Fruit Empire

[001] Swesome phone

Xiao Yang, who walked out from the gate of Shiren University, took the recruitment notice given to him by Uncle Chen. The date is yesterday, and the location is also good near Shiren University. You can just go and have a try.

Leading Time and Space Super Club


Three nighttime energy coaches:

I, male, 18-30 years old, working hours from 6 p.m. to 12 p.m.

2. The treatment is negotiable, and the salary is not less than 1800 Sola.

Serving several

1, female, 18-30 years old, working hours from 6 p.m. to 12 p.m.

2, the treatment is negotiable, the meal is provided, and the salary is not less than 1600 Sola

Students from Shiren University are preferred for the above positions.

Address: Shiren University West 500m Pilot Time and Space Super Club.

Contact number: 4527789456

August 28, 3156

Xiao Yang shook his head and couldn't help sighing, "The students of Shiren University are really happy. There are preferential policies for applying for the job." Although he came out of Shiren University, Xiao Yang is not a student of Shiren University. He just comes to Shiren University every morning to listen.


Passing by the gate of Shiren University, Xiao Yang also successfully found the pilot space-time club.

"Hello, I'm here to apply."

A middle-aged man sitting on the sofa in casual clothes with a remote control in his hand. And the game of Sizhou on TV on the wall is also fixed in a forest.

The middle-aged man stood up and said, "Please sit down!" I'm the manager of Navigation Time and Space, and my name is Zhao Qingwei! Here is a form, please fill it out first!"

Zhao Qingwei left a place to support the central head shape. His thin hair is not as beautiful as a bald head. With his thick glasses, he is obviously an obscene uncle.

Xiao Yang sat on the chair and took the form. He filled in his own information on the form with his right finger.

Due to the development of science and technology, the large-scale use of electronic products has replaced most of the original ecological products. The form received by Xiao Yang is not made of paper, but an LCD form, but the thickness is the same as paper. You can use your finger as a pen and enter information on it.

Zhao Qingwei held the form written by Xiao Yang in his hand, sat on the office chair opposite Xiao Yang, and carefully looked at the form in his hand.

Xiao Yang is like sitting on pins and needles. I don't know what her fate is for this interview and whether she can apply for a job smoothly.

Zhao Qingwei looked at the resume of the young man who came to apply:

Name: Xiao Yang

Gender: Male

Age: sixteen

Height: 185cm


Culture level: primary school


Phone number: 45296345236

"45296345236 This is your all-in-one number!"


"The all-in-one number of us is very close, and mine is 45296345536"

5536? Manager Zhao, please wait a moment. I'll store your number on Quanxin!" Xiao Yang immediately took out all-in-a-know, wrote down the phone call of Manager Zhao, and borrowed it to set up the relationship.

Zhao Qingwei waved his hand to Xiao Yang and said, "I'm just talking." He regretted that he didn't want Xiao Yang to write down his phone number.

While he asked, he was also looking at Xiao Yang. He was an ordinary person. His eyes were indeed bright, but his physique was thin and seemed to be a little malnourished. He didn't look like practicing physical skills for ten years. And the cultural level is actually a primary school, which is too low. The club is close to Shiren University. Usually, most of its customers are college students. At least, they have to have a high school culture.

"Didn't you go to high school?"

"No." Xiao Yang answered very simply.

Zhao Qingwei's glasses flashed a light, and he said to Xiao Yang with a smile on his face, "That's really sorry. You know that our club is close to Shiren University. Your academic qualifications do not meet our requirements. I'm very sorry."

Xiao Yang argued: "Your recruitment revelation does not say that you must have a high school education level!"

Zhao Qingwei didn't say anything, but still shook his head, showing a professional smile, which was even more obscene. Excuse me, do you need a male servant you are recruiting here? The more Xiaoyang looks at this obscene uncle named Zhao Qingwei, the more unpleasant it is. Primary school culture does not allow him to find a job?


Zhao Qingwei stood up, shook hands with Xiao Yang, and said apologetically, "I'm really sorry!"

After failing the interview again, Xiao Yang couldn't help sighing that his primary school culture was too low.

And Xiao Yang has been an orphan since he was a child. He grew up in an orphanage. Two years ago, when Dr. Yuan Shi died, Xiao Yang left Yuan Shi's orphanage, which was funded by Dr. Yuan Shi. At that time, he was 14 years old and had just graduated from primary school. Naturally, he couldn't afford to go to junior high school without money, so he began his wandering career.

And he hated Yuan Shi's son, a guy named Yuan Feiren, who did not allocate funds to the orphanage after Dr. Yuan Shi's death, or the orphanage would not have closed down, and he would not have lived on the street and gone to school.

Although the diploma is not so important now, Xiao Yang's primary school culture is indeed too low.

Now that the federal people are able to practice martial arts, the number of people going to college has been much less, and the tuition fees are expensive. Ordinary people spend money on practicing martial arts, and there is no extra money to go to college. What's more, as long as you have a high level of ability, your salary will naturally rise, which is clearly stipulated in the federal constitution.


Xiao Yang felt the all-in-a-kind vibration in his pocket. The all-in-kind screen showed that the phone number was a strange number, not an acquaintance in Xiaoyang's contact book.

Xiao Yang, who had just failed the interview, did not carefully see the all-in-round number displayed on the screen, but directly pressed the call button and picked it up.

"Hello! Can I find that one, please?" Hello? Hello?" Xiao Yang didn't hear anything from the receiver.

After waiting for a few seconds, Xiao Yang did not hear any sound at the other end of the phone, so he said impatiently, "If you don't introduce the product, I will hang up." Xiao Yang thought that this telephone promotion product can't help sighing that big cities are really prosperous. Even this kind of phone call to promote products does not cherish time, and the one-minute call fee is three points.

"Hello..., I'm looking for... I'm looking for Dr. Yuan Shi..." A middle-aged man's deep voice sounded a little stattering. It was not the kind of stutter. It seemed that he was incoherent because he was overexcited.

"Neuropath!" Xiao Yang hung up the phone directly.

"It's really unlucky. You should take a shower as soon as you get home." Xiao Yang thought that it was the bad luck brought to him by the failure of the interview, and someone actually asked Dr. Yuan Shi.

Maybe there are many people named Yuan Shi in the whole federation, but there is only one person who dares to be called a doctor, that is, Dr. Yuan Shi, the national idol "Invention of the World". Who in the whole Federation doesn't know that Dr. Yuan Shi fell on the podium of the opening ceremony of Shiren University two years ago due to a heart attack!

The person on the phone actually found a dead man! Why didn't Xiao Yang say he was "nergic!"

It can be said that without Dr. Yuan Shi, there would be no such advanced skills. The life expectancy of the whole federal residents has reached 260 years. Without Dr. Yuan Shi, it is impossible to explore other galaxies very smoothly. Dr. Yuan Shi has only passed 173 years, and the doctor is still too young, but he is such a scientific giant who left everyone like this.

Dr. Yuan Shi is not only the idol of the people of the whole Federation, but also Xiao Ming's idol and his most respected person. Without the help of Dr. Yuan Shi's foundation, he would not have been an orphan today. I guess he would have died on the street when he was young.

Hangling up the phone, Xiao Yang looked at the omnisical display again, the phone number displayed, and read "45296345236"

Xiao Yangzi looked at this number carefully, "Huh? Isn't this my own omnisic number? How is this possible?"

He can't believe it's true. Everyone in the Federation knows that all-in-one has a unique all-in-one number, and it is impossible for two people to have an all-in-in-one number at the same time.

Looking at this number again, Xiao Yang confirmed that this all-in-the-all number was his own, and the other party also asked Dr. Yuan Shi. This is so weird! Xiao Yang encountered all the impossible things. Is it the bad luck brought to him by the obscene uncle?

"Do you see the hell?" Thinking of this, Xiao Yang felt a cool breeze on his back!

At this moment, the all-in-one sounded again, and the screen said "45296345236" and his own number. Do you answer it or not? Xiao Yang was a little hesitant. It was just a phone call. There was nothing terrible!

"Hey! Hello, I'm Dr. Yuan Shi from 3141! Excuse me, who are you? Did you live that year?

"E..." Xiao Yang was stunned.

What are you kidding and say that you are Dr. Yuan Shi of 3141 15 years ago? How is this possible?

Xiao Yang said happily, "The universe is very dangerous. You'd better go back to Mars!" It's 3156, and Dr. Yuan Shi died two years ago.

There was no sound for several seconds, "Hey, talk!" Xiao Yang finished speaking, but the other party had no sound.

"Dudu..." There was a busy sound at the other end of the phone, and the other party had hung up the phone.


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