Fruit Empire

[047]Fisherman's Profit

"Hey, boss, can you hear me?" I don't know when the walkie-talkie has returned to normal.

Monta and Yuan Lingxuan entered the chariot at this moment. His main task is to be responsible for the safety of his employer Yuan Lingxuan.

"How's it going, strong man? Have you caught the double-headed scaly crocodile? Monta recognized that it was the voice of a fierce man and hurriedly asked about the situation ahead. Since the two of them are in the chariot, they can't see the situation outside.

"I caught it, but ran away again. Now the monster and the monster have caught up again. What should we do now, boss? I didn't expect that the three beast hunters didn't trap it. The fierce man's voice was obviously a little subdued. He couldn't believe that the beast weapon made of aggregated steel could not trap a cub's scale crocodile, which was simply appalling.

"You three withdraw first!"


Yuan Lingxuan frowned: "Captain Monta, the situation doesn't seem to be very optimistic? I guess many people know this news now, so your people had better catch the double-headed crocodile quickly.

"Miss Yuan, you don't have to worry. You have to believe in the strength of our Tianhao team."

With no reminder from Yuan Lingxuan, Monta certainly knows that a C-level double-headed scaly crocodile appears in the D-level area of the delocal forest, and this news will certainly spread soon.

The pet fruit made from the heart* of the mutant two-headed Warcraft has a certain chance to improve the strength of the first level, that is to say, the ordinary C-level scale crocodile * becomes the pet fruit, and the level is C-level fruit. If the level of the refiner is not good, even D. And the two-headed scale crocodile in front of you, if * becomes a pet fruit, then even if it is a low-level fruit refiner, the lowest fruit is C-level, and the slightly higher-level fruit refiner is likely to be B-level pet fruit, and there is even hope to reach A-level. The key is the strength of the refiner.

Another reason is that these two-headed scaly crocodiles appear in the D-level area of the outly forest, where the biological generals are around C and D levels. Unlike B-level organisms that appear in the C-level area, the relative risk is also much lower.

"Headshot, fast, how's the situation over there? Haven't those three scale crocodiles been solved yet? Monta is preparing another plan at this moment.

" boss, this beast's defense is too strong, and the frozen gun doesn't work at all." The headshot said anxiously.

"Then don't kill them, get rid of them, and you guys come back."



Xiao Yang looked at another 500,000 yuan in the bank, and his heart was about to smile. I didn't expect that in just half a month, I have more than 2 million yuan, and we are also a million-yuan household.

"Mr. Xiao, what are you going to do next?" Wang Xinling still appreciated Xiao Yang's performance along the way, and did not retreat at all in the face of danger, which made her more willing to win over. According to the strength of her family, it is not difficult to find a few masters to join the team, but what is lacking is people who can share difficulties and are not afraid of danger.

Xiao Yang lowered his head and thought for a moment: "I still want to see that double-headed scaly crocodile. I think it's a pity for you to give up like this."

"Brother, I advise you not to go." Zhang Han saw Xiao Yang's resolute face, but he still hoped to dissuade Xiao Yang and dispel this idea.

"Yes! Brother Xiao, you'd better not go. Just now, Han and I saw not only two-headed scale crocodiles, but also three adult scale crocodiles. The most terrible thing is that the three adult scale crocodiles are not afraid of freezing and all break out of the ice, and the two-headed ones can also emit a special sound wave to interfere with the call of the walkie-talkie. Thiago told Xiao Yang everything he and Zhang Han had just seen, and also hoped to dispel Xiao Yang's idea of going.

Although Zhang Han and Tiago also agree with Xiao Yang's idea and also want to see it, they know that they are likely to die for a beast.

At the same time, the two are also very optimistic about Xiao Yang and think that Xiao Yang is brave and resourceful. This coincides with Wang Xinling's ideas. If Xiao Yang can join their team, the strength of the team will immediately improve a lot.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I'm still going to have a look. What's more, I came to the forest to take risks. When Xiao Yang heard the words of the two of them, he felt their inner sincerity and was very moved. They only know each other for less than a day, and it is quite rare for them to be so sincere to persuade each other.

In addition, Rhubarb said that he is fully sure to catch the double-headed scale crocodile. Xiao Yang is a fool if he doesn't go. That's 100 million, not a small number. At the same time, he was also very happy that these people had no intention of going together.

Farewell to Wang Xinling, Zhang Han and Thiago, Xiao Yang continued to move forward alone and fought for 100 million.

Xiao Yang asked for Zhang Han's telescope before leaving. At this moment, he found that there was neither a beast on the side of the cave. He asked Dahuang, "How can we get there? Do we still go to that cave?" And what your plan is, you have to tell me."

Just now, he has been with Wang Xinling, but Xiao Yang didn't have time to ask Rhubarb how to catch the double-headed scale crocodile.

"Have you seen the thickest tree in front of you? Climb up and hurry up!" Da Huang looked at Xiao Yang and did not act immediately and said anxiously, "Hurry up. The two-headed crocodiles will come over in a moment. If you don't climb up, don't blame me if you can't catch it."

Xiao Yang rubbed his feet a little and went up the tree.

"If you do what I say, you will definitely catch him. Remember to do what I say." Dahuang said very solemnly.

"Don't worry."

Xiao Yang was also very cautious. He heard that rhubarb's words were extremely solemn, not in an ordinary semi-joking tone.

"Now take out the banana fruit and try to make it as long as possible. It's better to reach the ground, preferably like a rope."

"No problem."

In an instant, the banana in Xiao Yang's hand turned into a yellow finger-like rope and reached to the ground. Although Xiao Yang is 156 meters away from the ground on the tree now, it is not difficult for him to beat him.

"Then what?"

"In a while, the two-headed scaly crocodile will climb up, and you will drag it up."

Xiao Yang was a little suspicious: "Really, how could it climb up?"

"Don't talk nonsense, just do as I say."

"So... what should I do after dragging it up?" Xiao Yang can only believe the words of rhubarb now, because he has heard a banging sound in the tree at this moment. It should be that the two scaly crocodiles are coming.

"Then you take out the green medal and it will go in by itself."

"..." Xiao Yang had nothing to say, and all this was a little beyond his similar.


Xiao Yang's eyes are really hard to believe at this moment. The two-headed scale crocodiles came under the big tree of Xiao Yang and climbed up along the banana mimic rope as the rhubarb said.

"What are you doing stupidly? Hurry up!"
