ghost monk

Chapter 250 It turned out to be you

Chapter 250 turned out to be you

In fact, in the world of cultivation, the wine that can really affect these practitioners, especially the wine of very profound figures, also exists. It is one of the reasons for this, so for such a situation so far, it is obvious that the wine bought by Lao Liu is still of poor quality.

In these worlds, the wine brewed with food is more spiritual than the wine in the secular world. If it is really in the secular world, it is estimated that it can also enhance life and prolong life.

is also the existence of such an effect, so for such a situation in front of us, it is obviously not suitable for this Wenshan in front of us.

This kind of wine in Wenshan's mouth is just more than ordinary water, changing the taste, and there will be no feeling of drunkenness. This is because of the improvement of strength, and it is still possible to adapt to this kind of alcohol. In fact, there is not much nutritional value for the wine brewed in these sects.

For this kind of liquor that contains aura, that is, for ordinary secular characters, it can truly improve their physique. It is completely impossible to make a leap in the true sense and a kind of thing for your body in the true sense.

For people in the secular world, if they really drink such alcohol for a long time, the aura in these people's bodies can improve people's blood and muscles, eliminate fatigue, and prolong life. But the extended life expectancy is still 50 or 60 years. Good is just a hundred years.

But such a small increase in life expectancy is obviously a very bad choice for people in the current cultivation world. It is also one of the reasons for this. There is still a little difference.

But for these nine-stage men, the degree of wine in the ordinary secular world can't meet their needs at all. On the contrary, the wheat wine brewed in the sect can make them more like and powerful.

But for different levels, there is also a big gap in the degree of wine. Among the characters with the state of gathering energy, there are four kinds of drinks. If you want to really get drunk, you have to go to a certain level. For girls like Xiaochu, if you really want to get drunk, you should at least buy drinks suitable for characters in the energetic stage.

For different drinks, they are brewed with different spiritual herbs. At the same time as the rich aroma of wine, the sweetness in the wine is also very delicious. It is also very expensive to use spiritual beans. In fact, the more expensive the drink, the more aura can be used to practice and promote digestion.

But it also takes a lot of resources to make good wine. It is such a situation, so it is obviously very wrong to say something like this in front of you. It is also such an act, so it is also very puzzled about such a state in front of us.

is also extremely resource-rich people who can use these brewed drinks to practice. It is also the existence of such a reason, so for such a situation at present, it is obviously very beneficial to many people.

When Wenshan said this, Xiaochu was not embarrassed at all, but felt that Wenshan was wrong. He pouted and said, "Your wine is too bad. How dare you collect half a spiritual bean from me for such a drink? Humph.

When I had dinner in our moon cave, I drank that kind of fruit wine, which was made from fresh fruit. That kind of wine has an alcohol content and tastes sweet and delicious. How can a poor wine like you only beat me? Before the addiction comes up, it will be destroyed by you. It's really disappointing.

For Xiaochu's words, the big man who provided drinks beside him, Lao Liu also looked embarrassed. After all, he provided this kind of wine. For the elder Liu, for these outer disciples and inner disciples, the wine they drink is destined to be much better than them. It is precisely for this reason that the current old Liu looks very embarrassed.

For Mu Ling, who was watching coldly, he also saw that the wine just now was not Wenshan's own, but Lao Liu's face changed. That's it, so for what Xiaochu said just now, it obviously hurt the man like this. That's why, so for the wooden spirit at this time, he also stood up to adjust the atmosphere.

Mu Ling said to the crowd, "Don't have the same insight as Xiaochu. When this task is completed, I will return to Taixuanzong and send no one a pot of fruit wine to make amends for you."

After Mu Ling finished saying such a sentence, Xiaochu became surprised. He covered his little mouth and said in surprise, "Sister Muling, there were 13 people present, including Brother Mu Bai who did not come out. If it connects with you, there will be 14 people. The price of the cheapest pot of fruit wine is ten spiritual beans.

That is, if you and Brother Mubai don't want it, the group of people in front of you will have to spend 110 spiritual beans, and your task this time is just 100. You are really willing to give up! Did Sister Muling get rich somewhere? Hee."

At this time, Xiaochu stood up for Mu Ling to relieve herself, and she also saw it, but she still wanted to make fun of Mu Ling's behavior. After all, the commitment to Mu Ling is really too big. For Xiaochu, he is obviously very unwilling to do such a thing.

It is the existence of such a thing, so for a state of such a thing in front of us, there is still something more or less.

It is also for this reason that Wenshan beside him is also very interested in the wooden spirit in front of him, and he is also very curious about the current performance of the wooden spirit. After all, he is completely generous with the wooden spirit in front of him, and it seems that he also treats these miscellaneous disciples in the bottom group equally.

But at this time, Mu Ling looked at Wenshan with a strange face and looked very strange. There was a way to see through Wenshan's whole body. And such a situation, completely as if I knew, made Wenshan feel cold behind him for a while. For the wooden girl in front of him, Wenshan's current idea is to provoke less.

"Xiaochu, you have always thought that your sister Muling is a stingy person. Do you think my promise is nothing like this?" Mu Ling looked at the crowd and smiled kindly. For such a smile, it seems to melt everyone's heart.

is also the existence of this feeling, so for many handymen at this time, the whole person is deeply attracted to the wooden spirit in front of him. At this time, Mu Ling showed a bad smile and said, "I just promised the ten uncles present. As for you and the mountain next to you, I am not responsible. You should buy me a drink with what you got this time.

Wenshan, the current name is Dashan. For Mu Ling's words, it obviously raised Wenshan's level to the same height as herself. But I didn't regard Wenshan as a handyman disciple. Wenshan's income is also regarded as comparable to theirs.

It's the same, so for the elder Liu beside him at this time, under the coax of everyone, he took out three pots of wine, one pot each, Wenshan, Xiaochu and Muling. As for their big man, he still drinks their common pot. As for Lao Liu's reluctance, many big men said that he would go back and treat Lao Liu to a drink.

This makes Lao Liu feel bold again. On the contrary, Dai Mubai seemed to be immersed in the carriage and did not come out. Even Xiaochu and Muling seemed to realize anything and did not bother Dai Mubai.

After all, Muling and Xiaochu also know Wenshan's arrangement and completely hide such a master like Dai Mubai so that they can really attract the black hand behind the scenes. Only the black hand behind the scenes knows that he can completely annihilate the group of people in front of him and is destined to come out. Then for Dai Mubai, it is a good killer.

At this time, Xiaochu and Muling knew that the enemy they and others had to face were likely to be difficult for both of them to deal with. After all, there is no free lunch in the world. If it's really so easy, if they don't wait for others to take action, they just act and deal with the strong in the physical realm, it is basically a waste of resources for them.

However, for Mu Ling and Xiaochu, they suddenly felt that the enemy they were going to face would be very powerful at this time. At least so far, a figure in the physical aura stage like Dai Mubai has not come out completely. For a person who can really offend Shen Jie, how can he be a nobody? And in this way, the characters sent are also destined to be masters.

So at this time, for Wenshan in front of him, he basically saw the thoughts of the little girl in front of him. However, Wenshan let Dai Mubai in to let him know that he was a boy in the aura stage, and finally completely attracted the real brain figure behind the scenes.

After all, sometimes, the more hidden things, the more important things are valued by the enemy. If Wenshan enters such a carriage, it is estimated that others can't find out the real strength of Wenshan, and they really dare not do it. Hiding a boy like Dai Mubai in the aura stage in such a carriage can obviously really confuse others.

This is exactly the existence of this idea, so for these characters in front of us, this kind of thing is also very feasible. It is the existence of such a situation, so for such a situation in front of us, it is obviously a very special situation.

For Xiaochu and Muling in front of them, they are still not drunk after drinking. On the contrary, those big men are a little drunk after drinking this pot of wine. But they also knew that it was on a mission, and they didn't really get drunk. Keep punching and get rid of your drunkenness.

For Xiaochu, who drank two pots of wine, he seemed extremely quiet, as if he suddenly thought of something. In the depths of Xiaochu's heart, he was a little worried. It seems to be very special for tonight's atmosphere. In the sharp perception of the strong man in the realm of gathering gas, Xiaochu also found Dai Mubai's unusualness.

If even Dai Mubai attaches so much importance, then for Xiaochu and this Mu Ling, then he will pay more attention to it. For the current idea of Mu Ling and Xiao Chu, it is estimated that they and others are just real bait, but really attract those attacking enemies.

It is under such a special atmosphere that for the current situation, it is completely another layer of meaning. It is also for this kind of existence, so for such a situation in front of us, there is still something more or less.

is also a kind of specialness, so Wenshan doesn't say much about such a situation in front of him. After all, if Wenshan really reveals the truth like this, the mood of the people around him will change again. If the behind-the-scenes hands do not appear, it will be in vain for Wenshan's trip.

If such a situation occurs again in the future, it is obviously very unreasonable. It is precisely for this reason, so there is a big gap in the current state.

But no matter what, it is still very beneficial for the current state. It is this different state that makes the atmosphere a little weird.

But anyway. For the current state, it is basically a real state that makes many people feel very excited. It is also in this state, so it is a great breakthrough for many things.

The night is still so dark, as if I don't understand the loneliness in the night. For such a situation, it is completely a kind of silence in the lonely night.

At this time, the people who drank a lot of alcohol, under the crowd, suddenly reduced their drunkenness a lot. But people under such reduced drunkenness seem to be much more sober. It is also this kind of sobriety that makes Wenshan's heart have a certain decision.

Wenshan looked at the people in front of him and whispered, "Tonight, you don't move here. No matter what happens, protect yourself. You can't deal with the enemy tonight.

At this time, with Wenshan's words, many people who were already depressed were more depressed. For them, this time the task was to transport, and they also gave an order to protect themselves. Don't sacrifice for something.

Instead, it allows them to keep themselves as much as possible. They are not allowed to protect the goods in a real sense. For such a strange order, Wenshan also conveyed Shen Jie's meaning. Even Mu Ling and Xiao Chu were also called over by Shen Jie and followed Wen Shan's arrangement along the way.

At that time, Shen Jie just said that Wenshan was a son of her family. Some roads to the family are very familiar.

For living and eating along the way, it is all taken care of by Wenshan. Therefore, what Wenshan said along the way is basically completely convinced by these people in front of him. It is precisely this feeling, so what Wenshan said at this time is still valued by everyone present.

Originally, everyone is used to the command along the way. But for such an order tonight, it was obviously a little unaccustomed to the people present. For this kind of unaccustomedness, I began to think about Wenshan's words.

For Lao Liu and others, they don't understand what Wenshan means. Why on earth do you say that? After all, they are hired by Shen Jie. And it was Wenshan who chose them. Since they are asked to carry the goods, but they are not allowed to protect the goods, they are just allowed to protect themselves. It is difficult for anyone to understand such a command.

If Wenshan really just let them transport it, why do you need to find such a big man with many physical stages? After all, for such a task, it is obviously a very bad phenomenon. It is also in this case that there is still something.

It is exactly this kind of behavior, or more or somewhat surprised the people in front of them, which is why Wenshan wanted to do this. After all, it is very illogical for Wenshan's current behavior. Since you are looking for these big men and just transporting things, why do you need to find some cool forces directly? It's better to find some mortals.

Is it that Wenshan and others spent such money just to make a show, a decoration, and just to scare some bandits and robbers on the roadside? If this is true, then for Wenshan and others, what is the real enemy they have to face? It is this kind of difference, so for such a state in front of us, it is basically the existence of such a truth.

is also the existence of such an idea, and there are still many differences. It is also such a difference. For many things, it is basically a different experience. For such a situation, it is completely equivalent to concealing many things.

Xiaochu and Muling in front of them have always been nervous, but with Wenshan's words, the whole person's expression has changed. Xiaochu's look was all displayed on his face, and that kind of worry still existed. In addition, because of drinking, the little face is red.

It's the current Mu Ling, and his whole expression seems to become extremely relaxed with such a sentence from Wenshan. For Wenshan's words just now, it seems extremely strange. After all, there are still many differences in the meaning of Wenshan's words.

is also such a difference, so for many things, it is basically a breakthrough. For such a special meaning, it really made the wooden spirit in front of him pay attention to Wenshan's whole expression. A kind of detection of Wenshan.

At this time, Wenshan also knew that the wooden spirit in front of him was detecting himself. Wenshan didn't pay much attention to such a phenomenon, let alone pay attention to it. With such a little spiritual idea, it is estimated that it is not enough to understand Wenshan.

But it was this exploration that finally gave Mu Ling a certain affirmation in front of him. At this time, Mu Ling suddenly stood up and walked in the direction of Wenshan. Mu Ling's mature body directly squeezed into the narrow space between Wenshan and Xiaochu.

The original Wenshan ignored why Mu Ling suddenly stood up. Wenshan has been recalling and observing any movement within a hundred miles. All of them are under the observation of Wenshan.

It was at this time that suddenly there was a soft meat squeezing himself, and I found that it was no longer Xiaochu, but this wooden spirit beside him. It is also for this reason, so for Wenshan at this time, the softness and flesh suddenly felt is not someone else's body, but a mature body like Mu Ling.

Looking at the mature body Mu Ling in front of him, he felt the gentleness of Mulin's straight and slender arms and the moment of his arms squeezing, which made Wenshan in front of him more or less enjoy it. For Wenshan at this time, he even wanted to stretch out his hands and gently stroke the Jiao. Beautiful body.

I don't know what's going on. Wenshan has always been unnotic about these ** evil things. But what I didn't expect is that since he was poisoned with Tianmo Youji, Wenshan has always been particularly interested in women's bodies. Wenshan has always thought that the ** poison in his body has not been cleaned up.

But at this time, it was obviously not what Wenshan imagined. Wenshan also specially asked Tianmo Youji to help check it. The final conclusion is that Wenshan has become bad, and his heart has become bad. Such a sentence also made Wenshan and Tianmo Youji have a good love. It is also the existence of such an idea, so for such a situation at this time, for the mature body in front of us, it is more or less exciting in the heart of Wenshan in front of him.

That is, when Wenshan felt such a beautiful moment, suddenly a beautiful face suddenly came to Wenshan's eyes, and a sexy mouth came to Wenshan's ears. Like a breeze blowing over the water, there are layers of ripples. He said to Wenshan. The sound murmured like sprouting bamboo shoots.

"Brother Wenshan!" These four words suddenly came out of Mu Ling's mouth. The voice is very low. If it is an ordinary person, it is difficult to catch such a sound even in his ear. I don't know if this Muling is deliberately like this, or it is examining Wenshan's hearing.

Actually, he whispered to Mu Ling like this. How can the degree of capture of Wenshan's spiritual thoughts be so low? It is also the existence of such a reason, so for Wenshan at this time, it is obviously a very beneficial phenomenon.

is also the emergence of such a situation, which is obviously very beneficial to Wenshan's hearing. Even if Mu Ling did not make a sound and moved his lips, Wenshan could know what Mu Ling meant. For Mu Ling's four words, if they are said in front of everyone, it is obviously very amazing.

But in such words, it is obviously very unnatural. It is precisely this situation that there is no surprise at all for Wenshan in front of him.

At this time, Wenshan felt the feeling of his right arm being wrapped in a ball of softness and meat. Feel the two full on Mu Ling's chest. Full breasts. The room was squeezed to deform, and at this time, Mu Ling was unaware of it. He didn't know that he was taken advantage of by Wenshan.

Mu Ling gasped and raised his head, and a clear and delicate voice came from his throat. Suddenly, as a woman's intuition, Mu Ling suddenly found out what Wenshan's look was like. It was also like this. At this time, Mu Ling's body suddenly became hot and he gasped quickly.

In the moment when Mu Ling reacted, he completely took back his body. For Mu Ling's behavior, it completely makes a big difference in the heart of Wenshan in front of him. It is also such a strong difference that makes Wenshan's heart feel a little pity.

For the clear and delicateness of Mu Ling. Although the voice was very low, Xiaochu next to him still captured it sharply, and he was puzzled about what had happened to the two people beside him. But when he saw Mu Ling's delicate face, as if he had been irritated, Xiaochu suddenly became angry. How can Xiaochu stand such a situation?

For Xiaochu, he and Muling are from the same family, and there is still something more or less in the same family. It is also such a difference. For many things, it is obviously a very big difference. It is the existence of such a difference that makes the little original intention in front of us uncomfortable.

At the most important time, he was commanded by Wenshan all the way. Just now, this Wenshan still scared her for a while. But when Xiaochu felt a burst of silence around him and did not feel any danger, he suddenly had an explosive impulse. The most important thing is that Wenshan is just a strong man in the physical realm, and there is a big gap with himself. It was this kind of gap that made Xiaochu suddenly explode in front of him.

"Finally here. It seems that the Internet can finally be closed today. At this time, Wenshan suddenly said in his mouth.

That is, when Wenshan finished saying this sentence, Xiaochu had put his finger a little farther away from Wenshan's cheek and was stopped by Mu Ling.

Although Mu Ling is still moved by Xiaochu's appearance for himself like this. But I don't think Xiaochu's method is correct. For Mu Ling in front of him, Xiaochu's behavior completely changed himself from a situation that was nothing before to a situation like this.

It is also a situation like this, which completely makes the wooden spirit in front of you and the cheeks hotter. At the same time, I heard a kind of cry from Wenshan in front of me. At this time, Mu Ling suddenly calmed down from his original state of excitement.

If your judgment is not wrong, the man in front of you is now the hot and popular Wenshan. What Wenshan said is correct. For Wenshan's mouth, it finally came, and it seems that the net can finally be closed. At this time, Mu Ling knew that the real behind-the-scenes black hand had also really come.

is also the existence of such a role, so for the wooden spirit in front of him, the whole person's spirit is all around, looking at something. But when Mu Ling checked for a long time, he still found nothing. For such a situation, it is completely beyond Mu Ling's expectation.

Xiaochu, who stood beside Mu Ling, was obviously dissatisfied with Mu Ling's behavior of grabbing his hand. In order to teach Wenshan a lesson, he actually stretched out one foot and kicked Wenshan while Mu Ling was not accepted.

For Wenshan at this time, he did not feel any tension in his heart because of the tense atmosphere around him. Instead, there was a period of peace. The more tense the atmosphere around him, Wenshan calmed down. For Xiaochu's sudden kick, it was easy to be completely caught by Wenshan.

In fact, Xiaochu is not powerless for the kick just now. On the contrary, because of the hatred for Wenshan for too long, the force is enough to kick the nine masters of the body, at least to hurt the bones for a period of time, which is also the reason, so obviously, for the current situation, it is not predictable.

On the contrary, Wenshan felt the softness of the calf in his hand, such a comfortable feeling. It's not an ordinary enjoyment. It is also a kind of taste that makes Wenshan in front of him excited. It is also this feeling that makes Wenshan's heart in front of him a little different.

However, the existence of such a special feeling, so for such a state in front of him, the heart of Wenshan in front of him is also completely excited. This kind of excitement is completely beyond Wenshan's expectations. It is precisely this expected existence that makes the heart of Wenshan in front of him somewhat different.

But anyway, for such a situation in front of him, Wenshan's impression of Xiaochu is much deeper and deeper. For such a little girl, Wenshan feels a playful feeling. It's really beautiful for this feeling.

But anyway, for the current state, Wenshan suddenly felt a little different. Wenshan's whole body was a little surprised by such a difference. It is exactly this kind of surprise. There is a big contrast in Wenshan's heart.

It was Xiaochu in front of him who was suddenly kicked out and caught. Obviously, Xiaochu was not willing to see it in front of him. He summoned up his courage and prepared to fight desperately with Wenshan. Instead, he was saved by the wooden spirit beside him. However, Wenshan's hand did not let go. Instead, he kneaded it fiercely on Xiaochu's smooth calf belly before letting go.

Feel the softness of his hand. Even if Wenshan did not put his right hand on the tip of his nose, Wenshan could feel the fragrance in his hand.

At this time, Dai Mubai also came out of the car. As soon as he came out, a smile appeared on Dai Mubai's face. He looked at Wenshan in front of him with a comfortable face. It seems to be complacent.

After all, at this time, it was the wooden spirit that had not been found at all. At this time, it also found that the surrounding movement was getting bigger and bigger. For such a situation, it is also completely beyond Mu Ling's expectation. After all, it is very embarrassing for Mu Ling.

After all, Wenshan said that she had just come, and she was not aware of her strength in the realm of gathering energy. Instead, after a while, I really felt the movement around me. For such a situation, Mu Ling also knows that Wenshan can suppress himself on his spiritual mind.

At the same time, I know that the mountain in front of me is the real Wenshan. I also know that the strength of Wenshan in front of him is a real master in the magic power stage. There is no way to compare with such a master.

In fact, if Mu Ling knew that Wenshan was within a hundred miles away, he would have completely captured such a group of killers close to himself and others. In this way, Mu Ling in front of him can really know the power gap between the two.

is also such a move, which makes a big difference in the heart of Wenshan in front of him. It is also the reason for this, so for such a situation in front of us, there is more or less a big difference.

"Don't be nervous. The strength of such a group of people is not very strong." Wen Shan looked at a group of nervous men in front of him and said with a smile. For Wenshan now, since the black hands behind the scenes have come out. There is nothing to hide from such a group of people I am facing.

is also such a move, which is completely beyond many surprises. It is also such a situation that Wenshan Liquid didn't say much. And such a sentence from Wenshan made Muling more relaxed.

The worship of Wenshan is a feeling in the minds of all the young women of Taixuanzong after the task of Taixuanzong. For this feeling, it is the feeling that girls worship heroes.

At this time, Mu Ling saw the man standing beside him, Wen Shan, the hero of the whole Taixuanzong. For him now, he is extremely admired. It is with such a kind of worship that there is still a deep achievement in front of Wenshan.

On the contrary, Xiaochu suddenly shocked her little face by the pressure of the sudden spiritual thoughts around her. At this time, Xiaochu knew how incorrect he had just played like this. Feel the increasing pressure around you. Knowing that several energies fluttering around is the real arrival of the enemy.

At this time, three figures suddenly followed. Standing not far from the bonfire of Wenshan and looking at this side from afar. Immediately after them, there were some physical warriors and several people in the realm of gathering energy. Among them, the most prominent one is the boy in the gathering realm of black brocade clothes in front of him.

The front leader is the three junior kids in the energy gathering stage, and the last ten are the kids at the peak of the energy gathering stage. There are also seven middle-level and low-level children in the gathering stage. For such a group of people, they were directly ignored by Wenshan. Not to mention a group of small people in the physical realm swarming behind.

For this kind of strength, it completely shocked the old Liu and others in front of them. At this time, they finally knew why Wenshan had been emphasizing their self- Protection. They also estimated that it would be difficult for a group of people like themselves to protect themselves if they really met such a person. At this time, such a thing really happened.

For such a thing in front of us, it is completely beyond the expectations of the old Liu people in front of us, but this scene is the most profound, isn't it Xiaochu? Xiaochu completely felt the pressure on himself by such a group of people in front of him. The three people standing in front of you can't provoke them.

It is to follow such a group of people. Those parts of the characters are not really easy to provoke. It is precisely for this reason that Xiaochu unconsciously became nervous.

For a kind of battle in front of him, Mu Ling is more calm. For everything in front of him, it seems that it is not enough. At this time, Mu Ling wants to see the expressive power of Wenshan's duel.

"So it's you!" At this time, one of the three people opposite seemed to recognize the character on this side and directly said kindly to this side. The voice was low, and the spiritual thoughts were constantly transmitted, which seemed very hoarse.