ghost monk

Chapter 90 Natural Cemetery

Chapter 90 Natural Cemetery

For the wealth in the space ring, Wenshan only took 30 low-grade spiritual stones, which is equivalent to the income of 30 million gas elixir. Wenshan is also very satisfied with such a large income. It is also very helpful for Wenshan's future cultivation.

In the following days, Wenshan has been wandering between various valleys and constantly practicing flying skills. From the original distance of hundreds of steps, he can already fly thousands of steps. Wenshan is still very satisfied with his recent practice. But then Wenshan found a problem, that is, this flying skill can not be performed at will, because every time it is used, it will consume about six layers of divine power in his body, but the flight distance is only 1,000 meters. Of course, the speed is still extremely fast. Even if this skill is against the enemy, if you want to escape, you have to think about it. Although it can be thousands of meters away in an instant, the divine power in his body has been exhausted, causing him to face a massacre on one hand.

With a few days of practice and the use of upper and lower spiritual stones, his cultivation is basically consolidated to the level of gathering gas at the third level, but with his own means, he also has a fighting power in the face of the strong in the fourth level of spiritual energy stage.


Bazhou City.

Located in a vast plain, this city is many times larger than the capital and Pingqiao City at the foot of the Taixuan Mountains. The reason why it is called Bazhou City is that there are more than one million people living in the city.

This city is 100,000 miles away from the Taixuan Mountains. Although it is very far away, it only took Wenshan to get here. At this time, Wenshan's physical strength is long, coupled with the improved sliding method against the ground, makes Wenshan now rushing on the road, which is extremely fast.

When Wenshan entered the city, he found an inn and entered a room to rest. He felt here this time because there was a large natural cemetery around the city of millions of people, in which there were many powerful spirits and even demons. And the purpose of Wenshan's visit is to catch ghosts.

Late at night, there is a dense deep forest in the southwest corner of Bazhou City. In the depths of the deep forest is a huge natural cemetery, which is said to have originated from a war. The outbreak of the war has made this place a natural cemetery. Many years later, it has become a dense forest.


A loud noise occurred somewhere deep in the forest.

A figure quickly flashed from the mouth of a huge creature, and then turned to the huge creature behind him with a fierce palm. The divine power in the palm was constantly changing, and the divine power of fire and water attributes constantly appeared alternately on the body of this huge creature.

This creature was bombarded a hundred times and finally knocked it to the ground. As we get closer, we will suddenly find that there is a black bear with short black hair lying on the ground. A dark demon core was taken out of the black bear's heart by the shadow. This is a black bear that has reached the first level of gathering gas, and the black bear that has reached the first level of gathering gas has evolved a trace of wisdom. Although this black bear is just a first-level monster, it is a monster born with natural magic power. In addition, his bones are very hard, his blood is full of power, and his body is even larger. It is a very laborious thing for ordinary three-level masters to kill him.

When the dark shadow fell to the ground, we found that this person was Wenshan. At this time, Wenshan played with the demon elixir in his hand, and a strange smile appeared on his face. It is the magic elixir in the gas-gathering realm in his hand, which is already an extremely valuable demon elixir. As long as the monsters reach the realm of gathering energy, the value of the demon elixir produced in them will double. The demon elixir in the ordinary physical realm is at most hundreds of spiritual beans, but the value of the demon elixir in the energy-gathering realm is directly measured by the energy-gathering elixir. The elixir refined by the same demon elixir is often more expensive. It is also for this reason that more monsters are captured at the gathering level. In order to earn more money, some big families will choose to raise more nine-level monsters, and wait for them to grow into a state of gathering gas, and then they can sell them for better value.

is the demon elixir in Wenshan's hand, which is embedded in weapons. Although it cannot be made into good spiritual weapons, good weapons are also good. If a master of the physical realm holds such a weapon, it should not be a problem to dominate the physical realm. In the past, when Wenshan was a domestic slave in the Shen family, he dreamed that he could have such an artifact one day, so that he could also come out.

But for Wenshan now, the demon elixir with a current energy-gathering realm is of little effect, but in accordance with the principle of not wasting, he put away the elixir in his hand. With the removal of the demon elixir, Wenshan continued to sweep towards the natural cemetery deep in the deep forest, as fast as a shadow passing by in an instant.

The rotten smell came to the nose, accompanied by an extremely strong smell of blood, and there was a disgusting smell in the air.

Wenshan does not have much disgust with such an environment. He has lived in such an environment for a long time, and it was during those days that the current powerful Wenshan existed.

When Wenshan first entered here, there were bones and blood everywhere. Wenshan kept stepping on such a ground, moving hundreds of steps in a row, and did not let any stinky blood stain his body. When Wenshan came here, it had been found that there had been a black miasma over here. This gas was different from the bone cliff, but simply answered the smell of the decay of the bones. A tower of furnace in Wenshan continued to operate, and with the wave of a big hand, the rotten smell of the surrounding corpses had disappeared and was instantly refined by Wenshan.

Just as Wenshan took hundreds of steps forward, Wenshan had a sufficient understanding of the surrounding terrain in the sea of spiritual knowledge. Due to the spread of souls, Wenshan has a great understanding of every move of the surrounding environment.

For example, the small earth bag in front of him is more than ten meters high, but just above this small earth bag, there is a cave with hundreds of ghosts hidden in the cave. Although the ghost is not very powerful, when he floats out and constantly floats in front of your eyes silently. In this case, he is timid People absolutely can't stand it. In addition, these ghosts carry a trace of poison gas, which is harmful to the strong in the physical realm.

There are also several floating ghosts around this small earth bag. When the breeze blows, there are a few wisps of yin wind mat, with a deep feeling.

For these ghosts, when they saw Wenshan, they couldn't run even if they wanted to run. They were directly locked by Wenshan's idea and included in the soul ring. At this time, the soul ring has been separated by Wenshan, large and small, in order to separate the collected items. In order to avoid Xiaowu's dislike after entering, Wenshan is alone in a small space for fear that Xiaowu will be released directly. For these ghosts, it is estimated that it has little effect on others. At most, it will be handed over to the sect, but it plays a great role for Wenshan. When Wenshan uses the fire of the soul, it can completely train these ghosts into a wisp of soul source, that is, simple thoughts, and then devour their own souls, so In this case, Wenshan's soul has been replenished by a long-reaching soul power.

The melting furnace in the exquisite tower is constantly running, and the breath of divine power is constantly released. The sacred breath carried by the operation of Linglong Tower has a natural di production for the deep ghosts around it. Along the way, the ghosts captured by Wenshan have reached thousands, which is very sufficient for those tasks of the outer door. However, Wenshan came here not to search for ghosts, but to arrest ghosts. Until now, Wenshan has been hundreds of miles away from the natural cemetery, and he has not even looked for the shadow of ghosts. Wenshan is in a bad mood.

Looking at the place where the ghosts are becoming more and more dense in the distance, Wenshan is thinking about whether to move forward and whether to continue to move forward.

Since you want to enhance the attack ability of your soul, you must learn the method of controlling ghosts. If you want to control ghosts, you have to catch ghosts. For ghosts, it's just that the soul idea is relatively powerful, but if you encounter one or two demons, those demons have combat effectiveness in their lifetime. In addition, these demons constantly capture and devour the ghosts around them. At this time, their ability is absolutely comparable to those in the realm of gathering qi. If Wenshan meets a one, it is not very scary, but if he meets a group of devils, some Wenshan will suffer.

When the soul of Wenshan glanced at the ghost in front of him, he suddenly found that there seemed to be an unusual and a very powerful soul body in the group of ghosts. The idea was very powerful and had reached the intermediate state of the ghost king. Wenshan was happy in his heart. Is it a ghost hidden in it? After scanning the souls around the group of ghosts, there was no other discovery, but the group of ghosts seemed to be very frightened, as if they were ready to escape, but they could not escape. They were fixed there. Wenshan's face changed greatly and suddenly found that he had met not a ghost, but a devil. And a devil with the intermediate realm of the ghost king, coupled with the foundation of martial arts before his death, coupled with the devouring in recent years, Wenshan's heart is a little empty, and I don't know if he can beat it.

When Wenshan was stunned, he saw that the devil actually gave up the ghost around him and rushed in the direction of Wenshan very fast.

For the devil, the purpose of constantly devouring ghosts is to strengthen his soul and his thoughts. However, in the face of living creatures with qi and blood, it is even more delicious. If they can devour living creatures, including their souls, then the external armored bodies of these demons will be further strengthened and their strength will be further improved. At that time, it is not impossible to become a generation of demons.