ghost monk

Chapter 182 The unique situation of the Shen family formed 7

Chapter 182 The formation of the dominant situation of the Shen family (7)

"Huh, this little ability, and such a shout!"

At this moment, Wenshan jumped up and his whole body kept spinning. At the same time, the fists were clenched tightly, and it was a complete contempt for such a situation in front of them. Against the huge energy from the impact, Wenshan at this time seems to completely non-existent.

My feet kept staring at the ground and walking through the roaring wind. In this way, in the continuous pavement of the strong wind, Wenshan's whole body rose into the air, and the target of his fists was the character hiding in the strong wind.

For Wenshan's sudden rise in the air, and for Wenshan's direct face of such a crazy energy attack, regardless of the current situation, he directly attacks the characters wrapped in the aperture of energy.

For Wenshan at this time, it is not easy to achieve this. It is in this way that when the whole person of Wenshan directly ramps in the aperture of such energy, and when it directly ramps in the storm of such energy, a powerful energy directly turns into nothingness. For the original strong wind, it was stopped directly.

Originally, it was still a Reiki network full of powerful energy. At this time, it was directly broken through by the impact of Wenshan's fists. Then, in such a network of aura, in this huge energy, the target was found, and the Hog hidden in the aperture of the whole energy was found.

For Hogg, Wenshan directly chose the means of decisive attack and directly shot down Hogg in the energy aperture. Originally, it was still very violent energy. When Hogg declined from a high altitude, the whole energy network collapsed. Originally, it was still in a stable state, but at this time, because of Wenshan's power of such a punch, he directly put such a situation to the end of the collapse.

There is such a change. For the current Wenshan, it can still tolerate the existence of many things. However, in any case, a change in the current situation is an innovative situation for many times.

The original huge energy aperture suddenly turned into nothingness and was completely disintegrated and turned into dust by Wenshan.

With the explosion of huge energy in the air, the sudden heat in the surrounding air has increased a lot. It is also a situation like this, so for the current situation, it is completely another limit. It is really a good choice for such a limit.

In the upper and lower kilometers of the explosion, the range of left and right expansion is thousands of miles away. For such a wave of energy. The weak man was swept away, that is, Dai Changle, who was almost swept away by such a wave of energy. It is this very intuitive feeling that pays attention to the whole situation.

is exactly the existence of such an effect. For many things, there is really no way to say. However, with layers of energy, the strong wind was constantly swept up, and the whole space suddenly became blurred and the vision became unclear.

For the current scene, it has basically reached a limit, and it is also a limit of this. For the current situation, it is basically a sufficient counterattack. Many innocent family members present died in pain after being swept away by such a burst of energy.

For such aftershocks, the aftershocks of the strength exerted by a strong man in the aura stage can make such a scene extremely chaotic. It is also the existence of such a kind of chaos, so for the current state, it is really not ordinary chaos.

After all, for the whole thing now, it has happened to such a point. A powerful energy condensed by a strong man in the aura stage, under the impact of Wenshan, Wenshan's whole attack on such aura and the attack on the strong wind around him are small-scale in Wenshan's eyes. There is no storm.

For a state like this now, it is a big difference. It is also such a situation, so for the whole thing now, it may really be a different idea.

However, no matter what, for the current state, it may really be possible to have different ideas.

With the explosion, in the thousands of miles of space starting from the root of the explosion, many innocent families were involved, and a lot of blood kept flowing on the ground. For such a chaotic scene of sudden crazy energy, it is obviously not something that can be maintained by some miscellaneous servants, domestic slaves, and physical strongmen.

But fortunately, in the Shen family, there were Dai Mubai, Xiaochu, and the three strong men gathered in the realm of Muling. Seeing that the situation in the field was wrong, that is, when Wenshan was preparing to forcibly attack the huge ball of energy in front of them, they quickly returned to the Shen family's camp and ensured the people present by the Shen family. Protect.

From the beginning of childhood, Muling has released the powerful energy aperture that warriors should have at the peak of their strength. For the aperture of such a powerful energy, it completely shakes the whole situation more chaotically. It is the emergence of such a chaotic situation, so for a scene like this, it may really be a different situation.

The innocent outbreak of this disaster was first affected by the people in the prince's mansion. Among the group of people in the prince's mansion, there are four strong people in the realm of gathering. It is very good for the dragonzun among the four strong people in such a gathering realm to protect themselves.

As for the remaining four strong people in the gas gathering realm, they obviously can't do this. This is exactly the situation. So for the existence of a different sense like this now. So there is a big difference. It is a different place like this, so for many things, it may be really a good choice.

With this explosion, the overall strength of the prince's mansion was more than half lost, that is, the body of the strong who escaped from this range was more or less affected by this disaster, and their bodies were damaged by such a torrent in chaos. In.

For them, their physical cultivation has been greatly reduced. Even Dai Musheng and Dai Changle also felt that there was a trace of aura in their blood. They tried to excrete the body, but failed. Fortunately, for the existence of the identity of the prince and little prince like Dai Musheng and Dai Changle, there are naturally three other strong people in the gathering realm to protect them and help them send the invading aura in their bodies.

In fact, for the cultivation of people like Dai Musheng and Dai Changle in the physical realm, even a trace of aura into the body still makes them feel full of suffering in their bodies. Even if it was only one second of such suffering, Dai Musheng and Dai Changle and his son felt very painful in front of them. Physically and mentally exhausted.

Of course, for the current situation in such a state, it is basically such an ending. However, in any case, for such a situation at this time, there is a certain state of decadence. It is precisely this situation, so for the current situation, there are basically great losses at different levels.

However, in any case, there are basically great differences in the current state.

For the whole matter, the Shen family, under the maintenance of the aperture of the energy exerted by Mu Ling, Xiaochu, and Dai Mubai, has still received a large degree of maintenance. For such a kind of maintenance, the people of the Shen family are still safely protected. Of. The whole Shen family has basically not been shocked.

However, once the outbreak of such chaotic energy, for the people of the Shen family, the messy running of each other, was still under the organization of Shen Chongmen and Shen Chongying. However, at the beginning of the chaos, the situation of pushing people and crowding people are all under such a continuous situation, many people being trampled on and many people being trampled on.

is exactly like this, so for many times, there is no good organization for those who really cause casualties. As long as it is well organized, it will have a good end to a large extent. However, for the people in the prince's mansion, they obviously did not realize such a point.

Even the current existence of Dai Musheng has not controlled the whole situation. At least Dai Musheng is the fifth son of the emperor, and the management of major events in the dynasty is only in an ordered manner. But in the face of such a chaotic scene, for such a situation, for the critical moment of such a person's life and death, even the existence of a character like Dai Musheng has a strong fear in his heart.

For the existence of such a fearful psychology, to a large extent, there is a strong psychological feeling. It is the emergence of such a situation that can still be experienced in many cases.

The Shen family was happy to see that the people in the prince's mansion were so embarrassed, but the Shen family was not eager to fight with the people of the prince's mansion at this time. After all, the other party is the man of the prince's mansion and the representative of the court. It is for this reason that it cannot be trampled on at will.

It is precisely that such a person cannot be trampled on at will, so for the current Wenshan, it may not be able to solve many problems. Of course, the changes in the whole thing are still very different. It is also a difference, so in terms of many things, it may really solve a lot of things.

Of course, for the people and horses of the imperial court, even such a group of people and horses in the prince's mansion, there is no threat to the Shen family at all. In a situation where people's hearts are scattered, it is simply a delusional existence to want to unite the scattered people's hearts.

After such a battle, except for the master's damage, the people of the prince's mansion can't gain a foothold in the whole holy capital. Even if the Shen family does not oppress the people of the prince's mansion. I can't afford to support the huge industry of the prince's mansion.

After all, even the people of the prince's mansion, even if they represent the court, represent the whole Hanwu Dynasty. However, for those who come to the capital to trade, most of them are conglomerates, and most of them are scattered. Or some small mountain gates are doing business with merchants in Shengjing City.

For these forces, they are basically very strong*, or for them, the forces of the Hanwu Dynasty can't control their existence at all. For business, you can only do what you want. It can only be a matter of mutual benefit.

Even if Dai Musheng plays the signboard of the royal family of the Hanwu Dynasty, as long as their management can't keep up and they are dissatisfied with the price of the acquisition, they will not pay attention to the existence of the people in the prince's mansion.

is also a situation. For the people injured in the prince's mansion this time, they are basically miscellaneous disciples, domestic slaves, and their cultivation strength are all very low. However, they are very proficient in managing accounts and doing business.

For a situation of such a kind of proficient existence, it is really not something that ordinary people can really understand. It is also the emergence of such a situation that basically there is a huge threat. It is also in this way that the loss of talents in business, so it is obviously impossible for the prince's mansion to raise such a group of talents in a short period of time.

Among them, most of the lost people in the prince's mansion are coolies. There are people who can't or lack the operation of goods. Although, these miscellaneous labors and these hard labors are basically not valued. However, at this moment, it is obvious that the serious losses of such people will be cherished.

In terms of the loss of talents, it is obvious that the gang with huge losses like the Prince's Mansion will not develop in the Holy City in the future. If Dai Musheng transfers manpower from Kyoto, a small number of manpower is still OK. But if there is such a large-scale loss, the loss of manpower in each store in the whole city is Dai Musheng's big loss this time.

Of course, there are also many physical eight paragraphs, and the characters of nine paragraphs have been eliminated by such chaos. After all, in such a chaos, there are many uncontrollable scenes, which is the emergence of such chaotic scenes and such complex situations. Basically, many problems are difficult to solve.

For the current scene, basically before Hogg's victory or defeat with Wenshan, it is the loss of the prince's mansion, which is basically a huge loss. It is such a huge loss that even if the prince's mansion takes over the whole capital, it will not have a good development.

Of course, for the emergence of such a situation. Basically, there are many things that can be represented. The most basic, of course, is to recruit talents from many families in these fields. However, for a Shen family, a large family that has been established in the Holy Capital for a hundred years.

If the Shen family is really driven out of the capital, the market for cakes in the capital will undoubtedly increase. However, the loss of manpower in the prince's mansion can't be taken over, but without the Shen family, such a huge market as the capital is bound to be chaotic, and even the economy will become downhill.

is one of the reasons for this, so for the current reason, so in many cases, many things can still be solved. Of course, such a thing can't be solved in a while.

For many things, there is basically a lot of evasion.

For the current Wenshan and Hogg, they looked at each other at this time. At this time, in Hog's mind, Wenshan's whole body was constantly repeated. After crossing the huge energy network, and when he was constantly attacked by the fierce wind around him, he broke through Wenshan like this.

is exactly like this, so for Wenshan, it may be a breakthrough to a large extent. It is in this way that the impact on Hogg's heart is what kind of demons and monsters Wenshan looks like in front of him. How much power does it have?

Unexpectedly, with the power of his own body, he can directly break through the energy network of the strong in the stage of gathering energy and enter the aperture of the expansion of strength. That's it. Wenshan doesn't seem to have any fear at all, and it is the aperture of the violent energy just now, as if there is no Give real damage to Wenshan.

is also one of the reasons for this, so for the current situation, there is basically a huge threat. It is also the existence of such a huge threat that can basically solve many problems.

Of course, the occurrence of such a problem is basically a problem that reflects Wenshan's real strength.

Hog, who originally thought that he was in the aperture of energy, thought that he had not really destroyed it under such a violent energy package. It is also the existence of such a direct sense, so for the current situation, it is really a huge damage.

I thought hiding was the smartest. Originally, I thought that I was hiding in the aperture of this kind of energy. If I hide in such a stormy environment, I could completely avoid the attack of Wenshan's physical power. However, the energy of these apertures and the extremely violent energy cannot cause any damage to Wenshan's body at all.

For Wenshan's body, what kind of material is it made of? Unexpectedly, it can have the impact of such a powerful energy. That's right, so for the current situation, the mystery of Wenshan is even deeper in Hogg's heart.


After two consecutive collisions, and after such two sounds, although the whole space is still such chaos, basically the energy has returned to calm. It is precisely after the restoration of calm, for everything, it seems that the whole thing is changing dramatically.

The energy in the space suddenly became much calmer. At the same time, it also means that Hogg's attack has just failed. For Hogg at this time, his body had just been attacked by Wenshan's fists again, and the means of punch-to-flesh attack had basically laid the foundation for Hogg's failure.

The strength of Wenshan's physical strength is extremely shocking in Hogg's heart. For the physical body of a strong person in the energy gathering stage, there is such a direct bombardment damage without scruples, and the degree of damage is abnormally serious.

That is, just now, after Wenshan's body passed through the aperture of such crazy energy, it passed through the extremely violent energy, the simple power of the body that erupted in his fists, directly and violently hit Hogg's figure hiding in the energy aperture.

Originally, Hogg thought that even if Wenshan entered the aperture and did not die, he could not find his own body. For Wenshan's two fists full of terror power, without any goal, were the existence of real waste. That's why, but everything was unexpected by Hogg. Wenshan's fists and powerful fists accurately attacked Hogg's body.

At that time, Hogg saw the impact of Wenshan. Hog's whole performance was a color of fear. He never thought that the power in Wenshan's body was so abundant. For Wenshan's physical strength, it can be compared with beasts.

For the strength of Wenshan's body, it is simply fierce. It is a physical fight with tigers, which is much stronger than tigers. The endless power of Wenshan shocked the depths of Hogg's psychology.

He and Wenshan have fought until now, and he obviously feel that the energy consumption in his body is very strong. For himself, he has always been on the level of active attack and passive beating. Every time it is like this, every time I launch a general attack posture, but every time I close the net, I am basically defeated by Wenshan.

It is exactly like this. This time he also showed all his strength, but Wenshan still defeated himself in one fell swoop when he grasped the accurate timing. It is also such a move that makes Hogg understand in his heart that he is not Wenshan's opponent. At this time, Hogg clearly realized that there was a gap in strength between Wenshan and himself.

In Hogg's heart, he even thought that the strength of Wenshan in front of him was stronger than this. At this time, my strength is already the strength of the aura stage. For Wenshan, he is likely to be a master of the Zhenyuan stage. For the master of Zhenyuan, in Hogg's eyes, he is a high-level decision maker in the sect.

After all, for a small mountain gate like Hogg's Vushen religion, the existence of a true meta-stage master like Wenshan is basically very amazing. That's it, so for the current situation, it can basically explain the existence of many problems.

After the aura energy network just exerted, Hogg obviously felt that the loss of aura in his body was serious. At this moment, Hogg's entire reserves of aura remained less than one-tenth of the original, and his mental state also declined a lot. In other words, the whole person has no strength to continue fighting at all. The whole person felt an inexplicable feeling of emptiness in his body, and his physical condition was so poor that he almost reached the verge of collapse.

At this time, Wenshan is still standing lightly like that. There is no damage to the spirit of the whole person, even the sense of fatigue does not exist.

is also such a physical condition, which shows the gap between the strength of the two people. At least Hogg is far from Wenshan in terms of physical quality.

At this time, Hogg seemed to be desperate, but he was still unconvinced by Hogg. After all, for the defeat of Wenshan in front of him, no strength has been shown. What does Wenshan's specific strength look like? For Hogg, I don't know at all. That's why there was a reluctant emotional fluctuation in Hogg's heart. After all, I failed for no reason and was defeated for no reason.

Just when Wenshan's double boxing hit Hog's body, just when Hog felt that his body was hit, Hogg's whole body was bombarded like this, making the whole person extremely haggard and tired. At that time, Wenshan had basically decided himself The failure.

So, fight from beginning to end. Such a fight with Wenshan made Hogg feel any strength of Wenshan at all, and he was directly attacked like this. His whole body was seriously depleted, and his physical muscles were bombarded and injured. That's why, from beginning to end, Wenshan shows the strength of his body.

This is the reason, so for Hogg, he can't feel the power of Wenshan at all, which makes Hogg always unconvinced. However, it doesn't work if you don't accept it. After all, Wenshan directly bombarded Wenshan with his real physical energy.

In this short calm state, suddenly, Wenshan's whole body rotated in place, that is, at this time, Wenshan's whole body was empty. Both feet are trampled. The momentum on the body suddenly rose.

At this time, Wenshan's momentum, which was more powerful than Hogg, suddenly improved. It is also the existence of such a characteristic. For Wenshan, the deep energy in the whole person's body shocked the existence of Hogg in front of him.

Wenshan's body seems to be a huge energy ball, constantly lying in the meridians and muscles of Wenshan's body

, that's right, so for the whole mental state of Wenshan at this time, it is completely not really comparable to those in front of us.

This is the reason, so it really can't really determine anything at this moment. Exactly

The existence of such characteristics. Therefore, even Hogg can't compare with the momentum emitted by Wenshan's body at this time.

Wenshan's current state of the whole person is completely in a state of real publicity. This is also now Wenshan's

The purpose to be expressed. After all, for the current Hogg, it is the target of Wenshan's preparation for recruitment.

If you use all your strength in front of your goal, the purpose of conquering such a goal will be truly achieved.

Feeling the strong pressure of the energy in Wenshan's body on himself, and at this time, Wenshan's spiritual thoughts were all released, directly hitting Hogg in front of him. It is also a feature of this. For Hogg at this time, it is extremely horrible.

At this time, Wenshan completely showed his strength in front of Hogg. After all, for the current Hogg, there is basically a certain appreciation. At this time, it was in order to convince Hogg in front of him. That's why Wenshan directly released his power at this time, making Hogg feel the strength of his strength.

That is, when Wenshan showed Hogg's energy in his body became calm again, Wenshan's empty body flew towards Hogg. Wenshan's fists were clenched tightly. The fierce and powerful power in the two fists filled every part of Wenshan's body muscles.

When Wenshan attacked this punch, Hogg was also shocked from the fear of the threat of death. He also put the remaining aura on the palm of his hand, covered his palm, and raised his palms to meet Wenshan, which was wrapped in the weak aura.

For such a punch from Wenshan at this time, for Hogg, even if he is going to die, he still has to fight. For Hogg at this time, it is basically regardless of the existence, at least in the current state, in many cases, there is a great shock effect.

is also like this, so for Wenshan at this time, there is basically such a point. Originally full of fear of the huge energy released from Wenshan's body, at this time, a punch of such a complete force bombarded, and such fear suddenly dissipated.

is also the time when all the fears of this kind of fear dissipate. For Wenshan at this time, there is basically such a deadly existence. For Hogg at this time, he just doesn't want to die so weakly. What Hogg now wants is a kind of fierce battle with Wenshan in the true sense.


The fists and palms collided together. At this time, the aura on Hogg's palms dissipated at the moment of collision with Wenshan. At the same time, the sound of the explosion suddenly rose, and the continuous friction and collision between the two of them. This is the collision between power and power.

For Hogg at this time, he originally thought he could be directly killed by such a punch. However, at this time, Hogg obviously felt the last punch of Wenshan in front of him, and obviously his strength became much lighter. That's what gives Hogg a sense of surprise in front of him.

That is, at the moment when the fists and palms collided with each other, both of them were bounced off. A powerful force directly shook Hogg's body back repeatedly, and his whole body stood unstable on the ground. He knelt to the ground and smashed the ground directly into a deep pit with his knees.

For Wenwenshan, the whole person just shook and stabilized his body, and the attack on Wenshan's aura also disappeared in the blink of an eye. It is such a direct bombardment that once again reflects the strength of Wenshan and Hogg.

Obviously, this is the three matches between the two. However, this is an active attack by Wenshan. At this time, Hogg knelt to the ground, and the meridians of his whole body were severely damaged by the impact of Reiki, and the depletion of Hogg's internal strength and physical strength could no longer support Hogg's re-standing in front of him.

Although it was a simple bombardment this time, such a simple bombardment knelt down and knocked Hogg to the ground. At the same time, there was a deep pit on the ground.

In this way, the original bluestone platform was attacked by Wenshan to resist Hogg's attack and escape with two feet. The power contained in it made people more pores. A strong energy directly bombarded such a bluestone floor and bombarded the floor with deep cracks.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Hogg clearly realized that even if he escaped, he could not escape Wenshan's pursuit, which was too ferocious. Wenshan's strength is really strong. It is in such a small capital that when such a character appeared, for the performance of Wenshan at this time, it is obviously very amazing and exciting.

'Who the hell is he?' Hogg thought in his mind, and countless insidious ideas flashed by. He was thinking about how to win in the next battle, how to defeat Wenshan, and how to capture Wenshan. However, in successive battles, it was at the cost of Hogg's defeat by Wenshan, which made Hogg's whole body encounter such a state, and his whole body collapsed.

For Hogg at this time, there is no power to fight at all. What is waiting for Hogg can only be death. It seems that the sudden arrival of death is desperate for Hogg. Or, there will be no terror of such a threat to life and the arrival of death.

is also like this, so for the current situation, it may really be nothing.

"Do you feel my strength?" Wenshan looked at Hogg in front of him and knelt down on the ground. Wenshan's heart was actually a very humble gesture looking at Hogg in front of him, a kind of pity for Hogg's current state.

is exactly like this, so for Hogg at this time, it is basically a real change. However, no matter what you say, for the current Hogg, he can only obey Wenshan, unless he chooses to die.

"Do it. I, Hogg, can be defeated in your hands, and I am satisfied. Wenshan, I remember you. I won't lose to you in my next life. For Hog at this time, he seemed to see that he was going to be killed by Wenshan immediately. That's exactly why Hogg's eyes were closed at this time. What we are waiting for is the situation of being killed.

However, in any case, for a state like this, you can basically feel a lot of things. However, in any case, the occurrence of such a thing has basically established the existence of many things.

"Convinced me, or you will die." Wenshan looked at Hogg in front of him and said with a cold face.

At this time, there is no energy fluctuation in Wenshan's body. However, within the range of Wenshan, the spiritual thoughts have been extremely expanded. He surrounded Hogg in front of him heavily within the scope of spiritual thoughts, wrapped it tightly, and completely locked Hogg in front of him.

At this time, Wenshan saw all Hogg's every move in front of him in his eyes. Any performance of Hogg can be clearly detected. It is also the emergence of such a manifestation that can basically be very sharp.

For Hogg's shortness of breath, Wenshan felt the acceleration of Hogg's heartbeat. At this time, Hogg's whole body was constantly trembling. It seems that the whole person is in a tense state, like this. Knowing that Hogg was hesitating at this time and making a life-and-death choice. This is what Wenshan hopes to see.