The first time travel in ancient and modern

Chapter 25: The Secret History of Breaking the Wheel Gate

After a while, there were only their own handsome generals left on both sides. I was happy and wanted to see how they played, so I began to look at them again.

"Brother Yi, I'm so handsome. Let's go back to the city to rest first. Let's fight tomorrow!" As soon as the broken wheel came out, I was speechless. What is this? Is this the legendary draw or another mystery?

Zhang Yi nodded and also said, "The hungry general is also tired. It's time to go back to replenish some food!"

I'm speechless and speechless. The more I think about it, the more I feel that the chess played by these two people is like a perverted version of Warcraft.

"Third brother, what do you think of our battle just now?" Broken wheel looked up and looked at me. I was dumbfounded, and then saw Zhang Yi's expression eager for my opinion. I coughed twice and then said thoughtfully, "That's good. The confrontation between the two of you really opened my eyes and opened my eyes!" After saying that, I hurriedly covered my mouth and laughed.

A very difficult problem appeared at night, because the appearance of the broken wheel forced me to sleep in a bed with him, but I was naked. The habit, coupled with whether there are any bad hobbies, and whether there will be bad habits such as snoring and talking during sleep...

I risked my life and endured it, thinking that whoever will go to hell if I don't go to hell!

For the sake of safety, I deliberately didn't take off my underwear at night. I looked at the shy look of the broken wheel, and a strange idea suddenly came to my mind, "Broken wheel, how do you think of the third brother's figure?" My voice is indeed very perverted, coupled with the charming posture we put on (the famous posture was learned from Mr. Cang in advance). Fortunately, there is no current person in the room, otherwise I will have to be slapped to death by bricks.

The broken wheel trembled first, and then flew back to the door, muttering something in his mouth, which made me laugh. I have read more or less about the wild history of the broken wheel. I know that this boy is as remote as Ayu (Cao Cao) and likes other people's wives. The most well-known ones in history are Josephine and Maryvalley. Mariewalewska, Mrs. Montoron and so on, as for the unknown, there are countless.

"Third, third brother, I'm not good at that. Besides, I'm not interested in men!" It took him a long time to open his mouth. Imagine that there are more exciting things in the world than flirting with emperors and foreign emperors. moles with women are done by hooligans. moles who flirting men are savage girlfriends. Those who flirt with emperors are called cows, which are unspeakable!

I smiled and said, "Broken wheel, reveal some gossip to the third brother and make your sad things happy!"

"What are you talking about? I'm a dignified man. How can there be a sad son? Even if there is, is it a thing of the past!" The broken cow said coaxedly, but there is a saying that the more you cover it up, the more it proves to be lying.

I smiled coloredly and pointed to the crotch of the broken wheel and said, "Wan, what's the relationship between our buddies? Come on, the third brother won't listen in vain. I promise that when I have money, I will definitely let you regain your confidence!" My two eyes stared straight at the little brother of the broken wheel. The broken wheel stared at each other, and his neck stretched out like a giraffe. I was moved by the broken wheel and hurriedly got out of bed and invited the broken wheel over.

"Third brother, you can keep your word. I didn't solve this problem even when I visited famous doctors in various countries. Can you really help me?" The broken wheel was still worried about me. I cleared my throat and pointed to my little brother, "Wing up, big, long. Seeing that there was no wheel (the broken wheel was stunned by my performance), in fact, the third brother was not good at that before, but later he had an operation, and now he can calculate it in hours!" I'm sorry, brother. In order to satisfy my curiosity, I can only show myself. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely find a peerless beauty to compensate you!

"Don't the disappearance happen in an instant? Third brother, you too..."

Well, it seems that the teacher who teaches broken Chinese is definitely not a modern person. He didn't even teach him the term hour, "One moment is equal to fifteen minutes, and one hour is equal to four fifteen minutes. Now you understand the strength of the third brother!" I disdain to say that we are Chinese, normal Chinese. How can we not do that? Or our country would not be the most populous country in the world (it's all the fault of the men, causing the country to implement family planning...)

"Four Moments! So, for so long! Third brother, take me with you!" The expression of the broken wheel was first puzzled, then surprised, and finally turned into a begging.

When an emperor begs you, what do you think you should do?

"Run, that needs money, a lot of money. The third brother will be a poor student, and he doesn't even have money to eat. You'd better wait." When I saw that the broken wheel suddenly turned into a discouraged ball, I said like a child, "Run, this matter is wrapped in the third brother. Don't worry, don't you be a brother? It will be said to others, especially women!" Of course, I will not forget my ultimate goal. I have to say that Zhang San is so evil that it is unforgivable.

"Wan, now you can talk to the third brother about your love for your children!" In fact, I haven't said anything, 'Wun, why are you so interested in women in other people's wives? Is this a personal hobby or influenced by the family?'

"Do you have to say it?" The broken wheel's thoughts seemed to return to his imperial era. I hurriedly added fuel and said, "I have to say it! Oh... This is what other hospital experts said. It's good and good for treating your condition! ( I laughed secretly) "I took apart a box of Yanjing beer I just bought from the bedside table, "Roar, take it, moisten your mouth first!"

I don't know if this beer is the same as the brandy drunk by the broken wheel, but I can only afford this. I saw that the broken wheel drank it in one breath, and there was no reaction at all. I was dumbfounded and thought that this boy was not tall and thin. I didn't expect that he could really lift an explosive bag like a hero at a critical moment. .

Oh, hey, the broken wheel hit three times in a row, and looked at the beer jar with a strange look and said, "Why doesn't it look like brandy - (hiccups) - it smells a little grape, but this thing is so enjoyable, and it feels a little bloated..."

I really don't know whether the broken wheel deliberately changed the topic or really praised the delicious beer. "What kind of round? If you want to drink it, the third brother will buy it for you every day in the future. Now let's start treating your disease. Oh, by the way, we call it conversation treatment here. If you don't talk about it carefully, then I'm afraid there won't be any fundamental change!" I brazenly threatened, and the broken wheel looked at the beer guan again and sighed, "Then let's start with why I will lose!" Although I was a little unhappy, I still nodded. As for the reason why this broken wheel will age prematurely, the reason must be very simple, either in poor health, or in the early development transition, of course, it does not rule out acquired diseases!

"Waterloo, Waterloo. Many people may think that they have been defeated there in this life, but they are all wrong. My biggest enemy is myself. If I were not so confident at the beginning, history would definitely be rewritten, and Waterloo would not become my fate. But that's all over, and it's useless to say anything!" I still don't want to delve into it. I nodded and said, "Won, people are not plants, who can be faultless? Oh, no, no, people are not sages, who can be faultless." As soon as I said this, I suddenly realized a problem that this broken wheel is a saint to some extent, and is also a genius saint.

"If you are not a sage, who can make no fault!" The broken wheel pulled his voice very long, and seemed to think of something again, and it looked a little scary. It seems that this boy remembered the past. He didn't sprinkle salt on his wound, but when he wanted to find an opportunity in the future, but it would be difficult. "Wun, tell the third brother, if it really doesn't work, you can tell me about your love life! "

"Emotions, hum, it doesn't matter if you don't mention it!" The broken wheel roared meaningfully, and it could be seen that the boy couldn't control himself.

"Run, do you still like Josephine?" I asked in a different voice. As soon as I heard the three words Josephine, my body suddenly trembled, and my eyes were full of hostility.

Why, I won't regard myself as a rival in love in this round. I should regard myself as the object of her affair with Josephine. I hurriedly waved my hand and said, "Wun, don't get me wrong. This is in the future. Everyone on earth knows about you. The third brother doesn't know your Josephine at all. I just read it from the book. It seems! " Sweat, make yourself look like a mistress!

"Oh, that's it. Ask what the world is, and teach life and death!" I wonder where this round of poetry was learned from. I guess it was learned in the world below.

"So, you still love her deeply!" I said tentatively.

"Although I was very successful in my career, I was even one step away from conquering Europe, but in life, I couldn't conquer Josephine, alas!" The wheel looked at me and said five seconds later, "Brother, I have figured it out that as long as you can help me cure the disease this time, I will be satisfied. What happened in the past? Let him go!" The broken wheel is also very open.

In fact, I really want to ask, wheel, why do you like married women so much? With your status and status, it's just a matter of finding a large group of little virgins. Why do you have to find second-hand goods?

"Come on, drink another one! Third brother will accompany you!" After handing the broken wheel a guan beer, I said, "It's dry!"