ghost monk

Chapter 231 Solve the Blood Sacrifice Storm

Chapter 231 Solve the Blood Sacrifice Storm

In addition, under such abundant energy outside, in such an environment, as long as the energy controlled by Tianmo Youji is not as strong as the energy controlled by the strange wooden stick, it is estimated that even Tianmo Youji will suffer the end of being sacrificed by blood and becoming a weapon slave.

It is the existence of such a tragic end. So for the whole thing, it is completely the existence of another layer of meaning. At this time, if Wenshan can't pull Qiuqiu, the weapon of the divine soul weapon in front of him into his camp and jointly deal with the spirit of the strange wooden stick in front of him, then Wenshan and Tianmo Youji will face the end of being sacrificed by blood.

The blood sacrifice here, rather than the blood sacrifice, refers to the tragic end of the strange wooden stick in front of the blood sacrifice to Wenshan and Tianmo Youji, and Wenshan and Tianmo Youji will be blood sacrificed as wife slaves. When I think of the words that even my woman will become a weapon slave, the existence of such a demon that everyone shouts to kill.

At this time, Wenshan's heart could not calm down. It is such a situation that will happen, coupled with the madness of the current battle outside, as long as it stays, what you will face will be thousands of such a small amount of energy constantly impacting such a protective circle of Tianmo Youji.

This is the reason, so for the current Wenshan, we should grasp the time at every moment. Otherwise, for such a situation in front of us, it is very unfavorable for Tianmo Youji.

This is exactly what happened, so for Wenshan in front of him, it can't take any more time. Otherwise, for Tianmo Youji, there is a threat to life at any time. Today's blood sacrifice event is completely the blood sacrifice scene of Wenshan.

Tianmo Youji was inserted in the back. Originally, it was such a situation of suffering. If such a situation is still impacted by the crazy energy in front of us, how much blame will it be for Wenshan in front of him? That's a imagined result.

It is the existence of such an idea, so for the change of such a pattern in front of us, it is completely unexpected by Wenshan. It is the existence of such a thing that Wenshan is in today's situation. He has more or less been very grateful to Tianmo Youji and feel that he owes a lot to Tianmo Youji.

This is exactly the situation, so for Wenshan in front of us, there is no need to do these things at all. It is the existence of such a reason, so there is no necessity for such a thing in front of us, and there is no possibility of such a thing.

After the relationship with Tianmo Youji and herself was only a ridiculous thing, now she knows that it has just been established. But such a stupid woman has paid so many hardships for herself. That's why, so for Wenshan at this time, he has never thought about what kind of damage Tianmo Youji had suffered.

This is the existence of the idea, so for Wenshan in front of us, it is completely another kind of feeling. It is precisely for this reason, so for the current Wenshan, the whole situation is completely clear.

This is the reason, so for the current situation, there is no need to put the demon into such a dangerous situation and let it slowly be assessed. After all, this is a fight, a real battle. It is precisely the existence of this idea, so for Wenshan in front of him, it is completely to consider the current situation very clearly.

This is exactly how it is, so for the situation in front of him, Wenshan wants to truly subdue the spirit of the soul ring in front of him and transform it into his own side. Wenshan knew that there was no restraint of the original soul ring outside now, and all the opportunities were completely grasped by the strange wooden stick.

This is the reason, so for such a thing in front of us, it is completely that the strange stick lacks other constraints and other concerns. In this way, what the strange wooden stick spirit wants to pursue, or let the strange wooden stick spirit play to its fullest, chase the heavenly demon Youji in front of you.

If this situation is true, it is estimated that the situation of Tianmo, which was originally level with the crazy energy around him, is doomed to be broken. It is this kind of situation that is broken, Tianmo Youji is destined to be oppressed now, and may not be able to resist such pressure at any time and be sacrificed by strange wooden sticks.

If the current soul ring directly turns the head of the gun, directly controls the surrounding energy, and directly resists against the strange wooden stick. At this time, it is equivalent to the spirit with a soul ring to contain the spirit of the strange wooden stick, and this kind of containment is completely all-round.

It is the emergence of such a situation that is as magical as a tiger with wings. Wenshan gave the artifact of the strange wooden stick to the complete blood sacrifice. If this is really the case, the dangerous situation will be stabilized. For today's situation, Wenshan's heart will be stable.

It is the existence of such a reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely what the weapon spirit Qiuqiu is aiming at now. Wenshan doesn't know whether he can completely subdue the weapon Qiuqiu in front of him.

"Ah, ah, ah!" It was at this time that Qiuqiu, the instrument of the soul ring, was screaming. I don't know what Qiuqiu wants to do. Anyway, it's just this constant screaming. It may be severely oppressed by Wenshan's spirit.

After all, for the current strong mental pressure of Wenshan, it is not completely what the soul ring spirit in front of us can resist. After all, no matter how strong the spiritual pressure of Qiuqiu is, but Wenshan directly controls Qiuqiu without any play, which is so simple.

After all, for now, Qiling Qiuqiu is completely subdued by Wenshan in front of him. For such a situation, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. It is the expected result of such a thing.

So it also makes Wenshan in front of him very thoughtful about the whole matter. At this time, it was Qiling Qiuqiu, trembling all over. Even if the current Qiling Qiuqiu wants to escape and escape the abuse of a big demon like Wenshan, in this way, it is completely uncomfortable for Qiling Qiuqiu in front of him.

After all, when did the spiritual weapon spirit at the level of Lingqiu have such an experience and be constantly suppressed by such a scene? It is the existence of such a reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation.

This is the reason why Qiling Qiuqiu did not beg for mercy, but Wenshan also saw that it was almost enough to torture this Qiuqiu. Even if Wenshan really wants to deal with Qiuqiu in front of him, he will not be able to really subdue him for a while. In addition, the current situation outside needs the help of the current weapon Qiuqiu.

This is the existence of this idea, so Wenshan just wants to let Qiling Qiuqiu know that it has been completely mastered by himself. It is precisely for this reason that Qiuqiu should at least listen to his own words. It is exactly one thing that Wenshan is now passing on to Qiling Qiuqiu.

"Autumn. Have you had enough, can't you get along with me? After all, after all, I have been a brother who lives with you. You and I have the same life, one death and the end of two deaths, don't you know?" At this time, Wenshan said to Ling Qiuqiu, a naughty ghost in front of him. At the same time, the current situation has been completely mastered.

The pressure of his spiritual thoughts is gradually reduced, knowing that Qiuqiu now feels very relaxed and comfortable. But Wenshan did not completely relax the suppression of Qiuqiu in front of him. The strength of the suppression of the spiritual idea just now made Qiuqiu feel that Wenshan was really angry.

And now let Qiling Qiuqiu fully know that his fate is completely in the hands of Wenshan. It is the existence of such an intuitive idea that the purpose is to let Qiuqiu know that he is not so easy to provoke.

It is precisely for this reason. At this time, Qiuqiu is not in a hurry to answer what Wenshan said, and he is also thinking about what he is now. After all, he is not a free man, not the real controller of the whole soul ring. After all, for Qiling Qiuqiu, the only area of life can only be in such a soul ring.

Otherwise, Qiling Qiuqiu has no place to live. But for the spirit Qiuqiu in front of us, there is no other choice at all. It is precisely because of this reason, so there is no need for such a situation in front of us.

The existence of such a reason is more or less a strong warning to Qiuqiu in front of us. It was in this way that after Qiuqiu hesitated for a long time, he muttered and said in a tender voice, "Bad guy, I can tell you, don't think you can suppress me Qiuqiu by such a means. I don't like yours."

At this time, Qiling Qiuqiu looked at Wenshan in front of him with a depressed face, and there was still some stubborn emotion in his heart, as if he felt very dissatisfied with Wenshan's behavior just now. It is also for this reason, so I have some dissatisfaction with Wenshan in front of me.

It is the existence of such a reason, so for a situation in front of us, it completely plunges Wenshan in front of us into a very dissatisfied category. It is simply a kind of hatred for Wenshan. After all, the judgment of such a situation in front of him completely makes Wenshan feel very unhappy.

It's exactly like this, but Wenshan in front of him doesn't expect the Qiling Qiuqiu in front of him to be any different. It is the existence of such a reason, so for the current situation, it is completely two aspects. It is precisely because of this reason that there is more or less resentment towards Wenshan in front of him.

On the contrary, Wenshan became more interested in the spirit Qiuqiu in front of him. It is exactly this kind of thing. For such a situation in front of us, it is completely unexpected. It is the existence of such an idea that more or less makes Wenshan in front of him have some different emotions.

"Qiuqiu, after all, we are now together, and the blood sacrifice has been successful. Don't you accept it?" Wenshan looked at the meaty ball in front of him and had a little dissatisfaction in his heart, which was exactly the existence of this feeling, so he still said to Qiuqiu in front of him, "What conditions do you have?" I will try my best to satisfy you!"

It was at this time that Wenshan also had to compromise with the spirit in front of him. After all, there is really no way to talk about the spirit Qiuqiu in front of him. It is precisely because of this that Wenshan in front of him still has some dissatisfaction in his heart.

It is not so simple to let the naughty guy in front of him completely give up the hatred in his heart in a short time. It is precisely for this reason that Wenshan can only negotiate with the instrument in front of him. Only in this way can we really solve such a situation in front of us.

At least one kind of dispute can be solved. It is precisely because of this that there are more or less different existences, and it is precisely this difference that makes Wenshan in front of him more or less vigilant. After all, he seems to be very small for the little guy in front of him, but he is also a guy who has survived for thousands of years.

For such a guy, he can't really deal with it. At least this small family has a lot of ideas. If Wenshan doesn't pay attention and is in the full set of the little guy in front of him, there is no need for such a situation in front of him.

This is the reason, so Wenshan is also looking forward to looking at the instrument Qiuqiu in front of him, with such vigilance in his heart. After all, there is no need for such a situation in front of us.

"Humph, conditions? The condition is that you don't talk to me, don't bother me, and don't take advantage of me. Qiling Qiuqiu felt a little funny that Wenshan actually asked him to make conditions. It was also at this time that there were not many such thoughts to talk about Wenshan in front of him.

"You!" Wenshan is obviously very dissatisfied with the several conditions put forward by Qiling Qiuqiu. It is precisely because of this reason, so for such a situation in front of us, I feel completely dissatisfied.

After all, for the current Wenshan, he was originally going to use the instrument in front of him to deal with the strange wooden stick outside to help Tianmo Youji solve the chaotic situation outside. It is for this reason that Wenshan's answer to the instrument in front of him obviously cannot be satisfied.

"You boy, I'm really so easy to bully. I tell you Qiuqiu, hurry up and solve these troubles outside for me. Otherwise, I will definitely erase your memory today and see that you are still so naughty.

For Qiling Qiuqiu, Wenshan also said with a cold face at this time. Obviously, Wenshan at this time was also very angry with Qiuqiu in front of him. After all, this boy is not a thing.

It is precisely because of the existence of such a situation, it is obviously not what Wenshan wants. It is the existence of such a reason, so for everything in front of us, it is completely unexpected. But Qiuqiu's answer is also what Wenshan can think of.

But at this time, Wenshan knew that it was really a waste of time outside. Therefore, at this time, Wenshan directly put forward the idea in his heart. It is also the reason for this, so for the current situation, Wenshan directly erases Qiuqiu's memory to threaten the spirit Qiuqiu in front of him.

After all, for Qiling Qiuqiu, his master is Wenshan. Wenshan has now completely mastered the whole soul ring, so for it, it can completely erase the memory of Qiling Qiuqiu. In such a situation, there is no need for such a threat from Qiuqiu in front of us.

is also the reason for this, so for Qiuqiu in front of him, in fact, the biggest threat is Wenshan's sentence just now. For the spiritual weapon of IQ formed after tens of thousands of years of survival, there is a little difference anyway.

This is the reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. It is precisely this expectation that there are more or less differences.

This is the reason, so for the current situation, it is also a little different. It is this difference that obviously has some threat to the spirit Qiuqiu in front of us. It was in this way that Qiuqiu, who was still very arrogant, suddenly became silent for a long time.

"You are relieved. The poisonous boy outside will not exert all his strength against your woman at all. It is its courage that dare not completely release its breath in such an occasion, within such a Taixuan sect.

It was when Wenshan looked at the little weapon in front of him, the boy finally opened his mouth to speak, and as soon as he said it, he directly made Wenshan's tense spirit, which had been worrying, and one sentence brought some doubts to it. That's exactly what happened, so he explained to Wenshan, who was still in a puzzled state.

At this time, Wenshan finally knew what the spiritual weapon was like outside. At the same time, Wenshan also knew why the spiritual weapon outside kept entering his body with such a poisonous gambling, that is, Wenshan's The internal force has been completely contaminated by such poison gas.

This is the reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing. The existence of such a reason or less makes Wenshan in front of him feel a little surprised and a little unbelievable.

After all, the strange wooden stick outside is the dementor wood, and in such a dementor wood, it stores a lot of highly toxic substances.

is also the reason for this, so for the sudden appearance of such a wooden stick in front of us, at the same time, there is such a poisonous threat directly to Wenshan. At the same time, in the vast space blocked by the devil, there is such a powerful poison. The anger is constantly being rendered.

This is the reason, so for everything in front of us, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. That's why, so it also makes Wenshan in front of him feel a little different.

And this kind of dementer in front of him is the one used by the poisonous old man in those years. It is the first spiritual treasure-level weapon of the devil's way. Such a demented soul that fell with the death of the poisonous old man is the object that people are looking for now. For such a weapon, it is very tricky for ordinary people, and it is the existence of such a weapon with many dangers.

is also the existence of such a thing, so there are more or less differences. It is precisely for this reason, so for Wenshan in front of us, there is no need for such a thing at all.

At this time, Wenshan heard the reason from the mouth of the spirit of the soul ring. After all, for the spiritual weapons outside, although they have become the most precious treasure in the whole magic way. However, because the poisonous old man fought here in Taixuanzong, he directly left such a spiritual weapon here and left it in Taixuanzong.

is also the reason for this, so for such a spiritual treasure-level spiritual weapon, although it is the most precious existence in the devil, it is the kind of poison in the eyes of righteous people. It is this reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely that kind of shouting to kill.

If anyone really has such a spiritual treasure, even if it has not been sacrificed by blood, it is doomed to be wiped out. It is the existence of such a thing, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely equivalent to that if Wenshan really owns such an evil thing, for Wenshan in front of us, it is doomed to be hunted down.

After all, for such a spiritual weapon that has fought with the suzerain of Taixuanzong, and the battle at that time was completely in the situation of many enemies. Although the poisonous old man was completely killed in the end. But for the old patriarch of the original Taixuan Sect, it is also a reflection of a completely different meaning at this time.

This is the reason. For such a situation in front of us, it is completely equivalent to a situation that completely separates the whole thing from me. For such a case, it is completely another layer of meaning.

And Wenshan knew that the dementor wood outside now dared not fully display the prestige of its spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure. The main reason is that this dementor wood is above the chassis of Taixuanzong. For its breath, if ordinary people are not completely familiar with it, but for this old opponent of the dementor wood, it is also a spiritual weapon at the level of Lingbao, and it is also the existence of the Zhenzong treasure of Taixuan Sect.

It is the existence of such a hostile opponent, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing. It is precisely for this reason that for the existence of Shenhunmu, it is entirely because of the existence of such a barrier as Tianmo Youji, which is a little presumptuous.

But if it is such a situation in front of us, it is not so easy to completely solve it. It is this reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation.

After all, for such a situation, it is completely beyond the existence of this feeling in front of us. It is precisely for this reason that it is completely another thing. It is the existence of such a thing, so for such a thing in front of us, it is completely the existence of another feeling.

has such concerns, so I dare not use any excessive means for such a dementer in front of me. It is the existence of such a reason, so for such a case, it is completely another thing.

The existence of such a thing is more or less different. At least for the launch of the spirit with the soul ring so far, but there is no possibility of presumptuousity for the soul wood.

It is precisely the existence of such a reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. It is precisely this expectation that it is completely equivalent to reorganize the view of the whole thing.

Not to mention the old opponent of the dementor wood, that is, the existence of the spiritual treasure of Taixuanzong, makes the dementor wood in front of it impossible to move. I can't use all my power to suppress the demon Youji in front of me. Even the instrument of the soul ring, Qiuqiu himself did not dare to exude his spiritual treasure-level breath.

After all, for spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasure, it is the target of many people. And the real master of such a spiritual weapon is still in the hands of Wenshan. It is precisely for this reason, so for such a situation in front of us, there is no need for such a situation.

It is precisely for this reason that if the breath of spiritual weapons such as the soul ring is detected. I guess it is the object of competition. For these spiritual weapons, what they need is freedom. The current incident of blood sacrifice is obviously not a very good reason.

This is the reason, so the owner of the soul ring in front of him is Wenshan, so he is even more afraid to be found that the soul ring is a spiritual weapon at the level of the spiritual treasure. Otherwise, Wenshan, the owner of the soul ring, is no match for others at all. It is doomed to be robbed.

If ordinary people take it, there is nothing. But if such a spiritual weapon is really contested, it is destined to be the object of attention of many people. It is precisely for this reason, so for such a spiritual weapon, as long as the number of people competing increases, it is doomed to be unlucky.

In the end, he can have a spiritual treasure that is robbed by such a person, and he is destined to be a powerful and proud figure. For such a character, it is impossible to really sacrifice the spiritual weapon soul ring in front of him, but at least there are many ways to suppress it.

is the existence of such a reason, so for a situation in front of such a situation, there is no need for such a reason at all. Therefore, in general, for spiritual weapons at the level of Lingbao, the focus is to keep a low profile. I don't want to be discovered by more people.

is also the reason for this. Even if the soul ring in front of him has always existed on Wenshan's body, that is, the heavenly demon Youji, Zhu Xiaolei and others who have checked Wenshan have not completely recognized such a small thing. If it had been really recognized, it would have been robbed long ago. How can it still be a part of Wenshan?

For ordinary people, the breath of spiritual weapons at the level of Lingbao is not very good**. It is not so easy for those elder-level figures of the current Taixuanzong, the existence of eternal giants, and the old guys with immortal cultivation.

It is not so easy to really master the existence of such a spiritual treasure level. It is the existence of such a reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. It is this idea that exists, so there is still something like this more or less.

This is the reason for this, so for such a thing in front of us, it is completely beyond Wenshan's expectation. After all, for the existence of such a clear level gap between spiritual weapons and spiritual weapons, it can't be faked.

This is the reason for the existence, so there is a very powerful spiritual weapon in Taixuanzong, that is, the soul ring in front of him and the strange wooden stick dementor wood, and they dare not offend anything like this. It is for this reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing.

It is precisely because of this, whether it is a dementor wood or a soul ring, for such a spiritual weapon, it has just not fully reflected its original level. Otherwise, when will the threat of blood sacrifices at the level of spiritual treasures become so small?

If you really want to sacrifice a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure and completely subdue the spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasure, it is not very easy for such a thing. It is precisely for this reason, so for such a thing in front of you, it is completely There is no such need.

It is the artifact with the dementor wood and the soul ring that is a little afraid of such a thing in front of him, and a little afraid of such a situation in front of him, that is, it shows part of its strength.

For such a strange wooden stick dementor wood in front of us, the main purpose is to start the blood sacrifice as soon as you see Wenshan. The main purpose is to see that the strength of Chinese Mountain is relatively low. After Wenshan's blood sacrifice, this way to control Wenshan and share life with Wenshan. In this way, it is much safer for this kind of dementor wood.

For the breath of the demon, for the spiritual weapon at the level of Lingbao, there is no need for such a thing. After all, for a powerful figure like Tianmo, even if he is successfully sacrificed by blood, it is estimated that he can completely control the dementor tree in front of him.

But it's different for Wenshan. If the soul wood really succeeds in sacrificing Wenshan like this in front of him, or if it is successfully sacrificed by Wenshan's blood sacrifice, it is more than the soul wood controlled by Wenshan. After all, if Wenshan wants to save his life, he can only listen to some instructions of the dementor wood.

This is the reason, so for such a situation in front of us, it is completely another thing. It is such a situation that completely surprised Wenshan in front of him. It is the existence of such a surprising component that more or less makes Wenshan in front of him feel comfortable.

After all, for a little person like Wenshan who has just made his debut, even if he has been sacrificed by Wenshan. It is not necessary to know that the success of the blood sacrifice is a spiritual weapon at the level of a spiritual treasure. At that time, for such a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure, it is a state that can completely passively work.

It is the existence of such a reason, so for the current situation, there is no need for such a situation. But in any case, for such a situation in front of us, it is completely equivalent to Wenshan or easier to bully.

For the current situation outside, Wenshan's heart has more or less settled down. After all, I know that it is a dementor wood outside, and I dare not do anything at all. I dare not really take action against Wenshan. It is for this reason, so for such a situation in front of us, there is no need for such a thing.

And when the dementor wood wants to sacrifice Wenshan blood, the main reason why the soul ring is also to sacrifice Wenshan blood at the beginning is also because of this. The soul ring is also competing with the dement wood. After all, there is only one master, whether Wenshan was sacrificed by their two spiritual weapons or by their two spiritual weapons by Wenshan. But the final result comes first.

After all, there should also be such a distinction between two spiritual weapons of comparable spiritual treasures, or name. This is the reason, so for such a situation in front of us, there is no such comparison.

But for these two spiritual weapons, they both have spiritual treasures. Of course, they need to compete with each other. It is the existence of such a thing, so for the current situation, there is no need for such a thing.

In fact, the main reason why the current soul ring and the dementer wood are a little afraid of the spiritual weapons at the level of Taixuanzong in front of them is that there is also such a clear level of such a clear level among the spiritual weapons.

It is the existence of this reason, so for the dementor wood and the spirits in the soul ring in front of us, the wisdom is relatively short. Compared with the spiritual weapons of Taixuanzong's spiritual treasure level, it is obviously the longer experience of the spiritual weapons of Taixuanzong's spiritual treasure level.