ghost monk

Chapter 161 Merger and Development

Chapter 161 Merger and Development

For Xiaochu's sudden effort to show off in front of Wenshan, even if Wenshan has nothing. But for Shen Bing, who was sitting opposite Wenshan, still glanced at Wenshan with cold eyes.

For Shen Bing's eyes, he suddenly covered Wenshan's fiery **. It is also the existence of such a state so far that Wenshan's heart seems to have been completely shocked.

Seeing Shen Bing seems to be a little jealous, even now Wenshan, there is a little guilt in his heart. Looking at Shen Bing's cold face, in Wenshan's heart, it seems that his whole heart is engraved with such a picture.

For such a picture, it seems that it has appeared countless times in Wenshan's heart, or countless times in Wenshan's sleep. Such a picture makes Wenshan's heart frozen.

"Okay, Xiaochu, stop making trouble." At this time, Wenshan doesn't want to make trouble with the stupid girl in front of him anymore. After all, for Wenshan now, if Wenshan really quarrels with this silly girl, this Xiaochu can really climb Wenshan in the middle of the night.

After all, for such a large amount of expenditure, in the case of such a large amount of resources, it is a treasure in the eyes of many people in the world of cultivation. In the current situation where Xiaochu didn't know anything, he thought that Wenshan and Muling really had an affair, so Mu Ling had such a large amount of expenses.

But it's useless for these things. After all, for the current situation, it is obviously a very noisy thing. Therefore, Wenshan doesn't want to continue to quarrel with the stupid girl in front of him. That's exactly what happened, so for Wenshan at this time, he directly gave her the resources he had prepared for Xiaochu.

When Wenshan threw such a storage bag to Xiaochu, Xiaochu directly widened his eyes. But with such a large amount of materials, Xiaochu seemed to think of something again. At the beginning of the year, when he was about to make a fuss, he seemed to be a little afraid of the existence of Wenshan in front of him. It seems that Wenshan in front of him is the existence of a big pervert, and Xiaochu is the prey of this pervert.

It is the emergence of such a scene. For Wenshan at this time, there is still something more or less. It is also the emergence of such a situation, so for many times and many things, there is also a cause for the following continuous events.

It is also the emergence of such a situation. Wenshan did not expect to scare this stupid girl for Xiaochu's behavior. He looked at Mu Ling beside him and said, "I know why I gave you two so many resources. Your mission this time is a total of 100 spiritual beans!"

For what happened in the field at this time, except for Xiaochu, Muling, and Dai Mubai, other ancestors of the Shen family and Shen Bing did not know what Wenshan gave to Xiaochu and Muling. What kind of large amount of expenditure is it that makes these powerful people at the current level so crazy?

So they are also curious about what Wenshan gave to Xiaochu and Muling. Hearing a simple transportation team like Xiaochu and Muling, the reward is 100 Lingdou. And their Shen family, every year, Shen Jie gives 5,000 spiritual beans.

The number of 5,000 Lingdou in this way provides the training of some excellent disciples of the Shen family. Shen Jie alone consumes more than 100 pieces a year. After all, such a piece of material was given by Shen Jie. Of course, give her sister and father Shen Huaiyuan more adequate resources.

For Shen Bing, the cost of a spiritual bean every three days is already very small. For a handyman disciple of Taixuanzong, 15 spiritual beans per month can be guaranteed at least one for two days. In addition, these handymen disciples do some work and are often appreciated. It is also normal to ensure that there are spiritual beans to supplement your body for ten days and eight or nine days.

is also a normal situation, so for all the current situations. For the children of Taixuanzong, it is very rich to earn so many spiritual beans. But such a spiritual bean seems to be too few in the eyes of this girl Xiaochu.

Is Wenshan giving each of them a thousand spiritual beans? But such a thousand spiritual bean resources are just to buy the price of ten handymen disciples. It is in this way that what kind of price can support the two masters of the energy-gathering realm, Xiaochu and Muling in front of them.

And for Shen Jie's extremely ancestor-level figure, he is obviously a little envious of the current Shen family, the figure cultivated in Taixuanzong, that is, Shen Jie alone. If Wenshan is added, there will be two people. For Shen Jie's transportation of only 5,000 yuan per year, the ancestors of the Shen family are also thinking about Shen Jie's feelings for the Shen family.

If Shen Jie has a deep affection for the Shen family, she should give more resources to the Shen family. After all, the strong people in the state of gathering gas should be more than a price of 1,000 at a time. In addition, the price of this transportation is still borne by Shen Jie.

So at this time, the Shen family doubted whether Shen Jie was not concerned about the family's affairs. After all, this kind of situation, the opponent's characters, this kind of treatment. And the treatment of his subordinates has completely caught up with the Shen family. That's exactly how. This time, the ancestors of the Shen family also clearly felt the wealth of the children of Taixuanzong.

But this kind of wealth is not such a thing. After all, in the process of such a thing, it is obvious that it is given in the case of relatively sufficient resources like Wenshan. The ancestors of the Shen family did not know that Shen Jie had completely begun to borrow resources for this batch of resources of the Shen family.

It is this kind of thing that makes the resources of the Shen family last year. For the Shen family, as long as there are excellent young disciples who can raise their strength to the peak of the body before they are less than 20 years old, they have to contact Taixuanzong and transport the excellent disciples in their family to such a place.

is also the reason for this, so for such a situation at this time, it is completely equivalent to tying many things together. It's exactly this kind of situation, so for many things, it's really not so easy to say.

Looking at the expression of everyone in the Shen family, Wenshan also guessed some of the thoughts of these ancestors. Living in the world of cultivation, Wenshan knows a lot about many things. It is exactly one of these things. Most of the time, it is the expression of everyone in front of him, and Wenshan can detect the meaning behind the expression.

Wenshan's spiritual idea is still relatively **. It is also a kind of **, so it can quickly detect a lot of things. At this time, Wenshan's face had also cooled down. Looking at the four ancestors of the Shen family in front of him, he said coldly, "Do you guys think that all the resources I just gave are Shen Jie's? Am I helping Sister Shen Jie make these things? Sister Shen Jie doesn't have so many resources at all. These resources are all my personal pocket. That's right, so don't think about your attitude."

Wenshan looked at the faces of the four ancestors of the Shen family in front of him and said the so-called one-time words. That's exactly how it is, so Wenshan looks extremely gloomy at this time. With a cold face, she looked at the group of people of the Shen family in front of her and said, "The main reason why Sister Shen Jie asked me to lead the team this time is to stop the danger of the transportation resources of the Shen family being robbed. If it's just transporting materials, there is no need to do anything.

Equip such materials with storage bags, and then transport them directly to the Shen family. Because not long ago, Sister Shen Jie transported a batch of supplies to the Shen family, but she was robbed halfway. It is for this reason that the resources are empty for the current sister Shen Jie. At that time, I knew it and gave Sister Shen Jie part of the resources.

As for the 10,000 Lingdou transported this time, I still subverted it. So I can see a lot of things in your eyes. So you don't have to really blame Shen Jie. In addition, the resources in your hands are enough for you to practice in the next few years.

So what you need to learn is to cherish it well and strengthen the Shen family. My goal is to develop the current Shen family into the existence of the first low family of Taixuanzong. As for the future, what height the Shen family can reach, whether to establish a mountain gate led by the Shen family or develop into a sect, it requires your efforts.

The strength of you guys is really not enough. Shen Huaiyuan, you and Mr. Shen Jinming can take Taixuan Jindan to improve their strength, but Hu Changsheng and Mr. Shen Yuhai must not take risks to try. Your current physical condition still needs to be well nourished and exercised.

You have to get your body well, so for you, you can really improve your strength. I don't know what I said. Do you guys understand? In addition, Shen Jie will become the elder of the whole Shen family in the future. And he is also the chief elder.

Your suzerain will send someone to solve the big and small things of the Shen family. Even the ten people of the Shen family who have just gone to practice, the suzerain also has the right to command. But the chief elder group is above the whole Shen family system. Therefore, Shen Jie will not obey any of your orders. Of course, Wenshan, is also one of the chief elders of the Shen family.

Now, Shen Jie and I are practicing in Taixuanzong. Therefore, for the chief elder group of the whole Shen family, it is all written by Shen Bing. Shen Bing is the chief elder of the Shen family. Everything has the power over the whole Shen family. You can directly intervene in any decision of the Shen family.

Any order of the chief elder can be directly announced and executed. So for you now, the first thing is to learn to obey. With your strength, you are not a master at all. Since you also want the Shen family to become stronger, the first thing is to have the constraints of a good system.

This is the reason, so the family rules of the Shen family in the future cannot be broken. As for you, you are still an elder. If you want to become an elder, your strength must be a gathering state. For the Shen family, the nine-stage strong man can become the elder of the Shen family, so the strong man in the realm of gathering energy in the future is the identity of the elder of the Shen family.

That's exactly why you want to really become a super elder. And if you want to enter the circle of the chief elders, you must be stronger than the ten big men just now, and your strength can steadily suppress those big men. After all, they are here to be loyal to the Shen family. If the Shen family can't suppress the other party even in terms of force value. I think you should stop fooling around.

The reason why Shen Bing was able to enter the circle of chief elders was that Shen Bing was the strongest one. These rigid regulations will be officially implemented tomorrow. You need to think about something well. You can all go back and imagine now. Moreover, there are only ten chief elders in this way, and they can only be the children of the Shen family.

For your current Shen family, you still need to cultivate the children of the Shen family. Only when the children of the Shen family slowly become stronger is the real strength of your Shen family. So for the resources of your Shen family. I will give it to Shen Bing. Shen Bing will give Lingdou to your children according to certain monthly routines.

So far, every child of the Shen family has 30 spiritual beans per month. When their strength is promoted to the cultivation of the realm of gathering gas and enter the Taishang elder group of the Shen family, they will become the backbone of the Shen family, and the monthly cases will be improved.

Of course, some reward systems are indispensable. For them, as long as they do better, the reward will not be reduced. That's it, so the grasp of the scale of everything still needs to be measured slowly by yourself.

After Wenshan finished what he had just said, the ancestor of the Shen family seemed to have been seen through by Wenshan in front of him. It's really not easy for Wenshan to have such a ability in front of him. It is with such a mind that I am embarrassed to sit here for these ancestors.

In addition, these ancestors wanted to leave here early. After all, when they got the Taixuan Jindan, they thought it was time to break through their strength. It is with such an idea. Whether it's after going back, take Taixuan Jindan and prepare for a direct breakthrough in strength, or after going back, nourish your body and restore your body. At this time, it is very urgent.

Or, the four ancestors of the Shen family present are embarrassed to stay here any longer. It seems that Wenshan is the real Shen family. It is everyone who holds such an idea, so for Wenshan now, he is the real decision-maker of the Shen family.

After all, Wenshan has just called himself the chief elder of the Shen family. Moreover, the chief elder of the Shen family can only be surnamed Shen. But now Wenshan's direct position has made it clear that Wenshan is telling others that he is a member of the Shen family.

Otherwise, what Wenshan said has such a lot of weight. And the Shen family present did not object. After all, Wenshan is the strongest in the field. Moreover, Wenshan's action was originally to help the existence of the Shen family. After Wenshan entered Taixuanzong, he also went out of the Shen family.

This is the existence of such a relationship, so there is no doubt that Wenshan is a member of the Shen family. Wenshan's ability to admit that he is a member of the Shen family is also an extremely good thing for the Shen family. After all, it is very happy to have the protection of Wenshan, which is famous among other Taixuanzong besides Shen Jie.

That is, after talking about some of the rules of the Shen family, announcing the position, and the future arrangements for the Shen family in Wenshan. And prepare to eliminate the forces other than the Shen family in the Holy Capital tomorrow. It was after a series of things were arranged, the ancestors of the Shen family eagerly left and went back to find a place to practice. At this time, there are only three women and two men left in the whole hall.

At this time, Xiaochu and Muling looked at Wenshan in front of them with a puzzled face. I don't know why Wenshan gave them so many resources. From Wenshan's words just now, it seems that he is not a person who gives alms for no reason. It is also the existence of such a feeling, so at this time, Mu Ling and Xiaochu, two girls, have a deep concern in their hearts.

"Don't think that Wenshan wants you two to do anything. What I want to do is not what you two girls can do. This is what I can believe. But after you two girls returned to Taixuanzong like this, you think that Zhantai Luoyun will really let you go.

You know that they commit crimes first. After all, this is the resentment of the same disciples for Zhan Tailuo Yun's hijacking of the whole Shen family's transportation team. If such a means is exposed, then Zhan Tailuoyun will first lose his identity as a real personal disciple in the whole sect.

If Zhan Tailuoyun becomes an ancestor-level figure, it will also affect the existence of his whole mountain gate because of such things. After all, Zhan Tailuoyun, as an ancestor, is destined to cause many people's dissatisfaction. It is also this kind of dissatisfaction, so there will be a lot of things.

That's exactly what happened, so the matter about their attack on Shen Jie's transportation team will not be made public, and you know the details of the matter, but with my understanding of Zhan Tailuoyun, it is destined to kill you quickly. Because you know too much. Only the real dead can really keep the secret.

This is the existence of such a feeling, so for you two, there are two choices, one of which is to follow me and accompany me for a lifetime. Another option is to stay in the Shen family. One reason is that after all, the Shen family is Shen Jie's family, which is also my Wenshan's family. In this big family, Zhan Tailuoyun dares not touch you.

One more thing, Shen Jie and I, after all, are all disciples of Taixuanzong, and they are also celebrities of Taixuanzong. There is really such a high degree of attention. If Zhan Tailuoyun's matter is stared at by Shen Jie, who is alive, or has an endless hatred, I still don't want to see what Zhan Tailuo Yun said.

So for the two of you, or only following me, is the safest for you. Otherwise, I don't know how you two died. I still hope to stay in Taixuanzong and how to practice. After all, I'm going to participate in the mission of sectarianism soon, so you must stay in the Shen family first. Only in the Shen family, this secular world, are safe.

I believe that in such a big environment, no one should really be so fat. How dare you attack a big family in the secular world like this. So you still have to stay at Shen's house. In fact, I won't treat you badly in the Shen family. Your treatment in the Shen family is already very high.

Do you think that the world of cultivation is really comfortable? You have also experienced the dangers. I know that you two also have your own family in this secular world. You can completely merge your Mu family and the Chu family into the Shen family here. I believe that when your two families merge into the Shen family, the future development of the Shen family will be stronger.

The ultimate goal of our Shen family is to build a mountain gate or a sectarian existence. And the treatment of the Shen family here must be very good. I hope you two girls can think about it from a long-term perspective. In this case, it will only be a good thing for you two.

As for other changes, it is entirely up to you to consider.

"But if our first family really merges with your Shen family, then what is the status of our first family in the whole Shen family? Is it true that you just listen to the leaders of your Shen family? If your Shen family really has such a leadership ability, our first family will listen. But what if your Shen family doesn't have such ability at all?

At this time, Xiaochu looked at Wenshan in front of him with a strong face. It seems that I also have some ideas about Wenshan's proposal. That's why it was proposed.

"What do you think should be done?" Wenshan looked at Xiaochu in front of him, and suddenly wanted to be completely peaked by Xiaochu, the image of the little girl in front of him. Wenshan didn't expect that Xiaochu's thoughts in front of him were so far away that there was such a powerful truth.

For Xiaochu, he actually thought of these and some understandings of the future after the merger of the big family. Where is the foothold for the future? And it is related to the survival of the whole Shen family. For the management system of the Shen family, etc., a kind of management of such a situation.

"I mean it's very simple. People with ability come to power and manage the whole family. For those who are not capable and have strong strength, go behind the scenes and become an elder or an elder. And for our merged family, it is better to establish a management system in the same form as Taixuanzong. The Shen family returned to the Shen family, the Mu family returned to the Mu family, and the Chu family returned to the Chu family. Three families like this. After our merger, the whole is called the family. And the family is divided into three families.

For Xiaochu's statement, it is obviously a problem after the merger of two or three families. After all, for the Shen family, they are just the boss of the capital. But it's really big for the world. For many things, these old people of the Shen family can't really decide.

Xiaochu's words, Wenshan was quite surprised, and he thought it should be like this.

Wenshan still remembers that in the world of cultivation, what is valued is the real management of a sect. It is not the height of a person's identity or strength that can be determined. If the people of the Shen family don't work hard, will they have always occupied a lot of benefits?

If this is really the case, it is estimated that the difficulties encountered will be endless if the Shen family wants to become bigger and stronger in the future. It is also the existence of such an idea, so for such a reform, the merger between such families is that the "can" people go up and the "can't" people come down to achieve the goal of continuous improvement of the overall power.

People with mediocre ability naturally belong to "can't" people, but in the cultivation world, there are many people who say that he is not capable, but he is more shrewd and powerful than anyone else by playing intrigue and deception? Are they belong to "doing" people and "unable" people?

For the world of cultivation, there are too many such intrigues. People who don't have much ability. But he is very good at being a person. He is very good at being a man, and his ability is not very good. There are no two people who do very well. That's the idea, so there is also doubt in Wenshan's heart at this time.

What exactly is the standard? What is the standard for commenting on a person's strength and a person's ability?

Wenshan and Xiaochu's views are also very simple. As long as the kind of person who can promote the overall strength to continue to rise can be included in the "line" people. Whether in terms of management or strength, no matter what aspect, it can really help the continuous progress of the whole Shen family, which can be done in this way for a person with good ability.

That's it. As long as you have your own unique ability. There is infinite room for the Shen family to develop like this now. That is, a small family is managed as a sectarian management model. For the real Shen family, if the Shen family wants to really develop. It really can only continue to develop with its own scale and rules, so as to better develop the whole Shen family.

Some people, although they are powerful characters, are not conducive to the overall rise. On the contrary, because they specialize in internal fighting, the power and power of development are consumed internally, and even play a role in weakening the whole. No matter how powerful these people are, they can only be classified as "no" .

After all, there are many characters like this. Even in the huge Taixuanzong, the depth of such hatred between Zhan Tailuoyun and Wenshan can be completely seen. But the management method of the whole Taixuanzong is to let the ability fight with each other. The final winner is the real person who stayed in Taixuanzong to continue to live. This is mainly because the whole Taixuanzong fought the best seedlings and the most powerful characters to the end through competition.

For those who have no ability. There is no need for people who can't really survive to the end. It is precisely because of this reason, so for many things, there is obviously no such good thing.

For the Shen family, since it wants to develop towards a mountain gate and a sect. Finally, it really developed into a sect. It is with such an appetite. So for the beginning of real development. Of course, there is still no need for such a heavy taste. At this time, for the current development of the Shen family, it is obviously not the same management method as that of Taixuanzong.

Taixuanzong supports the struggle between internal members, which can improve the combat effectiveness of internal members. But if the Shen family also engages in such an activity. With such competition in the Shen family, there will be no good life for the whole Shen family. Such a family does not need to fight in the house.

After all, for the current Shen family, if there is any internal struggle, it is not a beneficial phenomenon for the whole Shen family. It is also the emergence of such a situation that is more or less different.

is also the existence of such a phenomenon. So for many times, there is a greater difference. Not any undeveloped family can have the same rules as a large sect. While there is the same thing, of course, there are similarities and differences.

is also the existence of such similarities and differences, so when dealing with many things, more consideration is needed. It is most effective to make some decisions within the scope of consideration. It is exactly this kind of situation, so for Wenshan at present, there are more things to consider.

For these people who fight in the nest. In fact, if you often don't have the ability to lead the overall rise and don't have the confidence to win broad support and reputation accordingly, you can only rely on internal fighting, suppressing talented and "doing" people to rise to the top or maintain their position in the system.

If the merger of a family is to succeed, or a large family wants to develop in a short time. In terms of forming a large and powerful family, what needs to be solved is to let the "can" people come up and the "can't" people go down. This is really in line with the current standard of progress of the Shen family.

In a large family, first of all, stakeholders are fundamentally required to focus on the overall interests of the family. From the perspective of whether the overall strength of the family rises or declines, decide whether the "does" people come up and resolutely kick out the "unable" people.

People who "do" are those who can promote the continuous rise of the overall strength of the place; those who can promote the development of a sect are those who can promote the continuous rise of the whole sect. For sects, the competition between internal disciples who welcome themselves is also controlled within a certain range.

For Taixuanzong, they don't expect their internal children to develop to any extent. Instead, let a few of the real excellent disciples really stand out and become the combat effectiveness of the whole huge sect. A powerful combat effectiveness that can really threaten everyone.

It is the existence of such an idea, so sometimes there are great errors. That's right, so for a small family, and a family that does not have a complete foothold in the secular world, it basically needs the common progress of all the strengths of the whole family.

However, some top-notch figures directly help them up and let them lead the progress of the whole family together. It is with such an idea that, so for many things now, it requires a real support to a large extent.

Wenshan has also considered these problems for the establishment and development of the current Shen family. Only after thinking about these problems thoroughly can he really apply them to the whole Shen family. Otherwise, the command will hinder the development of the whole Shen family. Even I have a selfish heart for the whole Shen family.

After all, there is a big difference on the basis of the division of real strength. It is precisely this kind of difference. So for many things, it really needs different management.

is the little girl in front of us now. Although she is just a little girl, she can improve her real strength to the current three-level state of gathering and strength. It already shows that this person is not simple. It is also the emergence of such a simple character, so it is obviously very unfavorable for the current state.

She should belong to the former for Xiaochu's whole ability, and it is precisely because she belongs to the former that she said such a thing. Only when this kind of talent has the overall situation can they pay more attention to the overall interests, rather than limiting personal interests. Nor will it ignore other interests for the interests of one family.

After all, it is a merger of several large families. When the merger, there is a big difference in the allocation of resources. The distribution of such a real obedience system is something that every family superficially follows.

But if it really allows them to follow such a thing like this, it is not so simple. It is also this simple existence, so sometimes it is still necessary to have a certain law enforcer. After all, some families do not consider the interests of the whole family for the interests of their own families in the whole family.

is one of the reasons, so this is what Xiaochu just said. Only in the big sect can the characters who slowly come up can truly recognize the existence of many things. Only the real system from the large sect, slowly crawling up, is their fundamental thing.

is also such a situation, so there is a great degree of improvement. It is also the existence of such an ascension that is the most terrible existence.

Wenshan looked at Xiaochu in front of him, as if he had some kind of idea. He sighed gently and said to Xiaochu, "The merger of the family below is left to you, Xiaochu alone. And Mu Ling, you are the real supervisor. If you have any problems, you can report them to me or ask me for help.

In the storage bag, I put a small thing to connect with. Such a connection can be asked for help from Sister Shen Jie in Yuedong. Shen Jie and I have been the object of your support in the future. As long as you have anything that can't be carried out in the system, you can find us two. The Shen family I hope is a super big family.

Compared with some mountain gates, the super world of the Shen family also has a certain weight. If I and the current world really break through their strength, the Shen family can also be called Shenmen. When one of me and Sister Shen really becomes a strong man in the realm of immortality, the Shen family can be called Shen Zong.

For Wenshan at this time, he knew that Xiaochu in front of him could have such a kind of management strength. Therefore, for Wenshan now, there is no need to manage anything like this family by himself.

This is also the reason, so Wenshan handed over everything to Xiaochu at this time. But for Wenshan, the cultivation of Shen Bing sitting next to him will not fall. After all, for the potential stocks of the Shen family like Shen Bing, they have to be used anyway.

Only after fully applying such a potential stock of the Shen family can it be a major development for the whole Shen family. It is also one of the reasons for this, so for many things, it needs a greater degree of help.