ghost monk

Chapter 171 Transformation

Chapter 171 Transformation

Many forces are afraid of the top ten rich families in the whole huge capital. As for the position of the top ten rich families, in the thousands of years since the founding of the Hanwu Dynasty, it has only moved once in a chaos and at the time of a change of dynasty. It's just that the ranking of the top ten rich families in Kyoto has never moved.

The political choice of each rich family in Kyoto is extremely important. If their ten rich families really unify and finally decide who is the emperor, it is difficult for the current emperor to change.

From this point of view, it can be seen that the top ten rich families in Kyoto have great influence in Kyoto City, or in the Hanwu Dynasty. If it is in the Holy Capital, the Shen family is in a unique situation. Then, in Kyoto City, in the whole huge Hanwu Dynasty, the top ten rich families are the concentration of real authoritative forces.

For the two women in front of him, the strength of the energy gathering realm has had to be paid attention to by Dai Musheng. After all, in the secular world, in this holy capital, the master of gathering energy is already a figure standing at the peak of strength. If it hadn't been for the existence of a master of the realm of gathering energy in Dai Musheng's camp, for Xiaochu and Muling, two masters at the peak stage of gathering energy, it is estimated that only Hogg, the master in the stage of gathering energy can deal with the two of them.

In addition, the identities of the two girls, Xiaochu and Muling, are from Taixuanzong. If this is true, they will not really touch the people brought by Dai Musheng this time.

According to Dai Musheng's idea, this time, Xiaochu and Muling are ready to lead the team led by Taixuanzong to leave the Holy Capital. Only in this way can such a war be avoided. Only by doing this is the key step for Dai Musheng's own encirclement and suppressing the Shen family this time.

After all, there is a clear difference between driving out the Shen family and expelling Taixuanzong. If it is the Shen family that drives away, it is just a matter in the secular world. If it is driven away the Taixuanzong, it is a kind of contempt for the sect of Taixuanzong's cultivation. If this is really the case, the Hanwu Dynasty will face the pressure of Taixuanzong. In the end, if Dai Musheng is asked to apologize, Dai Musheng's position in his political career will be greatly reduced.

is also a characteristic of this, so it may be a very bad thing for Dai Musheng at this time. It is also a different place, so for many things, it may not be a good thing.

It is precisely with such concerns that for Dai Musheng, it is a real trouble. However, if Dai Musheng is in the process of driving away the Shen family, if Mu Ling and Xiaochu really stop it, it would be Taixuanzong's fault. After all, Taixuanzong first violated the matter of participating in the struggle in the secular world.

Unless this Muling and Xiao Chu are from the Shen family, it is a good thing to help the Shen family in this way. After all, if Shen Jie is in the Shen family, is it because Shen Jie is the son of Taixuanzong, will Shen Jie not take action when others attack the Shen family?

It is such a truth that Dai Musheng has prepared for now is to isolate the affairs of Taixuanzong and the Shen family with direct realistic words. Then let these people of Taixuanzong make a choice. However, what made Dai Musheng feel strange is that the Shen family did not appear in the real high-level, even Shen Bing did not appear.

For such a phenomenon, Dai Musheng first chose to be silent, but let his son Dai Changle come forward and scold. After all, for this time, Dai Musheng came forward and Dai Changle came forward, which has a different meaning. Dai Changle came forward and had a buffering opportunity. If Dai Changle overdoes it, Dai Musheng can scold Dai Changle.

However, if Dai Musheng speaks, it will be a real negotiation. Basically, it can't be changed. After all, if the conversation between the two high-level officials can be changed at will, the morale of Dai Musheng in the whole camp will be greatly reduced this time.

is also a large degree of reduction of status, so for the current situation, first of all, it is a real mistake. Therefore, Dai Musheng did not mean to take action at all at the beginning.

It was the appearance of Dai Mubai at this time that he had to let Dai Musheng come forward to speak. When Dai Musheng persuaded Dai Mubai to be fruitless, Dai Mubai unexpectedly introduced them to Dai Musheng. The two girls in front of him were actually one of the children of the top ten families in Kyoto. If it was really like this, he had to let Dai Musheng pay attention to it.

"Mu family, the first family." Dai Musheng looked at Xiaochu and Muling in front of him and said slowly, "I didn't expect that the two ladies were Xiaochu and Muling, who had been practicing in Taixuanzong for more than ten years. It was really my mistake and I didn't recognize it. Why don't you two say hello to me?"

At this time, Dai Musheng's performance was very kind. There was a harmonious smile on his face. Kindness, and a smile, a harmonious spring breeze-like smile seems to have dissipated all the discordant atmosphere in front of us. It is precisely such a harmonious smile that makes Dai Musheng feel like a neighbor's brother.

Of course, the two girls, Xiaochu and Mu Ling, are not so simple. The two of them came from a large sect like Taixuanzong. After practicing in Taixuanzong for more than ten years, he has basically experienced a lot of fraud. I have seen a lot about the appearance of such intrigue.

For the sudden improvement of Dai Musheng in front of him, the tone of speech and expression have changed to a great extent, which is also the existence of such a huge change, so for the two girls, Xiaochu and Muling, some situations can also be seen.

is also aware of such a situation, so for Xiaochu at this time, he felt that Dai Musheng's mental strength in front of him was even more terrible. People who can threaten their opponents are really calculating people. It seems that the characters who can achieve the throne of the emperor are not simple characters. Which one's plan to be a high-powerful person is not very profound.

For Xiaochu at this time, Xiaochu, who usually likes to chat with him, but took a step back and let Mu Ling's position be highlighted first. At this time, it was obvious that Mu Ling was asked to take Dai Musheng's words. At this time, Xiaochu also knew that it was not the time to fool around. After all, it was a real dialogue between the two forces and a kind of negotiation. How the whole thing will develop today depends on a state like this.

So at this time, Xiaochu didn't want to talk about anything in front of such a profound person. Therefore, Xiaochu's choice at this time is to take a step back and expose all the things in front of him to Mu Ling.

How can Mu Ling not see Xiaochu's thoughts? What he is facing is a real prince, a prince who is very popular among the government and the opposition. For such a prince, it is very likely to become an emperor in the future. At this time, if you compete with such a prince, if this prince Dai Musheng really becomes the emperor in the future, it is estimated that it will be more difficult for their family to suppress their family.

But for Muling. I didn't think about it. After all, if today's emperor abdiced, there will be several years. And if he really abdiced, this Dai Musheng may not be the candidate for the emperor. After all, the level of popularity is likely to change to a large extent within more than ten years.

For politicians, the position of many forces is extremely important in the competition for such a prince. It is precisely this importance that there is a real powerful force that has not really stood up. Even the current top ten rich families in Kyoto have not achieved a real position.

It is the existence of such an effect, so whether Dai Musheng can really win the throne at this time is still a matter of two times. For the current Mu Ling and Dai Musheng, it is estimated that Dai Musheng should be more polite to Mu Ling. After all, in addition to Taixuanzong behind Mu Ling, there is also the existence of the Mu family.

At this time, Dai Musheng can offend Taixuanzong. After all, it was the son of Taixuanzong who first inserted into the secular world. However, he dare not offend the Mu family for Dai Musheng. If Dai Musheng offended Xiaochu and Muling, two outstanding girls from the first family and the Mu family at this time.

This is not a disguised offending the existence of the Chu family and Mu family behind Xiaochu and Muling. It is also this phenomenon, so it is very polite to Dai Musheng's attitude towards Xiaochu and Mu Ling now. It is also the existence of such a polite element, so for Mu Ling at this time, it can be really reasonable. In the confrontation between politicians, if one party is polite, it will obviously make the other party's words much more fierce.

"Hello, Fifth Prince. I'm Mu Ling, the little daughter of the Mu family. I once met the fifth prince in the house. Mu Ling's voice is still so sweet, giving people a sense of intimacy. There is no emotional dot-in. That's why Mu Ling's tone is still so sweet that he can't see what kind of pressure there is between the two sides.

For such a scene at this time, it seems to be old-fashioned. After all, for Dai Mubai, Xiaochu and Muling at this time, including the current Dai Musheng, which one is not a talent standing in the power circle. Which one is not an identity in Kyoto?

In the real core of power, their relationship will never be too deadlocked. Even if the two sides are not optimistic, the two sides are very unfriendly. But for the current situation, it is obviously a real regulatory effect for the whole thing.

is exactly like this, so for a situation like this at this time, it is completely another thing. This is the words of politicians between real powerful figures.

"I don't know that Miss Muling and Miss Xiaochu are also in Shen's house, and it's also the transportation team for the Shen family this time." Dai Musheng said with a smile, "However, I still say the same thing. I'd better ask Miss Xiaochu and Miss Muling to return to Kyoto together with Dai Mubai and my son Changle. Go back to Kyoto and have a rare return. If you are in a hurry to return to Taixuanzong, you need a carriage, and my people can be at your disposal. I don't know what Miss Muling's decision is.

At this time, Dai Musheng's attitude towards Mu Ling is very different from Dai Mubai's. It is in this way that there is a gap, so for Dai Musheng at this time, perhaps a different attitude towards the current one, is also this attitude that makes Dai Mubai seem to have really made a certain decision.

It took a long time for Dai Mubai's decision. It is precisely because of such a long-term difference that the whole thing has also changed significantly. It is also in the case of such a huge change that for many things, it may not really be a thing.

However, no matter what, many things can be seen from the differences in attitude towards the current situation. It is also the existence of such a gap, so for the different points in different places like this now, it is really a difference for many times.

"Fifth brother, I forgot to introduce to you that Miss Muling is now the deacon of the Shen family, and Miss Xiaochu is also the deacon of the Shen family. And I, Dai Mubai, am also a member of the Shen family. Dai Mubai was very dissatisfied with Dai Musheng's attitude towards Mu Ling and himself.

is also the existence of such dissatisfaction, so there is nothing wrong with what Dai Mubai said now, and he directly said coldly to the Dai Musheng in front of him. Although Dai Musheng is his fifth brother, he does not treat his brother as an equal person, which obviously makes it difficult for Dai Mubai to step down.

After all, for the current Shen family, except for Shen Jie, Wenshan and Shen Bing, he is the strongest among the elders. It is also one of the reasons for the existence of such a situation, so for this kind of situation, I am not looked down upon by my fifth brother, so how can Dai Mubai fool around in the Shen family in the future?

"Hmm?" At this time, there was no too excited expression on Dai Musheng's face. After all, Dai Musheng is a person who has experienced various scenes, and his contact with various things is also very well in place. It is also such a situation, so although Dai Mubai's words at this time made Dai Musheng feel very surprised, it was not really an extreme expression for Dai Musheng.

For Dai Musheng's ability to do this, he basically has the demeanor of a real emperor. Under Wen Shan's observation, he found that the depth of Dai Musheng's city is not something that a little Dai Mubai can really understand.

For the development of the Shen family, Wenshan even wants to invite Dai Musheng to preside over the whole Shen family. After all, a kind of city like Dai Musheng and a kind of fluency in dealing with things are very amazing. It is also a very amazing thing, so for Dai Musheng at this time, it may really not be a good thing.

However, Wenshan also saw that the only difference between Dai Musheng and Dai Mubai is that a great pursuit of power. On the contrary, Dai Mubai doesn't like power at all. On the contrary, it is more persistent in the pursuit of martial arts.

It is exactly like this. If the Shen family wants to develop, it should also benefit the Shen family, so it is absolutely impossible for the Shen family to hand over to people with a strong desire for power. If the Shen family was really handed over to Dai Musheng, Wenshan even imagined that Dai Musheng would kill all the senior officials of the Shen family in order to occupy the power of the whole Shen family.

After all, the characters who really play a decisive role in the struggle for power are all murderous. When it comes to the struggle for power, killing is inevitable. In this way, Dai Musheng is a completely bloody figure in the pursuit of power and power.

Of course, for a figure like Dai Musheng, he is indeed one of the favorable contenders for the throne and the most effective real contender for power. It is such a difference, so for this situation at this time, it may not be a big deal. That's right, so for this situation at this time, Wenshan is still very lucky that Dai Mubai is not such a person.

"Have you all joined the Shen family? Is it Shen Jie's persecution or something? Dai Musheng looked at Mu Ling and Xiaochu in front of him and asked, "If it's Shen Jie's persecution, then you don't have to consider these at all. This is a matter in the secular world, which can't be decided by her disciple of Taixuanzong.

In the secular world, the most powerful is always the court. In the court, it is the people who absolutely protect your ancestors who have made great contributions to the imperial dynasty. It is also a difference between this kind of son, so for you at this time, you can still rush back to Kyoto and tell your father and let your family know about such a son. As for the Shen family, they will leave the Holy Capital this time and will never be able to step on the Holy Capital. It was at this time that Dai Musheng said with a cold face.

For Dai Musheng's words at this time, it is now very certain that several people in front of him have been excluded from the scope of consideration. If they really follow what they just said, they joined the Shen family. For a dignified prince, the children of two ten rich families, they joined the Shen family, which simply posed a threat to the Shen family and the whole Hanwu Dynasty.

After all, for any family now, which one, like the Shen family, will include the prince and the children of the family as an elder in the family. It is with such a point that even if Dai Musheng really offended Xiaochu and Muling in front of him at this time, Dai Musheng has made an explanation for the Chu family and the Mu family. At that time, Dai Mubai also had something to say at the court.

After all, Dai Musheng came to the Holy Capital, and the ministers in the court felt that the Shen family had a certain threat to the foundation of the whole Hanwu Dynasty. Only then did Dai Mu really come here to look for the troubles of the Shen family. It is also the existence of such a decision, so for this time, this situation is completely another kind of explanation.

In addition, Dai Mubai, Xiaochu, and this Mu Ling, although the status of the three in the whole secular world, in the Hanwu Dynasty, and in Kyoto, are not easily offended by Dai Musheng. But the three of them clearly stated that they had joined the Shen family, so their identity was repositioned, and they were just one of the Shen family.

Of course, their original identity cannot be erased. However, what kind of identity they are treated now and what kind of status they are treated is determined by the current Dai Musheng. It is also such a situation, so for Dai Musheng at this time, it may really be a decision to a large extent.

As long as Dai Mubai and Muling and Xiaochu refuse to give in at this time, as long as Dai Musheng doesn't want the lives of the three of them, it will be easy to solve the next thing. It is also like this. Dai Musheng's tone is also relatively tough and his attitude is more tough. The purpose is to hope that Dai Mubai, Xiaochu and Muling in front of him will leave early. They don't want to have a head-on collision with the three of them. For Dai Musheng, it is better to have no collision and no collision.

"Dai Musheng, what are you that you speak in such a tone? When I was in Kyoto, who was I afraid of at that time? Who can take care of me? When I was in Kyoto, did you ever stand up and take care of it? Does it matter?" At this time, Dai Mubai's attitude towards Dai Musheng was also very angry. After all, as soon as Dai Mubai came out, he was ready to show his identity. The purpose was the same as Dai Musheng's purpose, that is, he didn't want anything unpleasant to happen.

In Dai Mubai's understanding, what he is more unwilling to do is that he doesn't want Dai Musheng to have any real conflict with himself. It is also such a conflicting behavior, so different from Dai Mubai at this time, Dai Musheng actually didn't pay attention to him, so he was not polite to Dai Mubai's temper.

After all, when he was in Kyoto, Dai Mubai was really a famous bug in Kyoto. The main reason why he was called a bedbug is that Dai Mubai is loyal to the favor of today's emperor. After all, he is the youngest son, and basically no one can control him. It was Dai Musheng, the fifth son in front of him, who was assigned by the emperor to take care of Dai Mubai. But Dai Mubai didn't leave any face for Dai Musheng at all. It is also the existence of such a reason that Dai Musheng is a kind of submission in the true sense.

At that time, Dai Musheng and Dai Mubai reached a certain agreement before they let Dai Mubai live for a few days. At that time, Dai Mubai got a lot of benefits. It also made Dai Musheng run to the emperor to cross over.

However, within a few days of Dai Musheng's intersection, the little devil began to fool around again. At that time, Dai Musheng directly played with illness and did not choose to appease Dai Mubai at all.

It's exactly like this. The only time Dai Mubai dealt with Dai Musheng was to bribe Dai Mubai. If it weren't for Dai Mubai's yearning for martial arts, and he wouldn't feel any freshness in Kyoto.

It is precisely because of this that Dai Mubai has decisively chosen to directly escape from the existence of such a kind of shackles. He ran to Taixuanzong to practice. It is also like this that the intersection between Dai Mubai and Dai Musheng is actually rare.

It's exactly like this. For Dai Musheng, Dai Mubai only feels the blood relationship of his brother. There is nothing at all. That's exactly what Dai Mubai said, if Dai Musheng treated him in a better tone and attitude today, and regarded himself as his own brother, perhaps Dai Mubai would not be really angry.

But at this time, it was obviously very angry with Dai Musheng's attitude. At this time, Dai Mubai began to be ruthless. Of course, Dai Mubai will also consider the overall situation and can't let the Shen family carry the charge of rebellion against the court. If this is really the case, the end of the Shen family will really come.

The reason why the Han Dynasty was able to stand on the land of Hanwu for so long is that among the royal family, there are masters with immortal realms. Otherwise, the royal family will be destroyed early. It is precisely because of the existence of such a master in the royal family that this kind of situation emerges.

is exactly like this, so for the state at this time, it may not be a good thing. It is also the existence of such an effect, so Dai Mubai dares not act too against the sky. To offend the royal family and let the whole Shen family be attacked by the royal family's fire.

Of course, if Dai Musheng is really ready to eliminate the Shen family as a whole, he will not do anything for Dai Mubai. It is also the emergence of such a situation, so for such a situation at this time, it is obviously very suitable for such a situation in front of us.

For Dai Mubai at this time, it is completely in a moment of competition with Dai Musheng. It is also such a situation. At this time, Dai Mubai should teach this Dai Musheng a good lesson. After all, the height Dai Mubai is standing at now is still very different from that of Dai Mubai.

is also such a difference, so for the current situation, it is obviously very unfavorable to the Shen family. After all, among the besieged crowd of the Shen family, there are five masters in the realm of gathering energy, including masters in the stage of gathering energy.

For such a master, of course, it has become Dai Musheng's righteous capital, and it is precisely this kind of capital that Dai Musheng has not considered many things. Even Dai Mubai reminded him, and he didn't think about it carefully. He still thought that a figure like Dai Mubai was still the prince who lived in Kyoto a few years ago.

However, if Dai Musheng did not look down on Dai Mubai, why would Dai Mubai enter the Shen family with such grievance? After all, for the Shen family, it can accommodate an arrogant person like Dai Mubai. Dai Musheng in the Holy City did not persuade Dai Mubai. At this time, what kind of way can the Shen family have to take down Dai Mubai?

"Dai Mubai." At this time, the abuse of being named by Dai Mubai made Dai Musheng feel disgraceful no matter how well-cultivated he was. And the person who scolded him is also the prince and his younger brother. His subordinates and his son were present.

It is precisely because Dai Mubai insulted Dai Musheng in front of everyone that Dai Musheng's face was really a little uncomfortable. Therefore, Dai Musheng also began to be a little angry at this time.

After all, no matter how good-tempered people are, they also have temper. It's not that I don't have a temper, but I can bear it. It is this kind of situation. In the current situation, many times, people like Dai Musheng rarely get angry, but Dai Mubai's behavior at this time makes Dai Musheng on the verge of anger.

"Dai Musheng, I have now devoted myself to the Shen family and am a member of the Shen family. I am the Shen family, and it can also be said that the Shen family is also my Dai Mubai's family. Your bullshit prince's mansion collects taxes. In the future, my Shen family will also exist in the prince's mansion. Locally, there is no need to pay any taxes. This is in accordance with the regulations.

Dai Mubai's anger was obviously not a bad thing, and it was exactly like this. Dai Mubai stiffly rejected Dai Musheng's angry behavior in front of him. On the contrary, Dai Mubai said righteously, "You can't decide anything. It's not that I can decide. Since this tax will be collected, and it's not your family's palace, my identity as a prince will not be fake. Do you doubt that my identity has never been?

"Dai Mubai, you are just a little prince. You are my brother. However, according to the regulations of the system in the court, you are still just a prince. The prince's identity requires that you are not in the palace and have a position in the court. In the future, after your father abdiced, you may become a prince. But now, you are not. What right do you have to deal with the tax affairs of the court?

Dai Musheng looked at Dai Mubai in front of him and said. After all, for Dai Mubai, who is only a person who stays in Taixuanzong to practice, nothing in the government at all. It was for this reason that Dai Mubai suddenly jumped out to prepare to take over the tax revenue of the capital, which obviously made Dai Musheng in front of him feel funny.

The whole impression of Dai Mubai is that kind of very debauchery image. It's the kind that doesn't pay much attention to many things. Most of the time, they are not very in charge. But if you really manage something, it's the kind of nonsense.

The love for Dai Mubai is the matter of today's emperor. But this kind of thing happened decades ago. Since Dai Mubai entered Taixuanzong, he has not returned every year because he has not made progress in his cultivation. This is exactly the disparity between the feelings of the members of the royal family.

is also exactly such a situation, so for such a state at this time, for many things, it is a real kind of accumulated and thin state.

is also such a state, so for many things, there may really be a different feeling. It is also the existence of such a feeling, so for the current state, so for many times, there is a great difference.

"Dai Musheng, it's not me, Dai Mubai, who doesn't care about brotherhood. Dai Mubai took the people of your prince's mansion to attack my Shen family. If I didn't take action, I really thought Dai Mubai was easy to bully. I volunteered to join the Shen family, which is already an opportunity for Dai Mubai to take the initiative to compete with you for the throne.

If you still have such hardships at this time, you don't want to kill them all. If this is true, the throne really can't support you. If it's really up to you, then our brothers will not die under your tyranny in the end.

"Listen to your Shen family, or get out of the Holy City, or don't blame my prince's mansion for driving you away." Dai Musheng looked at the people of the Shen family in front of him and said with a cold face. At this time, Dai Musheng no longer cares about the existence of Dai Mubai in front of him. For Dai Mubai, Dai Musheng has no way to communicate at all.

It's exactly like this. What Dai Mubai said to Dai Musheng in front of him is basically a real sense of a different view. It is also the existence of such a characteristic, which basically has many differences.

is also such a difference. Therefore, between Dai Musheng and Dai Mubai at this time, it is about to explode. At this time, Wenshan, who had been standing behind the Shen family, stood up and looked at Dai Musheng in front of him and said, "Don't you remember what I said yesterday? I asked the people of your prince's mansion to get out of the Holy City from today. Don't you remember what I said?

If you can't get me out of the capital, then I'll do it. If I do it, it won't be something you can decide. If this is true, you'd better be careful." Wenshan looked at the group of people in front of him and said with a smile, "You think what I said is nonsense.

Dai Musheng, right? If you can send a representative today to knock down Dai Mubai for me, our Shen family will withdraw from the holy capital. If the people you send are knocked down by Dai Mubai, you will take your men and horses out of the holy capital. From now on, Shengjing will be the territory of the Shen family. Taxes are also collected by the Shen family. After all, Dai Mubai is also a prince and has the power to collect local taxes. How much tax will be reimbursed to the imperial court every year? At that time, the Shen family will definitely pay it truthfully.

"The Shen family pays taxes?" Dai Musheng looked at Wenshan who suddenly stood up in front of him. Yesterday, it seemed that the boy stood up and said that he would drive the prince's mansion out of the capital. It was also because of Wenshan's words that all the taxes of the Shen family were refused to pay that day. At the same time, when the Shen family enters and exits the capital, if it is not passed, it will be forced to pass.

For such a kind of behavior, there are definitely some kind of people instigating it in the Shen family. But the bloodline of the teenager in front of him is not very strong. In this way, Dai Musheng judged that the cultivation of Wenshan in front of him should not be very high. But at this time, Wenshan was able to speak on behalf of the Shen family, and the people of the Shen family, even Dai Mubai, did not refute.

Dai Mubai has not fully reacted to such a change. It is also such a situation, so it was valued by Dai Musheng for Wenshan to stand up at this time.

At the same time, he is too arrogant about what Wenshan said. After all, for such taxes, the Shen family will finally pay all the taxes in the capital, so the collection of taxes will be completely decided by the Shen family. And 30% of the taxes are paid, and 70% are maintained by the capital itself.

For such a errand, it is really fat. The Shen family collects taxes in the Holy City, which is completely equivalent to the Shen family being the local emperor in the Holy City. It is this decision that is equivalent to the boy in front of him handing over all the big city to the Shen family for management.

For such a situation, it is completely equivalent to the identity of a rich family. Does the Shen family really want to become a rich family, and is it still the existence of a rich family in the local area? The existence of a rich family that is out of control and out of centralized power?