ghost monk

Chapter 66 Devouring Lightning

Chapter 66 Devouring Lightning

The sky is gloomy and the dark clouds are drooping, making people feel breathless. At this time, the sky was pressed by a large area of black clouds, as if the sky was about to collapse. The lightning in the distance had gradually become dense and condensed, as if it was gathering strength and wanted to break through the shackles of heaven and earth.

They want to pursue a wider world to revel, release their ** and power, let the world know their existence, let the world feel their power, let the world feel their fear because of them, and let the world...

"Rumble~~~" "Rumble~~~"

Thunder exploded in the sky, breaking through the clouds and breaking through the shackles of a long time.

At this moment, dark clouds are rolling in the sky, and the strong wind sweeps the earth, and sometimes thunder roars.


A thunder exploded, which seemed to have never been so deafening, and the lightning had never been so dazzling that it was almost difficult to look directly at.

In an in an eyes, the heavy rain poured down from the sky like the Milky Way in the sky. It was a rain that had been brewing for a long time, and the heavy rain poured wildly and violently into the anger of a summer. The spring rain fell finely. It brought a moist breath to the drought for almost a month.

Summer is the season of thunderstorms. A torrential rain poured down from the sky, bringing a moist atmosphere to the month-long drought of Taixuan Mountains.

With the explosion of Xia Lei, the vitality in the dull Taixuan Mountains was also released. The dullness and irritability of summer also faded a lot with the arrival of this heavy rain.

Wenshan sat in his cave. He seemed to feel the fertility of the earth, and a magnificent vitality was slowly rolling up from the ground.

"Is this Xia Lei? This thunder is really terrible!"

At this time, a spirit that looks exactly like Wenshan swam out of Wenshan's cave. Looking at the sky, Xia Lei exploded, and with every Xia Lei's roll, Wenshan's soul trembled, as if it had been electrocuted, and the whole soul rippled in the air.

Looking at the terrible thunder in the sky, it seems that he is born with restraint on ghosts. If Wenshan's soul returns to the body, but as soon as his soul leaves the body and floats into the air, it is suppressed by the empty thunder, like a magnificent pressure, suppressing Wenshan as if he can't breathe. .

The soul power kept rolling and concentrating, resisting the thunder in front of him, trying to be the same as this thunder. But the rolling thunder, destruction and creation in the sky, the collision of two ideas, is enough to dispel the soul.

Wenshan released his soul during the thunderstorm for the first time and experienced this chilling taste for the first time. The continuous operation of the soul skills in the mixed realm of Yin and Yang has made Wenshan's soul body wandering in the air at this time a little flexible. If there had been no use of the soul skills, I'm afraid Wenshan's soul would have been scattered by this thunder.

With the operation of Wenshan's soul skills and Wenshan's condensed soul, at this moment, in the thunder and lightning air, it is only the soul fluctuates with the wind and rain, but it does not cause any damage.

Wenshan was overjoyed to see this scene in front of him, and his soul rose up the clouds along the heavy rain like willow catkins.

The black cloud in the sky, the thunder and lightning are rolling, and every thunder and lightning is a shock, a kind of deterrent to things like spirits and ghosts.

Wenshan flew hundreds of feet up, and suffered a huge soul pressure. It broke through the air and attacked, shocking demons and ghosts! Wenshan's soul was shocked. The original condensed idea was a little loose and the soul dissipated. At this moment, the thunder hit Wenshan's soul like a thunder whip and lightning, and like a fire, burning Wenshan's soul with hot heat. In this burning environment, Wenshan's soul suffered pain and tortured Wenshan's mind.

A total of 184,8 hundred and 800 people's ideas. At this time, Wenshan has only 38 ideas, and Wenshan can clearly experience the soul power in each idea. This is what this thunder brought to Wenshan.

"Thirty-eight?" Wenshan thought that under his own soul condensation situation, his soul thoughts are only 38. After experiencing this thunder disaster, how many of these 38 thoughts will be divided into?

Feeling the taste of ants nibbling, Wenshan's heart is entangled.

"This is just the edge power of thunder and lightning!" Wenshan looked at the lightning flashing above his head and knew that he was far from the opportunity to overcome a heavy thunderstorm. If Wenshan hadn't practiced the soul skill, it would be really difficult for ordinary souls to survive this thunderstorm.

Wenshan's heart is full of strength. In order to reach a higher level and survive in this tiger and wolf Taixuanzong, he must make a breakthrough this time. If he wants to start again next time, I don't know if he still has this courage and this belief. If he can't survive this time With this heavy thunderstorm, then his heart is bound to be shaken, and once the Taoist heart of cultivation is broken, it will become difficult to break through and improve at the slightest on the road of cultivation in the future.

Under great pressure, the pain of soul destruction, and the continuous dispersion of thoughts. Every time Wenshan rises ten feet, the pressure of pain deepens. In the face of this increasing pressure, the dispersion of the soul, the loose reunion of ideas, and the continuous suffering of body and mind.

The soul of Wenshan kept shuttling through the clouds in the sky. As it got closer to the gathering place of thunder and lightning, small lightning began to float through the clouds, like dazzling light, constantly shooting in the clouds, and even several electric lights inserted into Wenshan's body. These light keeps colliding in the clouds, squirming and bursting. With the explosion of several thunder and lightning, something subtle was born and extinguished in the process of the lightning explosion.

"If I hadn't postponed the disaster and made the soul more condensed, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to enter the edge of this thunder and lightning!" Wenshan thought in his heart, and at the same time, he kept avoiding these fierce lightnings. As they rose, these small lightnings became more and more dense. Sometimes dozens of them shot together. Wenshan couldn't avoid them, so he was shot at the head. A small lightning shot on Wenshan's soul. Wenshan clearly felt himself clearly. The five ideas have been destroyed, or destroyed, and these five ideas will never have them again. Even if they do, they are just a brand-new idea. With the disappearance of these five ideas, Wenshan paid more attention to these lightning, and then there were thoughts of being shot. Wenshan concentrated his soul thoughts to compete with them. Unexpectedly, in the process of competition, four ideas absorbed the power of this lightning. Among this power of destruction and creation, these four There were a few cracks in the idea, and then as the cracks continued to increase, one idea began to split, and slowly the other three years also continued to crack. When the four ideas split into twelve, it seemed that the power of the thunder and lightning had been consumed and the split stopped. Wenshan felt the eight new ideas he had. At this time, the thoughts were still like a newborn baby, without any distracting thoughts. They were very simple, but the soul power of the eight new ideas was very weak, as if they had been hollowed out, a kind of powerlessness. As for the four ideas of participating in differentiation, they have also become weaker under the lightning.

With the upward distance of Wenshan, it has moved a hundred feet to the gathering place of thunder and lightning, which is already kilometers away from the edge of lightning. With each rise of Wenshan, his thoughts have not been defeated, and some have been hit, and they have evolved with the help of the thunder and lightning power. With the excitement of these thunder and lightning, the idea became weak and numb, and even lost consciousness and lost contact, but the final result was that under the impact of this thunder and lightning, 38 ideas had been divided into 81 ideas, just when his 38 ideas dissipated and reunited into 81 ideas. There seems to be a trace of involvement and awakening in Wenshan's heart. When the thunder and lightning entered one of his thoughts again, Wenshan's idea no longer differentiated, but constantly swallowed the thunder and lightning. With the penetration of the magnificent power of thunder and lightning, Wenshan's more thoughts joined this magnificent battle. Among them, he wanted to compete with destruction, constantly devoured, and finally integrated this magnificent power of thunder and lightning into his own thoughts. With the melting of lightning, Wenshan obviously felt that his soul power had more than doubled, and most of his original weakness had been restored. This amazing discovery made Wenshan Suddenly, I was happy.

"It turns out that the energy in this thunder and lightning can be absorbed!" In the face of this sudden change, Wenshan was overjoyed and saw that he was about to enter the thunder layer, but his soul became very weak due to the division just now, and the power in the only remaining thoughts was less than half. However, due to the experience just now, the soul can absorb the power of lightning and constantly strengthen his god. Soul, Wenshan looked at the lightning constantly squirming around, no longer avoiding or panicking. Instead, there was a rare greed in Wenshan's eyes. A trace of light flashed in Wenshan's eyes, and Wenshan began to greet several flashes of lightning. What is he going to do?

Swallow thunder and lightning! Gather energy!

With the change of Wenshan's thinking, in the face of thunder and lightning, he turned to devouring, strengthening his soul power with the energy of thunder and lightning, and changing his thoughts with the power of thunder and lightning, making the original dry thoughts fuller. The turbulent soul in the air has also become more stable.