ghost monk

Chapter 215 Behead the Bloody Son

Chapter 215 Beheading the Bloody Prince

For Wenshan's personality, it is like this. For the current situation, it is basically necessary to directly kill the opponent, which is the character of Wenshan, and it is exactly like this. Therefore, for Wenshan now, what is needed is to really kill this The blood prince killed directly here and could not give his opponent any chance to backhand.

After all, for the current Wenshan, there is still a time to kill the blood prince. After all, I have been completely despised by others. That's exactly the case, so in the current situation, it is completely to solve an opponent directly without the opponent's awareness.

In this case, for the other three people left, for the current Wenshan, it can still have a very good choice. This is one of the reasons, so there is still a big change that needs to be made at this time.

However, no matter what the reason is, there can still be a big gap for the current situation. However, no matter what the reason is, there can still be a big difference for the current situation.

The dark golden divine power seems to suddenly become extremely domineering. That's exactly how it is, so for a situation like this now, it's completely another thing. It's exactly like this, so for the current state, it must be like this. However, no matter what it is, for the current dark golden divine power suddenly soared, and between the dances, it is full of spiritual power and domineering.

Between the swim, it has been more than ten feet in an instant. Zhou Wei's dark golden magic power soared and roared into the whole protective circle. That is, within a while, it is simply trapped the current blood prince directly, which is exactly like this, so for Wenshan now, it is really not easy to achieve such a thing. It is this kind of intuitive feeling, so there is really no problem with the current situation.

However, no matter what it looks like, there is still nothing different about the current situation.

After the fierce blow of Wenshan just now, for the bloody prince just now, he was directly bombarded into the big pit on the ground by Wenshan. It was like this, and the heartbreaking cry of the blood prince kept ringing. At this time, the bloody man jumped out of the trembling struggle in this big pit.

After all, for this bloody man, he can be directly bombarded into such a big pit by a strong man at the peak of divine power in such a scene. In this way, he can also see the power of Wenshan. For this blood prince who was punched by Wen Shan, it is really not a powerful existence. It's exactly like this, so for a state like this now, it's enough to see the power of Wenshan.

However, no matter what aspect exists. For the current situation, there is also a good opportunity. More efforts are needed for the existence of such an opportunity.

However, no matter what the existence of things looks like, for the current situation, for Wenshan now, what is needed is the good luck of this bloody boy.

glanced at the scene of the bloody man being put into his body by the dark golden divine power, and heard him screaming. The whole person's face has changed dramatically. After all, there are five attributes in the dark golden divine power. Of course, the entry of the divine power energy of such a heterogeneous attribute cannot be easily resisted.

is also the reason for this, so for the current bloody boy, it is an absolute injury. It is also such a sad existence, so for Wenshan now, what is still needed is a huge change. It is this kind of change that cannot be easily realized in response to the current opportunity. It is this state that exists, so for the current situation, there is still a good opportunity for development.

Hum... Wenshan snorted disdainfully, raised his hand, and a dark golden divine power shot at the blood prince in the sky. For the current blood prince, he was just stunned by Wenshan. After all, the blood prince didn't really realize the power of Wenshan at all. It is also like this, so for the current state, it can basically be clearly reflected.

is also a situation like this, and it still has a different feeling. It is the existence of such a feeling that can basically have a different state.

is exactly like this, so for the current state, there is still a different feeling. It is also the existence of this feeling, so for the current state, it can still have a different image.

It was at this time that the dark golden magic power cut through the flash between the blood prince's eyes and suddenly. At this time, the blood prince finally reacted. After all, at the moment of his life and death, how could he simply give up his life?

However, after all, the existence of Wenshan's current cultivation is not a real existence that can be confirmed at a moment. That's right, so for the current state, there can still be a good choice. It is this kind of choice that still needs a lot of differences at many times.

It is the emergence of such different states that can basically make a big difference. There was only time for the bloody man to scream. After all, Wenshan's strength is here, and it is precisely with such a strength. For Wenshan at this time, it is not impossible to shoot directly.

is also like this, so for the current situation, there can still be a big difference. For the characters in the current state, more courage is still needed. Another blow of the dark golden divine power directly dispersed the blood-colored divine power condensed by the blood prince. At the same time, it was also at this time that the blood prince was directly destroyed.

is exactly like this. For many states, there can be a big gap. It is this gap, so for the current state, it is completely a great change. For the current transformation, for Wenshan now, it has great dynamics.

For the blood prince, although his condensed magic power was directly dispersed by Wenshan, there is also a huge gap in what the blood prince has to worry about now. It is such a huge gap that can still be felt deeply for Wenshan now. For the current state, it is really not easy to change to a large extent.

That is, at this time, the dark golden divine power that was originally in the blood prince's body could not be suppressed by the blood prince, coupled with the situation that the blood prince condensed his own blood magic power and was directly dispersed by Wenshan, this blood prince was not sure at all.

It is precisely this situation without any certainty that there can still be a big gap. It is this gap. For many times, more integration is needed. At this time, the bloody magic power in the blood prince's body could not be suppressed at all. It is in this way that you can't suppress the soaring blood and blood power in your body, and your meridians are directly broken. Even if the current blood prince can survive, it is not easy to continue to fight.

After all, at this time, the people standing here fighting are all strong in the divine power stage. How can they really survive alone in front of the strong in the divine power stage? That's it, so for the current state, a greater resistance is still needed.

This is exactly the situation, so for many times now, what is still needed is a real phenomenon of mental disrecognition. For the current blood boy, there is still no hope of surviving in the hands of Wenshan.

However, when the companion who originally stood with this blood prince was attacked like this, there was no touch at all. It is exactly like this. For the current state, I still don't want Wenshan to have anything now. The existence of appearance development.

After all, for the characters in the devil, they are not a sect at all. For characters who are not from a sect, there is nothing worth cherishing each other's existence.

If this bloody boy is really rescued, there will be no help for today's battle. It is in this way that there is no help for today's war situation, and it is necessary to be constantly oppressed. For the current situation, a greater driving force is still needed.

is also the existence of such a driving force, so for many times, the greatest motivation is still needed. For the current state, it still needs to be larger, which is a prominent phenomenon of ability. There is still a big difference in this phenomenon.

For many times, there can still be great changes. It is the existence of such a huge change, so for the current state, it can still be very different. It is this kind of different existence, so for the current situation, there can still be a big gap.

However, no matter what kind of change it is, for the current situation, more is another huge gap in Wenshan. In this way, there can still be great changes for many times.

This is exactly the case, so for the current situation, there can still be an obvious gap. It is this kind of gaping thing, so for the current state of the whole thing, it can be very different. It is this difference. For many times, what is still needed is Wenshan's grasp of the current affairs.

After the blood prince was defeated by Wenshan, the blood prince at this time had no value at all. Even if the other three people now rescue the blood prince, it is estimated that the existence of the blood prince without any gratitude to the three of them is more likely to be a real massacre.

For the current state of such a state, the existence of such an effect can basically have a great change. It is this change that requires a greater gap in the true sense for many things.

This is exactly how it is. For many times, for a state like this, there can still be a huge gap. It is this gap, so for many times, in this general environment, more efforts are still needed.

This is exactly the situation. For many things, it still needs a lot of **. At this time, without any help, he was directly bombarded by the dark golden divine power of Wenshan.

A very powerful spiritual idea suddenly flashed, twisting back the soul of the blood prince. Almost at the same time, the powerful spiritual thoughts squeezed away, and the scream of the blood prince stopped abruptly. For the current situation, almost at the same time, everything is completely collected in a state.

It is also in this environment that a huge change in many things can still have a great breakthrough for a situation like this. It is the basis of such a breakthrough existence.

is also the existence of such a feeling, so for the whole state now, there are huge differences. It is also the existence of such different places, so it has a huge change in the whole thing now.

is exactly like this, so there are really different effects in the changes in the whole thing now. Looking at the whole thing now, I can have a different feeling. That's why, for many times, a force of unity is still needed.

However, no matter what aspect it is, there can still be a big gap for the current state. For the current gap. For many times, what is still needed is the display of greater ability.

At this time, Wenshan, which was originally wrapped by the dark golden divine power, and the surrounding dark golden divine power suddenly dissipated at this time. It is also in such a huge state that there can still be a good choice.

It is also under the circumstances of such a big change that there are huge shortcomings for some things. There is still a good choice for the existence of such conditions. That's why it can still have a great impact on the current situation.

After all, for the stalemate scene, when Wenshan arrived, such a scene suddenly changed dramatically. It is also the existence of such a huge transformation, so it is also a kind of thing that directly leads to the emergence of the current situation.

For the current situation, it can still have a great impact. For the originally weak righteous people, many things are changing after the addition of Wenshan. A character who can dominate in the divine power stage, no matter how many masters in the divine power stage, can be feared. After all, if Wenshan can kill the blood prince easily in this way, it is enough to see that Wenshan is not simple.

Wenshan is no stranger to this bloody boy. It seems that it is the demon prince that Shen Jie has been pursuing. When he was in the Holy Capital, he deliberately photographed the master and sniped at Wenshan. That's exactly the case, so for the whole situation now, it can still be very different.

is also the reason for this, so for the current situation, it can still have a good development. For Wenshan, it can kill the prince's blood prince, which has a great breakthrough in the magic road. That's exactly what it is, so it can still be a great breakthrough in many situations now.

At this time, the sudden roar sounded in the whole space, and it was exactly like this that made the whole eyes focused on Wenshan, the battlefield where the dark golden divine power had just dispersed.