ghost monk

Chapter 192 Physical and Exquisite Tower

Chapter 192 The Real Tower

For Wenshan, it is completely related to such an artifact. It is also the existence of such an effect that Wenshan does not know whether the other four artifacts in the future really belong to him.

is also such a kind of ignorance, so it is more confusing for Wenshan now. However, for this exquisite tower, Wenshan is still bound to have a mentality. After all, Wenshan can now feel that the exquisite skills he has cultivated are related to this physical exquisite tower.

is also the existence of such an implicated relationship, which can basically determine Wenshan to get such a exquisite tower. Otherwise, it is estimated that there will be a great restriction for Wenshan's progress in cultivation in the future.

After all, for Wenshan, in his heart, he still doesn't think what he can do. However, such exquisite skills have indeed changed the fate of Wenshan's life. It is also this set of skills that made Wenshan really embark on such a road of cultivation.

However, for the exquisite tower of this physical object in front of us, it can basically determine how far Wenshan can walk in the future and how far it can be on the road of cultivation. It is precisely with such a plan, so for the current Wenshan, he definitely hopes to get such a Linglong tower, and hopes to slowly study such a Linglong tower.

Since this woman can create such exquisite skills, although she is still incomplete. But Wenshan believes that he should be able to fabricate such incomplete skills again. Create your own skill path.

is also the existence of such an idea, so for Wenshan now, basically everything is dominated by such a big dream. That's exactly the case, so for Wenshan in this state, it may be really successful.

However, Wenshan also knows. When he really subdued one of the five-piece sets of such an artifact. Then Wenshan is bound to really compete for the remaining four artifacts. After all, Wenshan must compete for the existence of such a thing.

After all, for any character with a five-piece set of artifacts, he is basically not a vulgar person. What he wants to take on the road of cultivation is probably the last step to break through and become a god. The existence of an immortal god-level figure.

However, there is a faster way to gather such artifacts in a five-piece set. Then Wenshan's exquisite tower is bound to be remembered by other people who have such artifacts. It is also the existence of such an idea, so for any guy who has such a five-piece set of artifacts, he will try his best to find other four-piece sets.

At that time, even if Wenshan doesn't want to be involved in such a war. But Wenshan has one of the five parts of such an artifact, so Wenshan must participate. It is also the reason for this, so for Wenshan, if he wants to completely occupy such a physical and exquisite tower, then Wenshan himself must first become a wolf. A fierce wolf cub.

Only Wenshan himself became the existence of a wolf, and the other four artifacts also participated in the competition, which is the best protection for himself. If you want to own a part of such an artifact, in order to keep such a part, you must compete for several other pieces, otherwise, you will be waiting for others to grab your piece.

After all, in this world of cultivation, such a person can completely fight with each other for the sake of interests. This is the most basic concept. It is precisely the existence of such an idea that must be constantly fought, which is the most basic.

This is the existence of such an idea, so no matter what the situation is, for the current situation, it is a real state of calmness for the current situation. It is also under such a state of calmness that for Wenshan, it is a truly successful existence.

However, in any case, it can basically have a good effect on such things. For Wenshan, it must be the existence of competing for artifacts. It's just that Wenshan doesn't know that since this physical exquisite tower has the function of shadow hiding in the artifact. So when facing the other four artifact parts, can they really be detected by other parts?

is this spiritual weapon known as the shadow treasure, which has the function of the artifact. However, it was still felt by Wenshan's exquisite skills. That's why it's not absolute for many things, but the hidden functions of part of the artifact are so unreliable.

In addition, there must be such an induction between the artifact parts, at least to know the corresponding direction of the other party. Wenshan believes that part of such a shadow artifact may not be found by the real strong, and it is generally possessed in a body like an old man.

is exactly the same, but for the parts of the other four artifacts, they are basically in the hands of the peak strength in the world. It is estimated that they are all in the hands of the eternal realm of the older generation. This is also one of the reasons, so for Wenshan now, he is still very timid.

Maybe there is only one such part of the five parts of the artifact, which is in the hands of a character in the divine power stage like him. It is also such an ability, so it is estimated that there will be more enemies to face in the future.

For such a kind of exquisite tower, it has the function of shadow hiding. For the exquisite skills practiced by Wenshan, there is also such a function. It is also an effect of this kind. Therefore, it is a great honor for Wenshan now.

The skills that can be created can follow the existence of the physical object with the same function. It is also the existence of such an effect, so it is too powerful for Wenshan now. If Wenshan completely subdues the Linglong Tower, then a disguise of his own strength will not reach a more powerful height.

After all, the Linglong Tower itself has such a hidden function. For the function of such a shadow, it can basically have a good camouflage. It is this characteristic that for the current state, it may really be something unexpected.

However, no matter what it looks like, it basically has a certain tone. For many things, there is really a different feeling. That's exactly what it is, so there is still a good judgment so far.

At this time, the physical exquisite tower hovered in front of Wenshan. But it doesn't seem to be attracted by the energy in Wenshan's Qihai Dantian. That's it. Originally, it was just a hover observation. It seems that for an energy body similar to Linglong Tower that can appear in the Dantian gas sea of Wenshan, it is of course very attractive to food Linglong Tower.

However, this kind of attraction has not attracted the excessive attention of the current physical exquisite tower. It is also the existence of such a characteristic, so for the current Linglong Tower, it may really be a big damage, and it is also like this. Such a physical Linglong Tower seems to have found that such energy in the Qihai Dantian of Wenshan in front of it is not very powerful, so I can only slip away.

is also the existence of such an effect, so for the current state, basically the physical exquisite tower is only curious to meet people who are also practicing such exquisite skills in such a small city. From the physical tower hovering in front of Wenshan, it can be seen that there is such a layer of relationship between this exquisite skill and this physical tower.

is also the existence of such a layer of relationship, which has basically laid the foundation for the existence of many things. Basically, there is still a good choice for such things. However, no matter what the reason is, there is basically a very good development for such a state.

For this kind of development, it basically has a great improvement effect. For such a kind of improvement, there is still a large degree of qualitative development. In view of such a kind of development, the current physical exquisite tower obviously looks down on Wenshan's energy.

The exquisite tower of physical objects like this basically exists for a long time. For Zeng Jin's master, it is estimated that he is also a powerful figure. Otherwise, who can pay attention to the spiritual weapon of the spiritual treasure level of part of an artifact? That's exactly what it is, so it is a very amazing existence for any character who can overhead the five parts of such an artifact.

is also such a situation, so it can basically play such a clear posture for now. For such a posture, there is basically a very good development.

For the current Linglong Tower, in order not to let people control, it is basically hidden on the side of the Hanwu Dynasty. Here, you can possess a small practitioners. In this way, for the current physical exquisite tower, it is also a kind of self-protection role. The existence of

For these spiritual weapons that have basically possessed wisdom, they all have the same IQ as human beings. It is also the existence of such an IQ, so for the current situation, there is basically a very clear subdivision.

I have a certain plan for what I want to do. The main reason why I can be attracted by the energy gathered by the exquisite skills in Wenshan's Qihai Dantian is that there is an inexplicable sense of familiarity. Therefore, after being sensed by Linglong's skill, the physical Linglong Tower took the initiative to show up and have a look.

However, for a state like this now, it is basically fruitless. It is also because of Wenshan's low cultivation strength that in Wenshan's Qihai Dantian, the energy gathered by such exquisite skills is of no use at all.

is one of the reasons for this, so there are still many shortcomings for the current state. At this time, after observing Wenshan for a long time, the real Linglong Tower was ready to return to the old man's body. How can Wenshan let go of such a move?

After all, such an opportunity is rare. After all, for such a physical exquisite tower, it simply contains this great hidden function. It is also the existence of such a kind of shadow hidden function, so for Wenshan now, if this physical Linglong Tower is really hidden in the old man's body again, if Wenshan searches for it again, it is really not necessary to find the existence of this Linglong Tower shadow.

has such a particularity, so for the current state, it is basically very special. It is this kind of requirement, so for many things, there is still a good development.

When the exquisite tower of such a physical object was hiding in the old man's body, suddenly, Wenshan's spiritual thoughts enveloped the exquisite tower of the physical object in front of him. It is precisely this kind of tight locking, which is basically a collision to a large extent.

is also such a degree of unconvinced existence. Therefore, for the current state, we can still directly seize such an opportunity. That's exactly why the spiritual idea of Wenshan is directly and firmly locked in the exquisite tower of the real thing.

It is also like this, that is, when Wenshan's spiritual thoughts are locked to the Linglong Tower in front of him, the Linglong Tower of the real object at this time also gradually became uneasy. After all, the physical Linglong Tower at this time also knew that Wenshan was ready to subdue its existence, not just a simple use for him.

For such a spiritual weapon, it is known that the difference between following a strong person and a weak person is also quite large. It is also the existence of such a huge difference, so in most cases, for such a spiritual weapon, it will not follow such a spiritual weapon at all.

is also a kind of requirement, so we can still have a deeper understanding of the current situation. It is also a situation that the physical exquisite tower is obviously not too willing to be controlled by people like Wenshan who are much stronger than the old man.

That is, at this time, for Wenshan's sudden initiative to exert spiritual thoughts on himself, and for the exquisite tower of real objects, Wenshan's little energy is just a spiritual idea at the peak stage of the ghost king. At this time, such a way, towards himself Such a kind of large-scale encirclement and suppressing.

It is the existence of such a means, so for Wenshan now, it is not seen by the spiritual weapon of the real object such as the exquisite tower in front of him. It was also in this way that the Wenshan Mountain in front of him was besieged on a large scale. It is also such a kind of spiritual encirclement, which wants to teach Wenshan a big lesson in front of him.

After all, for such a spiritual treasure-level spiritual weapon that exists in the exquisite tower of such a real object, the spiritual weapon of the spiritual treasure level alone cannot be easily subdued by ordinary people. Even if the strong man in the realm of immortality encounters a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure, he only temporarily encloses such a spiritual weapon at the spiritual treasure level.

is also a characteristic of this kind of thing, so for the current situation, it is obviously impossible to completely encircle such a spiritual weapon directly. That's why Wenshan actually chooses to subdue directly.

It is quite difficult to accept a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure. The current spiritual treasure-level spiritual weapon of Taixuanzong has not been completely subdued so far. It is also like this. For the giant-level figures in the immortal realm of the Taixuan Sect, successive suzerains have no way to subdue them. That is, the current suzerains of the Taixuan Sect are all committed to studying how to subdue such spiritual weapons.

It is so difficult to subdue the general spiritual weapon of the spiritual treasure level, not to mention the spiritual weapon of the spiritual treasure level of the artifact. For the artifact, it is originally that arrogant posture, not a god. Generally, there is no way to completely convince the nobleness of such an artifact.

It is Wenshan's bold move that has basically determined the existence of such a saying and the existence of such a role, so for the current state, it is really not easy to say.

is also the existence of such an effect, so to a large extent, there are still obvious differences. For this kind of different existence, so for many things, there is also such a kind of deficiency. It is the existence of such an effect, so for Wenshan now, because he has subdued two spiritual weapons of the level of spiritual treasure, he has become extremely bold at this time.

For the existence of such a real object in front of us, for such a state, it is basically a great improvement. It is also the existence of such a kind of promotion, so for the current situation, it can basically have a good development.

is exactly the existence of such an effect, so there is still a big difference in the current state. It is also like this. For Wenshan's direct means, in fact, for Wenshan, it is also a forced existence. After all, it has a shadow hiding function, and it is also a part of the artifact. Of course, it is a very magical place.

is also a kind of magic, so for Wenshan now, it is also based on his blood sacrifice of two spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasure, which should basically be able to subdue the existence of such a Linglong tower. For Wenshan, the exquisite tower facing such a real object this time is very rare. If you really miss the Linglong Tower of such a real object this time, I don't know when it will be found.

is also the existence of such an idea, so for the current situation, basically for the current Wenshan, there is such a reason, so for the current Wenshan, it is just a risk.

For Wenshan, see if this two spiritual weapons that he has subdued can really help him overcome such difficulties. It is also one of these. As long as these two spiritual weapons can help you overcome such difficulties, it is a real success for you.

It exists with such an idea, so for Wenshan now, he is ready to completely subdue the exquisite tower of the real object in front of him.

is also a kind of pressure of Wenshan. For the exquisite tower of the current real object, it is completely in that crazy state. It was also like this that the originally low-key physical exquisite tower suddenly became extremely excited.

Originally, it was still relatively low-key, but when Wenshan wanted to subdue it, it was obviously very unhappy. That's exactly why I suddenly lost my temper. It is also in this way that the extremely huge spiritual idea directly suppressed Wenshan.

For Wenshan, such a powerful spiritual idea is directly against Wenshan's spiritual idea. It was also such a kind of encirclement, which made Wenshan suddenly caught off guard. It is also the existence of such a feeling that basically can still have a good feeling.

However, no matter what it looks like, there is a reason. Therefore, for the current state, there is basically a good choice. It is the existence of such an effect, so for this moment, it is completely the existence of a real role of suppression.

is the existence of such a feeling, so for the current state, it is completely the existence of a kind of suppression of Wenshan.

That is, when Wenshan just resisted such a strong energy, in Wenshan's mind, the poisonous spirit first began to support Wenshan with such a kind of energy. It is also at this time that even Qiuqiu seems to hold such a belly of anger.

After all, for the current physical exquisite tower, it is only the existence of spiritual weapons at the level of Lingbao. That's why, so it's good for the current poisonous spirit or the instrument Qiuqiu. They are all spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasures. The level of real spiritual weapons is basically the same.

It's also like this. This kind of spiritual weapon, as soon as the physical exquisite tower comes up, it is the existence of such a kind of suppression of spiritual thoughts directly against Wenshan in front of him. It is also such an extreme suppressed existence, so there is still a good choice for many times.

is also the emergence of such a situation, so for Wenshan, it is not a level promotion at all. It is with such a kind of ability suppression that for two spiritual weapons that are also at the level of spiritual treasures, it is completely the existence of contempt.

This is also the reason why the poisonous spirit first supports Wenshan. Even Qiling Qiuqiu also supported Wenshan. After all, for the general existence of these two uncles, under normal circumstances, the two of them are not the object of Wenshan's subordination, but completely the general existence of Wenshan's master.

is exactly like this. It is because the poisonous spirit and Qiu Qiu completely surpass the existence of Wenshan in their spiritual thoughts. After all, they are all spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasures. For such a situation, Wenshan basically did not take care of the existence of two spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasures.

is also the emergence of such a situation, so for the current situation, two spiritual weapons such as Poison Spirit and Instrument Qiuqiu began to support Wenshan in a wide range of such a situation at the same time. It is the existence of such a kind of support, so for Wenshan at this time, it is really a sudden support guarantee, which also gives Wenshan confidence.

After all, for the current state, it is basically the existence of such a feeling. That's exactly what it is, so for Wenshan now, with the help of Poison Spirit and Qiuqiu, he can resist such a suppression of the spiritual thoughts of the physical exquisite tower.

From Wenshan's mind, suddenly a huge and powerful spiritual idea suddenly emerged. It is also in this way that there is a continuous suppression effect directly against the strong energy of the current suppression. It is also one of the reasons for this, so for Wenshan now, it is basically such a decision.

However, no matter what aspect it is, for the current state, it can still have a great prerequisite for improvement. It is this kind of improvement that can also have a good development.

is the emergence of such a state, so at this time, there are still different ideas. It was also at this time that for the exquisite tower in front of him, Wenshan, who was suddenly suppressed by himself, was obviously unexpected.

After all, for both artifacts and poisonous spirits, they are in the form of divine souls gathered in the mind of Wenshan, and they are all spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasures. That's right, so for the current state, it is estimated that there is no difference. That's right, although this physical exquisite tower has the ability to predict part of the artifact. However, it is not enough to capture the spiritual weapons of their own at the same level.

After all, Wenshan's strength is still relatively weak. Suddenly, in Wenshan's spiritual thoughts, there are two completely different spiritual ideas to help Wenshan suppress the physical exquisite tower spirit in front of him. For the real exquisite tower spirit, it is completely unknown.

After all, with the existence of Wenshan's little strength, it can directly subdue the existence of the two spiritual weapons in front of him, so for Wenshan now, it is obviously unbelievable. It is one reason for the existence of such a thing, so for the current state of such a thing, it may really be a success.

However, no matter what, for the current state, it may really be a different opponent.

For the spirit of the physical exquisite tower, it is not a fool. For a powerful figure like Wenshan, of course, since it can subdue the existence of two spiritual weapons at the level of spiritual treasure, it is very shocking. It is also the existence of such a shock that has basically made a big decision.

is the existence of such a reason, so for the current state, it may really be a very great loss. That's why there are such two powerful spiritual thoughts in Wenshan's mind. It is also the addition of these two spiritual ideas that also determines the current life of the exquisite tower.

is also one of the reasons for this kind of existence, so for the current kind of card installation, it is basically this kind of feeling. It is also the emergence of such a situation. So for many times, it's really not ordinary.

has the existence of a kind of predictive ability of artifacts. Therefore, for the current exquisite tower, it is completely equivalent to a large part of the existence of a kind of monitoring of such a scene at this time.

is also the existence of such a feeling, so for the current situation, it may not be really powerful.

However, no matter what the reason exists, it may not be an ordinary ** for a state like this now. It is also the existence of such a state, so it is completely a shock at this moment.

After all, it has the ability to predict such a thing. For the two strong spiritual thoughts in front of us, Wenshan suddenly helped to attack. In fact, for this physical exquisite tower spirit at this time, it is also to feel that behind these two powerful spiritual ideas, there are two spirits. Treasure-level spiritual weapon.

That is to say, what helps Wenshan are two spiritual weapons at the level of Lingbao. It is with such a predictive ability. After all, when Qiu Qiu and the Poison Spirit had not launched an attack on the real Linglong Tower Spirit, they had been hiding, and for the real Linglong Tower Spirit, there was no awareness at all.

However, at this time, he actually began to act on these two spiritual weapons. It is also the emergence of such hands-on behavior, so for Wenshan now, it can still have a good development. It is also one of the reasons for the existence of such a thing, so for the current state, for the physical exquisite tower spirit at this time, there may not really be such a choice.

However, no matter how Wenshan got these two spiritual weapons, these two spirits can help Wenshan resist the suppression of his spiritual thoughts, which is enough to see the power of Wenshan.

In the process of many years of experience in the physical exquisite tower, he is the only one who can have two spiritual weapons at the same time. It is also one of the reasons why the current physical exquisite towers feel that there is such a trace of heartbeat.

is also such a state, which may really be a very shocking existence. After all, a spiritual weapon at the level of Lingbao appeared in the hands of a boy at the peak stage of gathering divine power, which is enough to shock the world of cultivation. However, it turned out that the two spiritual treasures were still controlled by this boy at the peak stage of gathering divine power, which was enough to see that this boy had basically completely subdued the spiritual spirit of the two spiritual thoughts, the spiritual weapons at the level of Lingbao level.

is also the existence of such an effect, so for the current state, it is really a huge loss.

It is precisely with such a fixed existence, so for the current physical exquisite tower spirit, it obviously has the intention of retreating. After all, for the physical exquisite tower spirit, it is really facing the suppression of a kind of spiritual idea of two real treasure-level artifacts.

Even if you rely on yourself as part of the artifact, your current level is only a spiritual weapon at the level of spiritual treasure. If it is really compared in the end, it is genuine and not false at all.

is also the existence of such a plan, so for the current state, it is basically such a state. It is also a state like this, so for this time, knowing that it can't be done, it is obviously unwilling to continue to fight with Wenshan.

After a strong resistance of Hewenshan, Poison Spirit and Qiuqiu's three strong spiritual thoughts, he suddenly shrank into the old man's body. For the real exquisite tower spirit at this time, it is completely ready to hide in with the help of the old man's body. In this way, it can completely avoid the existence of such a risk.

After all, for this physical exquisite tower spirit, when hiding in the old man's body, it is not something that Wenshan and two other spiritual treasure-level spirits can detect. After all, it occupies the existence of the shadow hiding ability of the artifact. It is also a situation like this, which is completely a way to think about your own retreat.

As for the end, kill such an old man and refine the old man's body and soul. It is estimated that in the end, it will have no impact on this physical exquisite tower spirit.

It is said that the four parts of the artifact have been occupied by others on the mainland one after another. But the only thing is that the artifact of this physical exquisite tower has never been found. It is also the existence of such a reason, so this kind of spiritual weapon with great hidden functions will basically not be detected.

Otherwise, there would be no such ease to hide in such a small market. This kind of freedom has been in this Mu Zhengqing family for 5,000 years. Even on the mainland, except for the exquisite woman, it is estimated that no one really realizes the existence of such a physical spiritual treasure.

is a major reason for this, so it is obviously the existence of such a plan that Wenshan can't give up completely.

is also the existence of such a plan, so in most cases, there is basically such a big loss. It is the emergence of such a situation, so to a large extent, it is basically such a kind of intention.

For this time, if this physical exquisite tower wants to escape, how can it be let go by Wenshan? After being rebounded by this physical exquisite tower, the powerful spiritual idea was wrapped towards this physical exquisite tower at a very fast speed.