ghost monk

Chapter 178 The dominant situation of the Shen family formed 3

Chapter 178 The formation of the dominant situation of the Shen family (3)

That is, Hogg was ready to hide in such a whirlwind, waiting for the opportunity to act, but the strong wind around him was instantly dissipated by Wenshan. Seeing such a strange situation, Hogg's heart was fierce, and with both fists, with the help of downward momentum, he directly bombarded Wenshan's face door.

To Wenshan in front of him, he raised his fists and bombarded him. Originally, the fists were full of internal strength, but with the high-altitude bombardment, the strength was strengthened a little.


The strong wind driven by the two fists attacked Wenshan's face door. At this time, the roaring sound of the strong wind in such two fists was constantly ringing next to Wenshan's ears.

At this time, Wenshan even felt a few inches in front of his face, with a strong sense of pressure, and it was exactly like this that countless pressures kept surging towards his face. Wenshan's body did not move at all, and the whole person stood there naturally.

I didn't even look at the man who came into the sky. In Wenshan's eyes, he has never seen a character in the aura stage like Hogg. Instead, a pair of eyes that were about to smile looked at Dai Musheng in front of him. Originally, Wenshan's arrogant and arrogant expression was seen in his eyes.

But at this time, Dai Musheng suddenly had a kind of trance. I feel that the Wenshan boy in front of me is not simple. After all, if you can maintain such a comfortable look under the boxing situation of Hogg, you are either a fool or really have your own cards and are not afraid of Hogg at all.

No matter what kind of Wenshan is, it can be reflected below.

The clothes fluttered in the oncoming strong wind, and the whole person's clothes followed with such a strong fist, directly pressed down on the whole face of Wenshan in front of him. And the dark eyes became extremely bright at this moment.

At this time, Wenshan's eyes were all bright. For Wenshan's eyes, it seems that they can see through the human soul. In fact, the directness of the spiritual thoughts in Wenshan's eyes at this time can certainly make people feel the fierce penetration of the scattered one in such eyes.

For the whole square, any movement is in the control of Wenshan, and the surprise of any place in the field has been captured by Wenshan's spiritual thoughts. It is also in this way that even if the whole situation changes, for Wenshan, he can well grasp such a subtle feeling.

It is also such a thing that happened. At this time, the position of Hogg's shadow hidden in the whirlwind also appeared in Wenshan's mind. After all, Wenshan's soul idea has reached the peak of the ghost king. It is also with such a soul power that Wenshan can be so calm and calm in the face of a small gathering aura stage.

also has such a performance, so this kind of attack on Hogg at this time is nothing in Wenshan's heart. It is also with this feeling, so in many cases, Wenshan can still face it easily.

When he began to attack Wenshan, Hog, in Wenshan's eyes, his body had long been exposed, like walking naked in the day. The original shadow thought that it could play a mysterious role and play a truly powerful means at the same time. However, when the enemy faced by such means is Wenshan, this kind of shadow has become extremely vulgar.

In the face of Hogg's sudden punch, Wenshan has already controlled every subtle action, including the angle of strength, strength, method, etc. It is very ridiculous to just want to hold Wenshan by the power of the body. Not to mention anything else, it is the power of the body. The physical power of Wenshan is enough to directly break through the whole body attack of a character in the reiki stage.

What's more, this Hogg at this time gave up his cultivation advantage and adopted such a simple and direct attack method. This Hog still underestimated Wenshan. For the Hog in front of him, he is obviously ready to destroy Wenshan's arrogance through physical power, which can also establish a strong degree of his own physical strength in the mind of the strong man in the physical realm of the Shen family.

After all, such a blind challenge is also annoying for Hog. After all, Hogg doesn't want to be regarded as the object of challenge by the Shen family's domestic slaves. After all, the prince's mansion just broke the agreement.

If the Shen family can't be challenged at this time, it is really difficult for the Shen family to drive out such a holy capital. It is also the existence of such an idea, so for the Shen family at this time, they still need to establish an invincible image in their minds.

In this way, you can really set up your own powerful role in the minds of the Shen family. Only by doing this can you build your strongest confidence.

Wenshan's eyes flashed slightly, and his pupils narrowed in an instant. The whole face did not change at all, but still smiled. The whole person's expression is still like this. At this time, the feet were slightly bent down, and at the same time, the body leaned back, the right heel, gently pedaled the ground, and the whole person moved back against the ground. The next moment, his body took a step back in its original position without warning, and at the same time, he punched Wenshan's body and punched him in front of him.

For such fierceness. With a strong punch, he directly bombarded Wenshan in front of him, but such a fierce punch did not hit people at all, but walked in the air in front of Wenshan. For Wenshan's close escape like this. The grasp of such a scale has reached a meticulous level.

is also Wenshan's first-hand display. For Dai Musheng, this old slippery man has his own unique vision. That's exactly what it is, so it's quite difficult for Wenshan to do this in front of him.

is to be able to avoid the past in the hands of a character in the aura stage. Suddenly, there is an ominous foreboding in Dai Musheng's heart. After all, Dai Musheng was surprised by Wenshan's way of avoiding like this. After all, how strong is the strength of Wenshan in front of you?

also has such an intuitive understanding, and suddenly feels that the literary mountain in front of me is not simple. Is it really so easy for this person to improve his strength after entering Taixuanzong? Dai Mubai was like this. A year ago, he was still the cultivation strength of the physical realm. At this time. Unexpectedly, he was able to defeat the Dragon Vener in the primary stage of gathering energy.

And at this time, Dai Mubai's strength has reached the aura stage of gathering gas. For Dai Mubai's bold choice to join the Shen family this time, it is estimated that today's father will not spare this boy. However, Dai Mubai actually joined the Shen family with the cultivation of gathering aura. In this way, whether Dai Mubai's decision can really be accepted by today's emperor.

After all, Dai Mubai must have considered Dai Mubai to join the Shen family. Did Dai Mubai join the Shen family for the existence of this Wenshan in front of him? After all, from intelligence, this Wenshan joined Taixuanzong a year ago. At that time, Wenshan's strength was just a strong man at the peak of his body.

For the current strength of Wenshan, has it also been upgraded to the stage of gathering energy? Thinking of this, Dai Musheng suddenly felt that Hogg was really careless. Without the absolute certainty of victory, he took such a means and was ready to rely on such a powerful physical attack method to directly attack Wenshan in front of him.


A seemingly casual punch appeared in front of himself. However, this is a punch from a strong man in the real energy-gathering stage. It is also the power of such a fist that makes Wenshan in front of him clearly grasp the power of such a fist. For the strength in such a fist, Wenshan in front of him can really feel the fierceness.

For the Hogg in front of him, he looks very elegant on the surface. But in the bones, it is actually a beast. Wenshan's judgment in Hog's mind is the strength of the strong man in the physical realm. But the strength of such a strong man in the physical realm, but the strength exerted by Hogg, even people in the strength stage can't stand such a punch.

For such a fist, it is simply the simplicity of the life of a strong man in the physical realm. It was also to feel the danger in such a punch, so the overall impression of Hogg at this time really went down half at once. As for Hogg's danger, it really makes Wenshan feel a little chill in front of him.

For this Hogg, he values his face very much, but for any powerful person, among a group of people who are much weaker than himself, of course, it is very important to maintain his face. It is also with such an idea, so for Wenshan's insult to Hogg in front of many people at this time, and for Hogg's words, it really humiliates him.

However, this is a dispute between the two forces after all. The forces of the two sides are not really ready to compete with each other. However, this has no effect. It is also the existence of such an idea, so if Hogg really kills Wenshan, it will aggravate the Shen family's hatred for the prince's mansion, and the suppression of the prince's mansion will be abnormal.

is exactly like this, which is simply a kind of reincarnation of the current situation. It is also the existence of such an intuitive feeling, and sometimes, there are really many shortcomings.

That is, in Hogg's body of a strong man with a state of gathering energy, the strength of one punch is not low. In this way, it swept past the door of Wenshan. For such a fist, it really exists in Wenshan's eyes. It is also the real existence of this kind of thing. Hogg's motivation is also controlled by Wenshan.

After all, it is equivalent to a large extent that Hogg can have such a means to directly attack Wenshan. That's exactly what it is, so it's really hard to say about the current situation.

However, no matter what it looks like, it is a process of adaptation to a large extent. That is, when such a fierce punch hit him, Wenshan immediately avoided it. It was at this time that Wenshan's slap was very easy.

For Wenshan, there is no difference between hitting out and not hitting out. There is no threat to Hogg to himself. Hogg's fierce punch just now didn't consider what to do if he couldn't reach Wenshan. One like that has come to an end.

If one move is exhausted, then for Hogg, no matter how he changes his tricks, he must start all over again. Therefore, there is no need for Wenshan to pay attention to such a move that Hogg has done. At this time, Wenshan could even directly attack Hogg's body.

After all, Hogg's whole body has not fully reacted at this time. Hogg didn't know why he was so fierce and had a strong detony, but he still didn't really take down the inconspicuous boy in front of him. For such a situation, it is not more difficult to slap him in Hogg's face.

is exactly like this, so after Hogg's misjudgment, he fell into a passive situation for Hogg. However, Wenshan didn't know whether he didn't see such a point, or he didn't look at Hogg carefully at all. It seemed that with a casual palm, he attacked Hogg's punch like this.

The original Wenshan had completely avoided such a heavy punch, but even after such a heavy punch, he still did not attack the puncher and ended the battle. At this time, Wenshan actually chose to directly pat Hogg's no longer effective fist.

At this time, Wenshan seemed to have a casual palm and did nothing at all. However, after a casual pat, his palm was vigorously roaring, like a meteor, hitting Hogg's fists like lightning. It seems to be a soft palm, but the strength in it is definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

is also one of the reasons, so many things can still be seen in many things. But no matter what, the changes in current things are also different. For such changes, outsiders can't know at all.

One palm press, one click, one print!

For Wenshan's moves like this, it is also very basic. They are also the most basic gestures of the strong body. But attacking the Hog in front of us is an easy thing. It is precisely this characteristic, so at this time, it is obvious that it can determine a lot of things.

But no matter what, there are still many differences in the current changing situation. It is also the emergence of such a different point, so to a large extent, great changes have taken place. It is precisely this kind of huge change, which is basically in line with a lot of things.

But no matter what, for the current situation, it may really solve a lot of things. However, no matter how it is solved, it is very different.

The same thing is that there is no energy, just a palm of physical power, but the effect is completely different. It is also the existence of such huge differences. There are still differences to a large extent. However, the existence of such different things basically determine a lot of things.

At this time, the sudden slap followed, constantly slapring Hogg's punch. For that kind of punch, keep patting. Faster than the human eye.


It seems to be a simple palm, but it coincides with dozens of different palm attack methods. The continuous application of such palm methods cannot be mastered by Hogg in front of him. For Hogg, only then did he know that a good method can still work like this, not blindly relying on brute force.

After all, it has good combat skills and is also a very reliable existence. For such a reliable existence, there is still a large degree of difference, and it is also a different existence of this kind, so to a large extent, there are such shortcomings.

However, in any case, there may still be many differences in the current situation. For such differences, at least Hogg's current look at Wenshan is no longer so simple.

At first, he just kept patting Hogg's fists, but what he didn't expect was that under such a slap, he really patted Hogg in front of him. Hog, who had already soared into the air, was suddenly pulled down by the slap of Wenshan's palms.

At this time, the strength of Hogg's fists kept surging and bombarded Wenshan in front of him again. Wenshan didn't think about Hogg's blow at all, and still slapped Hogg with his palms.

In the palms, there was a strong momentum and bombarding Hogg in front of him. The continuous explosion suddenly sounded. When Hogg's fists could not resist Wenshan's soft palm, Hogg's whole body exploded, and the power in the muscles of his whole body , it also swelled all of a sudden.

With the tearing of Hogg's clothes, the muscles of his whole body were exposed to everyone. The muscles and meridians in Hogg's body also seemed to be bombarded by this momentum. The rattling sound in his body, even the bones in Hogg's body were also Wenshan's The gentle slap became extremely soft and hard.

It is also with such a patting technique, which can still reflect this kind of patting technique. It is also with such different characteristics, so it can still reflect a lot. But no matter what, for the current posture, maybe it really shouldn't be.

At this time, the breath suddenly did not come up, making Hogg's whole strength unable to use. That's it was the same. He was slapped on the chest by Wenshan again, followed by a large mouthful of blood spit out, which was exactly like this, so when the big mouth of blood was spit out, the whole person was shocked away. , flying towards the prince's palace camp.

For everyone present, it can be seen. Wenshan is really not simple. Unexpectedly, he was able to bombard a character in the aura-gathering stage. Originally, he was still very arrogant. Originally, he thought that Hogg, who relied on physical strength, could solve the battle in front of him, but obviously, such a battle was not so easy to solve.

But no matter what, for such a situation, there is still such a difference to a large extent. It is precisely this kind of difference, so there are still differences to a large extent.

At this time, Wenshan still looked at Dai Musheng in front of him, and his face still did not change, just like this with a smile. It's still a kind of calmness. The whole person feels that it is a normal phenomenon. But such a state is still very ordinary.

However, no matter what, there is still nothing strange. Instead, Dai Musheng's eyes kept flashing. It happened too quickly for the scene just now. It's just too fast, and there are a lot of things that can be explained. That's exactly how much. For Dai Musheng, he can see a lot.

For the analysis of the whole situation, Wenshan has been speaking on behalf of the Shen family from the beginning. Moreover, the decision made by Wenshan is that Xiaochu and Muling, including Dai Mubai, obeyed his decision. At that time, Dai Musheng did not consider this Wenshan. After all, Wenshan was still the senior manager of the Shen family.

However, at this time, Dai Musheng looked back and could still find the difference. It is also with such huge different characteristics, so there is still a huge gap for the current state. It is also such a huge gap. At this time, Dai Musheng also had to pay attention to Wenshan in front of him.

It was at this time that Hog, who had been shot away by Wenshan, was still forcibly stopped by three strong men in the realm of gas gathering in front of several strong men in the prince's mansion. That is, when blocking, it was very easy to stop it, but the three strong men in the energy-gathering realm finally ran their strength, filled the muscles in their bodies, which increased their strength, and then stopped Hogg in front of them.

Hogg's body flies back very fast. When his body suffers from such great strength, it is like a boulder, which is the weight of Hogg's whole body, which really makes the three strong men in the state of gathering gas almost unable to control it.

It's just an understated palm, which seems very simple to everyone. But when you really feel the power of such a palm, you can really shock it, and you can really feel the power of such a palm. That's exactly what it is, so there are still big differences at this time.

Hoger, a master in the reiki stage, who had just defeated the existence of Dai Mubai, a master in the reiki stage, was actually defeated by Wenshan from the Shen family, and he was humiliatingly defeated.

After all, Dai Mubai is ready to hold Wenshan in front of him without exerting any internal force. But only the power of the body, the powerful power of Wenshan's body exceeds the imagination in Hog's heart. It is also the strength of Wenshan's strong bombardment that can't be compared with Hogg in front of him.

Wenshan looked at Hogg flying backwards and said disdainfully, "Little domestic slave actually jumped out and shouted. This is the end of such an ignorant domestic slave."

Arrogant and domineering, the real performance of Wenshan.

For Wenshan's still arrogance at this time, Wenshan's arrogance has not been hit at all. It is precisely with such a different performance, so at this time, such a huge gap really appeared. Anyway, a lot of things can really be reflected in this kind of performance at this time.

However, no matter what kind of different characteristics are proposed, there is still a great degree of surprise about such characteristics. Wenshan defeated Hogg so easily that everyone present did not expect that the result, including the Shen family, would be like this.

Since a year ago, the legend of Wenshan has been circulating among the Shen family. It is this kind of continuous circulation, so for such a situation in front of us, it can still reflect a lot of things.

After all, for Wenshan, he was able to save the Shen family from danger a year ago. At this time, in the face of a more powerful prince's mansion than the Shen family, he was still rescued by Wenshan. At this time, the Shen family's people's inner worship for Wenshan increased. At the same time, there is a real sense of conviction for such a character in Wenshan. A kind of loyalty to the Shen family has also increased a lot.

also has such a strange phenomenon, so in many cases, there is still such a thing. However, no matter what, for a kind of pretending like now, it can really solve a lot of things.

They never thought that Wenshan was so powerful now. Originally, it was only hegemony in the physical realm, but at this time, it is so easy to defeat the strong in the energy-gathering realm.

After all, the power of the strong in the gathering realm is a very powerful existence in the eyes of everyone. It is also a powerful embodiment of such a thing, so in many cases, it can still explain many problems. It is also a characteristic of this. Wenshan's defeat of Hogg has enhanced the cohesion of the Shen family's children.

In the hearts of many children of the Shen family, the existence of powerful figures like Wenshan will lead the Shen family to a higher level. Only with the presence of Wenshan can make the Shen family gain a foothold in such a fiercely competitive capital city.

For Shen Jie of the Shen family, it is more admired by big guys. For Wenshan, it is the real savior in their hearts. Only Wenshan is now the current support of the Shen family. It is also a kind of dependence, so for the current state, Wenshan's reputation in the Shen family is much stronger than that of Shen Jie.

After all, Shen Jie's feelings for the Shen family are just a sense of trust in the spirit of each of them. For others, Wenshan saved the Shen family during the two crises of the Shen family.

also has such an idea, so at this time, Wenshan's prestige throughout the Shen family has been strengthened a lot. On the contrary, the people of the prince's mansion felt very surprised. Compared with the Shen family, most of the children of the Shen family have regained their self-confidence. On the contrary, the people in the prince's mansion were not arrogant at all for such an arrogant teenager who appeared in the Shen family, and could really defeat Hogg who could not die.

is also exposed in this way. For Wenshan now, it can really reflect his kind of atmosphere and the demeanor of his master.

After all, it was Hogg who took the initiative to attack at the beginning, not Wenshan. Now, Wenshan simply took action and defeated Hogg. After such a simple attack, the whole situation has made a big difference.

There is no longer any right to speak for Wenshan standing up and saying such words. For the current Wenshan, he already has the right to speak in front of everyone.

"Wenshan, right?" At this time, Dai Musheng's face also changed. For Wenshan's simple moves to defeat Hogg, it can really reflect Wenshan's strength. That's exactly the case, so for Wenshan, it can really reflect a lot of things.

However, no matter how you say it, it can also explain a lot of things. No matter how things are, there have been many changes in the current situation. However, no matter what, for a state like this now, Wenshan also made Dai Musheng pay attention to it.

At this time, among the people of the Shen family, the people standing in front of him gave him a shock. I don't know what happened. Any person from the Shen family today, the strength of Muling since childhood, the strength of Dai Mubai, and the mystery of Wenshan, have brought to Dai Musheng that the Shen family is not simple.

is this simple existence, so for Wenshan's words at this time, Dai Musheng is the most out of his mind. Since yesterday, this Wenshan has stood up arrogantly and accused the prince's mansion. Prepare to let the people of the prince's mansion drive out of the Shen family.

At that time, Wenshan's arrogance was just a relatively arrogant domestic slave to Dai Musheng. The original Dai Musheng could not see Wenshan's strength, and it was exactly like this. He always thought that Wenshan was so arrogant and domineering by relying on the strength of his Shen family at the peak stage of gathering momentum like Mu Ling or Xiaochu.

After all, Wenshan did not show his strength at that time. It was just like this, so I didn't like Wenshan at all at that time. At that time, Shen Bing really agreed to Wenshan's decision. At that time, what Wenshan said was that Mu Ling and Xiaochu, two girls, agreed.

At that time, Dai Musheng only thought that what Wenshan said was just the common decision of the Shen family at that time. In the end, several people of the Shen family agreed with what Wenshan said and made today. Dai Musheng didn't feel that this Wenshan had anything. He thought that Wenshan was the commander Mu Ling, Xiaochu and Dai Mubai with the order of Shen Jie of Taixuanzong.

But at this time. After Wenshan only showed his strength a little, he could show a lot of problems. It is also a kind of demonstration of strength, so for many things, it can really determine a lot of things to come out.

For Wenshan, it has also begun to pay attention to it.

"Get out of here with the people of your prince's mansion. I don't want to say anything more. Your prince's mansion has violated the bet. Is it true that there is no such backer in the Shen family in the future, and you can do whatever you want like this? Wenshan looked at Dai Musheng with a smiling face in front of him and said with a smile.

"Brother Wenshan, do you think what you just said represents what the Shen family said?" At this time, Dai Musheng looked at Wen Shan in front of him and asked. After all, what Wenshan said just now really represents what the Shen family said. For the Shen family, then we should be responsible for what Wenshan said.

This is also what Dai Musheng wants Wenshan to express. It is exactly this situation, so for Wenshan now, he really needs to show his attitude.

"Dai Musheng, what Wenshan said represents himself and the Shen family. Do you really think you can really force the Shen family away with these people? Is the Shen family so easy for you to be forced to leave?

Wenshan looked at Dai Musheng in front of him and said with a smile, "Go back to Kyoto. Don't let me leave all your people behind and let you lose your power. If this is really the case, our Shen family doesn't mind standing on your opposite side. I believe that you are not the only contender for the throne. But the scale of our Shen family's future development will be unexpected.

At that time, our Shen family will stand in line to support which prince succeed to the throne and have a clear right to speak. It is also the existence of such an absolute right to speak. At that time, there will be your place for Dai Musheng to beg our Shen family.

At this time, every word Wenshan said surprised Dai Musheng in front of him. At this time, Dai Musheng didn't know what the Shen family was going to do. Is he really ready to squeeze into one of the top ten families in Kyoto of the Hanwu Dynasty, or to build his own powerful forces in a place like the Holy Capital and escape from the royal family?

For the arrogant posture of the Shen family, but in Dai Musheng's heart, he did not feel the arrogance of the Shen family, or in Dai Musheng's heart, such arrogance of the Shen family seemed to be like this. It is precisely because of the existence of such a characteristic that for the current Wenshan, it can really explain a lot of things.

"Wenshan, you should know that this tax on the management of the Holy Capital was done by the imperial court to our prince's mansion. It should be said that it was made for me, the prince. Your Shen family is a large taxpayer in the whole capital. Of course, it is also one of the objects of our prince's mansion, or can be said to be the only one.

After all, the total tax revenue of the whole capital is less than one-tenth of the Shen family's tax revenue. We also have to collect such a large amount of tax. This is an explanation for the court. After all, the laws of the country are originally like this, and it is not possible for the Shen family to escape.

And I, Dai Musheng, am just an executor of the law. For me, Dai Musheng, and the Shen family, there should not have been any kind of contradiction. At this time, if the Shen family really drove such a team of people out of the Holy Capital, I would have no opinion. After all, the power of the Shen family has also seen it.

However, if I really bring such a large group of forces from the Prince's Mansion back to the Holy City, it will be at most an incompetence for me, but what will I think of other ministers and those in power in other courts? They will think that the Shen family wants to be dominant in the local area. Want to be king.

If this is true, it is undoubtedly a great trauma for the current Shen family, isn't it? Do you still think that the decision you have made on behalf of the Shen family is really so correct?

Dai Musheng smiled and analyzed the current pattern for Wenshan. For Dai Musheng at this time, he did not show any dissatisfaction with the Shen family at all. For the dissatisfaction with the Shen family, Dai Musheng stood from the perspective of the Shen family and considered the factors of the imperial court.

is also a kind of dissatisfaction, so there are still a lot of things for the current situation. At least for his prince's mansion and the Shen family, any contradictions that have just arisen are not what he wants to see. Dai Musheng is just performing his duties.