ghost monk

Chapter 259 Stimulation

Chapter 159 Stimulation

In the secular world, that is, they will give up many opportunities, and in the Shen family, they will get the same treatment and resources as Taixuanzong. But while they lack opportunities, they are also safer. That's exactly what it is, so for them, it's basically like this.

is also one of the reasons for this, so for many things, their choices represent their lifelong decisions. For Wenshan at this time, he actually wants to see if they can really seize such an opportunity, which is also Wenshan testing their existence.

After all, they can get more in the hands of Wenshan, and there are more opportunities in the hands of Wenshan than in Taixuanzong. After all, Wenshan has the existence of Taixuan Jindan that they need more. If this is more valuable and gives them more divine existence for the characters in the physical realm, their strength will break through the current realm and enter the realm of gathering, which is the reason why they have always wanted to stay in Taixuanzong.

For these big men, most of them are 40 or 50 years old. For them, they have been in Taixuanzong for 30 or 40 years. In such a long time, many of their friends have sacrificed in a mission in Taixuanzong.

is exactly this kind of sacrifice, so for them, in many cases, there is a great risk. It is precisely this kind of risk, so for many things, it is basically because of this.

So what they bear is a real risk. What they are waiting for is a better opportunity to get a Taixuan golden elixir, break through the existing strength, and enter the realm of gathering.

For them, it may be their lifelong dream to enter the realm of gathering. It is precisely the existence of such a dream, so for them, sometimes what they need is to pay.

But now Wenshan suddenly let them make such a choice, let them give up their decision to struggle on the line of the miscellaneous disciples of Taixuanzong, and let them become a small family in the secular world as elders, which is obviously testing their bottom line.

This is also testing their determination to continue their dreams. It is also one of the reasons for this, so for many things, they all have many explanations. It is also the existence of such an explanation that they made such a major decision.

In fact, Wenshan pretended to be like this at this time, which is also really testing whether they still keep their hearts in Taixuanzong and have greater revenge, or just put their hearts in a corner, just want to improve their strength. Their goal is to prepare for development. The whole Shen family. Wenshan needs the latter, and only the latter can truly develop its own power.

For Wenshan now, what he really needs now is to develop the existence of his own power. After all, for Wenshan, who is first, what he needs is more about the establishment and development of his own power. Only in this way is her best answer.

For the camp of the bright moon and starry sky established by Wenshan in Taixuanzong, for such a camp, at least each of them is the strength of the energy gathering realm, among which there is still the strength of the divine power stage. But the aura on their heads is firstly Taixuanzong, and secondly the camp of the bright moon and starry sky.

No matter how much effort Wenshan spent on the bright moon and starry sky, the final result is to help Taixuanzong cultivate their internal disciples. For Wenshan, who has now entered the secular world, he has also seen the current situation more thoroughly. At this time, Wenshan still hopes that he can really establish his own power in such a secular world.

After all, the current pressure is getting stronger and stronger for its own hostile forces. This is a situation where your competitors are getting stronger and stronger. In Wenshan's view, if you build your own power within Taixuanzong, you can't completely control them and compete with hostile forces.

And if Wenshan really establishes his own power within the Taixuanzong, it is completely equivalent to establishing his own power under the low eyelids of others. If hostile forces really fight against themselves, they are destined to choose to suffer directly from themselves and their own forces.

is also the occurrence of such a decision, so it is another experience for many things. It is also one of the reasons for this. For many things, what really needs to be established is a change in the system.

Wenshan will never be found here to establish his own power in this secular world. It is also for this reason that the power of Wenshan can be hidden by the real snow. Only in this way will it not be discovered by hostile forces. For those in the real world, how can they find the existence of such a force?

After all, for the current Wenshan, when he came to the Shen family, the hostile forces only thought that Wenshan came to the Shen family to help Shen Jie transport some resources. I don't know at all that Wenshan will support the existence of the whole Shen family and improve the overall strength of the whole Shen family.

is also one of the reasons for the existence of such a thing. If Wenshan really makes the Shen family slowly become stronger, it will not be able to stand on such a group of folk power at all. It is for this reason that more opportunities are needed for many times.

Wenshan did not expect to stop the stage of Da Lao Liu's strength gathering momentum. Wenshan can at least help them improve their strength to the aura stage of gathering energy. As long as Wenshan's strength breaks through and enters the ancestral level of the realm of life-threatening realm, it can fully help them improve their strength to the divine power stage.

At that time, the comprehensive combat effectiveness of the whole Shen family will be able to keep up with a mountain gate, which is Wenshan's goal. It is not impossible to develop the Shen family into a subordinate family of Taixuanzong. The existence of such an idea is also an opportunity for Wenshan. For the ten big men in front of him, it was obviously favored by Wenshan.

They are all very good. What is missing is an opportunity. After all, there are not many opportunities in Taixuanzong. It is also a reason for the existence of such a thing, so for the current situation, for many things, it is also a kind of judgment to test the ten big men in front of us.

is also a kind of judgment like this. After the elder Liu nodded, followed by the nod of Wang Xiuzhong and Wang Wei brothers, and then the other seven born men also nodded. With their nod, it means that they have become the elders of Taixuanzong.

At this time, the Shen family did not know what Wenshan was doing. Unexpectedly, he wanted to pull the ten strong men at the peak of the body into the Shen family. And it is also a coercive attitude. It seems that if the ten big men in front of them do not choose the Shen family, they will regret their existence even more.

This is also the reason, so for them, these ten big men chose the Shen family, which is their luck. For these ancestors of the Shen family, their choice of their own Shen family is the end of their luck. After all, for these ancestors, they know what's going on with their Shen family.

These ancestors of the Shen family all know what their Shen family is like. After they enter the Shen family, the treatment that the Shen family can give them will certainly be very rare. This is also one of the reasons, so it is not a good thing for them.

This is the reason, so when the ancestors of the Shen family saw them nod and knew that the Shen family had the joining of these ten strong men at the peak of their body, it would be a great improvement for the strength of the Shen family. It is this kind of improvement that makes many things really solved in this way.

is the existence of such a particularity, so there is a big difference in many things. For such a different emergence, for many times, it is a breakthrough in a real sense.

A smile appeared on Wenshan's face at this time. Looking at the ten big men in front of me, I also felt a little more affirmative. This is the affirmation of their choice, and then the affirmation of their real determination to make in this matter. Only by forcing them in this way can they know that they will get the opportunity, which requires their great determination.

Only such a big determination is their better development. After all, for them, if Wenshan is really hot, and finally helps them improve their strength, or they will not remember Wenshan at all. Wenshan is not in a hurry at all.

If this is really the case, it may not be a good thing for them. Or, it's not a good thing for the Shen family.

But in the current situation, the limit is not like this. Instead, it is developing towards the favorable side of the Shen family. In Wenshan's view, the joining of these ten great men is only a small part of their strength. The development of the Shen family is the real beginning. If it weren't for the four people in Wenshan's soul space, they would have been the inner disciples and personal disciples of Taixuanzong. Wenshan would also want to keep these four people in this Shen family to help the development of the Shen family.

For Lao Liu and others, they know Wenshan's powerful means. In particular, the means of characters in the divine stage like Wenshan are ever-changing. Wenshan was able to kill Wu Shura and Su unreasonable at the peak of Zhenyuan, the transportation team that came to kill the Shen family. And Han Li, who was at Zhenyuan's peak, was saved.

It was precisely because of the fierce existence of Wenshan that he really subdued the ten big men in front of him. And the ten big men also knew that the people who came to intercept them were Zhan Tailuoyun of Jinshimen. The existence of the first-class character known as the whole Taixuanzong.

This is also the reason, so for them now, although Wenshan defeated Zhan Tailuoyun. But several of them are people from Wenshan. Although they are just small people. But there is no need for big people to deal with them at all. As long as you find some small people, you can completely solve the problem of ten of them.

If the ten of them refuse to join the Shen family this time, they will offend the Wenshan in front of them and Shen Jie in Taixuanzong. If so, they would not have appeared in the Taixuan Sect at all. Even if they are lucky enough to become an outside disciple, a person with a gathering spirit realm.

But their strength is nothing in front of Shen Jie or Wenshan. It is also because of such an idea that ten of them chose to join the current Shen family. After all, for them, joining the Shen family is their choice to get ahead.

It seems that you made the right choice. I didn't say before that I brought a very gathering state to the Shen family. You are the first people to enter the gathering realm of the Shen family. Wenshan looked at the ten big men in front of him with a smile. Wenshan also knew that they stayed because they thought about a lot of problems.

For real talents, in addition to coercive means to suppress and manage, there is also a real improvement of ability, that is, the reward for them. For them, Wenshan is a better kind of management work for them only in the case of the dual-pipe policy carried out while rewarding and suppressing.

is also the reason for this, so for many things, more rewards are needed. Only when they join the Shen family and truly feel the treatment of joining the Shen family, this kind of welfare, is the best plan for them.

Otherwise, they will not have a sense of belonging to the Shen family. That's why it exists, so for the Shen family, it is also necessary to give them more welfare benefits.

Wen Shan looked at Shen Bing in front of him and said with a smile, "Shen Bing, you can transport what you brought this time. The ten elders of the Shen family present, each of them have 1,000 spiritual beans, and the remaining spiritual grasses can be put into the warehouse of the Shen family.

"What?" At this time, Dai Mubai, who was sitting next to Wenshan, suddenly screamed. He looked at Wenshan in front of him with an incredible face. Looking at Wenshan, it seems that he is looking at a monster. Because the things transported this time were originally for the Shen family, and there were 10,000 spiritual beans in it.

At this time, ten spiritual beans will be given to the ten big men present, so for the Shen family, it is obvious that all the resources of the Shen family this time have been given to the ten people who have entered the Shen family. For such a situation, it is completely a large degree of habituality.

After all, for the current situation of Wenshan, it is completely a kind of habit, that is, to give all the good things to the ten new men in front of them. In this way, how will the Shen family treat these big men in front of them in the future? Do they have to give them so many resources every month?

How can the Shen family take out so many resources? If you really give so many resources to the big man in front of you every month, it is also a great burden for the Shen family. For such a huge burden, for many things, it is obviously very inconsistent with the development of the Shen family.

The entry of ten big men into the Shen family with such a thing is a burden for the Shen family, rather than accelerating the development of the Shen family. It is even possible to exhaust all the resources of the Shen family. It is precisely for this reason that, so for many times, there may be a certain degree of improvement.

But no matter what, for many things, such a scene at present is also what Wenshan can expect. Hearing Dai Mubai's words, even Xiaochu and Muling beside him. I also feel that Wenshan has given ten big men 1,000 spiritual beans every month, which is really a lot.

If it is really like this, for such a standard, in Taixuanzong, the ration of each handyman disciple is 15 spiritual beans, and only 30 of the disciples of the outer disciples. And a thousand, but it really exceeds the amount of supplies of ordinary personal disciples.

For Wenshan's big hand, even the two girls, Xiaochu and Muling, are moved. After all, everyone in Taixuanzong, no matter what position you are from, you feel that there is a lack of existence for the acquisition of spiritual beans. After all, the management of a large sect is like this.

In order to make their sectarian children more dependent. It is this kind of situation, so for those sects, they all hope that these disciples can get some monthly examples from their own sects and their own mountain gates. In this way, it is a high improvement for the loyalty of sects and the loyalty of the mountain gate.

And such a monthly example is basically replenished according to the requirements of their strength. It is this kind of means to further strengthen the strength of each disciple in their sect. It is also a kind of improvement of strength, which is also a kind of development for a sect.

is the existence of such an idea. So for many things, what is needed is a breakthrough in their true sense. Only such a situation is their better development. It is precisely for this reason, so for many times, what is needed is just a means.

Anyway, for the current situation, there is a large degree of development, and there is more or less something for such a development. It is also one of the reasons for the existence of such a thing, which is more or less very different.

is the ancestors of the Shen family now, and they don't know what happened to this group of people in front of them. It's worth Wenshan's cost. And for Wenshan, this time, the resources of the Shen family's whole ideas were given to these ten people.

If such resources can be given to the ten people in front of them, they will be very willing to buy out their long-term family. But obviously, the possibility of this is very low. The reason is very simple, because such things in front of us can't be realized at all.

And this time, Shen Jie actually gave so many resources to the family, but it was twice as much as before. At this time, the ancestors of the Shen family also guessed that Shen Jie's status in the whole Taixuanzong must have improved again. It is also very happy that the support of the Shen family will be stronger in the future.

However, they were very happy for the ten strong men in the physical realm in front of them to join the whole Shen family. The original Shen family has always relied on these four old things. At this time, with the addition of the current ten characters, the strength of several of them is not the highest for the future Shen family.

is one of the reasons for this, so it is obviously a very unfavorable situation for them at present. It is also one of the reasons for this, so for such a good thing, it was actually destroyed by Wenshan's reward system.

After all, there is a lot of supply of 1,000 spiritual beans given by Wenshan. That's why. If there are so many supplies every month in the future, it will be sold to the whole Shen family, and you can't afford it.

This is the reason, so in many cases, everything you do is well thought out. Shen Bing was also reluctant to make such a rash decision of Wenshan. However, under Wenshan's order, he still opened the box and prepared to take out the resources inside for the ten big men.

Actually, there are eleven vehicles of goods. There are a thousand spiritual bean resources in each truck. It is really very harmful to supply such resources.

At this time, Wenshan looked at Shen Bing in front of him carrying such a big box. Originally, it was a very easy job for such a big box, and for these big men at the top of the body, they could carry it up. But for Shen Bing's weak body, it is obviously a very weak existence.

Shen Bing, who didn't know the weight of such a box. After one attempt, such a big box was not carried up. It is this kind of result, so for many times, many things are a kind of injury.

is also the result of such a move, so for the current situation, it is obviously very unfavorable to Shen Bing's transportation. At this time, a black bag came out of Wenshan's hand and shook in front of Dai Mubai.

When Dai Mubai saw Wenshan taking out a black bag, his eyes began to shine. It is how many such bags are around Wenshan, which are regarded as garbage-like black storage bags by Wenshan. This is the problem that Dai Mubai is thinking about now.

After all, for the current Wenshan, the first step is to take out such a black bag and give it to others. For Wenshan's black bag, it is obviously very inappropriate. It is also one of the reasons for this, so it is obviously a very unfavorable move for many things.

After all, for the treasure storage bag in the whole cultivation world, it is a treasure. Only the ancestor-level character can use it at will. For the strong in the divine power stage, only the truly rich character can have such a thing. But Wenshan now gives some miscellaneous disciples such storage bags, which is rare.

It was also because of Wenshan's behavior that he really shocked the current Dai Mubai. It is also the emergence of such a move, so there are many incomprehensible things in the current situation. It is also the emergence of such a move. Obviously, it is a very unfavorable move.

Originally, it was very good for Wenshan to give so many resources to the ten men in front of him. But now it's a big deal for Wenshan to take out so many storage bags. Such a storage bag may be a valuable thing that the disciples of Taixuanzong can't afford to use all their lives.

However, Dai Mubai also knew that Wenshan had his own decision. Moreover, every decision of Wenshan has a deep consideration. That's why, so for these things at present, it is obviously very lucky for these big men.

In fact, Dai Mubai did not follow in Wenshan's footsteps and knew the number one person like Wenshan, so he had his current achievements. Otherwise, Wenshan would really not have had such a high achievement. It is also the existence of such a reason. Under normal circumstances, it is one of the reasons.

But no matter what, there are many things about the change of such a pattern in front of us. It is also one of the reasons for this, so for many things, it is a great improvement.

That is, when Shen Bing was struggling to carry it, Dai Mubai suddenly came here, threw a bag on a box, and a box disappeared. Then a black bag was thrown into the second box, and the second bag disappeared. That is, in the surprised eyes of the people present, the whole ten cars disappeared like this.

is obviously very surprising for such a phenomenon in front of us. At this time, in everyone's head, there are storage bags. However, they are also curious about how Wenshan can have so many storage bags.

The most curious thing about the Shen family's ancestors present is not the magic of the storage bags in front of them. They have seen the magic of such storage bags. It is also for this reason, so there is a persistent pursuit of many things at present.

is also the result of such a move, which is obviously very unsuitable for many things now. It was exactly this situation, so I didn't say anything about the Shen family at this time. Because the big things given by Wenshan at this time have exceeded the resources of the ten cars of the Shen family.

is any inconspicuous black bag, which cannot be exchanged for the resources of their ten cars. If the Shen family at this time knew that the resources on the ten cars of their Shen family were completely paid by Wenshan, they would have really been moved by Wenshan. After all, for the current Shen Jie, their own resources are given by Wenshan, not to mention these resources of the Shen family.

For Wenshan, it is obvious that he paid such a price to invite the ten people in front of him to stay. Obviously, he valuishes the ten people at present. When the ten big men, Liu and others saw a black bag in their hands, they obviously only heard of the things in front of them and did not really use them.

For the ten big men at this time, there was an embarrassed look on their faces. For the bag in your hand, it is simply a kind of feeling that you don't know what it is like to express such a feeling.

For the black bag in their hands, they are not what individuals can open at all. For such a storage bag, people in the normal gas gathering stage can only open once a day. People with second-level energy can open it ten times a day. The third-level character can be opened a hundred times in a day.

As for the characters in the aura stage, they are already the same as the real aura, so it is no longer difficult for them to open the storage bag at this time. Therefore, although the storage bag in front of us is precious, it can't be used for the ten men at the top of the body at present. If it is really like this, I guess for them, it is obviously the feeling that they have treasures in their hands but can't be used.

It is also for this reason that the ten big men at this time also felt that although Wenshan had given them a thousand spiritual beans, whether it was a month or a year, they were very much. But for them at this time, if they are really all in such a black storage bag, there is obviously no way to use them.

It is the existence of such an idea, so for the current situation, the elder Liu and others are also sweating anxiously. For the current situation, it is obviously very unreliable.

is also the reason for this. At this time, the elder Liu and others are also anxious big men, a state of speechless about such a situation in front of them. That's why, so it's obviously very inconsistent for many things.

However, no matter what, for the current state, there is a big difference for many things. It is also the embodiment of such a difference that there are also many differences.

"Brother Wenshan, this storage bag can't be opened by the strong in our physical realm. How will our resources be used in the future?" Lao Liu looked embarrassed and his face was anxious. At the same time, when Lao Liu said what he had just said, he was reluctant to give up the storage bag in his hand. After all, the storage bag was useless in their hands, but he was still reluctant to give up the preciousness of the storage bag.

At this time, the elder Liu and others also knew that Wenshan really valued them. If ten of them take such storage bags to the sect and give them to some brothers or sisters in the divine power stage, if this is true, it is obviously very beneficial to them.

is also a situation like this, so for many things, it is basically like this. But no matter what, for the current situation, many things have great errors.

"Do you think I, Wenshan, don't know that ten of you can't open such storage bags? Do ten of you really think that I like the strength of the ten of you as the peak of the body, so I tried my best to pull into the door of the Shen family? Do you think I will try my best to please you because of your strength?" It was when there was embarrassment on Lao Liu's faces, Wenshan's series of questions really made their old faces feel embarrassed.

What Wenshan just said is really reasonable. Indeed, why did Wenshan spend so much energy to attract them, who are just physical warriors? For a person like Wenshan's cultivation ability, it is obviously very suitable for such a situation in front of him.

is also a very simple truth. There are not so many cheap things in this world. It was at this time that the ten people who were still very excited were also frustrated. Several even looked angry.

After all, Wenshan's behavior just now is completely fooling them.

When everyone was embarrassed, suddenly, a golden ball of light, like a meteor, flew directly to the ten big men in the field, that is, when such a golden ball of light was about to reach the ten of them, stopped in the air. Obviously, such a ball of light was constantly hovering up and down. .

For such a situation, it is obviously not a good choice. It is this situation, so it is a great choice for many things. But in any case, there is a big difference in such a choice.

That is, when the golden ball floated in front of the ten big men, the eyes of the ten big men suddenly glowed. Feeling the golden ball in front of him, with a surprised look on his face. Although they are unfamiliar with such a small ball in front of them. But I've heard of it.

Even sometimes, when they dream at night, they fantasize about the appearance of such a golden ball in front of them. It is also feeling the breath from such a golden ball that sits here and smells such an atmosphere. The ten big men in the field all feel their strength that they have not been able to break through for a long time. It is at this moment, as if they are ready to move.

For the ten big men at this time, there was even an impulse to pick up the black golden ball in front of them, run to a deserted place, and begin to break through. It is a thing they yearn for to break through the strength of the existing stage. It is also such a thing, which is also the pursuit of their life.

Of course, their own strength is still relatively poor. When they are in the physical realm, they hope that their strength will break through in their life and reach the realm of gathering energy is already very satisfied. However, for them now, when they can break through their strength to the state of gathering, they still hope to continue to move forward.

The golden ball given to them by Wenshan is also the biggest opportunity on their way forward. After all, for the small ball in front of us, a Taixuanzong can produce 28 a year. It's just some ancestral-level figures, their sons and nephews, who don't have such people taking a Taixuan Jindan.

For many characters with profound * in Taixuanzong, their children have been in line for 20 to 30 years to have all the possession of Taixuan Jindan. But for the words of the elder Liu and other ten people, what kind of ability do they have to really solve the problem of their own mysterious golden elixir in front of them?

For their children in Taixuanzong, if they are really ancestral-level characters, they can take precious spiritual herbs at ordinary times, or use more opportunities to practice in places full of aura. Sometimes, they can also break through the status quo and reach the state of gathering.

However, for the ordinary miscellaneous disciples such as Da Lao Liu, there is no * situation. For them, the most important thing is the opportunity. They just wait well. As for what the children of the rich family mentioned above, these ordinary miscellaneous disciples can not really have.

This is the reason for the existence of this kind of Taixuan Jindan, which is extremely precious to the current elder Liu and others. It's worth it for them to exchange their lives. It is also equivalent.