ghost monk

Chapter 145 Buried Hatred

Chapter 145 Buried Hatred

"You mean to become a formal disciple of Tianmoling? Have the rules of Tianmoling changed? A man asked.

"What has changed?" The man who originally spoke looked at the man disdainfully and said with a smile, "When have the rules of Tianmoling in our sect changed? Their rules are always that as long as their strength reaches the level of divine power, they will admit that they are their own disciples. No matter what the conditions are, they are like this in their Tianmoling and will never change.


Just when everyone felt puzzled, the man seemed to be very satisfied and said proudly, "Haven't you heard that a strange woman appeared in Tianmoling recently? She is the legendary figure of the whole Tianmoling. This woman's name is Su Linger. He is Su Linger, the sister of our unreasonable brother Su. The one I just mentioned entered Tianmoling from a small handyman disciple to become an outer disciple, and then jumped into the identity of the inner disciple of Tianmoling. Such a rapid transformation of her identity made her a genius figure of our sect. It is said that This woman has just turned 19 years old this year. At this age, she has become the identity of a personal disciple of Tianmoling. Everyone knows that if she wants to become a personal disciple of Tianmoling, she must have the strength of the divine power stage to officially become a disciple of Tianmoling.

"Su Linger? Nineteen years old, has it reached the stage of gathering power? What the hell is going on?" A man wondered, "Is this Tianmo Ridge really a magical place? It's really amazing that such a figure appeared in their mountain gate, and such a peerless genius figure appeared. Even if Su Linger puts it in our whole sect, it is also a great figure! It seems that the mission of this sect is big, their Tianmoling will shine again, and this girl named Su Linger will also achieve good results.

"What is a good score? Girls like Su Linger want more than the first place in this mission. It is a matter of ironclad to participate in this mission on behalf of our sect. It is said that the double heroes in our sect have become three heroes this time? These three heroes are not men, but women. They are Shen Jie from the Moon Cave, Dai Mingqiu from the small cave, and Su Linger from the current Tianmoling. You should know that among the three of them, they should belong to the deepest * called Su Linger. Su Wuli, who came out of our Jinshi Gate, is Su Linger's brother. I heard that Su Linger is still valued by our Tianji Camp, and this person named Su Linger was still treated by us when he first arrived at our Taixuanzong. It was hosted by Brother Zhan Tailuo, the leader of the camp. I heard that Su Linger has some skills that are still taught by Brother Zhan Tai!"

"What? Do you mean that Zhan Tailuo Yun, our eldest brother of Jinshimen, valued Su Linger and taught him the skills of his sect?

"What is this! I heard that what Brother Zhan Tai taught to this skill called Su Linger is not from our sect. What he taught is a supreme skill called 'ice and fire' from the ancient tombstone. It is a skill that Brother Zhan Tai once practiced today. I heard that this skill is particularly powerful and can be practiced. A martial arts monk who broke to the realm of death. It is precisely because of this skill that this girl named Su Linger has grown up to the present level, which is the biggest credit occupied by our brother Zhan Tai of Jinshimen. So I said that this woman's * is very deep. Just having Brother Zhan Tai as his * is also a very great thing.


'Su Linger, Su Linger!' When Wenshan heard the person he was talking about, the figure Zeng Jin suddenly appeared in Wenshan's mind. It was still in the high-end restaurant in Shengjing City. In the VIP box, when Wenshan just entered, the woman sat on the bench of the box. The woman is extremely beautiful and the first woman to touch Wenshan's heart.

Bright eyes and snow skin, beautiful hair hanging shoulders, and a face like a person in the picture. Wearing a light green soft robe, the white chest is exposed, embroidered with a few soft and white lotus flowers, which makes the skin of the neck and chest more warm, and also makes the exquisite curves hidden under the Luo clothes a little more confusing. The figure is graceful, the beautiful appearance is suffocating. Woman.

But such a beautiful woman turned out to be a big liar and an emotional liar. She took advantage of Wenshan's love for her to let Wenshan help her steal the Taixuan golden elixir. Not only did she deceive Wenshan, but also caused Wenshan to fall into an eternal state of immortality. If Wenshan was on the corpse cliff If you don't have such good luck, will it be a mysterious end to wait for Wenshan? What kind of ending will it be? And Wenshan's heart was hurt the most by this woman.

When Su Linger's beautiful shadow kept appearing in Wenshan's mind, the whole person fell into a good memory and was deeply infatuated with such a feeling. In the blank brain, it seemed extremely beautiful. But such beauty was also dissipated in the whole air by the remaining hatred, and dissipated in the whole...

And the scene of Zeng Jin also kept appearing in front of Wenshan, like the scene of Zeng Jin, constantly appearing in Wenshan's mind. In Wenshan's heart, that trace of affection and hatred constantly emerged.

"Oh? Wenshan, you finally succeeded in this matter. The beautiful woman's face was very calm. She stretched out her white jade-like jade hand and picked up a paper towel and wiped her red diamond-like lips. She looked extremely calm. Looking at Wenshan who rushed in in front of her, she said lightly, "Taixuan Jindan, bring it over and let me have a look."

"Okay." Wenshan handed the box to the woman named Linger without hesitation.

"Linger" took the box and immediately saw a milky white elixir, as if a wisp of flexible particles were jumping, and the fragrance of the medicine overflowed, which made the beautiful woman's face red and flutter, with a unique charm.

"Linger, you said that if you helped you get this Taixuan Jindan, we could fly away together? Let's go now." Wenshan said in a hurry.

"I'm sorry, Wenshan." ......

This is such an apology, which made Wenshan lose much, lose his beautiful dream, lose his sincere heart, and lose his dream that can never be realized. In the end, what was even lost was Wenshan's life. If it hadn't been for Wenshan's adventure, Wenshan would not have lived well. I'm afraid that Wenshan had already become one of the bones of the bones at this time. It is for this reason that Wenshan has a deep hatred for Su Linger. When Wenshan first arrived at this Taixuan Sect, he inquired about Su Linger's relevant situation. For Su Linger's current largest mountain gate of the whole Taixuan Sect, while Wenshan is the smallest mountain gate of the whole sect, Wenshan's heart is even greater. In addition, as soon as Su Linger came here, she received the full support of Zhan Tai and Luo Yun, so she was such good luck every time, which made Wenshan's hatred for Su Linger not decrease for a while, but improved a lot.

It is precisely because of the continuous improvement of such hatred that Wenshan, originally from a relatively calm mind to a low-key temperament, suddenly changed, and the breath on his body suddenly gushed out, and the whole popularity unexpectedly changed greatly. From the original weak state, suddenly It has turned into a very strong state. At this time, Wenshan's whole person looked extremely restless and his mood fluctuated greatly. Although the actual strength of Wenshan's current body is still the strength of the original Zhenyuan stage, the whole application of Wenshan's spiritual idea is that even the messenger in white standing beside Wenshan does not dare to look at Wenshan. After all, Wenshan is above the spiritual idea, but it is higher than the spiritual idea of this man in white. It's the same.

At this time, the man in white also found that Wenshan's whole mental state was a little different. Originally, he thought that Wenshan was a relatively low-key or indisputable mentality. After all, after such a long contact with Wenshan, the man in white more or less saw a trace of fame, but at this time Wenshan was not what the man in white thought in front of him. Because of what the group of people just said, he suddenly became like this. Such a picture was seen by the man in white. But at this time, the man in white has lost his interest in Wenshan in front of him, because there is such a strong one in Tianmoling. With the appearance of Su Linger, a 19-year-old girl's cultivation has actually reached the stage of divine power in the realm of gathering energy. How can such a terrible strength cultivate not let everyone Surprised. Sometimes, cultivation relies on pure talent, a really good talent, but it is much higher than the height that those who have worked hard for a lifetime can reach. So sometimes talent determines a lot of things in it.

Sometimes it is not possible to achieve such a height with simple efforts. In the eyes of the man in white, Wenshan doesn't want to have any emotional entanglement between Wenshan and Su Linger, or what kind of hatred exists. After all, the identity or status between the two people, whether it is the * behind them, and the strength between them, Wenshan is far behind this Su Linger. It is not a thing that Wenshan can compare with Wenshan in front of him. Wenshan wants to make greater progress, or wants to surpass this eye. Su Linger, who used to have a great reputation, Wenshan has to work hard.

And in the eyes of the man in white, no matter how hard Wenshan in front of him makes, he will not be Su Linger's opponent, because this is the existence of talent. At this time, since the man in white knew that Tianmoling had the appearance of Su Linger's number one character, he had established the quota for the selection of two people in the sectarian task, and the other person only needed to choose a strength to reach the peak of the Zhenyuan stage among Tianmoling and other large mountain gates. In this way, there is no winning scene for the primary strength of Zhenyuan like Wenshan. If Su Linger is not a strong man who has reached the divine power stage, there will be two places to campaign, so there is a chance to face Wenshan. After all, it is not easy for her strength to reach the Zhenyuan stage at the age of 20. How can a genius-level figure like Su Linger be possible? There are so many two in a period.

Like Su Linger, she is destined to be the leader of their whole period, and is likely to become the next demon and the next figure to dominate the whole Taixuanzong. But now Zhantai Luoyun of Jinshimen is estimated to be the heavenly demon of this class. After all, the heavenly demon at this time is already a position as the elder of the whole Taixuanzong, and he is no longer an ancestor-level figure. If the guy named Zhantai Luoyun can really break through the existing realm, then face Zhan Tailuoyun's words are likely to grasp a mountain gate, that is, the current organization of Zhantai Luoyun. Tianji Camp is already a very powerful * guarantee of Zhantai Luoyun. After all, not all people have such an outstanding existence as Zhan Tailuoyun.

Just when the man in white looked at Wenshan in front of him without any hope, after all, one of the two places at this time has been determined, which can't be changed by Wenshan at this time, so the man in white no longer puts his hope on Wenshan in front of him, so all this is silently changing. It changes.

But when the man in white was about to leave, a deep voice suddenly passed on behind him. The voice was very hoarse and very resentful in it. At this time, there was a faint sadness in the voice, "Lord Messenger in white, what kind of qualification can I enter in this selection? Enter?"

"Well?" The man in white, who was about to leave, was suddenly stunned by Wenshan's words behind him. When he turned around and looked at Wenshan in front of him and the sad look on his face, the man in white had settled his deep conjecture, that is, Wenshan in front of him must be with this named Su Linger. What kind of related women have? After all, Wenshan and Wenshan's attitude towards themselves at this time have been completely different, but the man in white thought that the current two places have been determined by Su Linger, and the remaining quota is not what Wenshan may win, that is, the man in white. In Zi's memory, there seems to be a genius-level figure under the age of 20 in Jinshimen. In addition, there are really many genius-level figures in the Zhenyuan stage under the age of 20 in Tianmoling, which is not comparable to Wenshan in front of him.

But when the man in white saw Wenshan in front of him, he knew that Wenshan would not give up like this. He looked at Wenshan's eyes and said, "I don't know why your idea changed so quickly, but what I want to tell you is that he wants to enter this big Compared with, they are all geniuses under the age of 20 who have at least reached the Zhenyuan stage. Although your strength has also reached the primary stage of Zhenyuan, if you are placed in other big mountain gates, your strength is still very weak. The original two quotas have been determined, and the remaining one is extremely fierce, so it is not your current strength that you can touch. Of. So you'd better stop thinking about this matter and go back to practice in peace!"

The man in white said this, one is to tell Wenshan the current pattern, and the man in white also felt the excellence of Wenshan, but such excellence is only in this small place. If Wenshan is placed in the whole sect, it is not very good. It is for this reason that the man in white does not want Wenshan to continue to participate. It is really a good way to let Wenshan go back and practice well. Moreover, Wenshan's current cultivation is already good, which shows that Wenshan still has a good talent in his cultivation. It is for this reason that the man in white is still very optimistic about this boy called Wenshan. In the eyes of the man in white, if you really compare Su Linger with Wenshan, Su Linger is the future demon, and Wenshan is Zhu Xiaolei in the future. The height of the demon is Su Linger, and the height reached by Zhu Xiaolei is the height that Wenshan will reach in the future. Of course, this height is not determined by men in white, but depends on their own efforts to come out step by step.

Originally, the man in white thought that all this was over. He thought that after he had just said that sentence, the boy named Wenshan should have gone back, and he should have returned to his main peak to report, but all this in front of him was not as beautiful as the man in white imagined.

Just as the man in white was not far away, a voice suddenly came behind him, "Tell me, what are the conditions for me to enter this selection match?"