ghost monk

Chapter 110 Corrosive and Weird Space

Chapter 110 Corrosive Strange Space

When Wenshan entered the huge pocket shrouded in black magic, Wenshan felt a strong bloody smell, which also contained all kinds of evil smells of death. It has the same characteristics as the breath emanating from the devil he suppressed at that time. However, Yao Jinbo's physical cultivation at this time is higher than that used by the original devil. After all, Yao Jinbo is a monk in the Zhenyuan stage. However, the soul body in Yao Jinbo's body or directly Yao Jinbo's soul idea is very poor, that is, it has only reached the realm of the ghost king. It seems that Yao Jinbo also feels the strength of Wenshan's soul, so there are not too many soul attacks on Wenshan, which is still the attack of Yao Jinbo's skills.

As Wenshan enters this closed space composed of corrosive magical metal forces, he enters Wenshan as a living body, as if he has a natural hobby, constantly attacking fresh flesh and blood. In the face of such a corrosive metal attack, Wenshan did not dare to be careless. Seeing the dragged black skin on Yao Jinbo's body, he felt a little hairy. It was for this reason that the dark golden magic power in Wenshan's body directly penetrated the body and formed a large protective space on the surface of his body. , shrouded yourself in it.

Because Wenshan and the devil have fought in person, but they have never seen the use of skills after the devil's possession. It is for this reason that Wenshan also wants to see how powerful the devil's possession is. Seeing the black metallic power that madly impacted his dark gold shield in front of me, I had a chill in my heart, because the power of these corrosive power in front of me was definitely not what Yao Jinbo could really master, as if it had suddenly become much stronger, and in this closed space, these powers It seems that it did not disappear after attacking Wenshan. It has been constantly attacking Wenshan in this space. While Wenshan used the dark golden magic power to resist the corrosive power of this attack, he suddenly felt that these corrosive power had become more and more under his own resistance. It is for this reason that Wenshan is even more confused. Is this the supreme skill that Yao Jinbo has never used and is afraid of being enchanted? Is there really such an anti-sky level of skills in this world? Thinking of this, Wenshan suddenly thought of himself and seemed to have a magical skill hidden in his body, the mixed realm of yin and yang, and with the improvement of Wenshan's cultivation, he slowly appeared in his mind. Thinking of this, the repeated mood in his heart slowly became more calm.

In fact, this golden space is indeed a supreme skill. Because of its defect, such a skill cannot be practiced at all. Otherwise, the Yao family does not have to arrange the children of their own family into Taixuanzong to practice. It can be completely cultivated by their own family, because this set of skills is incomplete and strong. If you practice, you will make this person fall into the devil's way, so such skills have not been circulated in their families, and people on the market just heard about it. Only internal disciples of the family like Yao Jinbo can really know. Yao Jinbo is also the first time to use it on Wenshan. A big feature of this golden space skill is that within the scope of this golden space, all the energy will not disappear. When the strength or power exerted by the other party bombards the space, if the whole space cannot be scattered, the original force bombarded will be replenished. Entering this space, this space is more stable, and the attack on the enemy is more crazy. Unless the energy can be bombarded twice as much as the overall energy of this space, the golden space in front of it can be scattered. Wenshan has also found this now.

When Wenshan saw the power he bombarded out, he not only weakened the black corrosive space at all, but made the space stronger and made the energy of the whole space more crazy. Originally, Wenshan only needed a small amount of dark golden magic power to put into defense, but at this time, Wenshan needed to devote most of his energy to close defense measures. Moreover, Wenshan dares not bombard such a strange space. In case he doesn't pay attention, which makes the energy of this space bigger and bigger. In the end, if he really dies here, he is really aggrieved. For this strange space in front of him, Wenshan also knows that only by using the strongest blow to really break it can the energy of such a space continue to increase, so that he can completely break the strange space in front of him, and he can truly defeat the Yao Jinbo in front of him. He is helping Yao Jinbo increase the energy of this space and put himself in a real dangerous area and get into a real predicament. If this scale is not well grasped, I can really die in my own hands this time. This space is completely a real repressive space, the kind of space that completely tortures opponents to death. Wenshan thought that if the master of the deadly realm uses such a space, how much energy will there be in such a space? For the space in front of him, Wenshan has the absolute certainty to completely break it. As long as he runs the two towers and absorbs the magical breath in it, he will completely absorb most of the energy of this space from the inside into his body. In this way, the power of this space will be greatly reduced. With a slight blow, you can completely reverse the whole situation or the whole dynamic. At that time, Wenshan does not need to show his real strength at all, and he can easily clean up the current predicament.

But at this time, Wenshan was not eager to add these magical breaths in front of him into his two towers, but the soul thought unfolded in such a corrosive space and scanned the space. In fact, such actions are very dangerous. These corrosive forces not only corrode people's original life force, but also play a corrosive role in people's spiritual thoughts. It is for this reason that in those highly corrosive environments, not many people dare to explore their spiritual thoughts. But today, Wenshan unfolds his soul idea, and it unfolds in such a corrosive and strong space, which is undoubtedly a very stupid behavior.

With the unfolding of Wenshan's soul thoughts, Wenshan immediately suffered the crazy invasion of the crazy corrosive breath around him, and the black breath with evil, murder, irritability, pain and desire wrapped around every unfolding spiritual idea of Wenshan. As soon as Wenshan revealed an idea, it was wrapped in a mass of black gas, but Wenshan did not give up the unfolding of his soul idea. At this time, Wenshan's soul idea has entered the range of the middle level of the ghost king, so the number of soul ideas has been expanded to 850. When Wenshan unfolds his soul idea, or his 8501 idea at the same time, there is a corrosive space for this magic spirit. A certain understanding, with the encirclement and suppressing of every idea of Wenshan, Wenshan's thoughts are also stained with a lot of magic. Wenshan's eyes are a little red and his face is black, which is a sign before entering the demon. For the crazy Yuanli attack around him, there is also a little anger in Wenshan's heart. Dark emotions such as irritability are gradually reflected in Wenshan. There was still a trace of clarity in Wenshan's mind, but Wenshan did not give up his actions and still visited the surrounding space, as if he had such a trace of curiosity about the surrounding space.

In fact, when Wenshan found that such a space had such great power, Wenshan wanted to take such a skill for himself. And there is such an opportunity to learn this skill in front of me. If there is only golden power in this space, Wenshan is not much afraid, but there are many corrosive magic in this space, which makes Wenshan have to give up such an idea. However, when he thinks of his second tower space, he suddenly thinks of the magic atmosphere in front of him as if it is for himself. The second tower space has a great tonic effect. As long as you cover your soul idea in this space and fully master the tricks of its operation, you are fully capable of applying such skills to yourself. And as long as you fully master the operation method of the space in front of you, the magic stained by your soul thoughts can be completely suppressed by your two towers, and if your soul enters it, the second tower can completely absorb the magic breath stained by these thoughts into your own body. For this reason, Wenshan's soul idea is not eroded by such a magical breath. And even if he uses such a working skill in the future, Wenshan will not be afraid that he will go crazy. Because the Linglong Tower in his body seems to be born with a strong mortgage address for these evils. Therefore, as soon as Wenshan saw such a skill, he knew that it was tailor-made for himself, so Wenshan had the intention to compete for this set of skills. If Wenshan tells others his thoughts, he will completely treat Wenshan as a psychopath, because Wenshan's strange behavior is a very bold and stupid move, because it is risking his life to detect such a very dangerous job.

At this time, Wenshan's mind has gradually blurred. The exploration of this space is coming to an end, and there is also a place where the model breath is concentrated at the top of this space. Wenshan has not figured out the method of the operation of that section of Yuanli. Everything else should be clarified. At this time, Wenshan's In his heart, he still had a few uneroded ideas, crazily rushed to the top of the space, facing the encirclement and suppression of the crazy magical atmosphere, but did not give up the thoughts that rushed up, but kept moving forward on the basis of back erosion, as if they were not affected by the magical breath in front of them. Scared, when the last idea of Wenshan rushed to the top of this space and figured out the whole most mysterious place of this space, the whole mind completely entered that crazy state. This was the end of his soul completely infected by dark emotions, that kind of bloody, that All kinds of desire and that kind of killing rose in Wenshan's heart. At this time, Wenshan's eyes were red, and his mental state had completely fallen into the devil's way. It seemed that there was only killing in his heart. The dark golden magic power of the whole body has stopped, as if enjoying the black corrosive breath that attacks him around him, constantly absorbing the corrosive metal power around him.


A strange voice suddenly sounded in Wenshan's body. In the moment of Wenshan's mind, he saw that one of his right arms had turned a large area of black under the attack of the corrosive metal forces of these crazy attacks. For a moment, Wenshan was in a hot water. Among them.