The first time travel in ancient and modern

Chapter 110: Lu Buwei wants to be a real estate developer

Looking at the two people's distant figures, I smiled and went to pee. When I returned to the house, I was surprised to find that there were 18 mobile phones that were not answered. I hurriedly looked at it and it turned out that it was Lv Buwei.

Are they coming back? Thinking of this, I hurriedly called Lv Buwei.

"Are you coming back?" As soon as the phone was connected, I hurriedly asked.

"We are on our way now. I guess we will be there in more than half an hour!" Lu Buwei said excitedly. I was immediately shocked. More than half an hour, so fast, it seems that these two people want to surprise us, otherwise they won't do this.

"Well, I'll pick you up right now!" I said sincerely.

"No need to pick up. We have a special car. Third brother, I can tell you that Pan Mei is amazing now. In your words, Pan Mei's appearance fee alone will cost 300,000 yuan, which is still less!" As soon as I heard this, I almost went straight there without breathing.

The appearance fee is 300,000 yuan. Is it possible that Pan Mei has become popular and become a star? I hurriedly said, "Hurry up, let Pan Mei answer the phone quickly. I want to tell her, hurry up!"

"Third brother, Pan Mei has been asleep for a long time. Yesterday and today, she hasn't slept for a while, and even held 18 press conferences. Just let her sleep well!" I heard Lv Buwei speak very sincerely and didn't seem to panic, but I couldn't calm down. Although the phone was hung up, I was like an ant on a hot pot. I took out all the clothes I could wear and changed them one by one, but in the end, I found that none of them fit, and I suddenly had a feeling of the emperor's new clothes.

I looked back at the lazy pigs, and then sighed for a long time. At this time, Li Qingzhao's figure suddenly appeared outside the window. I saw her gently knocking on the window, and then casually put on a short sleeve and went out.

"Brother Yo, is this dress good? Why haven't you worn it before!" When I saw Li Qingzhao praise myself, I hurriedly said with a smile, "This was bought last autumn, and you hadn't come yet at that time. What's the matter? What's the matter with the third brother?

Li Qingzhao nodded. I immediately understood what he meant and hurriedly said, "It seems a little inconvenient to talk about things here. Let's go there. There is shade. We can talk while walking."

Half an hour later, I finally knew the purpose of Li Qingzhao's search for me. It turned out that she also wanted a mobile phone, but the requirements were not high. As long as she could play games and go to QQ, it was done!

"Well, what should I do? In less than two days, I will definitely get an iPhone for each of you. That doesn't count. I have to get you an ID card, or you can't go anywhere you want to go!" I didn't brag. It turns out that I didn't brag this time.

More than 20 minutes later, Pan Mei and Lv Buwei came back. The two of them were not inferior to the current people's eyes, and Pan Mei also wore a gold necklace around her neck and earrings on her ears. Even my fingernails were dyed, and with the miniskirt and light ink-colored high heels, I couldn't help but have the impulse to rush up and hug. Lv Buwei was dressed in a suit, wearing black sunglasses, and carrying a big bag in his hand.

Pan Mei probably saw me as if I was stupid. She shook her hand in front of me seven or eight times, and then said softly, "Third brother, third brother, why don't you know me? Why do you stare at me with this expression? It's scary!"

Lv Buwei knew me so well that he kicked me without saying a word. He kicked me so much that he suddenly woke up from my dream.

I cursed Lv Buwei, and then said to Pan Mei inexplicably, "Pan Mei, this has fulfilled your wish. Now you are also a celebrity. Hey, if I had known that the third brother should have followed you to the entertainment industry at that time, I really regret it!"

When Pan Jinlian saw what I said sincerely, she said delicately, "The third brother is joking. This entertainment industry is very complicated. It's better not to go, or you will be deeply involved!" Speaking of this, Pan Jinlian looked at Lv Buwei, and my heart skipped, thinking that Lv Buwei would not be able to pick up Lin Wanqiu and lock the target on Pan Mei!

"Lv Buwei, you son of a bitch" Before I said the words, Pan Mei seemed to see my mind. She smiled and said, "Brother, you can also figure this out. It's really rare. I'm good friends with Brother Lu, but it's definitely not the kind of relationship you think!"

In order to hide myself, I hurriedly touched the back of my head and said, "Pan Mei, what are you talking about? Why don't I understand at all? Oh, by the way, reporter Lin, why didn't she come with you!"

Although Lv Buwei was angry, as soon as he heard me mention Lin Wanqiu, he hurriedly replied, "She, she will come back in two days. She said, let me see you and listen to you!"

I stared at Lv Buwei and said, "Why didn't she ask Pan Mei to take good care of me, but let you say, how much you have you developed? How many times have you opened a room? Tell me truthfully!"

I said it very seriously and didn't mean to play. Pan Mei laughed and said, "Third brother, you are still like that. You haven't changed at all!"

I turned my eyes and Pan Jinlian and said, "change, I can't change in my life. Alas, tell you how far their pair of dog men and women have developed. I can tell you that Qu Ping also has a daughter-in-law, that is, Lin Wanqiu's best friend, that reporter Yu Zimo, has now reached the point of opening a room!"

Hearing my words, Lv Buwei and Pan Jinlian were immediately shocked. As for me, it's the 21st century, and even the train has speeded up, not to mention the person who invented the train!

"Ah, this is really a good thing!" Pan Jinlian suddenly said three seconds later that from her words, I have judged that Lv Buwei has hooked up with Lin Wanqiu. As for how far they have reached and whether they have opened a house, it seems that they have to continue to plan slowly!

"I didn't expect that Brother Qu is better than me, which really impresses me!" I heard a few compliments from Lv Buwei's words, but it seemed to be more sarcastic, ** naked satire!

"Look at you, you have confessed it, and you said no, ghost!" I pointed to Lv Buwei's nose and scolded.

Lv Buwei was really smart enough. He didn't answer my question, but turned around and said, "Hey, everyone? Why didn't they show up? They won't all go to Zhaojun's sister!"

"Yes, how is Zhaojun's business? Is it okay?" Pan Jinlian also began to care. I giggled and said, "Okay, of course, it's okay. I have to say, it's overcrowded!"

Lv Buwei and Pan Jinlian looked at each other and then began to laugh.

"Why are you laughing? I'm going to lie to you, but now they are sleeping soundly. Last night, they all fought all night and lost, all of which let Lv Zheng and Wu Zetian win!"

"Big gambling hurts the body, small gambling is pleasant! It seems that they have reached the level of injury!" Lv Buwei said philosophically. I pooh and said, "You say that they are a big gamble. What's the corner? You really regard yourself as a Confucius saint!"

Pan Jinlian beside her was already laughing so much that she couldn't talk. The three of us found an empty room and went in.

"Pan Mei, what else is next? Don't forget to greet me when you need extras. I'm sure I'll be on call!" I said this very sincerely. After all, I have a star dream when I was a child!

"There are special extras in the crew, I'm afraid it won't work!" When I saw Pan Jinlian say such ungrateful words, the expression on my face suddenly became a little angry. Lv Buwei suddenly laughed. He pointed to my nose and said, "Third brother, you are really smart for half a life. You are confused for a while. Pan Mei means to let you be the hero directly. You don't understand!"

I hurriedly blinked my eyes, and then stared at Pan Mei with an expectant look. Pan Mei smiled and said, "No, this hero is the director who has been found in advance, but as a major supporting role, I think it's okay to talk to the director!"

As soon as I heard this, I really jumped up. I really wanted to hug Pan Jinlian and kiss her fiercely to express my excitement at this time.

"It's not the third brother. As for you, it's just a scene. How excited you are!" Lv Buwei seemed to be very disdainful. I gave him a blank glance and said, "What do you know? This is called art, called realm. We can't communicate!"

Then the three of us talked a lot, until finally when I asked Lv Buwei about his future development direction, his eyes changed and suddenly became solemn, making himself look like a mysterious person. I thought you were not a national leader, and you were so solemn.

At this moment, Pan Mei suddenly opened her mouth. She smiled at me and said, "Third brother, you don't know anything. Brother Lu can be said to be the biggest winner this time!" When I heard this, I hurriedly interrupted, "What, the biggest winner. No, is it possible that Brother Lu has gained more than you?" I really can't think of a more popular profession than Ming. Could it be that Lv Buwei won the lottery, and it was also a big prize, hundreds of millions of yuan!

"Brother, don't forget Brother Lu's identity in his previous life. He is a generation of merchants, and now he can do his own old business!" Pan Mei was very serious and didn't mean to joke with me. I was immediately dumbfounded and thought was this possible?

"Pan Mei, you get to the point first, or my heart can't stand it!" My expression is already a little impatient, and no one can stand it. If Pan Mei hadn't been a woman, I'm afraid I would have done it long ago.

"Simply put, Brother Lu is going to join the real estate industry!" This time, Pan Mei was clean and neat and said only one sentence. I was stunned as soon as I heard that the end of the century was about to come, and then I jumped up, "Dive yourself to real estate, isn't it true?" My expression can no longer be described in words.

"Third brother, what do you mean? If I say you can't believe it, but Pan Mei said this, you won't believe it!" Lv Buwei obviously has a problem with me. Although I don't know much about the real estate industry, I know how much money this industry makes. Which real estate boss doesn't have tens of millions, or they can't afford the demolition fee!

"Brother Lu, oh no, Lv Dafu, can you leave a few sets for our brothers after this is built? Brothers don't even have a dog kennel yet!" I suddenly showed the most pitiful expression in the world.

"Third brother, what are you talking about? It's not that you don't know who Brother Lu is, which means that he will also give all our brothers a house!" I have to admire Pan Mei's mouth, which is even more fierce. I only said that I want one set for myself, but her good mouth is one set for each person. This is not a small amount. Will Lv Buwei agree?

Lv Buwei saw that Pan Jinlian and I were staring at him with a strange look. He waved his hand and said, "What are you talking about? I'm just a director. I don't have this power, but hey, as long as this building is sold out, my achievement will be five million. In this way, I can get my own house. "I gave birth!" A very strange look appeared in Lv Buwei's eyes. Anyway, I had never seen it until I was too young, so I couldn't help looking at it twice.


ps: The following words have nothing to do with the novel!!

Top 10 Poor Egg Ranking

Recently, the Chinese version of the world-famous Forbes magazine grandly launched a new 2010 edition of the list of 100 Best Poor Eggs in mainland China. The latest list of poor eggs is Fubus, which has been carefully screened, repeatedly compared and carefully made according to the latest information, with unique authority.

Now, the top ten poor bastards are published here for the majority of netizens to enjoy

Tenth place in the top ten poor people: laid-off workers work hard

Age: 39 years old.

Month income: 200 yuan.

The reason for being on the list: Since Mr. Bai was laid off, his life has been extremely worrying. Fortunately, his wife was deeply righteous, divorced him in time, and took his son away. Therefore, Mr. Bai* went to the street every day to work hard and could earn more than 200 yuan and live a happy life again.

Ninth place in the top ten poor people: Wu Renli, a lonely old lady

Age: 71 years old.

Month income: 100 yuan

Reason for being on the list: a time-honored brand selling tea eggs, persistent for many years, stable income, and has been on the list for a long time.

The eighth place in the top ten poor people: Zhu Bajie, a garbage woman.

Age: 60 years old.

Month income: 60-70 yuan.

Reason for being on the list: Ms. Zhu's career has made a breakthrough this year. Last year, she only had the right to use one dustbin. This year, she has been able to control three dustbins. Moreover, she has a large passbook of 200 yuan for the first time. It is estimated that by next year, if there is no accident, Ms. Zhu will definitely fall out of the top ten.

The seventh place of the top ten poor bastards: disabled beggars all rely on the sky

Age: unknown.

Monthly income: about 50 yuan.

Reason for being on the list: a rookie in the poor world. Originally, he was ranked outside the 100, but because the two green forest heroes believed in the newspaper that China's beggars were actually rich, they robbed Mr. Quan, so Mr. Quan was ranked first.

The sixth place in the top ten poor people: Mei Yunlian, a car driver

Age: 55 years old.

2009 income: 200 yuan.

Reason for being on the list: Originally, Mr. Mei Yunlian could earn 2,000 to 3,000 yuan a year for pedaling, and he was not qualified to be selected. However, he accidentally hit the urban management this year, and the cart was confiscated. He himself ate the iron fist of the urban management and lost half of his teeth because of disobedience to management. I had to spend a lot of money on dental implants, so the income was only more than 200 yuan.

Fifth place in the top ten poor people: the master of licking the plate

Age: unknown.

Month income: 0 yuan.

Reason for being on the list: For more than ten years, Mr. Er has been licking plates in large and small restaurants, tasting all kinds of delicacies, and making outstanding contributions to maintaining urban hygiene. But it's a pity that the owners of each restaurant don't pull out a dime and never pay Mr. Er a penn of cash, so Mr. Er has nothing but a good picture of water.

Fourth place in the top ten poor people: Zou Backun, a suburban farmer

The age is 47.

Monthary income: -50 yuan.

Reason for being on the list: Mr. Zou's son has uremia and his wife has lupus erythematosus. In order to treat the disease, there is no room and no land. He shrinks to live in a broken house in a relative's house, and his monthly income is not enough to cover his income. It is fortunate that 50 yuan is upside down.

Third place among the top ten poor: college graduate Shu Bainian

Age: 24 years old.

Monthary income: -150 yuan.

Reason for being on the list: Shu University studied hard and finally survived until graduation. However, it is difficult to find a job. At least you are an intellectual. If you are high or low, you can only stay in the hands of your parents and look forward to the opportunity. My parents provide food and drink every month, and they also have to pay some pocket money. In this way, they pay less than 150 yuan per month.

The second place in the top ten poor people: migrant workers in the city cry without tears

Age: 33

Monthary income: -300 yuan.

The reason for being on the list: I went to the city to work, worked hard to build a building, sweated and broke my waist. When the building was completed, the boss ran away and said that his monthly salary of 300 yuan was ruined, so that he had no money to buy a train ticket home, so he won the second place on the list.

Top Ten Poor Eggs: The King of Debt is poor and horizontal

Age: 25 years old.

Month income: -10,000 yuan.

The reason for being on the list: Mr. Qiong used to do business, but unfortunately, he lost money and borrowed money everywhere. In the end, Mr. Qiong realized that he simply tried his best to borrow money, such as bank loans, privateduis, and even usury printing money. Now Mr. Poor owes a lot of debt, both capital and profit. According to his 80-year-old life, he needs to repay 10,000 yuan a month to pay it off. Mr. Taishan collapsed and did not change his color. Anyway, there is only one rotten life left. On the contrary, it is those creditors who kowto bow and say good words. Good cigarettes, wine, delicious and good massage can be exchanged for Mr. Poor's commitment to give priority to repay debts. Mr. Poor is addicted to poverty and raises his eyebrows for the poor in the world. He deserves to be the top of the list of poor people.