ghost monk

Chapter 218 The Other Side of the Devil

Chapter 218 The Other Side of the Devil

The two of them are not only gasping, but also the fiery feeling, and slowly permeates the hearts of the two people, and the thinking of the brain also begins to slow down. They began to hug each other more wildly. It is this feeling that makes the atmosphere in the whole space extremely strange, and people can see and hear it.

Such a ** scene, such a situation, after a long time, everything stopped.

Her dark long cloak is scattered on her smooth, beautiful jade back, her collarbone crystal jade-like skin, and there is still a flush that has not faded. The majesty in front of the chest is out of the original bondage. At this time, it looks unusually majestic and strong, and it is also beautiful.

The pink is sharp, and there are water stains on it. The beauty of the whole woman's body of Tianmo Youji was completely displayed in front of Wenshan, under Wenshan's strong body, and was tightly pressed by Wenshan.

The two people were so hot that the scene suddenly stopped, and the two slowly looked at each other. When Tianmo Youji looked at Wenshan at this time, her eyes were a little dodged. It seems that he is very afraid to look at Wenshan in front of him, and the identity of the strong man in the deadly realm of the ancient giants has completely disappeared at this time.

At this time, Wenshan stared straight at the heavenly demon in front of him, as if the body of the heavenly demon Youji who was pressed by him was a whole piece of mei meat. Wenshan pressed like this and looked at the heavenly demon in front of him, as if he was about to eat the heavenly demon Youji. At this time, Wenshan faced the Taishang Elder Tianmo Youji of the high Taixuanzong in front of him, but there was no fear or fear at all.

For the white body in front of him, Wenshan aroused the wildness in his heart, the wildness that had been suppressed. After all, for the whole thing, there are two aspects. In addition to his profound cultivation and low-key, Wenshan's essence is still full of wildness.

However, due to entering such a large mountain gate, the cultivation of the practitioners around is one by one, that is, the cultivation of the enemies faced by Wenshan is also one by one, so they have to pretend to be more low-key. After all, sometimes, only more low-key can they get It has to be more long-term.

Wenshan seemed to look at the white flesh under him as a lamb to be slaughtered. Wenshan's heart was hot. The lower body is even more congested and extremely majestic, standing tall, like a general.

It was the Tianmo Youji at this time, and the heat all over her body had reminded her of what she was doing. For Tianmo Youji, it was originally just to tease Wenshan. After all, for Wenshan, it is completely another thing.

For such a situation, the original Tianmo Youji was just teasing Wenshan. In Wenshan's enthusiastic reaction, the sudden occurrence of the increasingly fierce situation is that the Tianmo Youji in front of her did not fully imagine.

Actually, not only is she a little foody, but Wenshan, why not be infatuated with her goddess-like body? Again and again, as hot as fire, burning. Just like a drug addiction, you can't get rid of it. That kind of pleasure has always been in the minds of two people without any way to remove it.

On the contrary, they are more obsessed with the pleasure that the other party brings to themselves physically. For such a pleasure, it makes the two people closer together, making them more nostalgic for the pleasure of touching their hands on each other's body. For this kind of pleasure, the two people are more reluctant to leave each other and more infatuated with each other.

This is not only physiologically, but also psychologically engraved on each other's bone marrow for a long time, but they don't admit it. Psychologically, both of them have long regarded each other as a forbidden thing in their hearts and as the reverse scales on their bodies, which others can't touch. If you encounter something that can't open your eyes, you can only have bad luck.

At this time, the whole space is extremely comfortable. For the whole space, it can be completely shielded from the outside. Everything inside can't be known by people outside. That's why Tianmo Youji is more wilder around Wenshan. Otherwise, it would not be treated like this.

After all, for Tianmo Youji, if you face such a scene watched by tens of thousands of people outside, and there are many sects of ancestral-level characters, for Tianmo Youji, it is completely another thing. At that time, the demon Youji will face another scene.

It is precisely because such a spatial range is absolutely confidential that the current demon Youji is so open. For such wildness, ordinary people can't really do it.

It is not very common for a wild impulse in the body and soul of two people at present, but for two people at this time, such a feeling is no longer very strange. At least two people have experienced the same thing a few months ago, and the feeling at that time is still fresh even two months later.

A fresh feeling of remembering such a thing. At this time, the contact between the two people makes the two people feel much deeper about the previous time ago.

At this time, Wenshan naturally held the demon Youji in his arms. And she also curled up slightly, like a kitten, snuggled up in his arms. It is the image of Tianmo Youji that no one will believe it. Even now, when Wenshan saw that Tianmo Youji could still have such a posture, his heart was even hotter.

After all, the Tianmo Youji you usually face is so domineering and crazy, but at this time, the Tianmo Youji feels like a kitten curling up her body. How can you not let Wenshan in front of you have another feeling in it? It is this feeling that makes the whole scene even more crazy.

At this time, the expression of Tianmo Youji is no longer cold, but a little unspeakably quiet and natural. Those unpleaous places in my heart suddenly disappeared without a trace after the madness. After all, the dissatisfaction with Wenshan, after experiencing more crazy things with Wenshan, the trace of dissatisfaction in his heart, and the trace of pressure are of course non-existent.

At this moment, where is she still a little powerful and frightening? In the face of the heavenly demon who has been stripped of his clothes, the appearance of the current heavenly demon more or less makes the original heavenly demon's indifference more hot, and that kind of inhumanity has also become extremely enthusiastic about Wenshan.

At this time, Tianmo Youji is like a weak and lovely little wife, a little greedy and enjoys the comfort and warmth after the fire. For lying in a man's arms like this, feeling the pleasure brought by the ** just now, feeling and recalling all the pleasure brought to him by the man next to him just now.

Since Tianmo Youji and Wenshan experienced a thing not long ago, she has been unable to forget Wenshan in her heart. What's more, when there is no one in the middle of the night, remind the demon Youji in front of him of him. She has also thought more than once that she doesn't need to look for him at all, but she has never been able to restrain herself.

Originally, according to what Master Tianmo Youji said to her, for Tianmo Youji, there is always such a heart demon in her life that can never be avoided. There is such a man in my fate.

After experiencing what happened with Wenshan not long ago, Tianmo Youji was more convinced of what her master said that there was such a man in her life or in her fate. It is what she must encounter in her life, her evil fate, and what she can never avoid.

He finally appeared in the trajectory of the life of the heavenly demon Youji. His name is Wen Shan, as if he has turned into her heart demon, and he is also a heart demon that she can't cut off. A heart demon that makes the heavenly demon Youji unwilling to cut off. For Wenshan in front of us, from the original hatred, to the plain treatment, to the current love.

"Where did you learn so many tricks? You are really capable! From the first time, any action has been so strange, but you seem to be so proficient in any action just now. At the same time, there are so many tricks that people can't imagine how you learned it.

She suddenly thought of something and suddenly said with a cold face, "Have you looked for other women after me? Who is she? Is your senior sister Dai Mingqiu or your original master Shen Jie? At this time, Tianmo seemed to be a jealous little woman. Looking at Wenshan in front of him, he thought that Wenshan must be looking for another woman.

Women are very intuitive. It is easy to enter the eyes of Dai Mingqiu around Wenshan, Shen Jie's attitude towards Wenshan, and Wenshan's attitude towards these two people.

After all, what Tianmo Youji said, he completely put one of his spiritual ideas into Wenshan's mind, and he knows everything about Wenshan's actions.

This is the reason, so for the so many resources given by Wenshan to Dai Mingqiu, of course, it is insignificant for the Heavenly Demon Youji, but it is not a small subsidy for the strong in the divine power stage.

For Wenshan, he is also a person in the divine power stage. He actually took out such a large amount of wealth to other women. For Tianmo Youji, such an intuitive feeling is more or less with such anger in his heart. At least it's not what the demon Youji in front of you wants to see.

Wenshan was stagnant, and he was also a little ashamed and angry with the demon Youji in front of him. After all, Tianmo actually thought about Dai Mingqiu and Shen Jie's two women in this regard, thinking about what was between themselves and them. If this is true, for Wenshan in front of him, there is more or less such a little unhity in his heart.

After all, there is nothing between himself and Dai Mingqiu and Shen Jie, and some of them are just a kind of gratitude for Wenshan's treatment of these two women. It is this kind of emotional existence, so for Wenshan in front of him, there is still something more or less.

After all, for Wenshan in front of him, whether he treats Shen Jie or Dai Mingqiu, it's just that kind of gratitude. After all, when they were still very weak, it was these two senior sisters who took their own to slowly become stronger.

It is precisely for this reason that Wenshan in front of him is also very emotional about the whole thing. Of course, it is the kind of gratitude in it. But the other aspect was thought of by Tianmo Youji, which made Wenshan feel depressed. For a woman like Tianmo Youji who dares to think about everything, Wenshan's heart has been repeated for a while.

At this time, Wenshan blushed and looked at the demon Youji in front of him and said, "I have only had two times in my life. The first time in life, I was robbed by you, and the second time I was robbed by you? What else do you want? Don't always mention whether Dai Mingqiu and Shen Jie are good or not. They are all people who have helped me today. How can they think about such things in that regard?

Youji's heart was also slightly depressed. She knew Wenshan after Dai Mingqiu and Shen Jie. Although he was jealous of her, he really couldn't do anything to Wenshan, so he had to be angry.

After all, out of a woman's intuition, it will never be too simple between Wenshan and the two women. After all, the entanglement between Wenshan and the two women, as well as the good impression of the two women for Wenshan, can be felt by Tianmo Youji. Once a woman has a crush on a man, everything changes greatly for such a boy.

That is, Wenshan's attitude towards these two women is different from that of others. After all, the spiritual idea of Tianmo Youji has been in Wenshan's mind for a period of time. For Wenshan's every move, it is basically fully aware and understood by the demon Youji in front of him.

This is the reason, so for the matter of Wenshan, for the relationship between Wenshan, Dai Mingqiu and Shen Jie, more or less observed in the eyes of Tianmo Youji. For such an impulse, it is more or less felt by the demon Youji in front of him.

As long as women have a slight good impression on men, as soon as this kind of good impression expands, it bursts out that kind of heat, that kind of **. It is this intuitive feeling in it. Therefore, at this time, Tianmo Youji has more or less other feelings about what happened in Wenshan.

It is said that women often feel that women are more clearly than men feel the intuitive feeling of women. Tianmo Youji obviously felt that Shen Jie and Dai Mingqiu, the two women, were extremely indifferent to men in any sect, but only when they met Wenshan Cave did they become more enthusiastic.

However, for Tianmo Youji, she is a very open-minded person and doesn't care much about whether she likes other women. After all, anyone in the world of cultivation has three wives and four concubines. Even those powerful and high-ranking female ancestors can raise more than a dozen beautiful men, it is normal.

It is precisely because there is more contact with such things and more about such things, so at this time, Tianmo doesn't care much about whether Wenshan has other women at all. For Tianmo Youji, the most important thing is to see if Wenshan's psychology has her or not. For Tianmo Youji, if Wenshan's psychology has her position, everything will be fine.

But if there is no longer her in Wenshan's heart, it is estimated that Wenshan will no longer exist. Sometimes, the personality of Tianmo Youji is so fierce and extreme. But it is also the character of Tianmo Youji that makes her basically smoother on the road of cultivation, and when she breaks through the realm, it is also relatively smooth.

So for Tianmo Youji, it is completely the meaning of the other two layers. It is for this reason that Wenshan didn't think too much about it. At least for Wenshan at present, there is still something more or less.

After hearing that Wenshan had had two times in his life, Tianmo Youji's heart was happy for no reason. After all, Wenshan has only experienced such ** twice, and these two Tianmo knew very clearly. One was the one a few months ago, and both of them were poisoned, in * * Under the influence of poison, such a thing has been done.

There was another time when he was taken away by the devil again. Of course, Tianmo is very happy about such a thing. Seeing that he was a little angry, his heart was a little indescribably comfortable. After all, sometimes, when I see a man I like making a fool of myself, I am more or less happy and a little complacent.

It is precisely for this reason, so the heavenly demon Youji is also in a good mood at this time, at least not as depressed as Wenshan in front of her, and she feels speechless.

However, the natural habit of women is that they can't be soft on their mouths, and Tianmo Youji is also like this. At this time, Tianmo Youji had to hum coldly, "I don't care. Anyway, if you and those two women are not allowed to flirt with each other again, I won't be very happy.

After all, my spiritual thoughts are still in your mind, and I know everything about you. Even if you flirt with them, at least avoid me and don't avoid me like this. How uncomfortable it is for me? Don't you know? And don't do what we have done with the two goblins.

I don't want you to do such a thing on other women's belly. If you really want to do it, just come to me. Do you think I can't satisfy you?"

After saying that, Wenshan felt that Tianmo Youji's little hand slid down his body towards his lower body, and then directly grasped the majestic one that had not yet softened. For such bold behavior as Tianmo Youji, or after coming to Wenshan several times, she is more wild, and even Wenshan has to take into account more or less.

But there is also a lot of love for Tianmo Youji. It is precisely because of the existence of such a reason that Wenshan's whole spirit at this time is shocked, and it is not common to feel such a feeling. Even Wenshan feels that the current Tianmo is more feminine. Wenshan is still a little reluctant to talk about himself and Shen Jie and Dai Mingqiu.

So at this time, Wenshan's head turned for a burst of time, smiled at each other and said to the demon Youji in his arms, "Don't you know that the first woman I like is your personal disciple Su Linger? Why don't you pull me to Su Linger's body? Didn't the actions I just do to you test on your disciple Sulin Su Linger?

After saying that, the whole person suddenly became extremely excited, and his hands were not idle. He directly began a new round of strokes on Tianmo's body, and the other hand directly grabbed a suckling pigeon on Tianmo's chest.

"Humph, do you think I don't know about my personal disciple Su Linger and you? You have the nerve to take out such a little thing and tell me that it is really abominable. My disciple is dedicated to cultivation and will not consider the relationship between two people at all. She is as big-hearted as I was back then.

As for whether there is anything between the two of you in the future, I don't mind. Anyway, it's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, as long as you don't forget me. Besides, my disciple Su Linger is so excellent that it's better to take advantage of other perverts than to take advantage of you. As the saying goes, fat water does not flow to outsiders.

If you really have the ability to pull my disciple Su Linger into your own harem, I can still hold the camp together to fight against foreign enemies together, at least so that I can stand in your harem. Don't you think so? Anyway, I don't object to your three wives and four concubines, but I must have seen it. For talented women, I don't want some vases. I don't want any women who can't help you.

At this time, Tianmo once again said his opinion, even the three wives and four concubines told Wenshan. It seems that I don't mind the general feeling at all. Wenshan had a headache for a long time for the bold idea that even Su Linger asked Wenshan to be included in her own harem.

After all, for Wenshan's bold behavior, the general situation is completely another situation. It is this idea that makes Wenshan in front of him choose ideas that can help him for the whole thing, including his own women, making Wenshan speechless for a while.

At this time, Wenshan really knew how powerful the idea of Tianmo Youji was. Wenshan did not expect to really expand his harem, and he also specially selected women who could help him. What's the difference between this and collecting his subordinates and looking for thie thie.

Wenshan also avoided her from continuing to struggle with this issue, so he said to the demon Youji in front of her, "Su Linger and I ended early. After all, she has nothing to do with me. As for feelings, it's even more bullshit. They don't like me at all. I'm just a wishful fool.

"But recently I found that the girl's feelings about her have also changed a lot, and she is also very concerned about your affairs, including your fight in the ring, and every game is worried about you.

I guess this girl's attitude towards you has changed since she began to care about you. In addition, your strength is no longer in the Holy Capital, and your talent has been fully demonstrated at this time. Your future achievements will also be unlimited.

This is the reason, so for you now, it's completely another thing. So you can still think about it! If your psychology is really interesting to her, you can consider putting it into your own harem, which is also a good idea.

"I..." was said by Tianmo Youji. For a moment, the whole image of Su Linger still appeared in Wenshan's mind. For Su Linger, it was the woman who hurt him the most. For such a woman, it is completely something else.

So at this time, Wenshan remembered Su Linger's whole image again because of the heavenly demon Youji in front of him. But Wenshan saw the white body in his arms. Tianmo's figure is slender and slim, and his skin is white and tender than snow. He is not only beautiful, but also has a particularly good temperament. The whole person's state at this time looks gentle and graceful in his arms, like a very well-behaved little woman.

Only Wenshan can know the image of Tianmo, which is different from that of two people at ordinary times. No man knows that Taixuanzong is superior, an elder-level figure, an eternal giant, and a powerful man in a deadly realm can actually have such a clever side, and this Good-behaved can only be really shown in Wenshan's arms.

In this dim space, Tianmo Youji's skin is condensed like white jade, a pair of slender and beautiful **, and the snow-white and crystal skin makes Wenshan feel good. Many men are willing to have such a wonderful experience, but only Wenshan People dare to touch the devil Youji so unscrupulously.

"Youji!" Suddenly, Wenshan shouted to the woman in his arms. At the same time, the work in my hand became more flexible. His hands up and down kept sliding on the white and tender skin of Tianmo. It seems that I enjoy the white and tender skin of my hands.

For Wenshan's words just now, Tianmo struggled for a while and said, "Okay, let you do it once. However, you can't eat rough taste. Don't hook up with me. If you dare to hook up with those demon girls at that time, and if you are killed by others, I guess there is nothing I can do." ..." I guess the last sentence is what Youji is most worried about. After all, for the woman in the devil's way, there has been a kind of charm on her body since ancient times. The more beautiful the woman is, the different she is from the demon Youji. The beauty of Tianmo Youji is born, and the women in their demon way are cultivated the day after tomorrow.

"They are used to such a ** scene in the devil's way. You'd better not touch these women in the devil's way. Even if you touch it, you should prevent these women in the magic from treating you as a tripod and absorb all your internal strength. At this time, Tianmo Youji had to remind Wenshan in front of her.

"Well, why do you like to think about me in a bad place! It's not your turn to take care of the women I'm dating!" Wenshan stood up dissatisfiedly and prepared to take out his clothes and put them on. After all, for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another feeling.

This is the reason, which makes such a thing happen in front of us. It makes Wenshan a little angry with the demon in front of him. There is more or less dissatisfaction with Tianmo.

"It's not my turn, but I have to take care of it." Youji sneered: "If you think I'm not qualified, I'll let Zhu Xiaolei put you under the command of Tianmoling tomorrow. In this way, I don't know if I have the right to take care of you when I am your master. Let's see if you still listen to me. I can control you to death, do you believe it or not?

Do I have the right to take care of you then? In addition, I am now the elder of Taixuanzong. I can't control anything about the whole Taixuanzong, big or small, whether it is anyone's, from miscellaneous disciples to ancestor-level figures and elder-level figures.

At this time, Tianmo seemed to be extremely excited, as if she had defeated the army and suppressed the Wenshan in front of her. For Wenshan in front of her, Tianmo also enjoyed such a repressed feeling. This continuous blow to Wenshan is also what she likes to do. Of.

It is this idea that Tianmo Youji also cares about and attaches great importance to what Wenshan said. She attaches great importance to any sentence Wenshan says, directly or wants to refute it. So he often contradicts a few words said by Wenshan.

Wenshan was stunned. Damn, his fist really crushed people to death. For Tianmo to move out his identity and status like this, Wenshan suddenly thought that this Tianmo Youji still had such an identity in the whole Taixuanzong. It is estimated that Zhu Xiaolei in the small hole could not say anything when he saw Tianmo Youji.

And at this time, Wenshan also finally determined this idea in his heart. After all, whether Tianmo is the cultivation of the immortal realm, and whether it is the status of Taixuanzong at the senior level of Taixuanzong is not unknown as the current Wenshan and disciple-level identity. , for the original strength of Tianmo, it is only estimated by Wenshan's own feelings.

This is the reason, so for Wenshan, he doesn't know what the strength of the demon Youji in front of him is, but Wenshan can feel that even a figure like Zhan Taijinshi, who has a high status among the ancestors, knelt down to the demon like this. Wenshan's behavior made Wenshan see something more or less.

Of course, it was also for this reason, so Wenshan was more or less surprised to hear Tianmo Youji's own hungry status in the whole Taixuan Sect, but it was not too much.

At this time, Wenshan suddenly heard that Tianmo Youji really broke through her strength to the current existence of the eternal giant. For such a situation, Wenshan admired the Tianmo Youji in front of him even more. After all, Tianmo Youji brought him absolutely strong.

Wenshan is a disciple of Taixuanzong. Although he has not been in Taixuanzong for a long time, he still understands some things about Taixuanzong. I still know some of the privileges of Taixuanzong's Taishang Zhanglai. Knowing what Tianmo said just now, if Tianmo did this, it would probably mean to spread a message.

Wenshan estimated his master, although he was very good to himself. But if the demon really wants him to give it, I guess he doesn't dare not give it. After all, the fist of the devil is very big. If the demon is really angry, I guess no one in the sect dares to stand up and stop it. Sometimes it's like this. Everything is based on strength.

After thinking about it, we are not as strong as others now, so we have to keep a low profile. It seems that some of the coaxing tricks of picking up girls will stabilize her as an unstable person first. In this way, her aunt will explode like a gunpowder barrel at any time. For Wenshan now, when his strength cannot completely suppress this unstable element, he can only slowly coax this woman.

This is the reason, so when Wenshan treats the Heavenly Demon's Youji at this time, he still has to coax the Heavenly Demon Youji more or less. After all, the strength of Tianmo Youji is there.

Moreover, because I can't please her, there is nothing I can do to harden her. Is it possible that every time you say that your aunt wants to play this trick again, do I self-made it? This is also too detrimental to my male dignity. But for the best girl I can get into such a girl, I still have a strong sense of achievement.

After all, Wenshan was also extremely excited at this time when he could completely capture a great beauty like Tianmo Youji and hold all the thoughts of this great beauty.

And for Tianmo Youji, she is indeed a beauty. The figure is also extremely hot and beautiful. Wenshan is also very happy for the love of Tianmo Youji. Even Tianmo Youji keeps playing petty in front of her, and it is also the place where Wenshan likes Tianmo Youji.

At this time, the heavenly demon Youji frowned slightly. He looked at her deeply and shouted her name softly in a low voice: "Youji, Youyou..."

"?" Youji's cold face was a little relieved, and she was still a little satisfied with the name Wenshan. The second time I heard him call his name so improperly. My heart inevitably stirred a little. For Wenshan's kind of affection between himself and himself, he also has more or less that kind of feeling.

For the kind feeling between myself and Youji, more or less makes the heavenly demon Youji in front of you feel more warm and more happy. It was Wenshan's kind shout to Tianmo Youji, which made Tianmo Youji curl up in Wenshan Cave and get closer to her hungry arms.

The whole feeling of Wenshan is also deeper. For a woman like Tianmo Youji, she is not that kind of casual woman, but not the kind of woman who goes to bed with arbitrary men. Not long ago, she was able to maintain her virginity and female body, which more or less moved Wenshan in front of her.

It is precisely because the demon Youji in front of her is not that kind of casual person, and she still pays attention to emotions. It is for this reason that Wenshan is not the kind of person who just wants to enjoy it physically. It is precisely for this reason that makes Wenshan in front of him feel that he should treat the demon Youji in front of him well. Wenshan doesn't want to hurt this demon girl.

Tianmo Youji may look very powerful on the surface. But Wenshan knows that the demon Youji in front of him is actually a very fragile woman, and for such a woman, Wenshan's usual idea is to treat her well. If he really hurts his heart, and his strength is not as good as the devil, then Wenshan will face the endless killing of the devil until Wenshan's death.

At that time, it will be the most terrible. It is the most terrible act of revenge. Wenshan still cares more or less about such revenge.

Seeing her expression, Wenshan knew that there was a play. Slowly stretched out his hand, flirted with her messy long voice, and said in a hoarse voice, "Actually, I like you very much, my little Youyou, little baby."

Between her eyebrows, there was more and more soothing, and there was some softness in her stubborn eyes. For the weak side of the demon, it is not often seen. This is the reason, so for Wenshan in front of us, it is completely another layer of meaning.

For such a feeling, Wenshan more or less spoiled the heavenly demon Youji in his arms, slowly straightened out the hair of the heavenly demon in his arms, straightened his black hair, and scattered it in front of his forehead. Wenshan was also sorting it out one by one.