ghost monk

Chapter 220 Spiritual War

Chapter 220 Spiritual War

Thinking of this, Tianmo Youji also began to worry about the Wenshan in front of her. After all, for a figure with such cultivation as Wenshan, the first time he refined his spiritual weapon was the situation of blood sacrifice. If he did not succeed, Wenshan was likely to become a big demon.

After all, for the blood sacrifice, there is a risk. For such a risk, in case of carelessness, it is completely a form of inversion. Not only does it not allow people to have a psychic weapon that combines with their own life after the blood sacrifice, but also makes the person of the blood sacrifice become an artifact slave.

The so-called slave is the slave of the spiritual weapon. A guy born with the existence of such a slave controlled by spiritual weapons, more or less makes many people feel very terrible for such an act. For such a situation, it is completely equivalent to a very horrible existence.

After all, when a person is completely controlled by the spiritual weapon, the spiritual weapon at that time has been renamed the existence of the murder weapon. For such a situation, unless the slave dies, the slave will become extremely ferocious. There is no thought. It is completely a slave controlled by a murder weapon, and some are just killing.

It is the existence of such a reason that has caused a huge change in the current pattern. For the situation that the blood sacrifice in front of us is not successfully controlled by spiritual weapons, it often appears in the world of cultivation and in the magic path. It is in the devil's way that ordinary people dare not touch such a ferocious method as blood sacrifice.

It is precisely because of the existence of such a situation that makes the current situation appear and a situation like this. In the face of blood sacrifice, people need not only powerful people to protect their Dharma, but also those who protect their Dharma. When their blood sacrifice fails, they need to kill them.

In fact, in the case of a failure due to the blood sacrifice, and the slave controlled by the murder weapon is generally the result of being killed directly. Even if it is not killed, it will not return to normal for such a person in his life.

The mind of a person who becomes a weapon slave has been completely swallowed up and completely eaten by the soul. In terms of such a situation as the loss of the whole person's spiritual thoughts, at this time, everything is no longer important.

It is exactly like this. Instead of becoming a weapon slave, being controlled by a spiritual weapon and killing everywhere, for such a situation, even the people in the devil's way do not want to be controlled by a spiritual weapon. If this is the case, such a person will not enter reincarnation and will become a walking corpse forever.

Unless after the real death of this slave, there is no right to fall into reincarnation for such a person. From then on, the whole disappeared between heaven and earth.

After all, there are ghosts and gods for this kind of world. If people practice Taoism, they can see through life and death and become people who live together with heaven and earth. It is precisely for this reason, so for the current situation, it is completely equivalent to the other two things.

But if people die, they will fall into hell and suffer all kinds of tortures of hell, so that they can be truly reborn. But at that time, the rebirth was already under the condition that the soul had been completely washed. It is for this reason that more people die and are reborn, suffer all kinds of torture in hell, and do not want to be tortured by such a murder weapon.

If Wenshan really becomes a demon at this time and becomes a slave controlled by spiritual weapons, Wenshan will definitely kill the demon Youji in such an elder-level seat. If such a situation really occurs, Tianmo Youji will also kill Wenshan directly. Wenshan will not suffer such a crime.

After all, in the case of the disappearance of all the wisdom in his own soul, and he is also controlled by pain. The person who controls him is also a spiritual weapon. In this case, it is completely another meaning. For such a situation, it is completely a kind of spiritual and physical torture.

It is the existence of such torture that makes the current demon Wenshan very nervous in front of him. Even at this time, Tianmo was also regretting why he chose such a spiritual weapon for Wenshan. No matter how good this kind of spiritual weapon is, the memory of the spiritual weapon actually preserves such a blood sacrifice. In such a case, it is not the best choice of spiritual weapon.

This is exactly the situation, so for the current situation, it is completely beyond the expectation of the current demon. If Tianmo knew that such a spiritual weapon could remember such a blood sacrifice, Tianmo Youji could not really do this and would not give such a murder weapon to Wenshan for blood sacrifices.

But all this is not what the current demon Youji can really block. It is precisely because of the existence of this reason that the current Tianmo Youji has been paying attention to Wenshan in front of her to see if there is any change in Wenshan.

At the same time, the spiritual idea hidden in Wenshan's mind has always been very releasing its own spiritual idea to protect Wenshan, afraid that blood will enter Wenshan's mind and devour Wenshan's spiritual idea.

This is the reason. Therefore, it leads to the emergence of the current situation. In terms of such a situation, it is completely another thing. For such a thing, it is completely two times. Protection and prevention of Wenshan. That's all the devil can do at this time.

It is the existence of such a reason that the current Tianmo is not so flustered when Wenshan was sacrificed by the spiritual weapon in his hand. After all, the only hope of Tianmo at this time is that Wenshan can really pass such a blood sacrifice, and Wenshan can only truly survive if he really passes such a blood sacrifice.

And there is a huge report on such blood sacrifices to their own spiritual weapons and those who have succeeded in blood sacrifices. If there is no report at all, even the people in the magic road will not try such a bloody method. Only when you can get more and bigger reports is the best investment.

Only when you really get more reports can you really take risks for more reasons, but it is because of this that even those who take risks are the kind of people who pursue strength very deep.

In fact, the blood sacrifice was not invented by people in the devil's way, but obtained by an elder in the devil's way ten thousand years ago. It was through such a blood sacrifice method that he gave his spiritual weapon to the blood sacrifice, and then enhanced his combat effectiveness a lot. It was at that time that the blood refining gate of the devil's way began to develop.

The method of blood sacrifice like this is completely a method of refining the original spiritual weapon in ancient times. For such a ferocious blood sacrifice method, there are many desperate, in order to pursue combat effectiveness, such crazy blood sacrifices their own spiritual weapons. The main reason is that the blood sacrifice brings great benefits to the owner of the blood sacrifice.

For those who have succeeded in the blood sacrifice, it is completely equivalent to integrating the whole person with the spiritual weapon, which is an excellent experience for their own body and flesh. After all, the existence of spiritual weapons is made of excellent materials. For this reason, the body of the spiritual weapon is very hard material.

It is precisely because of such a hard material that for those who succeed in the current blood sacrifice, the hardness of the body, at least the hardness of the muscles and bones, will develop towards the spiritual weapon. Moreover, the conditions for upgrading the spiritual weapons after the blood sacrifice are much simpler. And every upgrade of the spiritual weapon will be a great improvement.

And the spiritual weapon after the blood sacrifice, as long as the material of the spiritual weapon can keep up, it can be completely refined into the existence of spiritual treasure. If you really refine the upgradeable spiritual weapon in your hand into the existence of spiritual treasures, then a person can completely open the existence of a mountain and establish a school.

If it really comes to such a moment, it is a manifestation of a great increase in strength for those who have succeeded in the blood sacrifice. For the pursuit of Lingbao, many people are willing to choose blood sacrifice. If you don't pass the blood sacrifice, if you only hold a spiritual treasure in your hand, you will not dare to exert ten times the power of such a spiritual treasure.

If you can't really exert the power of such a spiritual treasure, then there is no need for people after the blood sacrifice. For the necessity of such a thing, it is completely equivalent to the whole spiritual treasure having no effect.

When the spiritual weapon in your hand becomes a spiritual treasure, you also need blood sacrifice. It's better to start the blood sacrifice when the spiritual weapon in your hand is cultivated into a spiritual treasure. Then it is more or less a good thing for the owner after the blood sacrifice.

Just like the current patriarch of Taixuanzong, there is only one way to truly control the spiritual treasure in his sect. For Lingbao, it is already a psychic existence, which is naturally accompanied by the requirements of blood sacrifice.

This is the reason why you can only choose the blood sacrifice to give full play to the power of the spiritual treasure, but it is not so easy to choose the blood sacrifice.

Only when the spirituality of the spiritual organ is very small, the difficulty of blood sacrifice is lower than that of the spiritual weapon. Only the lower the spirituality of the spiritual weapon, the simpler it is to sacrifice blood.

This is the reason, so for the current situation, it is completely equivalent to get the spiritual treasure, only when the spiritual treasure is still a low-level spiritual weapon, otherwise when the spiritual weapon is upgraded to a spiritual treasure, it is impossible to really control such a spiritual treasure. What can be done.

At this time, Wenshan's blood seemed to have lost his original control all of a sudden. His originally full body was directly extracted from all his blood by the spiritual weapon in his hand, and directly injected such a spiritual weapon in his hand. In the face of such a situation, it is completely equivalent to Wenshan's blood being swallowed up by the spiritual weapon.

The original Wenshan qi and blood are relatively strong. After all, it is the energy gathering realm, the strength of the intermediate stage of divine power, but in such a situation, Wenshan's blood seems to suddenly lose blood, and it feels like skin and bones, and the whole person's skin is all dry.

In the face of such a situation, Wenshan is also extremely strange. It's such a look. Even the Heavenly Demon Youji, who has just walked through the rain and dew with Wenshan, can't believe her eyes at this moment. I can't believe what my eyes see is the truth.

After all, for Wenshan, the master of the divine power stage was suddenly absorbed all the blood of his body by the spiritual organ in his hand. In such a situation, it is completely equivalent to the development that the spiritual weapon is devouring the owner's blood and completely replenishing the energy in his blood.

For such a way of blood sacrifice, it is really terrible and dangerous. But in this way, once the blood sacrifice begins, there is no way to stop. Either succeed or Wenshan can only face death.

That is, at the beginning of the Wenshan Blood Festival, except for such a spiritual weapon like a blood-sucking device, everything else has no effect. For such a situation, Wenshan is simply equivalent to the current situation.

In addition to Wenshan's own feeling that his blood is constantly pumping, Wenshan also feels that his soul is also constantly under a kind of pressure from the spiritual thoughts of foreign spiritual weapons. Constantly fighting with the spiritual ideas of Wenshan.

Originally, it was based on the blood loss in Wenshan's body. If you are an ordinary martial arts monk, while losing the strong qi and blood in your body, you are also reducing your spiritual thoughts. After all, for martial arts monks, the spirit and spirit are integrated into one. It is precisely for this reason that blood is very important for martial arts monks.

While the blood of martial arts monks is decreasing, the spiritual thoughts of martial arts monks like this are also weakening. It is the existence of such a reason, so the current situation is completely another situation for such a situation.

But for the current Wenshan, he is a ghost monk. From the day Wenshan became a ghost monk, his soul has condensed into a body. For such a situation, it is completely another situation. For such a situation, it can only be for the overall change.

For such a situation, if it really can't really solve such a situation, it is another intuitive way.

It is exactly one way, and it is also Wenshan's more or less resistance to the attack of such a soul. For the early division of Wenshan's body and soul, and completely has no effect on his own blood and spiritual thoughts, Wenshan's resistance to the spiritual thoughts in the spiritual weapons at this time is quite effective.

This is the reason, so for the current situation, Wenshan still has the existence of Tianmo Youji and the golden text ball in his mind.

For the unusually strong existence of these two spiritual thoughts, the current spiritual weapons have no effect on the means of attacking spiritual thoughts. For such a situation, it also has no impact on the spirit of Wenshan.

The reason why Wenshan felt the vagueness of his consciousness at the beginning was entirely due to excessive blood loss. At this time, Wenshan's blood was lost more, which is equivalent to that although Wenshan's soul had not left the body, Wenshan's body had stopped real operation at this time.

When the soul and the body are separated from each other, it also means that the soul of Wenshan is no longer controlled by the body. It is for this reason that Wenshan is also thinking about how to absorb his blood back.

After all, Wenshan's spiritual thoughts have not been affected by his blood being emptied like this. Wenshan is very transparent about the current situation. It is precisely because of this kind of transparency that the current situation makes Wenshan very profound about this change in the whole thing.

It is this kind of profoundness that makes Wenshan extremely smooth for the development of the whole thing. With only one small step like this, it is completely possible to solve the problem of blood loss.

But no matter what, Wenshan is also in such a predicament at this time. Wenshan knows a lot about his own body. For his current body, he has already passed the cultivation of the divine power stage. After physical transformation, Wenshan's physical quality is also very good.

For a situation like your own, a good physical quality is already another kind of saying. For such a situation, it's completely two times. For such things, the existence of many things has been reduced more or less.

In terms of Wenshan's current physical quality, it can be completely within a short period of physical suffocation. As long as you replenish your own qi and blood, in such a case, Wenshan's life can still be retained. At least it can be resurrected. The current state of Wenshan is just a state of fake death.

Because of one reason, for Wenshan's state of complete physical blood loss, and for Wenshan's whole body having lost a short breath, even Tianmo Youji did not sentenced Wenshan to death.

It is the reason for this, so there is no tension at all about the occurrence of such a situation at all, but whether Wenshan can completely improve his physical function and whether he can return to the blood is very worried about the current Tianmo Youji. Something.

After all, for such a situation, it is very difficult to completely restore the blood in your body. It is the existence of this reason that also makes Wenshan extremely excited at present. For Wenshan under such a state There are more or less such worries in my heart.

That is, when Wenshan's blood was suddenly drained, a simple ring on Wenshan's chest suddenly flashed. It began to slowly shine its quaint light. For such a simple light, it directly enveloped Wenshan's whole body. Even the strange wooden stick in Wenshan's right hand also felt the light of such a simple light.

The wooden stick that has been constantly strengthening blood sucking, and the wooden stick that has been constantly extracting blood from Wenshan's body suddenly became extremely dazzling. In the face of the light of the quaint ring, suddenly, the blood of the whole wooden stick suddenly boiled, directly wanting to compete with such a simple light.

It was in this sense that Wenshan suddenly found that the simple light on his chest at this time suddenly felt like a demon. He began to extract his blood crazily directly to Wenshan's body, but the extracted blood was directly transformed into such a wooden stick. His own attack method was blood and rushed directly to the simple light.

At this time, the wooden stick in Wenshan's hand suddenly became impatient, and the wooden stick in his hand completely jumped. Constantly shaking and struggling. In the hands of Wenshan, there is a constant escapee.

For such a situation, it was completely beyond Wenshan's own expectation. At this time, his soul ring unexpectedly took action. Moreover, such a psychic soul ring is completely not truly understood by Wenshan in front of him. It is for this reason that makes Wenshan in front of him feel unusually different.

It was at this time that the soul ring in front of Wenshan's chest suddenly became powerful and kept extracting blood from the wooden stick in his hand to supplement Wenshan's empty body, making Wenshan's body, which had been suffoted, be replenished again.

When facing the soul ring, the dark eyes in Wenshan's hand seemed to see a long-lost strong enemy. In the face of such a situation, he directly began to talk about absorbing the energy from the qi and blood in Wenshan's body, all of which turned into qi and blood. Cover it directly on the soul ring.

At this time, this wooden stick completely wants to render the light of the quaint ring on Wenshan's chest in front of him into blood red. He wants to directly stain the whole soul ring and let the simple light of the simple ring completely Suppress it.

For such a situation, the simple ring at this time also felt the sudden madness of the wooden pipe at this time, that is, when the simple ring suddenly prepared to absorb such a simple light directly into Wenshan's body. The bloody fog suddenly became extremely thick.

At this time, the simple ring is no longer facing the bloody fog. Now Wenshan will face a small blood pool formed by a large area of turbid black blood, which directly and constantly begins to extinguish the light of the ancient ring.

At this time, the black blood pool emitted by such a wooden stick is completely ready to devour the quaint ring completely. After all, for a while, even the relatively sacred and simple soul ring in Wenshan's mind was not the opponent of the sudden crazy wooden stick in his hand.

Originally, Tianmo Youji suddenly went crazy when she saw the quaint ring on Wenshan's chest. She thought that Wenshan could really resist the madness of such a wooden stick in front of her through the unusual ring on her chest. But obviously, it didn't do it.

At this time, such a wooden stick directly used black poisonous blood to directly cover the light of the simple ring. For a moment, the simple ring suddenly changed, and directly transferred the black blood into Wenshan's body.

The blood in Wenshan's body was bright red, but at this time, the blood in Wenshan's body began to slowly turn into black, poisonous blood. As this kind of poisonous blood is like Wenshan's body, all the meridians and flesh in Wenshan's body are eroded by such toxic substances.

In the face of such a situation, it seems to be the purpose of the quaint ring in front of us. It is in this situation that such a poisonous substance directly broke into the sea of air of Wenshan and directly covered the Linglong Tower of Wenshan with such poisonous gas.

At this time, Wenshan's whole face was all non-black, and the black was extremely serious. It seems that the whole person has been completely eroded by poison. That is, when this kind of poisonous blood entered Wenshan's body, the black blood still expected a surging trend.

For such a situation, Wenshan's spiritual thoughts were completely released, directly removing such highly poisonous blood in his mind. Don't let such poisonous blood enter your brain.

After all, if even your own brain enters such poisonous qi and blood, the soul in Wenshan's mind and the spiritual idea connected to the demon Youji will also suffer endless torture. It is precisely for this reason, so for such a situation in front of him, Wenshan is unwilling to enter this kind of black blood into his mind.

However, because Wenshan's spiritual idea blocked such a black qi and blood, Wenshan's spiritual idea was also contaminated with such a black poison gas. Wenshan's head was painful and cracked, as if all his body and veins were bitten by ants.

It is the existence of such a feeling that makes this situation happen at present. For the whole thing, it was completely unexpected by Wenshan. For such a situation, Wenshan can't do anything about it.

That is, when Wenshan's spiritual idea was about to be stained by such qi and blood, the spiritual idea of Tianmo finally couldn't stand it and rushed out, directly helping Wenshan's soul resist such a poisonous gas contamination.

It is a spiritual idea that is a hundred times stronger than Wenshan's level. With such a spiritual idea, it completely resists the momentary erosion of such poison gas.

For such a situation, even at this time, the demon Youji also threw herself into the battle. On that day, when the demon Youji felt the horror of such poison gas, her heart suddenly cooled down. Tianmo Youji didn't expect to give Wenshan such an upgraded spiritual weapon, and there was such a highly poisonous substance in it.

For such highly toxic substances, there are two problems. For such a situation, it is completely equivalent to far higher than the scope of Wenshan's resistance.

It is the cultivation of the immortal realm of Tianmo Youji himself, the person who is an eternal giant, and the Tianmo is still a ghost monk. Under the profound situation of the power of the soul, such a poison gas is completely suppressed. For such a situation, it is not at all that Wenshan in front of us can really resist.

It was such an idea that Tianmo Youji was also shocked. She didn't expect that such a strong upgraded spiritual weapon chosen for Wenshan would have such a poisonous existence. For such a wooden stick, it is not as simple as Tianmo Youji said.

For such a spiritual weapon, it was captured only after the real battle with many ancestral-level characters. Otherwise, it would be strange that no one competed for such a rich spiritual weapon.

For such a situation, such a strange spiritual weapon is not waiting for Wenshan to slowly refine. As soon as it comes up, it is to recognize the Lord. After the success of the Lord, it is directly through Wenshan for blood sacrifice.

For the appearance of the blood sacrifice, Tianmo Youji suddenly knew the horror of such a strange wooden stick. After all, for the blood sacrifice, it is not an ordinary spiritual weapon that can keep up. But the memory of such a blood sacrifice is recorded in such a strange spiritual weapon.

When it comes to the information of blood sacrifice in the spiritual weapon, it has completely represented another meaning. For such a layer of meaning, it has completely surprised the devil. If Tianmo had known that there was such a risk, he would not have chosen to let Wenshan choose such a strange spiritual weapon as his own spiritual weapon.

But everything is too late at this time. For such a strange wooden stick, Tianmo Youji did not expect that there was such a poisonous gas hidden in such a strange wooden stick. For such a highly toxic gas, it is not easy to drive it out of its own body with the spiritual intention of the devil.

It is precisely because of this direct feeling that a powerful figure like Tianmo is helpless in the face of such a poisonous situation. For such a situation, it is completely not what the demons in front of him are willing to see.

This is the reason, so the current demon's evaluation of Wenshan in front of him has also been repositioned. This kind of positioning has also completely subverted the inner evaluation of Tianmo.

If such a highly toxic substance can not be driven out of Wenshan's body, the longer these poisonous gases are in Wenshan's body, the more the physical function of Wenshan will also decline, and the boiling poison gas in Wenshan's body can completely cut off Wenshan's life. On the contrary, Wenshan completely became a poisonous man and a controlled poisonous walking corpse.

Even at this time, Tianmo also saw that the soul ring on Wenshan's chest seemed to deliberately put such poisonous qi and blood into Wenshan's body. After all, in the face of the attack of the strange wooden stick, if such poisonous qi and blood cannot be reduced at this time and enter Wenshan's body, the attack power of such a strange wooden stick will not be weakened, and it will also weaken the qi and blood in Wenshan's body.

If the qi and blood in Wenshan's body are really weakened, Wenshan's life will be fatally threatened. In response to such a situation, the soul ring actually directly enters Wenshan's poisonous qi and blood directly into Wenshan's body. For such a phenomenon, it is completely It is a kind of situation that treats the symptoms but not the root causes.

This is exactly the situation, so for the ring of such a soul, it is completely another change. But if the soul ring does not send such poisonous qi and blood into Wenshan's body at this time, it will be a fatal blow to Wenshan at present. But it is even more difficult to get rid of such toxic gases.

It is precisely because of this reason that Wenshan's originally dry body is now slowly recovering. For such a situation, it is completely another feeling.

There is still a little difference in this feeling. At this time, when Wenshan's whole body suddenly became extremely full, Wenshan became abnormally spiritual, but with Wenshan's spirit, but the poisonous blood entered Wenshan's body, Wenshan was also extremely difficult, which was painful. The feeling is in it.

It is exactly such a feeling in it. For such a phenomenon, it is completely another feeling in it. For such a feeling, Wenshan in front of him is more or less suffering from such pain on spiritual thoughts. The suffering.

For this kind of suffering, even a strong person, even a character with a strong spirit, facing such an intuitive feeling is completely another feeling in it. For such a feeling, Wenshan in front of him is also much more energetic. With the help of Tianmo, Wenshan's original pain was difficult, and there was also an extra pillar.

That is, when the strange wooden stick suddenly attacked the soul ring in front of him crazily, making Wenshan suddenly become extremely strange. For such strangeness, it is not really something ordinary people can do. For such a disguised situation, it still makes the people in front of them feel very embarrassed.

When the original light emitted black blood to the simple soul ring, the strange wooden stick at this time also began to change and became extremely excited. After all, for such a scene that I could not attack for a long time made the current wooden stick suddenly become extremely abnormal and began to be uneasy in the dark. The sex blood is a simple means of attack.

It is precisely this intention that makes such an extremely strange wooden stick directly break free from Wenshan's palm and directly hit the soul ring on Wenshan's chest. At this time, the strange wooden stick actually wanted to fight with the soul ring on Wenshan's chest.

At this time, the soul ring also attached great importance to the strange wooden stick in front of him as his opponent, and suddenly broke away from Wenshan's chest. At this time, the soul ring has also become extremely abnormal. For such a phenomenon, Wenshan's heart in front of him is more or less shocked.

Because Wenshan knows the horror of such a soul ring on his chest. In such a soul ring, it is an extremely powerful space ring, but it is more important than an ordinary space ring to collect souls.

It is this idea, so when the current situation occurs, Wenshan in front of him is not afraid of the pressure of the strange wooden stick and directly attacks the soul ring, and the soul ring also pays enough attention to the strange wooden stick. So for Wenshan, such a strange wooden stick is really not a simple thing.