdou again, which was taken from Xiaowu, and then bought a lot of things I needed to use. Later, he had been short of funds, and Xiaowu did not directly mention the repayment of the money. This matter has always been seen by Tietou. Although this iron head looks a little stupid on the surface, his heart is careful.

At this time, Wenshan realized that what was in Xiaowu's arms was by no means simple. But Wenshan knows everything in the soul ring. Except for some spiritual beans, the rest are some miscellaneous books about what he has seen and heard on the road. Wenshan has seen a lot, but Wenshan has not found anything else. Moreover, the room in the soul ring is not very large, that is, a stable small world with a size of more than a dozen people.

When Wenshan's spirit entered the soul ring again, his eyes suddenly lit up, and the whole space became bigger again! The original one-acre of space has now doubled. Looking around, a light blue section appeared in the whole space. On the light blue section, many total medicine bottles were piled up. When the soul of Wenshan glanced over, the name and explanation of a kind of medicine were displayed in Wenshan's mind.

Condensation pills, a total of 500,000. For the masters of the physical realm, when the strong people at the peak of the nine-stage martial arts saint in the physical body can help them have a double chance of winning when they hit the barrier of life and death.

Gas elixir, a total of one million. For monks in the realm of gathering qi, this elixir contains sufficient aura. Taking one pill a month can speed up their cultivation by more than ten times.

Spirit grass, 50 plants. Making tea with the leaves of soul grass and taking one plant a year can strengthen your soul power.

Looking at these three elixirs that suddenly appeared in the soul ring, an incredible expression suddenly appeared on Wenshan's face. Looking at the accumulated condensation elixir, Wenshan's eyes suddenly widened. Isn't that too mysterious golden elixir?

Wenshan's soul suddenly moved, and a small crystal bottle floated out of the soul ring. Wenshan reached out and grabbed it, slowly twisted the cap with his right hand, and a boiling fragrance of medicine floated.

"Oh!" Dai Mubai and the three of them looked at the movement in front of Wenshan and suddenly turned their eyes to Xiaowu beside them, or stared at Xiaowu's arms.

"So that's it!" Wenshan looked at the golden elixir in the small bottle in front of him and said with a smile.

The elixir in front of us is called condensation elixir, which is used to help the strong man at the peak of the nine-stage martial arts to break through the realm. There is also a name in Taixuanzong, which is called Taixuan Jindan. However, the condensation elixir in Wenshan's hand is obviously more than twice as strong as Taixuan Jindan. If Wenshan takes out these condensation pills in front of him for auction, it will be at least ten times the price of Taixuan Jindan, and it is priceless. Good elixir has always been sought after by people.

Wenshan looked at Xiaowu in front of him and said with a smile, "Xiaowu, you have these condensation pills in your hand!"

"Ah! Condensation elixir?" The iron head shouted.

Xiaowu greedily glanced at the golden elixir in Wenshan's arms, then turned her body in a direction, secretly looked at what was in her arms, and then nodded solemnly and muttered, "Wenshan, can you give me two, no, one?"

"One?" Wenshan frowned and asked.

With the exit of Wenshan's sentence, Xiaowu, whose breathing was abnormal, suddenly became short, and his small chest fluctuated more violently. He looked at Wenshan in front of him with a nervous face and nodded his little head heavily.

"Huh?" Wenshan looked at the cute Xiaowu in front of him. For a condensing elixir, there is no ordinary kind of toughness. He said with a smile, "Are you going to give this elixir to Mu Bai or use it yourself?" Hahaha!"

"To Mu Bai!" Xiaowu blurted out without thinking about it.

As soon as Xiaowu said, Mu Bai and the colorful pupils beside him also noticed Xiaowu's body, and even Tietou and others also stared at Xiaowu's body. Unexpectedly, this girl really fell deeply in love with Dai Mubai in front of her. For practitioners, her strength always surpasses feelings. In order to improve their strength, some people even gave up their love and friendship. But no one thought that Xiaowu chose to give up the opportunity to improve her cultivation for the man she loved, but let the man take such a precious condensation elixir.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wenshan thought of something he had done before. Thinking of the woman he may never forget in his life, Su Linger.

I still remember Zeng Jin's words, which echoed in his ear, as if singing the 500th look of his previous life, in exchange for a cha cha in this life! God is destined to let me meet you and fall in love with you! Since I love you, I won't regret it. Do you know that I accidentally fell into the whirlpool of lovesickness, as if I were in an ancient maze! After wandering for a long time, I can't find the exit, because my heart has been firmly occupied by you!'

Wenshan looked at the scene in front of him, and tears dripped unconsciously. For the girl Xiaowu, Wenshan looked up on her even more. Not everyone can do this. This is a very loving and loving person very much to do this. Su Linger couldn't do this, but Xiaowu did it. Not everyone in this world is so ruthless. There is still love in this world.

Dai Mubai looked at the girl in front of him and his heart suddenly moved. This girl seems to like to follow him since she was a child. Wherever she goes, she likes to follow him, like a follower, and she can't get rid of it. In order to enter Taixuanzong, Dai Mubai tried his best to refine his body. The little girl also followed the cultivation. Sometimes it was even harder than Dai Mubai, but she was just a very stubborn man who kept following Dai Mubai's footsteps and moving forward. Sometimes, Dai Mubai was also thinking about where he attracted the little girl in front of him, but after thinking fruitlessly, he gave up thinking. Sometimes, I'm really not used to going out without this girl. And I don't know whether my feelings for this girl are love or not, but I have been telling myself that I can't be sorry for the girl in front of me.

Wenshan and others looked at the two people with strange looks in front of them and didn't say anything.

"Xiaowu, you really look down on me, Wenshan!" Wenshan sighed, "Since I say it, Wenshan still counts. What you have in your arms is yours, and you have the right to deal with it. Again, as long as I have it in Wenshan, you can take it at will. This is the principle that Wenshan wants.

Listening to Wenshan's words, Wu Hao, the four people present, would smile. For this condensation elixir, it is different from those spiritual beans. Its value can't be bought with Lingdou. Taixuan Jindan is also a lower-grade condensation elixir. It is said that the annual output is very small, which is more than 50 a year. Each mountain gate is divided into one or two on the head of each ancestor. For those ancestors, they will definitely reward these two Taixuan golden elixirs to those qualified miscellaneous disciples. Help him break through the physical realm, enter the realm of gathering energy, and add another disciple to his door.

For a mountain gate, personal disciples are very important, and they are likely to be the future helmsman of their own mountain gate. And the disciples of the inner gate are also very important, that is, the background of their own mountain gate, or in other words, the real strength of their own mountain gate. An excellent and highly qualified external disciple has a truly broad future. In the future, an external disciple is likely to become an internal disciple or a personal disciple. Therefore, the sect is still very concerned about an outer disciple. When you become an outer disciple, you can't kill him if you want to. The disciples of the outer gate have begun to be protected by the mountain gate. For the accident of the outer gate disciples, the mountain gate should be thoroughly investigated. For example, several outer disciples killed by Shen Jie last time, or Li Chang'an, an inner disciple killed by Zhan Tai and Luoyun, these should be reported to the above. Although there is hatred between them, they can't be killed casually. Unless you have strong strength or a good status, everything is in vain. Zhan Tailuoyun and Shen Jie, as their own disciples, have such rights, which is their status. If Wenshan kills, it will inevitably arouse the dissatisfaction of the sect and punish him.