Fruit Empire


The isolated forest, once a no man's land, contains countless rare animals, and is a natural skill fruit material library. The delocal island in the center of the delocal forest is S-class. The forest has been transformed into different safety levels of A, C, D and E from the inside and outside, and the weakest creatures on the delocal forest are also equivalent to the elite level of human beings.

The blue-blooded rabbit needed by Xiao Yang is in the D and E areas on the edge, so it is still safer.

In the morning, there are no clouds and the air is fresh.

Xiao Yang practiced for another hour in the morning and felt that there was less fruit in his body. Xiao Yang has been tested, and now he is in the early stage of a famous capable person, with a fruit energy of about 7,000 in his body. Now he can practice for an hour and increase his fruit energy by about 5 points. And with the help of advanced skills of enlightenment, this can only increase by 5 points in an hour. If it's an ordinary skill, it's good to have one point.

The fruit of people at the beginning of the reputation is about 100,000. If you follow the speed of his current practice, don't eat or drink every day, and practice 24 hours, it will take about two years to achieve it. If you reach the middle and high level of famous people, you will definitely have less fruit of growth every hour.

"It seems that the energy solution should be configured as soon as possible." Since Xiao Yang knows the formula of energy nutrient solution, it is a way to quickly improve his strength, and he has figured out all the materials.

The tail of the blue-blooded rabbit must be used within an hour, so Xiao Yang is determined to go to the outlying forest. In the outlying forest, there are also star begonia and marrow washing flowers. It can be said that the cultivation of energy solution is the only lacks mahai stone in the outlying forest, but Mahai stone is also the most common and cheapest thing in several materials. . So he just needs to buy some mahai stones and take them with D-level energy fruits to the outlying forest.

The only thing he is worried about is the orange that is still sleeping on the ancient coin. He can't put it at home, but it's a little inconvenient to take it with him.

"The little guy should wake up soon." Looking at the ancient coins, which have completely turned into a transparent color, there are only the clearly visible, simple and mysterious patterns left on it.

Xiao Yang has made up his mind to go to the forest. It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day. Start to act immediately, buy the energy fruit of Mahai Shihe, and then buy more daily necessities and food. Go to the isolated forest, but I don't know when I will come back.


"Xiao Yang, I'm Xin'er. What are you doing? It seems that I didn't see you come to school this morning? Xiao Yang was packing his backpack, but he received a phone call from Xu Xiner.

Xiao Yang packed his clothes and said, "I had something to do in the morning, so I didn't go."

"What can I do for you?" Xu Xiner said quietly at the other end of the phone.

"Thank you, it's done now." Xiao Yang was wondering if he should tell Xu Xiner about going to the forest.

"Oh! Will you come to class tomorrow?

"I won't go to class tomorrow."


Xiao Yang put down his things in his hand and sat in ** and said, "I'm going to go to the outlying forest. There are a lot of materials on the e-paper you gave me yesterday in the outlying forest, and I also want to go out to experience it."

When Xu Xiner heard the news, she couldn't help saying sadly, "Then when will you come back?"

"If it's fast, it will be one month. If it's slow, it's estimated that two months will come back. I will definitely come back before winter comes. Xiao Yang doesn't want to spend the winter in the isolated forest.

"Oh" Xu Xiner knew that Xiao Yang would not go for too long, so she was relieved and asked with concern, "But be more careful!" When are you going to leave?"

"I will leave in the afternoon. At 4 p.m., there happens to be a high-speed train going to the outlying forest."

Xu Xiner looked at the following table, and now it was past 1 p.m. and hurriedly said, "Then I'll see you off. Let's meet at the railway station. Bye"

Xiao Yang didn't have time to say, "No", but Xu Xiner had hung up the phone.

Put everything into the space fruit. Xiao Yang looked at the orange that was still sleeping, shook his head helplessly, and put it together with it in a well-prepared breathable bag.

I came to the door of Shang Zhi's house, but found that the boy was not at home. I can't help calling him.

"What, are you going to the departure forest? When will you leave? Shang Zhi was very surprised to hear that Xiao Yang was going to leave the forest. He said to himself, why did Xiao Yang suddenly want to go to the departure forest? Is it possible to avoid Xu Xiner and have no choice but to be forced away? They are all my brothers. No one will help you in class in the future.

"The car at 4 p.m."

"Oi, see you at the station. I'll see you off." Shang Zhi hurriedly let go of his sister, said apologe and ran away. Xiao Yang has helped him a lot these days, so Xiao Yang went to the forest, but he had to send it away.

Xiao Yang came to the street, and he planned to spend a lot of money and get on the bus.

"Are you going to leave the forest?" Xiao Yang received a phone call from Chu Hanhuang very unexpectedly.

"How do you know?" Xiao Yang was very strange, thinking that he did not tell Chu Hanhuang how he knew that he was going to leave the forest.

Chu Han said proudly, "Then don't worry about it. I'll see you off later."

Shit, I guess this boy pressed the eavesdropper and monitor in my house, or I don't know my movements. At this moment, Xiao Yang's back is a little cool. Chu Hanhuang will not know about the secrets of enlightenment, will he? You have to ask carefully later.

"I didn't expect you to arrive so soon." After arriving at the station, Xiao Yang was very surprised. Xu Xiner had already arrived and thought that her speed was fast enough. How long did the phone hang up?

Xu Xiner said proudly, "Of course. Don't look who Miss Ben is."

"This is for you. There are food, clothing and use in it." Xu Xiner took out a space fruit in the shape of a grape.

Xiao Yang did not answer, "Thank you! I can't take this. I'm already very happy if you can come and see me off.

Shang Zhi shouted in a loud voice, "No? Don't do it for nothing." He took the space fruit in Xu Xiner's hand and handed it over to Xiao Yang, together with his own preparation of a lychee-like space fruit.

Xu Xiner also did not resist, so Shang Zhi took away the fruit of the space in her hand.

After several excuses, Xiao Yang insisted on refusing to accept the space fruits of the two. But it couldn't resist the soft and hard bubbles of the two, and finally put them away.

"Xiao Yang, do you know that person?" Shang Zhi just wants a man with eyes not far away.

Xiao Yang looked in the direction pointed by Shang Zhi. It turned out that the man was Chu Hanhuang, and Chu Hanhuang also seemed to find Xiao Yang looking at him and beckoned Xiao Yang to go there.

"How do you know that I'm going to leave the forest?" Xiao Yang came to Chu Hanhuang and took the lead in asking this question: "Is it in my house? Have you installed a bug?"

Chu Han said proudly, "You have watched too many movies! In fact, I monitored your omnispery. After saying that, he took out a brick-sized black box from his pocket, "You take this."

Xiao Yang took the brick and found that it was omnisical and asked, "What are you doing for me?"

Chu Hanhuang pushed the glasses on his nose and said, "You boy really don't know the goods. There is no signal in the forest. Your omnissen is definitely not available. This is directly through the satellite and can also be used in the isolated forest. Call me if you have any trouble, buddy to save you.


Xiao Yang said goodbye to the three and stepped on the car to the isolated forest.