Fruit Empire

[060]Spring in the pool

The scenery in the northernmost part of the outlying forest is quite beautiful, and there are no large beasts, which is quite a good tourist attraction. Continue not far to the north, and further north is the coastline. Moreover, there are quite a few places with excellent scenery on the coast of Beiyu City. If you can go boating and blow the sea breeze, it will be quite a good life.

Yuan Lingxuan sticks to him all the way like gum candy. It is impossible for him to know that there is an ambush in Dongsen City and take Yuan Lingxuan, so they changed their destination to Beiyu City in the north of the outlying forest, and also hope that the power of those people will not be so great.

On the way, the two looked through a rift valley and threw down the three bodies and trackers. Despite this, they still encountered the pursuit of more than five waves of people. Fortunately, they all relied on the illusion of rhubarb, and Yuan Lingxuan did not harm anyone again.


Xiao Yang enjoyed Yuan Lingxuan's craftsmanship. Xiao Yang was quite satisfied with the taste of this barbecue. He wiped the oil stains on his mouth and said to Yuan Lingxuan, "I'm going to take a bath in the stream over there. You stay here and wait for me!" His left shoulder injury is unharmed and he can move normally, but he still can't work too hard. Shortly after camping here, Xiaoyang and Yuan Lingxuan found a clear stream, so they still wanted to take a shower and clean up the blood and dirt that had been injured before.

Although Yuan Lingxuan also felt itchy, she could not object to Xiao Yang's words and agreed loudly in the most firm tone.

"Da Huang, stay with her." Xiao Yang is still very worried that Yuan Lingxuan, a stupid girl, will stay alone. Although she will not recognize her true face, she still needs to be more careful. Although Yuan Lingxuan's current appearance is not ugly, she can only be said to be ugly compared with her beautiful face before.


Unconsciously, Xiao Yang's temperament has changed dramatically. If Shang Zhi saw him at this moment, he would definitely exclaim: "Why has Xiao Yang become so silent now? A poker face is like everyone owes you money."

A person's mentality will change with the change of strength, experience and age. Although he is still a fruit seller, he began to practice "Enlightenment". With the bright pet of rhubarb, he has taught him a lot of things. For example, the slow eye also helped him collect Xiaoshuang's family of four, all scale crocodiles. At the same time, his savings have reached 2 million, and the most important thing is He killed people, and all three of them were honorable people, and one of them was killed by him in the case of serious injury.

Xiao Yang unconsciously has an awareness, an awareness of life and death. But he is still entangled. Although his strength is good now, most of them are still under the guidance of Dahuang. He must become stronger and be able to fight independently.

Xiao Yang casually threw his clothes on a stone and his whole body sank into the stream. After holding his breath and swimming underwater for a few minutes, Xiao Yang came out of the stream, wiped his face, and began to think about some messy things.

In the final analysis, he is only a 16-year-old teenager. Although he is now excellent and excellent among his peers, Xiao Yang has not experienced the ruthless baptism of real years, and there is still a long way to mature.

This seemingly strong teenager is actually eager to have an elder to guide him what to do. Although Dahuang will also teach him something, it's a pity that he doesn't know a lot of experience, so he can't enter the candidate of his instructor. Maybe he can find a teacher and senior to learn art when he returns to Shirencheng.

The stream is quite deep. When Xiao Yang did not deliberately stabilize himself, the stream slowly drifted downstream. After a sharp turn, the scenery in front of him was cheerful, and Xiao Yang was actually washed into a small pool by the stream. This small pool was formed because of the low-lying terrain and the stream slowed down here. The pool looks extremely clear, and there are countless feet of big fish swimming around. The pebbles at the bottom of the water are colorful, reflecting the pool water.

"Oh! Why didn't you find this place just now? It's much more comfortable than upstream!"

Xiao Yang straightened his waist comfortably and was about to go against the current to find the place where he put his clothes. Suddenly, he heard a light footsteps on the shore. He was shocked and subconsciously hid behind a big stone in the pool and quietly poked his head out to observe. Soon a tall woman in white appeared in front of her.

"It's Yuan Lingxuan. What is she doing here? Didn't you let her wait in the tent?"

"It won't be..." Xiao Yang thought of a possibility strangely, but obviously, he guessed it.

Yuan Lingxuan looked left and right and fell off her armor on the shore. Without spinning, a flawless ** beauty slipped down the pool. The crisp sound of water is enough to make Xiao Yang understand that the beauty is bathing her delicate body, not to mention that his eyes are also solid.

"I didn't expect this stupid girl to have such a good figure." Although Yuan Lingxuan is still a girl, she has the unique plumpity of mature women. Years of exercise kept her perfect curve, and every minute of muscle was just right. With the smooth crystal skin like milk, it loomed in the clear stream, and the ** force emitted the strongest power.

What's more, this is also a blessing for Yuan Lingxuan's own eyes. Xiao Yang doesn't look at it for nothing. Although it was far away and not as enjoyable as looking close, Xiao Yang still looked at the spring breeze and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"I know I'm taking a shower, but you're still coming. How can I not have this door-to-door food? Wow... that small waist, full*, oh! What else did I see... gentle valley, or the cracks in heaven? Unexpectedly, he raised his buttocks to my side. Is it to show that the scenery here is better and the touch is compact... It's really exciting.

Yuan Lingxuan is focusing on her clean jade body. As a young lady, she loves cleanliness very much. When she came out of Dongsen City, she went directly to catch the two-headed scale crocodile, and then was caught. Then she fled for more than ten days with Xiao Yang. She had long felt that her body was really dirty.

When Xiao Yang said she was going to take a shower, she had made up her mind to secretly come to the downstream stream to take a bath. As long as she washed faster, and then went back as soon as possible, so that she would not be found by Xiao Yang. When she came to the downstream, she unexpectedly found the pond, and her contact with rhubarb these days made her buy rhubarb to help stand guard.

Her ten slender fingers rubbed every inch of skin on her delicate body and refused to bring a little dirt. Even the most secret parts had to be cleaned. These actions were cheap for Xiao Yang, who was peeping.

"Stupid girl, let me tell you a secret, do you listen?" Dahuang showed a devil's smile. He had already found Xiao Yang hiding behind the stone, but did not remind Yuan Lingxuan.

"I've said it many times. Don't always call me stupid." Yuan Lingxuan said to me that she was so smart. Why did a generation's proud daughter become a stupid girl in front of Xiao Yang and Dahuang? What's the secret? Tell me."

Da Huang deliberately lengthen his voice and said, "It's inferior... he..."

Yuan Lingxuan has been with Xiao Yang for so many days, and naturally she also knows that Dahuang's nickname for him is 'depressing'. "What's wrong with him? Say it quickly!"


Xiao Yang saw rhubarb and Yuan Lingxuan talking. Because he was underwater because of the distance, he did not hear what they were talking about, but he faintly felt that he was going to be bad, so he abruptly turned his eyes and quickly downstream.

However, just at this moment, Yuan Lingxuan suddenly released a bright light, and then shouted shyly and angrily, "Come out quickly, you're inferior." But it was the first time she called Xiao Yang 'depressed'.

It's a fool to hide it again at this time, but this embarrassing occasion can't be explained at all. Yuan Lingxuan will not forgive such a shameful behavior because Xiao Yang came first and she came later. However, in Yuan Lingxuan's hot eyes, Xiao Yang saw anger, joy, shyness... many meanings, very complicated.

"Are you the one who did it?" Xiao Yang said to Dahuang in his heart.

"Thank you! Did you enjoy watching it just now? I'm also a dog man and woman! Seize the opportunity, don't miss the opportunity, and it won't come again.

Yuan Lingxuan felt that she was going crazy. When she heard the rhubarb say, 'He just hides behind the stone over there,' she was going crazy! Without thinking about it, I knew that Xiao Yang, who had hidden behind the stone and peeped at it, must have been all seen!

How can Yuan Lingxuan feel when she thinks that she is pure and has maintained her virgin body for decades and has taken advantage of this person for nothing? At this moment, Yuan Lingxuan shyly hid the beautiful * under the water and only dared to reveal her head.

"Didn't I just tell you to wait in the camp? Why did you come here and peek at me taking a shower!" Xiao Yang is the first villain to sue at this moment.

"High! It's really high." The voice of rhubarb's treacherous smile sounded in Xiao Yang's mind.

"I...I..." Hearing this, Yuan Lingxuan, as a daughter, really didn't know how to answer at this moment. He came to take a shower, but he told himself in advance. Is this exactly what I want?" Such an idea suddenly appeared in her head that made her blush.

Xiao Yang saw that Yuan Lingxuan did not have any radical performance: "In the face of the naked ** beauty, no one can grasp it. What I just did is already very gentlemanly. Anyway, in the wilderness, no one knows..."

No woman knows that she will go to the riverside to take a bath. Yuan Lingxuan is also a clean and self-contained woman. At this moment, Yuan Lingxuan actually imagined in her mind that Xiao Yang forcibly pressed herself into the stream and said with a ferocious smile, "Beauty! Let go of your throat! Let's see who will save you." His beautiful call for help like a nightingale made this shameless pervert* more excited.

Thinking of this, Yuan Lingxuan's pretty face couldn't help blushing

"Oh, it's terrible. What are you waiting for?" At this moment, the voice of rhubarb seemed to have magic, and Xiao Yang couldn't help swimming to Yuan Lingxuan.

When Yuan Lingxuan saw Xiao Yang swimming over, she couldn't help but soften her body and almost slip into the stream

Yuan Lingxuan exclaimed, and her whole body suddenly collapsed. When a woman is naked, she always feels particularly weak.

Originally, Xiao Yang thought that it would take some struggle to subdue this proud woman, but he didn't expect that as soon as he pressed him, Yuan Lingxuan's delicate body collapsed weakly and struggled as violently as he imagined.

This is the rhubarb trick, and the second reason is that Yuan Lingxuan's heart is full of spring. She has determined that no matter how hard she struggles, she can't escape Xiao Yang's ** and gives up resistance first.

If before, Xiao Yang could still maintain a certain amount of rationality, but he was entangled with Yuan Lingxuan underwater, grabbed the smooth arm with both hands, and his body pressed against the other party's full chest. The lower body and the other party's lower abdomen, and the thighs were in close contact. Both of them were naked **, and he could still sit still sit in peace. Ghost!

Xiao Yang was very strong, even powerful beyond Yuan Lingxuan's imagination, which deeply shocked Yuan Lingxuan. In front of him, she was like a powerless bird struggling and falling into the net. This feeling made the beautiful woman very frightened at first, but after being infected by Xiao Yang's masculinity, Yuan Lingxuan quietly rose a trace of pleasure of being conquered, and even she was a little eager to be pressed by Xiao Yang fiercely. Down.

There are many excellent boys in Shiren City who show their kindness to Yuan Lingxuan, especially Gate, and even want to marry her. But she doesn't care about them. In Yuan Lingxuan's view, only men who are stronger than themselves are qualified to join hands in marriage.

Pressing Yuan Lingxuan on the big stone she had just hid, Xiao Yang only felt that the beautiful and shy woman exhaled like an orchid. Her very close face and impeccable facial features made him unable to hold it and bit the small mouth of the cherry.

Yuan Lingxuan did not expect Xiao Yang to become so domineering. With a bang, she let out a * moan from her throat, her sucked lips spit out a fragrant smell, and her delicate skin quickly appeared pink.


After tasting the fragrance in Yuan Lingxuan's red lips, Xiao Yang did not move further. He patted the already confused beautiful and exquisite face and said loudly, "Listen to my explanation. I came here first..."


When Xiao Yang went into the water, he was also naked**, and there was not even a pair of shorts left on his body. He doesn't think that such an inaccessible place will be coveted, and as a man, he is not afraid of being peeked at. Yuan Lingxuan was also naked in order to clean her delicate body without any dirt. The two rubbed each other's skin like this. The ** part touched it intentionally or unintentionally, and gradually a fire rose.

A mass of burning, how cold water can't be extinguished*!

After a long time, the fluttering water in the pool calmed down, and the heavy breathing gradually stopped.