The first time travel in ancient and modern

Chapter 71: Donkey's head is not right

Please collect the tickets. If you think it's okay, please give me a collection. Thank you again!


At this moment, my afterglow suddenly found Brother Yi's figure. I hurriedly turned around to look. I was surprised to find that Brother Yi was standing alive at the door of the living room and was staring at everything in the living room with a strange look.

"Brother Yi, you are awake!" I rushed over, and then followed the thin man with the momentum of pressure. Lv Buwei issued an order to stop all entertainment activities! Suddenly, the living room became silent, and everyone's eyes turned to me, or Zhang Yi.

I hurriedly smiled, and then pointed to Zhang Yi happily and said, "This is the brother Yi I told you about. Everyone knows each other!"

Mulan, Lv and Shangguan Wan'er hurriedly congratulated when they saw my eyes. From the reactions of the others, I concluded that Lv Buwei did not introduce Zhang Yi's situation to them, otherwise they would not have been this reaction!

"Brother Yi came, I'll introduce you to a colleague, and he is also the prime minister." As soon as he said the prime minister, Zhang Yi turned around and left directly without saying a word, and then I heard a heavy sound of closing the door, and suddenly everyone present began to talk about it.

When I wasted more than a dozen brain cells to explain how Zhang Yi fell out of love, Li Qingzhao was the first to say, "It's really touching that a generation of geniuses are so infatuated!"

Lv pheasant looked at Li Qingzhao and said, "Sister, I don't agree with you on this point. This man is the most changeable animal in the world. When he likes you, you are right no matter what you do, but once he doesn't like you, you are wrong. Zhang Yi looks very pitiful at this time, but once he passes this special stage and hooks up with another woman, he will forget everything. It's all nonsense. There is no good thing for a man. The most reliable person in the world is you!" From this passage alone, I felt that Lv pheasant was a very realistic and open-minded woman. When I saw that Lv pheasant wanted to go on and hurriedly stopped him, "Sister Lv, let's talk about your experience later. Now we are still discussing the issue of Brother Yi's lovelorn. All sisters are all women and know more about women's psychology. According to you, I think How can I cure Brother Yi in the shortest time?

"Creed! Third brother, what do you mean? Don't you think it's precious for Brother Yi's spirit of giving up everything for love? Little sister thinks we should help Brother Yi chase that again!" I was surprised to find that Li Qingzhao has a lot of ideas involving emotional problems. Thinking about it, it is also related to her experience. Isn't this famous husband and Mrs. Xiu in history talking about Qingzhao's sister? From this point of view alone, we can imagine her unique understanding of love!

"I agree with Qingzhao's sister's words. If you love someone, you should love him until you step on the ground, and you can even die for him!" Mu Guiying said very manly, and the wheel kept nodding. Obviously, he was very close to Mu Guiying's point of view.

"Hmm!" Lv Zhinorted coldly and stopped talking. It seemed that Queen Lv was against it. Although Wu Zetian, who was sitting next to her, did not speak, I could analyze from her expression that she was on the side of Queen Lv. Needless to say, she would definitely follow Wu Zetian!

Wang Zhaojun was silent with Mulan. I turned my eyes to Wang Zhaojun and said, "Sister Zhaojun, do you think there is any way to make Brother Yi happy in a short time?"

Hearing my question, Luo Yanyu's eyes flashed and showed a thoughtful look, and then said, "Third brother, I didn't intend to speak, but since the third brother asked me, the little sister made a humble opinion. Emotions are sometimes not controlled by outsiders. Although we think we can see it clearly, what about it actually? Because of love, it hurts. Now Brother Yi's heart is hurt. I think what we should do is to comfort and try our best to comfort him. As for how to make Brother Yi happy, I think it depends on Brother Yi!" I listened to Luo Yan's words, first stunned, and then stunned. What does this mean? Does it mean to ignore it and let Zhang Yi live and die like a year?

Mulan coughed a few words, looked at me and said, "I have never experienced feelings, but I think Zhaojun's words are very reasonable. Why do we worry so much? If it really can't, just grab that Jiajia directly!"

Although Qu Shouzi and Lv Buwei didn't say anything, I knew that these two people would not have any tricks. Otherwise, they said it at the beginning, so why should they stay until now?

The seven women actually formed three views in the face of Zhang Yi's lovelorn: Queen Lv, Wu Zetian and Shangguan Wan'er opposed, believing that men have no good thing, only Qian Quan is the king. Emotions are never compared with money and power. Li Qingzhao, Mu Guiying and the wheels pushed Zhang Yi, believing that Zhang Yi's behavior is true and should be strongly advocated! Luoyan Wang Zhaojun and Hua Mulan held Huang Lao's thought that they should let go and let Zhang Yi deal with it by himself.

I blinked and touched my head, speechless, these women, oh no, beautiful women. How did they forget how I asked? I asked them to say how to make Zhang Yi happy as soon as possible, but they actually talked to me about the concept of love. This seems to be a little off-topic. If the exam is over, they will definitely hang up!

At this time, my mobile phone rang again. It was a strange number. My first feeling was Lao Wangtou. This girl would not send me a few beautiful women. If that were true, the third brother would receive all the orders!

"Boss Zhang, it's me. I'm at your doorstep. Is it convenient now?" As soon as I heard the voice, I knew who it was. I dared to be the female boss selling maternity clothes.

After the female boss came in, she was immediately dumbfounded. She looked at the woman in my room and didn't say anything for a long time.

"Boss Zhang, they won't all be your lovers!" Although the female boss's voice was very small, Mulan and Mu Guiying still heard it.

When the female boss saw the murderous eyes of these two 'pure men', she immediately hid behind me. I smiled and said, "Boss, pay attention to what you say next time, otherwise the consequences will be very serious!"

The female boss greeted the door with a smile, and a young man pushed a cart in. The young man couldn't help looking at Luo Yan. At that time, I was anxious and dared to eat my tofu openly. Oh, no, it's all of us. It's really can't be eaten. I'm making a wheel. After the winp, he will be surprised.

The female boss seemed to find the sex of her men and immediately sent him out.

"Do you have all kinds of styles? Is it a complete set?" I raised my eyelids and looked at the female boss and said. The female boss actually looked at me with a very contemptuous look, and then said, "Boss Zhang, are you doubting my ability to be a woman? Let me tell you, I have prepared this bra from A to F, and I have also prepared 15 kinds of stockings, such as grid-leopard print. There must be no problem for these sisters to wear it!"

I sent my mouth to the female boss's ear and said, "Please take them to try them on. As long as they like, they will stay. I will greet you in advance. They are all from the countryside and have never seen much in the world, especially those two (my fingers are Mulan and Mu Gui). Don't provoke them. I can tell you. Ah, even if they fart, they can kill you!"

Under my reminder, the female boss took seven people into the room that originally belonged to Pan Mei with a smile on her face. There were only four of us left in the living room.

"Third brother, I'm going to be their bodyguard. What if something happens!" The wheel stared at the door and said.

"Bodyguard, I think you want to peep!" Lv Buwei's mouth is always so mean. Although the wheel is an excuse to be a bodyguard, you can't directly break through that layer of window paper!

Qu Shouzi smiled and said, "Third brother, there seems to be no mirror in Pan Mei's room. Go and send them the big mirror in the hut!"

It seems that the woman's ** is indeed very big. Although Lv Buwei didn't say anything, those eyes have betrayed him, because my eyes are exactly the same as him at this time!

There is only one board away from several beautiful women. At the other end of the door, we can imagine that seven beautiful women, oh, to be precise, seven ** beautiful women, any normal man will not be calm, not to mention that I is a little obscene and dirty!

It's a lie to say that you don't want to peek.

I don't know which of them has the largest breasts, which buttocks are the most gardened, which waist circumference is the thinnest, and I don't know which one feels better.

I guess it should be Wang Zhaojun. After all, she is one of the four legendary beauties.

It's over. At this time, I have begun to be evil, and there has been a reaction there.

When I came to my senses, the wheels, the thin and thin, and Lv Buwei had disappeared.

I turned around and found that there was no trace of them outside Pan Mei's room. Is it impossible for the three of them to go in? If they enter, they have to react no matter what they do, even if they just chat!

When I came to my bedroom, I was stunned. The three people were listening with their ears against the wall.

As mentioned earlier, my bedroom is only one wall away from Pan Mei's bedroom. I kicked each of the three people, and then put on the appearance of a gentleman and said, "You are not vulgar. I really want to see if there is Mr. Cang in our notebook. As for you!"

"Third brother, Mr. Cang has a heavy taste. We all want to change the taste!" Lu Buwei's explanation made me speechless. To be honest, in fact, I also like the effect of half-covering the face, ** or oxx when you come up, which is too moodless, and it is no different from **'s old sow. We are high-level animals, and men are high-level and high-level. How can we do that?

When the female boss brought the seven of them out, I was surprised. Lv Buwei, Qu Slender, and Wheel were also surprised.