ghost monk

Chapter 222 Blood Sacrifice for Two

Chapter 222 Joint Blood Sacrifice

The original black blood in the sky shone on half of the sky, and then the bright red blood and then the other half. The whole sky is red with blood. The red light hits the earth, making the earth seem bright red, making the blood on the people standing on the earth seem to boil. General.

For such a situation, the maintenance time is not long, that is, a short period of seconds, and then the accumulation changes, and then the sky seems to begin to appear different divisions, and the whole sky suddenly turns into gray and black blood.

Then there is black, gray, and light green blood. For the sudden change of this kind of blood, there is more or less such a surprise in it. It is the characteristics of such senses that make the whole scene extremely macroscopic.

At the same time, more and more people are paying attention to such a phenomenon in the whole scene. After all, the emergence of such visions of heaven and earth basically comes from such a closed elder-level space.

is the reason for this, so an extreme curiosity about this kind of space is also a very important component.

After all, there is the existence of the elder-level legendary Tianmo Youji in the whole space, as well as the existence of characters like the young Junjie Wenshan. No matter which one of them is, they are extremely popular characters of the whole Taixuanzong. For these two characters, no matter where they are, they are extremely inflated characters.

For such a character, there are two definitions in it. After all, for some of these famous figures in some sects, there are two more famous people like this. For such famous people, it is completely another thing.

For these famous bigwigs, in the world of cultivation, it is entirely because of their strong strength. It is precisely because their strength is relatively strong that under normal circumstances, why their strength can be so strong is worthy of attention.

This is the reason, so for the whole thing, it is completely equivalent to where the secret of cultivation of these famous people is. Or they have some kind of know-how. It is precisely this kind of trick that makes them worthy of more people's curiosity.

Just like Wenshan, what kind of secret he has is worth pursuing by more people. After all, many people are curious about such secrets. Otherwise, why can Wenshan have such cultivation at such an age, and why does such cultivation have such power?

The talent shown by Wenshan now has completely surpassed the existence of the whole Taixuan Emperor Taizong like Zhantai Luoyun. It is the existence of this reason that makes the whole thing clearly point to Wenshan. Wenshan's like this is a rare freak who cultivates five divine powers together.

It is exactly such a freak-level figure. In the tasks of such a sect of Taixuanzong, he actually got such a record, and Zhan Tailuoyun in those years was the same.

The most important thing is that when Wenshan and Zhan Tai Luoyun fought, among the young disciple-level figures, they were able to repel a split of Zhan Tai Luoyun, such an incarnation, that is, Wenshan in front of him. Such an amazing record, such an amazing achievement, is the most important thing that the big guy pays great attention to Wenshan in front of him.

Mountain's achievements even offended Wu Yufa. Unexpectedly, he dared to challenge Wu Yufa when he was still at the disciple level. He secretly dared to cut off the head of the son of an ancestor-level figure directly. Even the body of Wu Yufa's son was collected by Wenshan. It should be called destruction of corpses.

And the most amazing thing is that Wenshan is still a demon Youji, such a guy who can set off a bloody storm among the ancestors of Taixuanzong. Zhantai Jinshi, who can crazily hunt down the current Jinshimen at the ancestral level, the current ancestral level of the whole Taixuanzong.

And it is the current Zhan Taijinshi. When it comes to Tianmo Youji, she is very afraid, and she doesn't want to care about Tianmo Youji at all. After all, Tianmo Youji is not the person who can really offend Zhan Taijinshi at present. It is for this reason that it is very rare for Wenshan to be valued by such a great person.

And Tianmo Youji rarely in such a public situation, so as to clearly point out which disciple she valued, not to mention the task of the whole sect of Taixuan Sect. Moreover, people who can be valued by characters like Tianmo Youji are not so simple. At least it is a mixed river dragon.

There are many reasons for this, so the sudden occurrence of such a situation at present is really such a situation, which more or less makes many people feel very surprised. It is this surprise that makes many people feel very incredible.

Not to mention the unfamiliar people of Wenshan, but the people familiar with Wenshan have never known how Wenshan's strength has been improved. Even Dai Mingqiu in the small hole, when he saw Wenshan, Wenshan was just a small handyman disciple and a disciple who needed his own protection everywhere.

But at this time, Wenshan has completely grown into the real leader of the small hole, the chief personal disciple of the small cave school in the true sense. Whether Zhang Feifei or Dai Mingqiu admits it or not, the current strength of Wenshan has far exceeded them. Or, Wenshan's current strength is not really comparable to them at all.

The character who can defeat Zhan Tai and Luo Yun can still stand there under the pressure of Wu Yufa's spiritual thoughts without any mental depression. It is precisely for this reason that more or less shocks many people. A shock from the depths of the heart.

is also such a shock, and Wenshan's reputation in the whole Taixuan Sect is also getting higher and higher. It is one of the reasons for this, so for a situation like Wenshan, more attention is necessary, and more curiosity also exists.

For the current space of Taixuanzong's elder-level seat, Wenshan is among them. Of course, one of them is Tianmo Youji, the master in the name of Wenshan. Both of them have a very high level of attention. After all, Tianmo Youji is a master of the immortal realm of the immortal giants.

Of course, the strength and identity of the current Tianmo Youji are only known to these ancestor-level figures in Taixuanzong. It is this reason, so for such a situation at present, it is completely another thing.

This is exactly what happened, so it gives people more or less attention to this kind of thing. It is this kind of concern that gives people more curiosity. Tianmo Youji, Wenshan, in fact, they themselves are indeed worthy of more people's attention. After all, their existence is not simple characters.

At this time, a large amount of energy accumulated in Mount Everest, and at the same time, it accumulated in the space of the elder-level seat of Taixuanzong. For such an accumulation, it is also the beginning of many people's speculation. After all, such a large-scale accumulation of energy is completely a sign of a person's strength breakthrough.

After all, everyone present knows that in such an elder-level seat space, it is the spiritual weapon that Tianmo Youji is ready to upgrade Wenshan. For such an upgraded spiritual weapon, since it is Tianmo who called Wenshan into the space of the elder-level seat, it shows that such an upgraded spiritual weapon must be very powerful and cannot be known to more people.

This is the reason for this, so for a situation in front of us, I am completely curious about what kind of spiritual weapon can lead to the improvement of Wenshan's strength. After all, with the strength of the current demon, the energy of such a scale can not be improved by her.

And when it comes to such a level as Tianmo Youji, you can predict the improvement of your cultivation. There are signs in advance. That's why, so in general, you basically won't pursue anything too much. The breakthrough in the strength of Tianmo Youji is not guessed at all.

For such a wide range of energy fluctuations, the first thing that comes to mind is the breakthrough of Wenshan's strength. After all, at this time, only Wenshan's strength can break through at any time. And there is the guidance of Tianmo Youji on the side.

Wenshan practiced five divine powers together. Although two of them have reached the intermediate stage of divine power, for the other three doors, they have not yet reached the intermediate stage of divine power, but only the primary stage of divine power. Therefore, it is not impossible for Wenshan to upgrade his other three divine powers to the intermediate stage of divine power at any time.

Many people turn to such an elder-level seat, most of whom are envious and jealous. After all, if the current Wenshan's strength is further improved with the help of Tianmo Youji, it is bound to further improve the current Wenshan's strength. It is also very helpful for the improvement of Wenshan's status in the whole Taixuanzong in the future.

It is precisely for this reason, so for the current Wenshan, the general situation is basically regarded as a role model. In the future, the status of Wenshan and Zhan Tailuo Yun will basically be the same. It is one of the reasons for this, so I am more or less cautious about the current situation.

Most of the changes in the current pattern still have more changes. For such a situation, no matter what, Wenshan's reputation has reached a great extent among the whole generation. Even if these people stand in the future, all of them must be well and fully considered.

After all, there are actually many hidden forces in the current Taixuanzong. Among them, the most special hidden force is a force like Zhan Tailuoyun who belongs to Jinshimen. For such a situation, after all, the existence of Zhantai Jinshi and Jinshimen have greatly guaranteed the power base of Zhantai Luoyun.

Of course, there are forces supporting Zhan Tai Jinshi and opposing Zhan Tai. After all, Zhan Tailuoyun's consistent way of dealing with people is the situation that his supporters have been supported. For a force that does not support itself, it is completely a situation of suppressing such a situation.

It is exactly the emergence of this situation, that is to say, it is completely equivalent to the side against Zhan Tai Luoyun, and completely equivalent to the absolute separation of the current side supporting Zhan Tai Luoyun. For such a situation, it is completely equivalent to two aspects. Such a thing is also very worthy of joint negotiation.

It is precisely for this reason, so for the whole thing, the forces against Zhan Tai Luoyun and the forces supporting Zhan Tai Luo Yun are bound to exist in a situation of confrontation. For such a situation, it is completely two aspects.

For the situation that can be completely solved by such two aspects, and for Zhan Tai Luoyun's arrogance, it is quite normal for the existence of such opposition forces. It is in this case that it is also a very regrettable situation.

Of course, for the existence of such a force, it is also an anti-Taiwan force, that is, it opposes Zhan Tailuoyun's dominant situation in the 23 mountain gates of the whole Taixuan Sect. Oppose a situation where Zhan Tailuoyun unscrupulously suppresses other forces in the 23 mountain gates of the whole sect.

But no matter what, in such a big Taixuan Sect, Zhan Tai Luoyun has Zhantai Jinshi behind it, and the head of the whole three sects of Taixuan Sect like Taixuan Jinshimen as its strong backing. It is the combination of such many factors that makes Zhan Tai Luoyun have such an arrogant capital.

is one of the reasons for this, so for the whole thing, it is completely another thing. For such a situation, it is completely equivalent to moving the whole thing back. It is this pattern that arises. On the whole, it is completely another thing.

In a word, whoever has a big fist is to listen to. After all, a person with a big fist has such a weight. It is precisely because of the existence of this that Zhan Tai Luoyun has such an identity*, so if you look at the whole thing, it is completely another thing.

Even if the anti-Taiwan forces want to fight against Zhantai Luoyun's forces, if Zhantai Luoyun is forced to a certain extent and stands up, he can completely suppress all these people back with his own fist. That's one of the reasons. Who made the strength of Zhan Tai Luoyun in front of him be such a powerful existence?

For the current situation of Wenshan, there is bound to be more forces against Zhan Tailuoyun. For such a situation, it is bound to make the whole thing extremely strange.

For such a strange thing, it is equivalent to making the whole thing abnormally clear or the situation abnormally opposed. After all, whether it is * or strength like Wenshan, it is basically the same as Zhan Tailuoyun. For the current Wenshan, there is the existence of Tianmo Youji standing behind it.

For such a situation, it is equivalent to making the whole situation abnormally strange. The rise of Wenshan is also the object of opposition to Zhan Tailuoyun's power. The reason is very simple, that is, Wenshan must have more benefits and more characters at present.

For Wenshan, he is not unwilling to lead such a head. After all, for Wenshan and Zhan Tai Luoyun, there is already a reversal of the existence. For such a situation, for the current Wenshan, Zhantai Luoyun is basically like water and fire.

If Wenshan does not completely pull over such a force against Zhan Tai and Luoyun, it means that Wenshan is a fool. After all, if this kind of ready-made power is not well used, it must be a fool's behavior for Wenshan.

After all, for the whole thing, it is completely another thing. For such things, it can also help Wenshan more or less. At least in terms of power and contacts, it can help Wenshan quickly attract his own power in the whole Taixuanzong.

After all, although Wenshan can rely on Tianmo Youji, he does not need to be afraid of Zhantai Luoyun at all. Even if Zhantai Jinshi sees Wenshan now, he should be polite. It is precisely for this reason, so there is no such necessity for the whole thing.

This is the idea, so for the whole thing, it is completely equivalent to directly supporting Wenshan to the top and directly regard Wenshan as the leader. This is the reason, so for the whole thing, it is completely another meaning.

After all, for Wenshan now, it is a powerful woman like Tianmo Youji standing behind her. In this way*, the existence of Zhantai Luoyun has been steadily suppressed. In addition, Wenshan himself is a personal disciple of the small cave, which is Zhu Xiaolei's maintenance of Wenshan, and the weight of Wenshan in Zhu Xiaolei's heart in the small cave is absolutely not low.

This is the reason, so for the whole thing, it is completely another thing. It is the reason for this kind of thing, so the way to deal with the whole thing is also like this. It is precisely for this reason, so it is also necessary for Wenshan.

But Wenshan is not such a person without ambitious goals. Wenshan doesn't want to be content with the status quo. It is precisely for this reason, so for Wenshan, it is completely another thing. It is also very necessary for such a thing.

Even if Wenshan has been living under the wings of Tianmo Youji and Zhu Xiaolei's wings, it is not something Wenshan is willing to do. It is the existence of this reason, so for the whole thing, it is completely different aspects. The views on the whole thing are also very different.

This is one of the reasons, so for the whole thing, Wenshan definitely wants to develop by himself. The situation of such forces in Taixuanzong has naturally become the topic of the whole matter.

But for such a situation, it is also a result. If Wenshan wants to develop, he must form his own gang in this way. This situation is the best way out for Wenshan.

But no matter what, no matter what the way out. For Wenshan, it is completely to ask Wenshan to travel by himself. Therefore, it is also a very good choice for the combination of the forces against Zhan Tailuoyun and Wenshan. After all, this is beneficial to both sides.

There are few opportunities for the original to fight against hunger as Zhan Tai Luoyun. It is precisely because of the rise of such powerful figures in Wenshan that this situation has been further opened up. For such a situation, I don't know what the outcome is. However, the rise of such forces is also caused by the persecution of Zhantai Luoyun and the rise of Wenshan.

For now, the two white bodies are still constantly moving in the elder-level seat space. That's how the posture has always been maintained. For such a situation, more or less makes the atmosphere present ** everywhere.

But in such a situation, neither of them continued to observe what happened around them. Wenshan, who was originally sacrificing blood, had been drawing Wenshan's blood to water its own spiritual weapons. At this time, and the soul ring and the pale green gourd formed a triangular momentum in the sky.

Originally, it has always been a battle between two spiritual weapons, but now it has become a situation of competition between the three spiritual chambers. For such a form of change, it is estimated that Tianmo Youji Wenshan did not expect such a situation. After all, the confrontation between the three spiritual weapons is very rare.

After all, two of the owners of these three spiritual weapons are Wenshan's and one is Tianmo Youji's. However, these three spiritual weapons were the blood sacrifices that occurred at the same time, and the people who also the blood sacrifices occurred were Wenshan and Tianmo Youji.

So for such a case, it is completely another meaning. For such a meaning, it is not what Wenshan can predict in front of him. After all, for such a situation, there is no such situation at all.

Three spiritual weapons for blood sacrifice is already a scene against the sky. But in such a situation, it has not been lifted at all. But now three spiritual weapons are together in such a blood sacrifice event. For such a blood sacrifice event, it is not something that ordinary people can imagine at all.

After all, the blood sacrifice is very painful and difficult. And the risks are not really affordable for ordinary people. That's exactly what happened. For the current blood sacrifice, three spiritual blood sacrifices in a row have occurred, and the degree of risk of such a risk has completely increased.

Among them, the most critical risk is that Tianmo and Wenshan join together. For such a situation, it is completely two concepts. For Tianmo Youji and Wenshan to carry out the blood sacrifice of their own spiritual weapons at the same time, this completely increases the risk of such blood sacrifice.

However, such a risk has an immortal giant to help Wenshan share, and such a thing is more or less acceptable to Wenshan in front of him. It was the addition of Tianmo Youji that the original crazy incident of extracting blood from Wenshan's body stopped.

But there was not much stopping for such a situation, and the blood of the direct demon also began to draw blood from these three strange spiritual weapons. But after all, the strength of Tianmo is here. In this general situation, Tianmo has always had the strength to compete with such spiritual weapons, but it is not the strength of the divine power stage like Wenshan.

This is the reason. In essence, for such a scene, the four forces are fighting with each other. Of course, a powerful force of Tianmo Youji is completely from its own strength. As for the blood of Tianmo Youji, whose blood was divided by such three spiritual weapons, it was pulled out. At the same time, it went through the three spiritual weapons. After being watered by these three spiritual weapons, it changed again.

It is the existence of such a change that makes such a situation appear at present. For such a situation, it is completely fighting.

The blood of the original mountain is the object of competition. However, when encountering Tianmo Youji whose strength level is much higher than that of Wenshan, it should have been Wenshan's blood sacrifice, but at this time, it was competing for the blood of Tianmo Youji, which became the feeling of Tianmo Youji in the blood sacrifice.

It was such a thing that Wenshan's blood basically returned to Wenshan's body. At the scene, the threat to Wenshan was also reduced a lot. For such a situation, it is completely another thing. For such a situation, it is not an ordinary thing.

This is the reason for this, so it is a situation in front of us. Wenshan was freed from the blood sacrifice. Originally, Wenshan's two spiritual weapons were sacrificed, but at this time, it became the battlefield of Tianmo alone.

But Tianmo Youji is worthy of being an eternal giant and a strong man in the realm of immortality. It is such a situation. In this way, the three spiritual weapons are to extract the blood from her body, and the blood entering the three spiritual weapons will be drawn directly to the demon Youji in turn.

is such a situation. On the surface, Tianmo Youji is fighting for three spiritual weapons alone, such a situation. And in this situation, it is more or less the profound situation of a person of Tianmo Youji that slowly eliminates the threat of such a scene.

Of course, there are still more or less other shadows in it. While the existence of such a shadow, it is also supported by strong strength.

This is the reason, so there is no need for the whole thing. As for the necessity of this, there are more or less other things.

The devil at this time. In addition to the alternative battle with Wenshan, there is also a battle between the three spiritual weapons in the sky. For such a battle, it is completely unknown to Wenshan. Originally, it was a situation that formed a angular momentum over the sky and competed with each other.

But at this time, it is obviously not such a thing. For such a thing, there is no need for such a thing.

At this time, the three spiritual weapons were slowly arguing with each other. For such a contradiction, it is obvious that Wenshan's soul ring and the black strange wooden stick are more profound. While fighting, the two spiritual weapons also take care of the black gourd beside them.

In this situation, the black gourd did not take advantage of it. It is this comparison that can completely see the strength of the spiritual weapons. It is such a profound comparison that even if there is nothing, you can see that the soul ring and the ghost's wooden stick are really good. Or it's still a little better at the level.

If such a phenomenon is seen by people, it is estimated that it is another kind of evaluation. After all, for such a situation in front of us, it is completely to compare the black gourd of the demon Youji. For such a situation, it can be fully reflected.

For these two spiritual weapons that can completely surpass the natural spiritual weapons of Tianmo, these two spiritual weapons are also absolutely not simple. After all, if this kind of thing completely exceeds the level of the spiritual weapon owned by Tianmo Youji, how amazing the level of the two spiritual weapons will be.

This is the reason, so for the current situation, it is completely unexpected. It is for this reason, so for the whole thing, it is completely unexpected by many people.

At this time, the three spiritual weapons suddenly became extremely irritable and restless. It began to further increase the intensity of the blood drawing of Wenshan and Tianmo Youji. For such a situation, even the original spiritual weapon of the heavenly demon, the black gourd, the spiritual weapon emitting light blue light, began to suppress the heavenly demon Youji at this time.

At this time, Tianmo suddenly exerted all his strength. The strength of the realm of immortality is not so small. It is for this reason that for a while, Tianmo has no advantage in drawing blood from the current three spiritual weapons. It is for this reason that the scene suddenly becomes extremely consistent from the spiritual weapon melee.

After all, for such a situation, it is completely another thing, and for such a situation, it is not impossible.

For such a situation, it is completely equivalent to isolating the heavenly demon alone, starting a blood sacrifice together, and starting to make the heavenly demon Youji in front of us carry out a new round of attack. Heavenly Demon Youji is not afraid of such an attack at all.

After all, the demon Youji, who has reached the realm of immortality, will not be afraid of such a blood sacrifice at all. After all, the object of the blood sacrificed by the demon Youji is not the existence of anything at the level of spiritual treasure. That's why, so for a situation like this in front of us, it's completely another thing.

For such a situation, there is no need for such trouble. It is a situation that needs to be more difficult to fight against.

For the master of the realm of immortality, there is no need to face any difficult blood sacrifice. Generally speaking, for them, if ordinary upgraded spiritual weapons really let them carry out blood sacrifices, it is a complete waste of time if they want to upgrade such upgraded spiritual weapons and enhance the spirituality of spiritual weapons.

After all, for the strong in the realm of immortality, ordinary spiritual weapons can't really keep up with their strength. For such a situation, there is no need for such a situation.

This is the reason, so it is not difficult to face the ordinary blood sacrifice in the current situation. After all, for these eternal giants in the eternal realm, if they want to improve their strength in a real sense, only the spiritual weapons at the level of blood sacrifice are the most important thing for him.

After all, for them, only spiritual weapons at the level, or objects close to the spiritual weapons at the level, are their main means of attack. For such an attack, there is no need for such a method. It is the existence of such a reason that leads to the current situation.

Therefore, when it comes to blood sacrifice, it is generally the most important thing when your strength is very low, when you are still a divine person. For such a time, it is the most necessary to upgrade a spiritual weapon. At this time, when waiting for people to slowly improve their strength, it is time to upgrade the spiritual weapon.

But for the strong in the divine power stage, blood sacrifices a spiritual weapon that does not know the level. Anyway, it is a very dangerous thing.

This is the reason, so there is still more or less concern about the Wenshan Blood Festival incident. The main reason is that Wenshan can't really face such a situation at all. For such a situation, it is completely like this.

It is the existence of this reason, so if you look at the whole thing, Tianmo Youji has a complete advantage when she comes to deal with the spiritual weapon that does not exist in the spiritual treasure. This advantage is also a very obvious thing.

This is the reason, so for the current situation, it is completely another thing. It is precisely this that there are more or less different senses in it. For such a situation, in the face of the blood sacrifice of such three spiritual weapons, Tianmo Youji is still very confident.

The reason why Tianmo Youji was afraid of the original Wenshan's blood sacrifice in the face of such two spiritual weapons is that she is afraid that the Tianmo Youji in front of her is not really qualified for such a blood sacrifice. That's why there is such a reason, so there is no need for the whole thing.

It was the existence of such a result. At that time, I didn't know that I could join such a blood sacrifice event. After all, there are more or less such concerns about such a dangerous thing as blood sacrifice, and there are not many reasons for many people to try it. It is the existence of such a reason that I don't know that we can sacrifice blood together.

It is the incident of a blood sacrifice like Wenshan and Tianmo Youji in front of us, which is probably also strange. Even the two spiritual blood sacrifices at the beginning of Wenshan are also very difficult to see. No one will make such a choice at all.