The first time travel in ancient and modern

Chapter 107: A embarrassment

Yu Zimo's dress today is very pure. It seems that she has changed her route again. I smiled and said, "Reporter Yu, why are you playing with the cute route!"

Yu Zimo probably heard the irony in my words. First, he glanced at me, and then said in a very strange tone, "Third brother, let me tell you the business. Do you think Brother Qu will like this type?" As soon as I heard Yu Zimo's words, I was stunned and thought that it was wrong. How could this be possible? When the thin man chased Yu Zimo, this girl took the country to shut down, but now how did she change her strategy? Although Qu Yuan is a little good-looking, he doesn't even have a penny. Even if Yu Zimo wants to be rich, he won't look for Qu Yuan.

"Zimo, do you really like the thin Qu?" I asked in disbelief. Just imagine, how could the editor-in-chief of the newspaper look at a poor loser? In this materialistic society, I really can't believe what Yu Zimo said is true.

"Third brother, what do you mean by this!" Yu Zimo rolled his eyes and said. That look was like a knife. I hurriedly dodged and wanted to take a look first. Anyway, whether it can be achieved depends on the creation of Qu Shouzi.

At this time, Fan Yu and paparazzi have rushed to me crazily. This move did not scare Yu Zimo to faint. I stroked Yu Zimo's little hand, which was very soft, slippery and felt very good.

When Fan Wei passed me, he looked at me with a very strange look, and then disappeared with his paparazzi. I knew that this was the dog in Fan's mouth.

"Reporter Yu, have you touched enough? Shouldn't you let go!" I said colorily, and Yu Zimo jumped out of my arms as soon as he heard my words, and at the same time, his little face turned red.

"Third brother, you just had to do it. Don't mind!" If one day you take advantage of a beautiful woman and the other party keeps nodding and bowing to apologize to you, how will you feel? Anyway, at this time, I feel like I'm in heaven. It's so cool!

"It's okay, I don't mind if the third brother doesn't mind, or -- come again!" I stared at Yu Zimo's face with a pair of squinting eyes. I saw it clearly just now that her bra was light red...

When Yu Zimo and I rushed to the 'resident's house', the thin man had already changed his clothes and ran out. I wore a pure white shirt and a tie. I felt a little familiar at a glance, as if I had seen it somewhere. Two seconds later, I suddenly understood that this girl actually put on my new shirt, and the tie was also mine. I looked at the thin man's feet again. Well, except for the trousers, what the thin man is wearing is all mine.

I gave a look at the thin Qu, which means that we are endless. Third brother is very humane. Of course, I won't stay as an electric light cannon. Besides, my light bulb is not bright!

I found a reason and left. I came to Du Fu's study. Du Fu was writing a poem seriously. When he saw me coming, he hurriedly put down his pen and said, "Speaking, I will write for a few more days today!" I can see that Du Fu is a little resentful.

I giggled and said, "Lao Du, I don't need to write about your holiday today. Oh, by the way, there is another good news for you, that is, I have found a publisher for you. They are willing to write a book for you at any time, as long as you finish it!" I say so, but in fact it's all fake. Publishers, bullshit, are all lies.

Hearing my lie, Du Fu suddenly began to get excited. I even saw a trace of tears in his eyes. No, is Du Fu so easy to be satisfied? That doesn't seem to say so in wild history. I think how strong Du Fu was at the beginning!

"Third brother, thank you very much!" I was speechless when I heard Du Fu's shocking words.

I came to Du Fu's desk and looked at it a few times. Although his handwriting was very handsome, I only recognized half of it. I stared and asked, "Lao Du, what kind of poem did you write?" Why can't I understand?"

"Third brother, you won't joke with me, will you? This is one of my masterpieces." Speaking of this, Du Fu looked at my confused expression again, and then he began to sing: "Cars, Ma Xiaoxiao, pedestrian bows and arrows are at their waists. Ye Niang's wife saw each other off, and the dust did not see Xianyang Bridge. He pulled his clothes and stopped the road and cried, and the crying went straight up to the sky. Those who pass by the road ask pedestrians, but pedestrians walk frequently. Or from the 15th North Defense River to 40 West Camp fields. When I went there, I was wrapping my head, and when I came back, my head was still white. The border court bled into seawater, and the Emperor Wu didn't want to open the border.

Du Fu recited this, and I vaguely felt a little familiar, and then said to Du Fu, "Is this Lao Du's 'military car'?"

Hearing my words, Du Fu's eyes lit up and he said excitedly, "I said, how can such a good work be lost?" Then I saw Du Fu staring at me with a longing look. I shrugged my neck and said, "Lao Du, are you done? Is there anything behind you?"

Hearing my words, Du Fu almost died of anger. He sighed three times and then recited: "You don't hear that there are 200 prefectures of the Han family in Shandong, and thousands of villages are born with Jingqi. Even if there is a healthy woman hoeing the plow, Hesheng Longmu has nothing. Moreover, the Qin soldiers fought hard and were driven away by dogs and chickens. Although the elder has questions, does the servant dare to hold a grudge? And this winter, there is no rest in Kansai. The county official urgently asked for rent. Where does the tax come from? Believe that it is good to give birth to a man, but it is better to give birth to a daughter. If you give birth to a daughter, you have to marry a neighbor, and if you give birth to a man, you will be buried with hundreds of grass. Don't you see, Qinghai head, no one has collected the white bones in ancient times. The new ghost annoys the old ghost crying, and the rain is wet.

At the end of the recitation, Du Fu's expression had become serious, as if others owed him a lot of money. I summoned up my courage and said, "Old Du Laodu, what's wrong with you? It seems a little sad?"

"The Tianbao Rebellion, the people are not living, the war is endless, and the white bones are tired. It's pathetic!" I subconsciously understood something. Why did I ignore Du Fu's birth date? Du Fu was in the chaos of Anshi and was still concerned about the world. Thinking of this, I hurriedly comforted him, "Lao Du, the past has passed, so don't think about it. Besides, that's not what we ordinary people should care about!" As soon as the second half of the sentence came out, I immediately realized that I had lost my mouth. I saw it clearly. Du Fu was staring at me with an enemy-like look, which scared me to take three steps back.

In order to divert Du Fu's attention, I turned around and said, "Old Du, teach me how to write calligraphy, and then I can also participate in the national calligraphy competition!"

When Du Fu heard my words, he immediately looked at me with a contemptuous look. I thought that you should not look down on others. The third brother would also learn calligraphy since he was a child, but it must be more beautiful than what he wrote. You see, the word you wrote is not horizontal or vertical, and the whole dog is scratched.

"Lao Du, I'm serious. Just teach me. As long as you can let me write good words, then I will buy you a grass fruit!" I have to seduce it with profit. But who would have thought that Du Fu stared and said, "Well, an apple wants to send me. You are too stingy!"

I was stunned and thought that Du Fu was too big to open his mouth. An apple was Xiaowan's. This boy even said that I was stingy. Fortunately, I didn't say anything about miscellaneous brands of mobile phones, otherwise this girl would probably eat me!"

Du Fu saw my puzzled face and said, "Ok, don't buy any apples. Get me a few catties of grapes. I want to eat grapes!"

As soon as I heard Du Fu's words, I immediately understood a problem. I dared to think that Du Fu regarded the apple I just mentioned as a real apple. I was speechless. It seems that it is really a problem to communicate with these people with ditches.

"Lao Du, you made a mistake. This apple is not the other apple!" I said with a continuous smile, and then handed the iPhone in my hand to Du Fu, and then said, "The apple I just mentioned refers to it, not fruit. You misunderstood!"

Hearing my words, Du Fu suddenly began to shine green in his eyes. Just like seeing some treasure, he spit out his tongue and said, "Brother, this is the legendary mobile phone, the high-tech that can talk to people thousands of miles away!"

When I heard Du Fu's words, I immediately nodded heavily and said, "Yes, this is the legendary high technology!"

"Third brother, can this talk to those people in our dynasty?" When I saw Du Fu's childish eyes, I couldn't close my mouth with laughter. I admire Du Fu's imagination so much that he can figure it out.

I calmed down and said, "Lao Du, this can only talk to us modern people. It has nothing to do with your dynasty. Besides, it's not good now. You want to eat, drink and drink. If you are really lonely, you can find a young lady to solve your physiological problems. If you are not used to it, you can also understand it. This is also self-sufficient and full of clothes!" As soon as I said this, I didn't have the door on my mouth.

Du Fu stared at me with a silly look. At this time, I quietly understood that since Du Fu and Gao Lishi came to me, Lao Du had basically never gone out. His daily job was to write poems, read books, and then communicate with Li Qingzhao. It seemed that he had not participated in other things. No wonder he will derail from the 21st century! As for the term 'Miss', it seems that he doesn't understand its true meaning.

"Do you still think the third brother is stingy now?" My eyes flashed and asked, and Du Fu smiled and said, "I won't say anything. Let's start practicing now!"

I looked at Du Fu's previous and subsequent changes and immediately laughed. Half an hour later, I was tired of this calligraphy practice career. It seems that some things are destined. For example, Obama was born to be president, and I am a poor loser. How can I master this elegant life of calligraphy practice?

I said goodbye to Du Fu. Oh, maybe I should call him Mr. Du now. Oh, no matter what, it's not an interesting thing when I think about it after becoming Du Fu's high apprentice for several years!

As soon as I walked out of the door, I saw the thin and Yu Zimo in the distance. At this time, the two were walking like a little couple, holding hands and then went to open a room.

I shouted at the two people and ran over.

"Oh, you two are so elegant. Is this a date or a heart-to-heart talk!" I said with a bad smile. As soon as I said this, the thin child immediately became anxious with me, and the expression on his face was even more like killing his father's enemy.

"Oh, the woman hasn't reacted yet. As for you, I can tell you, the thin boy, if you do this again, be careful of me to tell your bottom!" Hearing my words, Qu Shouzi suddenly became honest. I thought, there are 33 ways to deal with you, and you are still young in front of me!

Just when I was proud, Yu Zimo next to Qu Slender suddenly opened his mouth. She said to me in a very special tone, "Third, I still have something to say to Brother Qu. Do you think?" I never thought that Yu Zimo would be so direct. I guess it was her occupational disease!

I smiled and said, "Ok, you can be embarrassed. I won't leave you a door for you at night. Find a place to sleep by yourself!" I threw down this sentence and got away.