Fruit Empire

[041] Join

When Xiao Yang skinned the snake just now, Wang Xinling hurriedly discussed with the other three people whether the following plan still needs to be carried out.

Zhang Han took the lead and said, "Of course, continue. Although Jody is injured now, with the strength of the four of us, we should succeed in using the fruit of the prison."

"But don't forget that now Jody doesn't know how to move at all and can't follow us to continue to follow the plan, and we have to leave someone to take care of Jody, so that our strength will be greatly reduced. It's difficult to kill those two crocodiles alive. Don't forget that the scale crocodile is famous for its high defense, and it is still a two-headed variant. The defense should not be underestimated, and only Jody's weapon among us is useful for the scale crocodile. Thiago analyzed for everyone.

While taking care of Jody, Tina wiped his sweat and said, "I'll stay and take care of Brother Jody. I just used tomato fruit and consumed most of the fruit energy in my body. It won't help much if I go there. On the contrary, it will involve Sister Ling and your brother."

"Ye! Tina stayed in charge of Jody. Wang Xinling also has this intention.

"Tiago is right, so my plan is to let the person who just helped us kill the python join us so that we can complete the task. Otherwise, wouldn't it have failed Mr. Bai to tell us the news of the double-headed scale crocodile one day in advance? Wang Xinling said.

"I really mean it." Zhang Han is actually satisfied with the strength shown by Xiao Yang. This man is only above the strength of him and Thiago, not below them.

"I agree, too." Thiago also agreed with Wang Xinling's decision, "But will that person agree to join us? And he can't be allowed to help us for free. He must give him some benefits, not to mention that the double-headed scaly crocodile is a C-level mutant beast.

"This is difficult to do! So I just told him that we only need the snake skin and head of the python. Give him the snake's heart and gallbladder, so that he won't open his mouth. Wang Xinling believes that as long as there are enough touching conditions, Xiao Yang will certainly not refuse to agree to join their team.

"Ye." The other three still agree with Wang Xinling's decision.

"The man came over. Since he has decided to join, you two should talk to him and see what he means. After all, it's easy to communicate between you men." Wang Xinling was also very surprised to see the snake skin and snake head in Xiao Yang's hand. She didn't expect Xiao Yang to peel off the snake skin so quickly.

"Ye" Zhang Han and Tiago nodded together.


"I have peeled the snake skin for you, and this is the snake head."

"Thank you very much." Wang Xinling said very politely. At the same time, she looked carefully at the peeled snake skin. There was no tear, and there was no extra snake meat. She couldn't help looking at Xiao Yang with new eyes.

This behavior of the woman in red all fell into the eyes of Xiao Yang, and couldn't help but believe that his analysis with the big yellow just now was indeed not wrong at all. He was indeed observing him.

At this moment, Xiao Yang and Dahuang have discussed. If the other party puts forward a proposal to let him join the team, they will accept it.

Rhubarb's guess that since the other party's actions are secretive, their goal is definitely not vulgar. This time, Xiao Yang came to the isolated forest to find the materials needed for the nutrient solution, and also to collect some materials. Although the outlying forest is dangerous and dangerous, it has to be said that this is a good place to exercise people.

There is no harm in joining them. If the other party really has evil intentions, Xiao Yang may not say that he can defeat them, but it is not difficult to escape and protect himself, so Xiao Yang is not afraid.

And rhubarb's plan is not to show itself, so that the other party does not know the existence of rhubarb. If an accident really happens, it will appear at that time, so that rhubarb is also a strange soldier.

"It seems that your friend is all right."

When Xiao Yang came to these people again, he was surprised to find that the comatose man just now had woken up, and his face was no longer purple and black, and he had returned to the appearance of ordinary people, but his face was paler. Obviously, it was caused by too much blood loss, but he was still a little confused, but in general But it's much better than the situation just now, and my life is saved.

"Thank you very much for your help. If you save him later, he will be in danger. Zhang Han took out a pack of cigarettes and said, "Brother, do you smoke?"

"Thank you, I won't." Xiao Yang only drinks, but doesn't like smoking. He believes that smoking is a chronic suicide.

"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Zhang Han!" Zhang Han lit a cigarette and smoked it himself.

"My name is Thiago, and that's my sister Tina. Thank you so much just now." Thiago, Zhang Han and Xiao Yang chatted.

Xiao Yang also felt the enthusiasm of Zhang Han and Tiago for him. It would be better if those two beauties came to talk to him.

"Actually, the five of us came to the outlying forest to catch a cub of a two-headed scaly crocodile." Zhang Han took the lead.

"Then why did you fight with this python?" Xiao Yang wanted to finally come to the point.

"We didn't mean it. But Jody saw that there was snake gallbladder in the python's nest. Jody was the one who was injured. Zhang Han pointed to Jody leaning against the tree and continued, "At that time, the python was no longer in the nest, or how could he see snake eggs. He was ready to go up to the tree and steal it down. Unexpectedly, he just got the snake gallbladder. Unexpectedly, the python suddenly fell from the sky and appeared from nowhere. As a result, he became what he looked like just now.

"Oh!" Xiao Yang nodded, which was similar to the analysis just now.

Tiago continued: "The news of the double-headed crocodile is actually the news from the teacher of Xinghan College. The teacher has a good relationship with us, so he told us the news one day in advance, so we are on our way in the dark and want to catch it before other students."

Xiao Yang still nodded. This statement seems to be explained. In this way, the pair of scale crocodiles must be very important to them, otherwise they would not care so much.

After Wang Xinling saw Zhang Han and Tiago finished talking, Xiao Yang just nodded, but did not express any opinion. She couldn't help but be a little anxious. It was now more than two o'clock in the morning, but there was not much time left. What's more, Mr. Bai told her that he could only guarantee that his team would be the first to know the news in the college, but But there is no guarantee that the unexpected person in the college will know.

"You can also see that Jody, not to mention fighting, he doesn't even have the strength to stand up now. So in fact, we want to invite you to join our team and help us complete this task. Zhang Han said directly.

"We will give you a generous reward, but the double-headed crocodile caught must belong to us." Thiago added.

"They didn't lie and promised them directly." The words of rhubarb sounded in Xiao Yang's psychology.

"Okay, no problem. I will join you."

"Wow!" Zhang Han and the four of them all got angry. They didn't expect the other party to agree so happily.