ghost monk

Chapter 248 Responsibility

Chapter 248 Responsibility

Along the road, Wenshan's motorcade like this has really caused a big momentum. After all, for the well-cultivation, which one is not the result of flying away directly with the spiritual weapon. But obviously, this is not a result of this.

is also a result of what it is now. Therefore, for the current situation, it is obviously very much in line with many things. It is also the existence of such a reason, so for such a thing in front of us, it is very in line with such regulations.

At least on the way, such a swaggering rush is the escort of a certain family. But when they saw their fleet in Wenshan, which was not only large-scale, but also heard that it was a giant treasure with a large amount of spiritual bean resources, at this time, many people's minds were activated.

is also the reason for this, so for the current situation, it is obviously very possible to make many people greedy.

But for such a situation in front of us, it is obviously not such a thing. It is also such a situation, so there are many implicatives for such a thing in front of us. It is also the existence of this involvement, but the only difference is the current formation of their team in Wenshan.

The reason why it was calm along the way was the mountain pass where some bandits gathered, and no bandits came forward to hijack such a team in front of them. The main reason is that Wenshan's motorcade hit the banner of Taixuanzong. At the same time, for such a team, each of them is a nine-stage cultivation.

Ten big men like this are nothing in Taixuanzong. But in the eyes of the secular world, it is a strong power in the true sense. It is precisely the existence of such a reason, so for such a situation in front of us, basically nothing will happen.

At that time, Wenshan was looking for masters with nine levels of flesh, mainly because he was afraid of trouble. After all, only the master of the nine-stage body still has a great threat to deal with those bandits. And as soon as it comes up, there are ten masters of the nine-stage physical body, so it is very peaceful on the way.

This is the reason, so for a situation like this in front of us, it is basically very good for a team like Wenshan. But no matter what, there is such a limit. There must also be control over such a limit.

After all, for their fleet in Wenshan, there are such large materials, so sometimes there are still many bandits. A nest of bandits can't eat such a group of people, so they are entangled with several other bandits, and several groups of bandits come together to eat such a group of people. .

is also the reason for this, so it is obviously very beneficial for such a thing in front of us. But that's it. By the time their convoy of Wenshan drove into the Guyue River, they had been attacked by three bandits. Recently, 20 masters with nine levels of flesh appeared to attack such a fleet.

Even Wenshan also felt that the 20 masters of the nine-stage realm in the recent time must be in the same group as the people who intercepted the horse team of Taixuanzong last time. After all, for any one, like the Shen family in the capital, there are not many physical masters.

Even in Kyoto of the Hanwu Dynasty, there is no big family. It really sent a physical nine-stage th� to kill such a horse team with ten physical nine-stages, and it is also a horse team with the signature of Taixuanzong. Therefore, for such a gang, 20 strong men with nine levels sitting in the town is obviously not a simple bandit's nest.

In the first two groups, the most powerful group is still the master of the seven-stage of flesh, but by the impact of ten nine-stage men, the first wave of people directly rushed to the loss, which is also the same, easily driving away such a group of people directly.

It's exactly like this. When it came the second time of the robbery, there was also a master with nine layers of flesh and two masters of eight layers of flesh, but such a team of bandits had already been concentrated on several mountains.

It's also a group of people who really didn't fire directly. When asking about the situation of the convoy here, it is said that it was the people of Taixuanzong. They also politely helped to escort a period of Wenshan to help them walk a very curved road. In this situation, he really said goodbye to Wenshan and others.

From beginning to end, there is no conflict between them at all. Therefore, Wenshan also knows that the real big bandit den, in general, will not offend a large sect like Taixuanzong.

Only some small bandits can't open their eyes and start fighting as soon as they come up, so it doesn't have much scale. In terms of scale, the last group of people is the largest. A 50-person team, but it is this 50-person team. The lowest strength is the master of eight-stage, a total of 30, and there are nine-stage masters, a total of 20.

It was a 50-person team of this size that pretended to be some robbers and came up directly without asking about the situation, but attacked Wenshan's convoy. This is the case. Wenshan knew that there was a certain trick in it.

After all, for a five-person team, the lowest strength is still a master of the body. In such a situation, the scale is really a great existence. In such a situation, it is completely impossible to be a robber. If the scale of that group of robbers is really so large.

And looking at the age of these 50 people, they are all adults, not old. It shows that their talents are extremely high. If there is really such a large-scale robber, such a large-scale trend can be completely established in Kyoto of the Hanwu Dynasty with such a large-scale family.

But if it is really sent by a large family, but it doesn't even give the face of Taixuanzong? The ability to launch such a large-scale robbery is entirely because they have obtained the main information of such a team of people. This is also the reason, so for the present situation, it must be tricky.

is the reason for this, so for the emergence of such a result in front of him, Wenshan also really expected that the person behind him who wanted to rob the supplies of the Shen family would reappear, which is also one of the reasons for this, so For such a result in front of us, you can imagine.

is the existence of such a result, so for the current state, there is basically a big gap. It is precisely the existence of such a gap, so for what is in front of us, I completely know that the real behind-the-scenes black hand has come out.

For the group of characters just now, the impact team of 50 people, Mu Ling and the two girls of Xiaochu came forward to deal with it directly. The original meaning of this mountain is to let Dai Mubai come forward to solve it. However, Mu Ling and Xiao Chu seemed to feel a little sorry for taking the 100 spiritual beans of Wenshan, so they came forward to help solve the physical realm of these 50 people.

After all, in their opinion, if Wenshan takes action, it will be more straightforward. As long as there is one move, not to mention the master of the physical realm of 50 people, but also the master of the energy gathering realm of 50 people.

Because the two girls, Xiaochu and Muling, just went out, they heard that the real strength of Wenshan had completely exceeded Shen Jie's existence, that is, Shen Jie had to call Wenshan a senior brother according to the rules of the sect.

is also a situation, so for such a situation in front of us, not to mention the physical strength of 50 people, that is, what can the character of 50 people in the state of gathering? It is also the reason for this, so it is obviously very beneficial for some such things in front of us.

But no matter what, there is a big gap for a result like this now. It is also such a gap, so there is a big difference for many things.

With the appearance of two women, Mu Ling and Xiaochu, it is really simple to stabilize such a situation. For these defeated characters, they are killed directly. For such a group of blind guys, only this kind of thunderous means can really solve such a problem.

Along the way, there is nothing except for the three hijackings just now. Everything is fine all the way. It is also such a situation, so for the current state, it is obviously very in line with Wenshan's expectations.

After all, no matter how strong the carriage team is, it can't stand the looting of some bandits. After all, the larger the horse fleet, the greater the wealth hidden in it. In addition, Wenshan and others directly said the goods they transported along the way. Even the existence of the brand of Taixuanzong is not enough.

However, under such a situation, all the characters that jumped out were all nine-stages of the body and eight-stage cultivation, it was no longer some bandit nests that could come forward to loot. That's why Wenshan knew that it seemed to have really started.

On the banks of the ancient moon river, hundreds of miles to the north of the capital. When the capital was built, considering the environment and other factors, we chose 'one cliff, one water', bone cliff and ancient moon river.

The ancient moon river is vast and vast, with thousands of miles wide, surrounding the freshwater river in the north and east of the whole capital. The river is clean and sweet, making it extremely convenient for people in the capital to use water.

On the bank of the ancient moon river, there is an extremely vast beach, which makes the environment elegant and calm.

Wenshan knows about the tranquility of the ancient moon river. At the same time, Wenshan also knows that the outer area of the ancient moon river is not so calm. Even the general strong people in the physical realm dare not be too close to the outer area of the ancient moon river.

This is because there are more powerful monsters in the outer area of the ancient moon river. The original Wenshan did not know much about the strength of Taixuanzong. For the legendary, Taixuanzong solved the problem of such a monster attack on the banks of the ancient moon river. At that time, Wenshan thought that the master of the deadly realm was already an act against the sky.

For masters who can come forward in the realm of death, they can really make such an ancient moon river more peaceful. It seems that Wenshan's idea is still simple. According to Wenshan's estimation, in the ancient moon river, there is destined to be stronger creatures.

Even such a powerful monster is the existence of the eternal giant and the real beast king. After all, it can force Taixuanzong to talk with the master of the ancient moon river, instead of being defeated by the people of Taixuanzong. That is, if you can only negotiate an agreement with a large sect like Taixuanzong, you can see the strength of such a Guyue River.

is also the reason for this, so for such a situation in front of us, that is, the strength of the Taixuan Sect that Wenshan knows, and what the strength of the suzerain of Taixuan Sect is like, etc., we are very well known about these. For such a situation, it is obviously very in line with Wenshan's understanding.

In the depths of this ancient moon river, there must be a real high-level person living with the Taixuan Sect, those who are in the same hierarchical status as the Taishang Zhanglai and the suzerain of the Taixuan Sect, and only such characters can truly have equal dialogue with the senior officials of the Taixuan Sect. Only in this way can we get the attention of Taixuanzong, the largest sect of the Hanwu Dynasty.

After all, for such an ancient moon river, it is a real place where ancient giants live. It is the existence of such a place that also explains many problems. It is also a series of problems, so for the current state, even Wenshan dares not really go deep into the ancient moon river to kill some monster resources.

However, Wenshan has a very deep affection for such an ancient moon river. I have lived on such an apprentice since I was a child, and I have been born and raised on this kind of land since I was a child. It is also the reason for this, so for such a situation in front of us, it is obviously very in line with Wenshan's mood.

Wenshan has not experienced such a thrilling beast attack on the ancient moon river. But for Wenshan, for such a piece of ancient moon river, I still hope that they can really settle down. After all, there are many mortals living around here. For such mortals, life is basically life.

is such a slow life. What they need is more quiet and tranquility. It is this kind of peace that they need most. It is precisely this kind of need that Wenshan hopes that the people here can have. This is also a feeling that Wenshan grew up drinking the water here.

For here, Wenshan has not suffered without the existence of monsters. Wenshan just came out of the bone cliff and knew that there were many things here. That's why, so for Wenshan, the fierce monster was lucky to survive.

After all, for Wenshan to escape from the dangerous bone cliff. Then it entered the outer area of the Guyue River. It is under such a lucky situation that Wenshan's current escape and the existence of Wenshan's current strength exist. It is also for this reason that Wenshan's achievements at this time came.

That is, when he arrived here, Wenshan directly ordered a rest, and then asked the ten strong men to go to the surrounding woods to get some wild animals. Wenshan knows that there are many wild animals in the surrounding woods, and they are all very delicious. When I was young, I often came to get a trap and catch some.

Later, when Wenshan also had a certain ability, he could make some money by himself, and he would no longer come. Instead, enjoy some cooked food in the restaurant. That's why it exists, so for many things, it's obvious that self-made barbecue food is more delicious.

is also the reason for this, so for the current situation, it is obviously a kind of ignorance for this side. For Wenshan's behavior, the original ten strong physical people did not expect to listen at all. After all, for such a group of people, they are all people sitting in the carriage in the back, and they have the right to speak.

For ten strong physical people, Wenshan is familiar with this place, that is, he used to help the Shen family deliver goods many times. That is, the strong body. They can't feel the breath of Wenshan's blood, which shows that Wenshan's cultivation is not as good as them. It's just an errand man.

But for them, after all, they were hired, and Wenshan worked for the Shen family for a long time. For them, they naturally have a good relationship with Wenshan. That's exactly the case, so for such a situation in front of us, it is obvious that we cherish this opportunity very much.

Although they are also very polite to Wenshan. Some orders from Wenshan are also very obedient. But this time, all ten of them were stunned. After all, at this time, on the banks of the Guyue River, as long as it takes half a day, you can feel the holy capital. When you arrive at the Shen family in the holy capital, you are afraid that there is no food and drink.

It is obviously very cost-effective to let ten strong men capture something. When they finished eating and drinking, it was dark. If you go on your way in the dark, it will delay their sleep. But according to Wenshan's arrangement along the way, they all rest at night.

In Wenshan's words, the Holy City is also very close to Taixuanzong. There is no need for such a hard journey. Resting at night is also a buffer for everyone's fatigue. In fact, for these strong men, it's okay not to rest for ten days. After all, it is a nine-stage physical body, with a peak level of cultivation.

For these ten people, the degree of physical strength of each person is obviously not comparable to that of ordinary people. It is also the reason for this, so it is obviously very beneficial for such a situation at present. It is also a case of this, which is a good explanation for Wenshan so far.

is also the reason for this, so it is very right for such a situation in front of us. For the ten of them, it is precisely because of Wenshan's body board that they rest like this. But when they arrived in the holy capital, their eyelids were lowered, and they still rested like this. It was destined to take a day to arrive tomorrow.

They are also not satisfied with such a result.

At this time, a figure named Lao Liu came forward and smiled at Wenshan and said, "Dashan, do you think we will drive the carriage to Shengjing City and Shengjing City? The Shen family will naturally come forward to entertain us for a drink and relieve our alcohol addiction along the way. After all, we have been out for almost ten days. Will there be such a delay all the way?"

Wenshan still knows about this old Liu. He knew that this boy was really a strong man among the miscellaneous disciples of Taixuanzong. A big man of 1.89 meters. The strong man in the physical realm is as strong as a bull. When you do physical work, you don't need any physical cultivation at all. With just one muscle, you can do a lot of physical work.

At this time, Lao Liu stood in front of Wenshan. Obviously, Wenshan had always been the commander of the whole convoy. Even for the three inner children sitting in the carriage and rarely on the road all the way, they obeyed Wenshan's arrangement. Liu, the elder, was also a person who knew the goods. He knew that Wenshan in front of him was a real Shen Jie to take charge.

is also one of the reasons for this, so for Wenshan in front of him, Lao Liu is also extremely polite. There is no intention to offend at all. That's why, so the old Liu at this time knew that Wenshan's words had a great right to speak. Therefore, like other big men, there is no big plan for Wenshan.

So at this time, Lao Liu came to say these words to Wenshan, which was also discussed. There is no objection, that is, a suggestion.

"I know. Go ahead and catch some wild animals. After the barbecue is ready, hand them over. We have been eating some dry food all the way, and we are going to relieve our gtries. And the meat of a fox mink here is the most delicious. I hope you can catch more. At that time, sprinkle more seasonings on the mink's meat to cover the smell of the fox.

When the barbecue is really on the fire, the taste will definitely be fragrant. But you must wash the meat. After all, there are two women here. You can't be careless.

It was at this time that Wenshan still did not consider the words of Lao Liu in front of him, but directly ordered Lao Liu according to his own ideas.

Old Liu was able to implement Wenshan's words. After all, the goods that delay the owner have nothing to do with them. When they accepted the arrangement of the Shen family, they just said that everything was under Wenshan's command and all responsibilities had nothing to do with them. That is to say, the goods were really lost on the way, which has nothing to do with them.

In the last attack, there were 50 masters of the physical realm, and ten of them thought it was over at that time. At least they will be seriously injured. After all, for their ten masters of the physical realm, what they have to face is such a group of enemies. That's why it exists, so for them at this time, they basically think that the bigwigs in the realm of gathering in the car behind will not take action until the end.

After all, for these big people, they will not take action in ordinary small buildings. After all, the problem of face is there. But when I didn't expect that the two women in the gas-gathering realm in the back carriage were so fierce that they directly killed a group of strong men in the physical realm of 50 people.

It was this method that shocked Lao Liu and others. In fact, for the old Liu and others who have been living in Taixuanzong all year round, they also know very well about those powerful people. That's exactly what happened. Therefore, it is also very familiar with such a situation in front of us.

This is also the reason, so for such a thing in front of us, it is obvious that we still respect the characters in the car box. For the elder Liu, in fact, an outer disciple, a strong man in the energetic stage, is enough to command them, and they have to be beaten and scolded.

This is also the reason, so when it comes to such a thing in front of them, it is obviously very in line with their wishes. At least no one will show their faces along the way. That's why, so it's very lucky for them.

This is exactly the existence of this idea, so they are still very obedient to the current old Liu. There is also great respect for the people in the car. They know the gap in strength between themselves and the characters in the car, and they are responsible for the old Liu and others who accept this transportation task.

After all, they are all handymen of Taixuanzong. Shen Jie knows all about them. If this batch of goods is lost, they are doomed to escape and will be put down by Taixuanzong's wanted notice. If so, it will be caught again sooner or later.

If they are really caught back at that time, it is estimated that their families will be severely punished. After all, they are miscellaneous disciples of Taixuanzong, which violates the orders of the strong in the divine power stage, which is equivalent to their charge of betraying the sect. If it is true, they will be far from death.

So it is extremely reassuring for the Shen family to hand over such goods to the handymen of Taixuanzong. The final result of the last batch of goods was that all the delivery people were silenced. And the last time, Shen Jie suffered heavy losses, not to mention the seven masters of the unknown body, and the compensation expenses of the family were also taken out by Shen Jie.

It's exactly like this. In fact, it's not such an easy thing to really determine the personnel assigned like this every time. Moreover, the value of the escort this time has not only increased, but also the personnel have increased a lot. It is precisely for this reason that if Wenshan hadn't led the team himself, Shen Jie might have sent it by herself.

If Wenshan hadn't been prepared to catch the real black hand behind the scenes who was really ready to deal with the Shen family. Otherwise, Shen Jie really uses the storage bag she just got from Wenshan. After loading the items, she can go home directly, and then she can go home in a day.

For Wenshan, who has lived in the secular world for nearly 18 years and entered a place where there is no human atmosphere in the world of cultivation, it is only a short one year. For such a year, it still makes Wenshan more or less ignorant of the taste of the world.

When Wenshan did not enter the big sect, the yearning for the big sect completely imagined that a large sect like Taixuanzong was a real paradise, where there was enough aura and a lot of spiritual herbs, and let yourself step on it.

However, when Wenshan really enters such a lot, he knows what the real desolation is. Such a kind of desolation still makes Wenshan's heart a kind of disgust. For such desolation, it is completely the desolation of people's hearts. Wenshan is not willing to see such a kind of human neglect.

This is the reason why Wenshan likes the secular life here more, and the life here is more interesting. Wenshan is even willing to be the largest family in the capital, a small domestic slave of the Shen family. Every day after work, hide in the corner of the pub and eat and drink slowly. This is the real enjoyment.

is also such a kind of enjoyment, which makes Wenshan's heart more or less yearn for it. That's exactly what happened. For such a hungry scene in front of us, I still have a deep nostalgia. It is also the existence of such nostalgia that there is more or less something.

After all, for Wenshan now, it is not easy to truly return to such a secular life. After all, there are a lot of things on Wenshan's shoulders. Even the demon Youji was not obtained by Wenshan in a short time. Wenshan also clearly realized that he must continue to work hard. Only when his real strength reaches the peak can he truly enjoy the current peaceful mortal life.

Otherwise, for Wenshan, his life will never have any peace. It is also this kind of behavior, so for many things, there are basically many things.

So at this time, for Wenshan himself, he knew that his strength must be improved, otherwise his life would always be threatened. At the same time, Wenshan also hopes to become stronger. After all, it is difficult to stop after embarking on the road of cultivation. For immortality, immortality, and life in heaven and earth, they all pursue.

As long as they are still on the way to cultivation, they can't stop. This is a concept of many practitioners. Wenshan is no exception. For the current state of Wenshan, all five divine powers have reached the peak stage of divine power. For the current Wenshan, the next step is to make a real breakthrough, reach the realm of life and become an ancestor-level figure.

is also such a situation, so for Wenshan at present, it is not so easy for his strength to continue to make breakthroughs. It is precisely for this reason, so it is obviously very undesirable for the present situation.

is also such an undesirable behavior, which makes Wenshan in front of him have many differences in his heart. That's the reason, so it's very good for many things. Anyway, in a short time, Wenshan will participate in the mission, and the strength of the deadly realm is not so easy to improve.

Therefore, Wenshan is willing to feel the life in the secular world and come more comfortable. It is also the existence of such a reason, which more or less makes Wenshan's heart a little different. It is precisely for this reason, so for the current Wenshan, it is still slow to transport, and it is not too urgent.

Shortly after Lao Liu returned, he came back, looked at Wenshan in front of him, and then said to the people in the carriage, "Brother and sister, here has reached the gate of the Holy Capital, and there are still a few miles to reach the Holy Capital. It's just half a day. Why don't we work hard and arrive at the Holy City before we have a rest?

At this time, Wenshan felt the awkward look of Lao Liu, and also knew that Lao Liu's behavior was also forced by those low-down big men. After all, after experiencing such a danger as before, they still hope to deliver the things they transported to the Shen family as soon as possible.

After all, for the masters of the eight and nine levels of the body of fifty people, and for Wenshan and others, it is nothing at all, but for these big men who are also nine pieces of flesh, it is the current enemy. That's why they are also a little scared.

Although Shen Jie said before leaving, she listened to Wenshan all the way. They don't need to bear all the risks. But if you really miss the goods in your hand. Even if Shen Jie doesn't have their troubles, she is afraid that she will settle accounts after autumn. That's why they are also afraid of the loss of goods.

In addition, if this time they say that the goods are lost, even if the responsibility is not on them, they will doubt their integrity if they want to find a job in the future. It is also the reason for this, so for such a group of people in front of us, I basically disagree with Wenshan's recent decision.

After all, I'm a little worried about them. There is no risk along the way, that is, the previous two robberies are normal in their eyes. They don't have any losses and are already self-sufficient. But at this time, it is obviously not like this. At least so far, they can't be careless.

is the attack of 50 people not long ago, which has shown that there are already some people who value their goods. When they accepted Shen Jie's goods, they heard that Shen Jie had offended some kind of person now. The five physical characters they found last time died because they helped Shen Jie transport them.

And they are also miscellaneous disciples of Taixuanzong, and even the miscellaneous disciples of Taixuanzong dare to kill them. This kind of behavior is already an unnatural move. Shen Jie, the chief disciple of Taixuanzong Yuedong, dares to rob the goods. Such a thing has been reported early. It is also the existence of such a reason. For such a thing in front of them, they also had some worries when they took over Shen Jie's transportation of goods.

In addition, among the characters transported this time, there are internal disciples. So after weighing their pros and cons, they are still ready to fight. At least this time, their rewards are quite rich. Of course, Shen Jie's transportation requirements have also completed some of their miscellaneous disciples in the assessment.

At least this year, he is no longer worried about not being able to complete the task. Since Shen Jie also said that if you meet a real strong enemy, it will be okay to lose the goods. The key is human safety. That's why they came to transport it.

So for these big men to deliver such a batch of goods to the Shen family early and handed over the difference, then the task for these big men was completed. It is one of the reasons for this, so for them, they don't want to delay here.

They are obviously extremely reluctant to make such arrangements by Wenshan. Therefore, he wants to jump over Wenshan and suppress Wenshan through the inner disciples of Taixuanzong, who are more powerful than Wenshan.

At this time, these big men obviously don't know Wenshan's true identity. Otherwise, if they really know that the three people sitting in the carriage and don't see people all day are completely obeying Wenshan's command and don't know what they think. It is also the reason for this, so it is obviously extremely unhappy with such a scene in front of us.