ghost monk

Chapter 202 Zhan Taijinshi's arrogance

Chapter 202 Zhan Taijinshi's arrogance

"You should know the whole story best about this matter, and you also know how my son was killed! I know that your son and nephew were involved in the killing of my son. But with the skills of your sons at that time, it was not enough to kill the guards around my son.

I have been looking for a breath that killed my son at the beginning. The capture of such a breath really made me squat in the cave for a long time.

There has been no news and no difference, but today, that familiar breath has finally been captured by me. That breath is your good personal disciple of Zhu Xiaolei, this evil Wenshan. At this time, Wu Yufa's eyes were full of hatred and also had a killing heart for Wenshan.

"Wu Yufa, don't fool around here. No matter why my disciple killed your son, I believe there is a reason. If you want your son not to offend my disciple Wenshan, such a thing will not happen at all, and your son must have done something wrong if your son was killed by my disciple."

Zhu Xiaolei looked at Wu Yufa in front of him with a cold face and said, "King Yu, tell the truth, what happened to the scene at that time? As long as my disciple Wenshan is not wrong, I will keep my disciple today.

I don't want anyone to see my disciple Wenshan compete for two places in this sectarian task, and want to kill my disciples. Do they really treat my little hole as a small door and bully my disciples if they want to bully them? It's really funny."

"This?" At this time, the king originally wanted to completely resolve such a contradiction, but what the king in front of him did not expect that Zhu Xiaolei in front of him asked himself such a thing directly.

After all, the cause and effect of such a thing don't seem to be the fault of Wenshan, his days and his nephew. However, it is a big deal involving the killing of an ancestor's son. For the son of an ancestor's mistakes, there are generally clan rules to deal with. They can't kill them if they want to kill, which violates the rules of the sect.

But looking at Zhu Xiaolei in front of him, he didn't seem to be joking, and he was listening carefully to talk about the whole process.

So, the king began to talk about the whole process. He said that in order to value the competition for the interests between Wu Lei and the Zheshi brothers, he was finally intervened by Wenshan, and then Wenshan and the Zheshi brothers killed Wu Lei together, and then several people divided that part of the resources equally.

For the king in front of him, he did not say that killing Wu Lei was completely Wenshan alone, but pulled his son and nephew in. After all, for what happened that day, his sons and nephews were able to promote their strength, relying entirely on Wenshan's heavy gift, Taixuan Jindan.

It is the existence of such a Taixuan Jindan that makes all the strength of his son and nephew move from the physical stage to the gathering stage. Only in this way will his son and nephew have a longer path in the future.

It is precisely for this reason. If Wu Yufa in front of him really kills the occupine brothers, it is estimated that the king will not let go of his disciples. It is the existence of such a reason that it is really not such a thing for the current situation.

So for Wu Yufa at this time, it is better to put hatred on Wenshan. It has no effect on the behavior of the king's sons and nephews. After all, several sons and nephews of the king are the big * of the king. I really gave all the brothers. I guess the king will definitely find him to fight hard.

This is the reason, so it can't be touched by the ocytic brother in front of him. If these people really participate, it is better to assassinate all of them.

is not suitable for such an act of killing openly. It is also the reason, so for Wu Yufa in front of him, he did not have too much trouble to find the Xi brothers, let alone the trouble of the king.

After all, Wu Yufa did not believe that several guys who did not have the killing of his son at that time could kill his son's powerful guard at that time. They didn't do it at all. I guess they were dragged into the water by Wenshan. After all, the people who protected Wu Lei at that time were very powerful.

This is the reason, so Wu Yufa at this time judged that Wu Lei could not be killed by the strength of several points at that time. Otherwise, Wu Yufa would have had the ococium brothers. After all, it was Wu Yufa's own son who was killed, at least the murderer among the brothers.

According to Wu Yufa's idea, the person who actually killed his youngest son must be very strong, and there is a hole in it. But Wu Yufa never thought that it was Wenshan, a disciple of Xiaodong, who really killed his son. Wu Yufa would not believe it if it was really Wenshan, but Wu Yufa believed it at this time.

After all, the strength shown by Wenshan now has the possibility of killing his son at the beginning. So now Wu Yufa focuses all his hatred on a person in Wenshan.

After all, although Wenshan is extremely important to Zhu Xiaolei now, it is because Wenshan's strength is really high, and it is a rare martial arts wizard. But if he was really killed by Wu Yufa, it would be impossible for Zhu Xiaolei to make a scene in his mountain gate for such a person who has nothing to do with him.

This is the reason, so for the current situation, Zhu Xiaolei's threat is not taken seriously at all.

In addition, Wenshan also offended Zhan Tai Luoyun. It is estimated that Zhan Taijinshi also wanted to kill Wenshan in front of him on the spot. After all, sometimes, a person is too excellent, but without strong * protection, it is only possible to be killed. It is for this reason that Wenshan must do it today.

Zhu Xiaolei just offended Zhan Taijinshi, so if Wu Yufa really wants to kill Wenshan at this time, it is estimated that Zhu Xiaolei can't stop him at all.

Even if Wu Yufa is preparing to kill Wenshan now, if Zhu Xiaolei and King Yu really don't know what's wrong, Zhan Taijinshi will not sit there and watch, but will definitely come forward to stop him.

This is the existence of such an idea. Therefore, for such a thing in front of us, Wu Yufa has already analyzed everything clearly. It is precisely because of the very clear analysis of the whole thing that there is still a trend of more different voices.

"Zhu Xiaolei, now you know what your good disciple Wenshan is like! Such a good way to kill his fellow brothers actually chose to hide the whole thing like this. That's funny."

At this time, Wu Yufa had a cold face, and a substantial hatred appeared in his eyes. Looking at Zhu Xiaolei and King in front of him, he continued to say, "Is it true that my son can be killed if he wants to kill like this?

Originally, in my opinion, the person who killed my son Wu Lei should be from the cave, but what I didn't expect was that the person who killed my son was your disciple Wenshan. When Wenshan stood on the ring and began to promote his strength, I completely felt the familiar atmosphere of the man who killed my son at that time.

I was locked at this time. Do you think I blamed him wrong? He is the murderer of my son. Today, no matter whether this boy is evil or not, he will carry the charge of killing his fellow family, and I will kill him today.

It was at this time that Wu Yufa's whole murderous heart was finally released, and the whole world seemed to have swallowed up the general murderous spirit slowly rising from Wu Yufa's body. For the current situation, such a tense situation suddenly rose.

According to the understanding of the king, with his own participation, he obviously stands on the same front with Zhu Xiaolei. For such a situation, Wu Yufa should not dare to deal with Wenshan. But at this time, I suddenly felt a strong murderousness suddenly emerged from Wu Yufa's body and shocked the king.

After all, Wu Yufa's current behavior obviously ignores the face between his ancestors. After all, it was only Wu Yufa's youngest son who killed, and Wu Yufa's son has a lot. The son who was killed was just an unlearned son without any talent. Wu Yufa's most outstanding son should be Wu Sanli.

Although Wenshan killed Wu Yufa's own son. But for these ancestors, their interests are much more important than their sons. After all, for these ancestors, they are old and long-lived. In such a long time, there are many opportunities to raise his son. So there is no need to fight to the point where you fight.

After all, it is very difficult for these ancestors to reach such a high level. It is also the reason for this, so there is no need for such a thing to happen. There is no need to fight for a dead son to find a person who is the same ancestor level as himself.

At the beginning, Wu Yufa only suspected that it was a disciple of the cave who killed his son, and did not fight so hard with the king, but he didn't want to have such a situation with the king. But now is it because of Zhu Xiaolei in a small hole that Wu Yufa has the courage to fight with Zhu Xiaolei?

Of course, the answer is no, and now why Wu Yufa has always been determined that Wenshan was the murderer of his son at the beginning. Now Wu Yufa obviously saw that Zhan Taijinshi also wanted to kill Wenshan, so he stood up to show that he was also going to kill Wenshan and avenge him.

In this case, it is entirely to get the support of Zhantai Jinshi. Regarding Zhan Taijinshi's attitude, it is estimated that if Wu Yufa really takes action, he can first stop King Yu and Zhu Xiaolei and let Wu Yufa kill Wenshan.

It is estimated that killing Wenshan with Wu Yufa's ability to kill Wenshan is simply a matter of turning hands. It is for this reason, so it is really not a very easy thing for the current situation. For such a thing, it is completely that Wu Yufa has the absolute upper hand.

This is the reason. For the current situation, the king began to have a little confidence in his heart. After all, there is no strong backing like Tianmo behind the current king. If Zhu Xiaolei does not maintain Wenshan, it is estimated that Zhu Xiaolei will definitely face the threat of heaven and demons.

Relatively speaking, if Tianmo and Zhan Taijinshi are compared, then compared with Zhantai Jinshi and Tianmo Youji, it is obvious that Tianmo Youji is more worthy of Zhu Xiaolei's consideration. For today's Wenshan, for Zhu Xiaolei in front of him, he has to keep it. And he still protected Wenshan regardless of the consequences.

In fact, there is no such need for Zhu Xiaolei in front of him. After all, Zhu Xiaolei protects Wenshan, a personal disciple of Xiaodong. Now he should be called the future chief disciple of Xiaodong.

After all, Wenshan's strength is already the first existence in the divine power stage. In the future, in the small cave, Dai Mingqiu should not be the opponent of Wenshan in front of him. It is precisely for this reason that Wenshan should be called the chief disciple is the most correct.

This is the reason, so for the current situation, in any case, it is still worthwhile for Zhu Xiaolei to maintain. It also shows that the small hole is not afraid of the golden stone gate, and it is also a symbol of the gradual rise of the small hole.

After all, with the strength of Wenshan, among the personal disciples in the whole mountain gate in the future, it is estimated that in addition to Zhan Tailuo Yun's words, Wenshan's strength is the strongest in front of him. That is to say, Wenshan in the future is also a strong backing for the gradual rise of small holes.

"Wu Yufa, didn't you fully understand what the king just said?" At this time, Zhu Xiaolei had a cold face and completely didn't care about the behavior of Wu Yufa in front of him. He didn't pay attention to the Wu Yufa in front of him at all.

At this time, Zhu Xiaolei had a cold face, with a chill in his eyes and a slight anger in his heart. It was not what Zhu Xiaolei was willing to see now that Wu Yufa wanted to kill Wenshan with the pressure of Zhan Taijinshi in front of him. After all, only Zhu Xiaolei knew that the backer behind Wenshan did not dare to offend Zhu Xiaolei in front of him.

And Zhu Xiaolei estimated that the backer behind Wenshan should have known that Wenshan is being oppressed like this, and it is estimated that people are around. Moreover, Zhu Xiaolei even suspected that it was the Heavenly Demon Youji who had just been promoted to the elder sitting on the elder-level seat above the ancestral seat like this.

This is the reason why Zhu Xiaolei can't neglect the protection of Wenshan. After all, if it is really such neglect, it is simply unfavorable to Wenshan and also unfavorable to himself. At least the resource supply of the small hole in the future still depends on the secret help of this demon Youji.

At this time, Zhu Xiaolei did not retreat. He looked at Wu Yufa in front of him and continued to say, "Your son was killed by my disciple by mistake in the process of competition. Is this also to blame my disciple?

In addition, my disciple is a personal disciple in the divine power stage and go back to compete with a few disciples who are only in the energetic stage? Can't Wenshan, as a personal disciple, kill such a weak person?

Can you still do evil by relying on your own son as an ancestor-level figure? If you really do this, how many disciples will be chilled!

After all, for ordinary disciples, they are just ordinary disciples. If they are really bullied like this by these princes in front of them, what kind of fairness can they have? If Wenshan didn't have such strength, it was estimated that it was not your son who was killed at that time, but the Yushi brothers and Wenshan.

I have absolutely done nothing wrong with Wenshan's behavior, but absolutely right. The act of being able to deal with his fellow brothers is simply the beginning of an infighting. If Wenshan is guilty of killing a shameful villain, then I, Zhu Xiaolei, will not let Wenshan be killed like this.

As long as Wu Yufa dares to move a hair in Wenshan, I will kill you! No matter how many disciples you have in Wudong, I will kill them one by one until I kill them all. Only if you don't care about the affection of your peers, then for your whole mountain gate, Zhu Xiaolei will not care about any kind of affection. What can I do if I slaughter your Wudong?

At this time, Zhu Xiaolei still completely showed his whole attitude. There is no need to do this for Wenshan's behavior in front of him. But in front of him, Zhu Xiaolei completely regarded Wenshan as his own flesh. At this time, Wenshan was equivalent to Zhu Xiaolei's illegitimate son.

An ancestor like this actually offended many ancestors for one of his ancestors. Such a disciple looks really unusual. At least the Wenshan in front of us is not ordinary.

After all, for the current Wenshan, it is the cultivation of the divine power stage, that is, to get the whole mountain gate, it is estimated that there is no other figure except Zhantai Luoyun who can defeat Wenshan in the divine power stage.

This is the reason. At this time, the contradiction between Wu Yufa and Zhu Xiaolei seems to be direct and fierce.

For the extent of such fierce words, the king stood between the two at this time and did not know what to do. After all, for the identity and status of the two people in front of him is equivalent to that of himself, such a power to make decisions is not what he can do at all.

At this time, Zhan Taijinshi, who was sitting at the chief, finally opened his mouth. As Zhan Taijinshi opened his mouth to speak again, the ancestors of other sects sitting next to Zhantai Jinshi all paid their eyes to Zhu Xiaolei and Wu Yufa in front of him. For a moment, he just looked at the two people in front of him calmly.

At this time, Zhan Taijinshi is like a leader, a real superior, a leader of the overall situation, and the existence of a superior who can completely determine a person's life and death. For such a superior, the weight of what is said is also extremely important to be seen.

"The enmity between Master Wu Yu and Master Zhu is just a small matter. Why is it so big? It's strange that Wenshan can suddenly have such strength. In just a year and a half after entering Taixuanzong, how can he raise his strength to such a point? How can he not be suspected by others?

In addition, Wenshan actually killed his fellow brothers in the sect this time, which completely does not put the interests of the whole sect first. No matter what the strength of this disciple is, it is completely wrong to have no such heartfelt words for the whole sect, and it is completely wrong not to consider the interests of his own sect.

This is the reason, so for this kind of thing at present, I think it's better for Wu Yu's younger brother to directly kill Wenshan.

As for the lack of such a master of magic stage in Brother Zhu's sect, the gradual cultivation is that the missing resources will be replenished by the two mountain gates of Wudong and Jinshimen, so that your small hole can also develop rapidly. I don't know what the two brothers think. What's my decision like? Do you agree or not?

At this time, Zhan Taijinshi looked at Zhu Xiaolei in front of him with a strange face. After all, such a decision for himself was completely unfair to Wenshan and Zhu Xiaolei in front of him. But sometimes from the perspective of the interests of the whole sect, there is no need to consider the gains and losses of a disciple.

Sometimes, when an elder-level figure of a sect is betrayed, he will be killed by the sect, not to mention a little person in the divine power stage like Wenshan. It is for this reason that for the current Zhan Taijinshi's proposal to kill Wenshan in front of him is completely ordinary for Wenshan in front of him.

"I'm dealing with Zhan Tai like this." At this time, Wu Yufa finally got his satisfactory answer, and there was not much loss for Wu Dong to use some resources to assist the small hole.

According to Wu Yufa's idea at this time, he and Zhan Taijinshi have now pulled into a relationship, and the significant development of his sect in the future is also an awaiting thing. For this reason, Wu Yufa is completely obedient to any decision made by Zhan Taijinshi now.

"Zhan Taijinshi, if you really do this, I will definitely tell the elders of the sect, even the elders, that you are an excellent disciple who killed the sect for no reason. You don't have to be an ancestor like this!" At this time, Zhu Xiaolei suddenly pointed to the Zhan Taijinshi in front of him and said angrily.

For Zhan Taijinshi's obvious move, he completely ignored the interests of the whole small hole and killed Wenshan. He found these far-fetched reasons, just to make Zhu Xiaolei in front of him succumb and have a table. After all, many people are watching now.

Help Zhu Xiaolei find these reasons to get off the table, but Zhu Xiaolei actually didn't know anything about it and pointed directly to Zhan Tai Jinshi in front of him. He roared that if Zhan Tai Jinshi did not give any face at all, he would not pay attention to Zhan Tai Jinshi in front of him.

And Zhu Xiaolei's behavior was completely against Zhan Taijinshi. He was not satisfied with Zhan Taijinshi's mediation at this time. On the contrary, he felt that Zhan Taijinshi's behavior in front of him was not the end of such a thing Zhu Xiaolei wanted to see.

At this time, Zhu Xiaolei was really angry. For Zhan Taijinshi's personal resentment, he completely did not pay attention to the interests of the whole sect.

It is completely not to think about such a problem from the perspective of the whole sect. For the whole sect, it is completely that kind of self-interested behavior, using the strength of the whole sect to serve its own mountain gate and obeying its own arrangement.

"Zhu Xiaolei, don't you know what my identity is now? I am now the master of the major mountain gates of the whole Taixuan Sect.

Tianmo has abdiced, and the real master of the 23 mountain gates now is Zhan Taijinshi. For me, it is the final decision of the sect. If you want to oppose it, you can oppose it to the elders of the sect. Now, you can only explain my order.

I said that Wenshan was killed now. If something happens, it will be the person in charge. Look at me killing a fellow brother who killed himself, and his identity is unknown. Even if he is not possessed by demons, he can't get rid of such a relationship with demons.

You, the owner of a small cave, actually took the face of other sects and didn't take my words as the head of the mountain gate of the whole Taixuan Sect. What on earth did you do?

Don't you pay attention to the rules of the whole sect, or I, Zhan Taijinshi, is nothing in your eyes, Zhu Xiaolei, and you didn't look at me at all, did you?"

It was at this time that Zhan Taijinshi was finally really angry by Zhu Xiaolei in front of him. After all, for Zhan Taijinshi in front of him, Zhu Xiaolei's behavior has just been the only one among his disrespectful figures for so many years.

For such a move, for Zhan Taijinshi's superior, it is completely challenging his face. For such a thing, Zhan Tai Jinshi is completely ignored. How can he not make Zhan Tai Jinshi angry?

"Zhan Taijinshi, you don't put on airs in front of me. I haven't seen any kind of character, but I think you have a little ability like this, so I don't look at others. I, Zhu Xiaolei, have also seen a lot. But no matter what, I'm staying in Wenshan today. Anyway, no one can move this Wenshan today!"

At this time, Zhu Xiaolei completely ignored what Zhan Tai Jinshi said and had offended Zhan Tai Jinshi in front of him. At this time, Zhu Xiaolei was not afraid to continue to offend Zhan Tai Jinshi.

After all, the only choice for Zhu Xiaolei now is to keep Wenshan. If he doesn't work hard to protect Wenshan now, it is estimated that it is extremely possible for Tianmo to assassinate him. It is the existence of such a reason, so it is also unexpected for the occurrence of such a thing in front of us.

"Zhu Xiaolei, do you really have nothing to do with me, Zhan Taijinshi? Am I really afraid that you will go to your division to complain? What Zhan Taijinshi is going to do, is not something that a few elders can intervene. Those elders are still a little short of me, Zhan Taijinshi. After all, now I, Zhan Taijinshi, am dealing with the things of various mountain gates of the whole sect, not them.

At this time, Zhan Taijinshi was directly angered by Zhu Xiaolei in front of him. He is also extremely unhappy about Zhu Xiaolei's behavior. It is for this reason that, so the decision to really deal with such a thing in front of us is also slowly thinking about it.

At this time, Zhan Taijinshi looked at Wu Yufa in front of him and said, "Wu Yufa, you will kill the demon Wenshan now. Let me see who dares to move against my face of Zhan Taijinshi."

In fact, for the identity and status of Zhan Taijinshi in front of him, although he is not yet a member of the seat of the elders of the sect. However, Zhan Taijinshi's strength is still quite strong among the elders.

After all, the elders of the whole sect are powerful in the realm of life-threatening, and as long as the people in the sect have reached the realm of life-threatening, if they don't want to stay at their own mountain gate, they have the power to be an elder in the sect.

After all, there is only one person in the owner of a mountain gate, and if there are two ancestral-level figures in a mountain gate, between the two people, who does the whole mountain gate listen to?

In order to avoid such a situation, it will affect the normal development of a mountain gate. Therefore, the rule for the whole sect is that only one mountain gate can be the master of the mountain gate in front of it.

So the real strength that can become an ancestor is just a life-threatening realm. And some ancestral-level figures became elders after being eliminated from the competition.

For these ancestral-level figures, they have served as ancestors for some time in a mountain gate. As long as the characters of life-threatening cultivation appear again in their mountain gate, their identity and status can be completely guaranteed. In this case, completely Such a situation can be developed very steadily.

For Zhantai Jinshi in front of him, he is only one step away from entering the realm of immortality and becoming the existence of the elder figure of the whole mountain gate. For such people, there is no need to pay attention to such elders, even those elders in the sect, and no one dares to care about Zhan Taijinshi.

After all, Zhan Taijinshi is now in a high position among some elders in the whole sect. In fact, in addition to these special people who speak alone and obey by everyone, there is actually a Presbyterian in the whole Taixuan Sect.

In fact, among these elder groups, there are extremely many elders who speak on behalf of the elders. The rest of the elders will more or less hold some positions in the whole sect. For these positions, there is no real power. It is for this reason that the elder group among the elders is the most important existence.

In the elder group, there are also ten elders, that is, ten elders who really deal with the whole sect and everything between other sects. If you can enter these ten elders, you will also be an elder with real power.

If Zhan Taijinshi abdics in the future and Zhantai Luoyun ascends to the throne, there is no problem for Zhantai Jinshi's current strength to enter the elder group of the whole sect. It is not a problem to enter the top ten elders and become one of the top ten elders.

After all, the real selection criterion of the top ten elders is who has higher strength and who is one of the top ten elders. According to Zhan Taijinshi's current strength, there is absolutely no problem in being selected as one of the top ten elders.

So Zhan Taijinshi did not look at some ordinary elders at this time, which was also because he relied on his strength. At this time, Zhan Taijinshi was also a little afraid of the top ten elders.

However, with Zhu Xiaolei's connections, for the whole elders, that is, Zhu Xiaolei's former master, he is a member of the elder group, but he is not yet one of the ten elders, so the threat to Zhan Taijinshi does not exist at all.

If Zhan Taijinshi would not be so domineering, but Zhan Tai and Luo Yun wanted to kill Wen Shan, Zhan Tai Jinshi saw that he was about to abdicate. How could he leave such a huge threat as Wen Shan in front of him?