ghost monk

Chapter 82 Dai Mingqiu

Chapter 82 Dai Mingqiu

"Taixuan Jindan?"

As Wenshan's words fell, it suddenly caused the noise of the group of miscellaneous disciples. They first began to hear Wenshan say that he would send them to a place until his cultivation could cover up today's events. The boss in their hearts was unwilling, because Wenshan's behavior was equivalent to keeping them all in captivity. They will lose their freedom, but when they heard Wenshan say that they could reward Taixuan Jindan, everyone was moved. For several of them who are mobile and captive miscellaneous disciples, their strength and talent are extremely high, but they don't know how many teenagers they will be if they want to break through their cultivation at this time and enter the realm of gathering, but they have Taixuan Jindan is completely different. As long as there is a Taixuan Jindan, they can break through the barrier of life and death and enter the realm of gathering gas.

For the ** of the energy gathering realm, but it is also an unpleasant thing to be imprisoned by others. At this time, everyone is measuring it. If you are not obedient, you are likely to die in the face of yourself, and if you obey, you are likely to break through the existing realm and reach the state of gas gathering. For this realm, it has always been the pursuit of physical warriors. Some physical peak warriors even die in order to break through the barrier of life and death. There are many such situations.

Just as everyone was discussing, the bald head suddenly looked at Wenshan in front of him with a smile and said, "I don't know if Brother Wenshan is going to let us avoid for a few years. After all, I don't know when he will solve all the troubles in front of us. And can Brother Taixuan Jindan really get it? It is said that the annual output of the sect is only more than 20? At this time, although there were smiles on his face, his heart was full of fear. He looked at Wenshan in front of him nervously and said carefully.

"Whether I can solve the problems in front of me or not, I will only close you for ten years. Ten years later, I promise that everyone will come out to be a strong man in the realm of gathering energy." Wenshan said with a frivolous eyebrows.

Just as suspicious eyes flashed in everyone's eyes, a crystal clear small bottle appeared in the palm of Wenshan's hand, containing more than 100 condensation pills in the small bottle, which was also Taixuan golden elixir in their eyes.

Looking at the glittering Taixuan Jindan in front of him, the hearts of all the miscellaneous disciples suddenly became hot, and everyone's faces showed excitement. Looking at the Taixuan Jindan in front of them, there was a greedy look in their eyes, as if they couldn't wait to grab it, but when they thought of the strength of Wenshan in front of them, It is inevitable to retreat.

"Is it really just imprisoning us for a few decades and allowing us to enter the realm of gathering?" A female handyman disciple stepped forward a few steps, looked at Wenshan in front of him and asked.

Wenshan nodded, and at the same time, the bottle opened, and a Taixuan golden elixir floated to the bald head beside him. Wenshan smiled and said, "The bald head performs well. This Taixuan golden elixir is for you. I said that you will be imprisoned for ten years, and after coming out, you will reach the state of gathering. But I also said that only if you perform well will you be rewarded with Taixuan Jindan. So you must practice honestly where I sent you!"

"I'm worried about the rules I said, there is only one way to die!"

Just when everyone had to ask or argue, another sentence suppressed all the words that brought everyone to their mouths.

Then the bald head first stepped forward and bowed his head to Wenshan and said, "Our energy pillar is willing to be loyal to Wenshan's brother."

After the bald Fangneng column came forward to show loyalty, followed by the woman's name Luo Yun. As someone opened his mouth to show loyalty, the people below also came forward one by one and gave in to Wenshan. One by one, none of them were stupid to go against Wenshan. Their cultivation to the peak of the physical realm, and everyone is not a fool. On the contrary, everyone is extremely smart. They have a thorough analysis of the current situation. They are unwilling to resist and lose their lives. Besides, they are not familiar with the dead Du Songbai, Wu Dazhi and Song Jinxing. It is unnecessary. What justice to get back for them. Therefore, giving in to Wenshan is the best way out.

Seeing that everyone was obedient to him, Wenshan did not bother to ask again. He directly took them into his soul ring and sent the condensation elixir to everyone to let them practice in the soul ring. With the expansion of the soul ring, Wenshan has a basic understanding of some of the soul ring. The world in the soul ring can be changed, and the simplest thing is that it can become anything that can be imagined in the soul ring. And all the changes depend on Wenshan. Therefore, when 56 handymen were put into the soul ring, they turned into a courtyard in one corner of the soul ring. There were 56 rooms in the compound, and 56 of them were just one person. The scene arrangement of this compound was arranged according to the Shen family compound seen by Wenshan. When 56 people suddenly came to a strange place, they were shocked, but in the face of such a beautiful environment and got Taixuan Jindan, their hanging heart was also relieved. At the same time, they felt that they were going to stay here for ten years, but in the blink of an eye, their own strength would break through. Then, they found a room and practiced in isolation. They didn't have many consultants about where it was, and no one would tell them even if they asked. For their choice, An Ansheng will practice here and go out in ten years. Ten years has entered the realm of gathering, which is a very cost-effective deal. Shortly after they entered each room, they found a bottle of spiritual beans on the table in each room, the quantity of which was 100, equivalent to more than three months. For their miscellaneous disciples, they can supply so many spiritual beans and eat the miscellaneous grains they have stored on their bodies. Such treatment is better than in Liudong. At the same time, there has been further improvement and understanding of the strength and power of Wenshan.

In Wenshan, he put all the people into the soul ring, and then put all the bodies in the scene into the soul ring. For him at present, it is safest to hide everything. Then he quietly returned to the Lover's Valley and returned to his cave. When he arrived in the cave, he found the message of Wu Hao and others, so he started the ban in the cave and called for the arrival of several of them.

However, this time not only Wu Hao, Dai Mubai and other four people came, but also a woman followed them. The woman's waist swing, long legs are staggered, and a pair of refined fox leather boots gently stepped on the ground without making a sound. Under the light of the jewelry on the surrounding walls, the girl was wearing a long skirt with a beautiful shirt. The shirt was embroidered with a few green bamboos. Due to the tightness of the shirt, the breast augmentation was concave and convex. This woman seemed to like to laugh very much. As soon as she entered the door, she kept smiling, which was spectacular on her chest.

This woman's name is Dai Mingqiu, Dai Mubai's aunt, and the current disciple of Zhu Xiaolei, the owner of the small cave.

As soon as Dai Mingqiu entered the door, Wenshan's eyes stared at her body. With the enlargement of the soul, the soul began to glance at her body. When Wenshan's soul glanced at Dai Mingqiu, he found that Dai Mingqiu also attached spiritual thoughts to himself, and the two began to test each other's strength. Due to the breakthrough of Wenshan's strength, the soul has broken through to the realm of a thunderstorm ghost king, which can be compared with the martial arts practitioners of the extraordinary gathering realm of the soul.

'This woman's strength is so strong! Looking at the aura circulating in her body, she already has her own true power, as if she has her own original power. The fire element in her body is like a fireball, hiding hotly in her sea of air. Wenshan thought to himself and stared at the woman in front of him. With Wenshan's understanding, the person who came was likely to be an inner disciple or a personal disciple, but he was not worried about whether the other party could see through his strength. Due to his strange skills, Wenshan collected all his aura. Entering his exquisite tower furnace, with the continuous operation of the furnace, he imitated the aura in his body into the form of strength and maintained it as a master at the level of general gas gathering. Wenshan still knows this, that is, the amount of strength reserve in the body of Du Songbai and Wu Dazhi, who were killed by him, is still I know it very well.

With this hand, even Dai Mingqiu on the opposite side did not find anything wrong. Dai Mingqiu didn't even feel that Wenshan was also peeping at her strength. However, when I saw that the strength of the teenager in front of me also broke through to the first level of gathering energy, and he was only 18 years old, I was very excited. He was so young and his strength was so strong, and he was also a talented person.

Just between them testing each other, Qingwu has come to Wenshan's side, holding Wenshan's sleeve and complaining, "Wenshan, your little Wujie has been bullied today! Whoo-hoo!"

At this time, Xiaowu looked delicate and very weak. Wenshan originally thought that she was just acting coquettish around her, but after Xiaowu's 'woo' sound, she really cried. Wenshan looked again, and his eyes were red and tears dripping down.

When Wenshan saw this, his heart also moved and muttered, "Xiaowu, don't cry! I've seen everything today. Those people are really abominable.

Wenshan's light words were not good, but when they heard everyone's ears, they suddenly wanted to realize something.

"Woo-woo!" After Wenshan finished saying that sentence, Xiaowu's crying became louder. In the midst of crying, she faintly heard Xiaowu seem to be saying, "Wenshan, stinky Wenshan... dead Wenshan... When she saw it and didn't help, she actually hid aside to watch the play."

Due to the influence of today's emotions, Xiaowu has not thought about what Wenshan did at the scene at that time. But Tietou, Wu Hao and Dai Mubai beside them all looked at Wenshan curiously, as if they were looking at monsters.

The iron head said dumbfoundedly, "Wenshan, is your hand today? me?"

With Tietou's question, even Xiaowu, who was still crying, raised his forehead and looked at Wenshan in front of him, and his crying voice gradually weakened. But a few tears hanging on the little face looked pitiful.

Wenshan saw several good brothers in front of him, looked at Dai Mingqiu standing behind him and asked, "Who are you?" Which mountain gate's inner disciple?"

Dai Mingqiu just stood aside and watched at the beginning. Unexpectedly, Wenshan turned the topic to himself and said with a stunned face, "Brother Wenshan is asking me?"

With Dai Mingqiu's question, Dai Mubai and others with a curious face suddenly made a smile on their faces.