ghost monk

Chapter 190 Mysterious Top-quality Spirit

Chapter 190 Mysterious Top-quality Spiritual Instruments

For such a situation, it is basically such an effect. It is the existence of this effect, so to a large extent, there is still such a relationship.

For this ancestor of Mu Zhengqing, he may be a powerful figure, who can be regarded as a figure in the existence of one of the four major sects of the whole righteous sect of Wujidao. It has also experienced a war between the right and the devil. For such a battle, it has basically established the good position of Mu Zhengqing's ancestors in the sect.

However, for the death of an ancestor. Basically, it has been concluded that the momentum of this whole family has ended. For such a family, only a life-threatening ancestral figure will appear again, otherwise, it will be difficult for this family to develop again.

Although this ancestor has just died, the existence of sectarian rules has to be taken care of anyway. And some of his ancestral friends will take care of his family. That's why it should be better for their family to start.

However, when such an ancestor died for a long time, death was a few years ago. It is also a kind of development that basically has determined the existence of many things. After all, for the future, the future descendants of this ancestor and the relationship with Wujidao are getting further and further.

This is also the reason why it is a ruthless existence for the world of cultivation. In the world of cultivation, what remains unchanged is interest and a value. For this Mu Zhengqing family, if the birth of ancestor-level figure who cannot have a new life-threatening realm within a few years, the development of their family will come to an end.

This is the reason, so Wenshan can also feel one of the hidden sadness for the poverty of the old man now.

When Wenshan's idea existed, the old man continued to say, "Since that ancestor, the ancestors of all dynasties have had mediocre qualifications, which is also a human normal thing. After all, in the next generations, there is basically not much development without the care of their ancestors. Relying on the old ancestor Yuyin, he also gave birth to a strong man who has been in the stage of gathering power for two generations.

But since then, the family has become more and more depressed, and the family has become more and more degenerate. The family background accumulated by the ancestors and the ancestors in the stage of gathering power has also been gradually squandered. After all, it is 5,000 years. For such a long time, if a family only relies on the family background left by its ancestors, even the mountains of gold and silver will be consumed.

In addition, there are more and more branches in the family, and a kind of competition for orthodox opposition is basically hot. In this way, the contradictions within the family have become more and more intense. The occupation of a real family heritage is also becoming more and more day-to-day. It is in this way that our family has become more degenerate.

By a thousand years ago, the ancestors of this lineage climbed to the top of the stage of gathering divine power, but because the qualification is not top, at least there is no hope to become a master of the realm of life. After all, for a real master, it is basically like this. For many things, there is such a fluke mentality. So he decided to spread branches and leaves outside and establish a family.

In fact, most people do this idea. When their strength is hopeless to take a step forward, the best choice is to build their own family and promote the gradual development and promotion of their family. Even now, when Wenshan still has a great opportunity to enter the realm of life-threatening, he is considering the existence of building his own family.

is also the existence of such an effect, so now, the words of the old man have been basically trusted by Wenshan. The change of the old man's look is the change of his eyes, which is a kind of emotion about the change of the family and the decline of the family.

is exactly like this. At this time, Wenshan's pressure on the elderly in front of him has gradually decreased a lot. After all, there are many such things in the world of cultivation.

That is, when Wenshan was in the capital, the Su family was really destroyed by Wenshan. It was also because there was no strong enemy behind the Su family that Wenshan had the courage to destroy it. It is with such a change that the old man's speech gradually becomes much easier.

"However, unfortunately, when the ancestors in that stage of gathering power were alive, our family was also very beautiful for a while. Who doesn't give a thumbs up after listening to this other Mu family? After all, for the ancestors, at the time of such a different cloud, they were still a little famous at that time, and it was exactly like this, so the reputation of our Mu family was still recognized by many people.

Speaking of this, at this time, because it is not shrouded by Wenshan's spiritual thoughts, it is basically a stage of complete relaxation for the old man in front of him. It is also such a stage of extreme relaxation. Generally speaking, there is a trace of pride in the old man's eyes.

After all, what the current old man is talking about is that he has a great sense of accomplishment. It is also a very excited state that people who are extremely loyal to their family and have absolute hope can exude such a very excited state.

This is also a real recognition of the old man's glory of his family, and it is also a kind of recognition that makes Wenshan in front of him have such a kind of great trust. For this old man, what he said is completely true. From the performance of the old man, there is really no flaw.

For the old man at this time, it was as if the glory of his ancestors shone on his head again. It is precisely the existence of such an effect, which is basically the same effect. It is with such a performance that for the old man at this time, his mood has become extremely excited and cheerful from the original submissiveness.

But after Wenshan snorted coldly, he hurriedly lowered his eyebrows and quickly explained, "However, after the death of our ancestors in that divine power stage, our vein is basically getting lower and lower. For the development of the family, it is basically in the physical realm, and there is no strong man in the energy-gathering realm.

For the small ones, they still upgraded their physical cultivation to the current state of gathering a few years ago. That's right, so for the current state, it's basically nothing. It is also the existence of such an idea that has basically become a scattered existence.

It is also a kind of degradation into the existence of scattered cultivation, so for a state like this, for a bad old man like me, I guess I didn't care when I saw it at the beginning, thinking that it was the existence of scattered cultivation with low cultivation.

Wenshan frowned and secretly think that you are not even as good as the vast majority of Sanxiu. After all, free cultivation, both in terms of resources and cultivation, is unmatched by this old man. It is one of the reasons for this, so it has basically been able to determine that the old man in front of him is not even as good as Sanxiu.

However, the history of his family that the old man talked about is really true. Whether it is true or not remains to be confirmed. After all, for the current old man, Wenshan is not a permanent resident of this other city. That's why he is really not very familiar with this old man. After all, for the current Wenshan, there are two things about whether there is an old man saying about the existence of the Mu family in the whole other cloud.

However, what the old man said about his family history is really touching. After all, it is very common for the development of such a family history. The prosperity of the family is certain for the existence of ancestral-level figures. After the fall of the ancestors, the decline of the family is also doomed.

For many ancestors now, they are constantly building their own family's huge power, which is afraid that their family will not be able to develop well after their death. It is also the existence of such an idea that has basically determined the existence of such an idea. Therefore, for Wenshan now, it has basically determined the existence of many things.

is the current Wenshan, who also hopes to build his own power. After all, the force established in the mountain gate is basically a force in the mountain gate, and it is not its own at all. It is also the existence of such an idea, so for Wenshan now, building its own power is the most fundamental, and it is also the force that will help itself in the future.

Of course, this touching description of this old man. For Wenshan, Wenshan admitted that the high-quality spiritual weapon attracted his attention. Only such a top-quality spiritual weapon is the purpose of Wenshan following the old man this time. If the old man in front of him can't take out such a top-quality spiritual weapon, such words are false.

For Wenshan to judge the truth of what the ancestor just said, it is the existence of more than ten spiritual weapons to determine the truth or falsehood. It is this kind of judgment. At this time, Wenshan's spiritual thoughts swept over the old man in front of him and the whole room.

When I came to such a small city this time, the original Wenshan just settled down. After all, it is obviously more cost-effective to spend the night with other practitioners outside than to enter such a city and find an inn to spend the night. Of course, for the current state, there is basically no such requirement.

is also the existence of such an idea. For Wenshan now, he did not expect to have any adventure in such a small market. After all, for people like Wenshan now, they have basically concluded that they don't expect to have something they can see from the city.

However, this is also normal. For Wenshan, some of the most basic elixir, he is not lacking at all. That's exactly what it is, so for Wenshan now, it is really a great improvement. That's the reason, so it's really a great thing for Wenshan now.

For Wenshan now, he is ready to go immediately. It's exactly one thing, so for Wenshan now, it's basically the same result. It is this kind of thing that happens. For the characters at this stage, it may not be a satisfactory thing.

Now, there is such an opportunity to get a top-quality spiritual weapon in front of Wenshan. After all, an opportunity to obtain such a top-quality spiritual weapon is that it is not easy for ancestor-level figures in the realm of death. It is also one of the reasons for the existence of such an effect, so for Wenshan now, it is basically such an effect.

You have such a rare opportunity, so how can you easily miss the current Wenshan? As for whether it will be a trap, Wenshan also feels more cautious. After all, before the huge interests**, there is often a big trap, so in this regard, Wenshan is more or less defensive. At least so far, there has been no sign of a trap.

"Although I didn't find anything wrong with what you just said, if you dare to say anything false, I will definitely kill you, even the family behind you, and there will not be any living existence. This is a very realistic thing. For those who dare to cheat and dare to dig a hole to frame me, it is bound to cut off all life.

Wenshan said such harsh words, and at the same time, he stared at the old man. The spiritual idea was directly locked and tightly to the old man in front of him. It is also such a kind of spiritual lock, so for the current Wenshan, it is directly to stare at the current old people.

For the old man in front of him who dares to make any move, he is very likely to be killed by Wenshan. After all, at this time, since the old man dares to say such a thing, it is either real, and there is another kind of preparation to deceive Wenshan, and then the real preparation is unfavorable to Wenshan.

It is the existence of such an idea, so for Wenshan now, he is basically not ready to let go of the old man in front of him. It is also the existence of such an effect, so to a large extent, we can still see the existence of some things.

also has such an effect, so for the current state, it is almost what Wenshan is deciding what it looks like.

For the current Wenshan, he is guarding the old man in front of him everywhere. For the old man, under the glance of Wenshan's powerful spiritual idea, he was shocked by sweating and frightened. After all, the strength of the old man is only the stage of gathering energy. For the existence of strength at such a stage, it is basically not the existence of Wenshan directly.

After all, the majesty of Wenshan is not the real invasion of the elderly in front of us. It is also the existence of such an effect, so to a large extent, it still needs a lot of things to exist.

At this time, the old man looked at Wenshan with a surprised face and even said, "I didn't dare to make up any of the words I just said. As for what Xiao just said, there is a proveable existence in this other cloud city, so this is still a little reassuring.

"Humph!" Wenshan still didn't see the flaw in his expression, so he said coldly, "Your purpose is to help you kill a person, but how do you know that I must be able to help you kill such a person? Compared with me, am I absolutely sure to kill him? Do you think I must have the ability to help you kill this person? How can you believe that I have such strength?

At this time, Wenshan raised his own doubts. After all, such questions have always existed in my heart. How this old man knows his own strength is a question that Wenshan wants to be very concerned about now. After all, your own strength is hidden.

Basically, the ancestral-level figures in the desperate realm of such strength have never been known. Therefore, Wenshan was really surprised to know his cultivation and strength. Therefore, for Wenshan now, he is still reluctant to admit such a point in his heart.

After all, it is always a secret to my own cultivation. If such a secret of yourself is really known by others, then for yourself, you are insecure. For strength, only the part hidden by the real shadow is the most real and your own.

is also the existence of such a decision, so for Wenshan now, it is basically the existence of such an ending. In this situation, it is really a very good choice. For such an old man who knows his own strength or not, for Wenshan now, he is really under observation.

At this time, Wenshan is also in a process of determination. For a current phenomenon, it may really be a very extraordinary one. It is also a state that can still have a good point of view. For such a situation, there is basically still a great future.

"Predecessor, don't worry, I know this little."

At this time, the old man's face was miserable. Looking at Wenshan in front of him, there was a trace of embarrassment on his face. It is also the existence of such a smile that for Wenshan now, he feels the existence of a kind of authenticity of the old man in front of him.

A smile squeezed out of the old man's face, but behind such a smile, Wenshan felt that kind of misery. Looking at Wenshan in front of him, his eyes turned red and his tears turned around: "For the predecessor, his spiritual idea is already such a strong figure. As long as he shows his soul to the little one, he will fully know the whereabouts of such a top-grade spiritual weapon.

The main reason why the little today can come to the seniors regardless of any danger and stop the seniors is to let the seniors help the little revenge. As for life and death, when the little one stopped the senior, he already knew that the little one's life had been sent out.

"Well, do you mean that I am the master of that person's money? What do you really think Wenshan looks like? For the old man in front of him, he directly judged himself as the kind of person who doesn't do anything with money. At this time, he still came to do this with himself, in front of the existence that made Wenshan very angry in front of him.

After all, there is basically no idea for anyone. It is also the existence of such an idea that basically has a big difference. It is also the existence of such an idea that can basically have an objective phenomenon to a large extent.

is also the existence of such an idea, and basically it can still have different problems. It is also such a situation, so in many cases, it is still very selective. It is such a demanding existence, so to a large extent, it is still a good choice.

It was also at this time that Wenshan was suddenly shocked. The spirit that had been relaxed once again covered the old man in front of him, and suddenly paid attention to the old man in front of him. Originally, Wenshan was still a real indifferent thing to the old man in front of him, but what he didn't expect was that the old man in front of him gave himself too much surprise.

is also a hard requirement, so for such a time now, for the elderly in front of us. He said coldly, "Spiritual thoughts, what spiritual thoughts. How do you know the strength of my spiritual mind? How can you feel the strength of my Wenshan? What is the basis of your judgment and who are you?

At this time, Wenshan did not expect that an old man in the primary stage of gathering energy actually knew the strength of his spiritual thoughts. For the oppression of the elderly just now. The old man did not say that Wenshan's momentum oppressed him, but that Wenshan's spiritual thoughts oppressed him. It is precisely this point that there is obviously a complete distrust of oneself.

is also the existence of such a requirement, so for the current state, it is completely another thing. It is also a state like this, so for Wenshan now, it is completely another thing.

is also the existence of such an effect, so for the current state, it is completely in a state of complete surprise, and it is also a kind of surprise, so in Wenshan's view, it is still relatively cautious.

After all, anyone can tell the strength of your privacy, as if he had been completely striped of his clothes when he stood in front of others. That's exactly the case, so for Wenshan now, it's really not an ordinary person.

"Senior, you may not know that finding someone is not to find someone casually, and ask someone to help Xiao revenge. After all, for today's people, most of the pursuit of interests is really his ultimate. It is also one of the reasons for this. So under normal circumstances, the small ones need to be observed for a long time.

For the old man at this time, his face was awe-inspiring. Although the whole person was locked under the spiritual idea of Wenshan, the old man's original fear had suddenly disappeared. After all, the weakness of my strength is here. For such a top-quality spiritual weapon, Wenshan will definitely not let go of himself. After all, that is the existence of a top-quality spiritual weapon.

Whether Wenshan does not kill people after taking the goods, or kills people to take goods, it is the existence of two opinions and exactly this kind of idea, so for Wenshan now, there is also such a concept. It is precisely the existence of such a truth, so to a large extent, it can still fully say something.

is also the existence of such an effect, so there is no need to be afraid of Wenshan for the current old people. Anyway, he is just dead.

It is also this kind of death, so in Wenshan's heart, there is no such element of fear. Looking at Wenshan in front of him, he said, "For the little one, it has been 50 years to find a master like his predecessor in such a different cloud. For such 50 years, a small comparison for any passenger merchant who enters the other cloud has such an effect.

is exactly like this. In fact, there are no less than a hundred young masters who have seen the divine power stage. But the smaller one was not invited. After all, as long as it has been announced, it is bound to be remembered by people. If you can't take revenge and die, such a top-quality spiritual weapon will be taken away by others. Obviously, I don't want to see this kind of business. That's why the current idea exists.

is also the existence of such an idea, so for the current state, it is really nothing. I just don't know what the senior thinks. Whether I help or not, or kill me, and use the means of soul collection to get my top-quality spiritual weapon, "

"Oh?" Wenshan is a little curious about the old man's statement. After all, for Mu Zhengqing, who has lived in such a separate cloud for so long, he has not opened his mouth for 50 years. Instead, he came here to open his mouth like this. Obviously, he feels very much about such a thing. Strange existence. It is also very strange that makes Wenshan interested.

I didn't expect that this old man Mu Zhengqing picked himself out of hundreds of monks in the divine power stage. Is there any difference between yourself and others? Is it just because of the strength of my spiritual thoughts that this little bit was discovered by the old man? Only then did this old man make a choice for himself.

After all, he is a ghost monk, which is in the current Taixuanzong, and his master Zhu Xiaolei doesn't know it. And when Tianmo Youji was crossing the thunder disaster, she was also discovered by Tianmo Youji when she was going through such a thunderstorm.

This is also the relationship. Few people know the secrets of Wenshan's ghost monks. Could such a secret be seen by an old man in the energetic stage? Wenshan had to be surprised by such a situation. It is also such a kind of surprise existence, so it makes Wenshan feel shocked now.

"The strength of the peak of divine power, the cultivation of the peak stage of the ghost king. This is the specific strength of the predecessor. It was at this time that after suddenly reporting such a sentence from the old man's mouth, Wenshan's question was completely broken. It turned out that the delayed old man really knew the existence of his specific strength, and it was such an old man who really knew his specific strength. How could he not surprise Wenshan in front of him?

"You know what I want to ask." Wenshan had a cold face, and his mind was not relaxed at all. After all, he had been stripped of his clothes and stood here. He would have been vigilant all the time and didn't know how he had lived through such a level. That's exactly what it is, so for Wenshan now, he still pays great attention to such a thing.

"How did you know! I hide my own strength. How can you show my strength like this? You know that you have violated the taboo of Xiu Zhenren.

It was at this time that Wenshan still asked. After all, if any person stands in front of Wenshan and shakes out all the strength of Wenshan in front of him, what else can he say about Wenshan now? How else can we talk about it?

After all, Wenshan hides his own strength in order to save his life at the most critical moment. This is also the reason, so for Wenshan now, he is really concerned about how the old man knows his cultivation. This kind of problem is even more attractive to Wenshan than a top-grade spiritual weapon. The value of such a problem is too great.

"In fact, this is the magical place of that spiritual weapon, and it is also a function of that superior spiritual weapon, which can accurately judge this person's cultivation strength." The old man in front of him said with a smile, "However, the most important thing is that you can see through the level of cultivation of the character depends on what kind of cultivation you are and the strength of the person you can see through.

This is the key. Now my cultivation is the cultivation in the primary stage of gas gathering. I can accurately judge the cultivation in the gas gathering stage, and my judgment is extremely accurate. It is also like this, as long as the cultivation judged by me has just entered the realm of gathering gas for a long time. I like to beat the stick and make a small fortune.

After all, when you know your opponent's cultivation and your own cultivation, it is understandable for you to make a small fortune. It is precisely the existence of such a thing that is the most real. It's also like this, which makes me barely able to live in the clouds these years. As for when such a weapon comes into the hands of the predecessors, it is not impossible to see through what kind of human cultivation, that is, the cultivation of the old man in the realm of life.

At this time, the old man looked at Wenshan in front of him and said, "This top-quality spiritual weapon has its own ability to protect. After all, it is only a functional top-grade spiritual weapon, so the means of shadow hiding are also very clever. That's why this kind of top-grade spiritual weapon has not been scanned out for such a long time under the scanning of the predecessors.

It is also the reason for the existence of this, so I let my predecessors scan at will, but I didn't see that such a top-quality spiritual weapon is on the small body. Don't look at the spiritual thoughts of the predecessors at the peak of the ghost king, and can discover any spiritual fluctuations in ideas. However, such a spiritual weapon, called shadow, is completely imperceptible.

is also like this. If the predecessor just now really decides to kill me and prepare to collect the soul, I guess there is no impression of such a shadow high-quality spiritual weapon in my soul. Therefore, it can be seen that such a top-quality spiritual weapon called shadow is not something that ordinary people can really discover. For the shadow, even the records in my soul, are hidden.

is exactly like this. If I don't tell anyone, even if I kill me, I can't get such a high-grade spiritual weapon. It is also the reason that exists, so for today's small risk to call the seniors to stop, just to help their own family and revenge.

Therefore, the little one also can see that the senior is not the kind of person who doesn't do anything with money. However, for such a top-grade spiritual weapon, it is the existence of a small life\root. That's why. Under normal circumstances, small ones will not be taken out easily. Even if you take it out, it's not there first.

Since you have said it to the senior, you must give it to the senior, and I still hope that the senior can help the young destroy such an enemy. It was at this time that the old man in front of him told the big truth in his heart. It is also the existence of such an idea, so it is not a good thing for Wenshan now.

"Small enemies are also the cultivation of the divine power stage, but only the intermediate stage of divine power. For such a powerful cultivation, if you are not fully sure, there is no strong person in the divine power stage to really kill such a person who is also in the intermediate stage of divine power.

After all, for the ancestors-level figures in the realm of death, they are even more afraid to invite them. If the little one invites the ancestor of the life-threatening state to kill such a small person, it is estimated that he can become the dead soul in the hands of the life-threatening state. Of course, in addition to these, there are family forces behind this person, which cannot be easily provoked. But once provoked, it should be solved decisively.

A high-quality spiritual weapon like mine can see the existence of such a little bit, so I hope that my predecessors can take action to help the younger generation solve such a big enemy. After all, there is nothing wrong with the judgment of the best spiritual weapon. Moreover, the top-grade spiritual weapon just felt that you are disdainful of the strong in the intermediate stage of divine power.

So, your actual combat effectiveness is already very strong. For your actual combat effectiveness, the top-grade spiritual weapon has not seen your fighting scene, and there is really no way to judge it. However, the top spiritual weapon feels that it is a piece of cake for you to kill characters in the intermediate stage of divine power.

It was at this time that the old man in front of him finally relaxed. I also relaxed about what happened in front of me. I thought that I should not have misread this person and have a chance to revenge. After all, when the old man finished what he just said, he did not have any unspeakable existence because he introduced a person at the intermediate stage of divine power.

is exactly like this, so for the current state, it is completely another thing. It is also a situation, so for the current old man, he is in a state of extreme excitement. After all, it took him 50 years to really find Wenshan, an enemy who can kill him.

In 50 years, for the current old man, in addition to constantly practicing and improving his strength, there are also such people who are looking for people to help him revenge.

is exactly like this. Until today, Wenshan can really help himself revenge from his own top-quality spiritual weapons. It is also the existence of such an effect, so for the old man in the current situation, finding Wenshan is really his great blessing.