Fruit Empire

[062]spotted mantis

Xiao Yang returned to the camp and saw the gentle, elegant and generous Yuan Lingxuan. No matter how beautiful she was, she was beautiful and pleasing to the eyes. Maybe this is the relationship between Xi Shi in the eyes of lovers.

"Husband, hurry up and drink the lemonade I just made. It's delicious." Yuan Lingxuan's walking posture at this moment is still very strange, which is obviously a good thing Xiao Yang did.

Xiao Yang hurriedly took the cup and held Yuan Lingxuan, who was staggering: "Let me do these things. It's inconvenient for you to walk."

Yuan Lingxuan gently beat Xiao Yang's chest and said shyly, "It's not all yours, just so hard..."

"Okay, it's all my fault. I don't know who has been shouting, 'Give it to me, give it to me, I want it, I want it.'

Yuan Lingxuan turned her head, pouted and said angrily, "You are so bad. They won't talk to you."


This is, there was a roar in the distance, like an earthquake. Xiao Yang and Yuan Lingxuan could feel that the earth under their feet was trembling.

Yuan Lingxuan threw herself into Xiao Yang's arms: "Honey, I'm afraid."

Xiao Yang hugged Yuan Lingxuan, felt the plump figure of the beautiful woman in her arms, and patted her on the shoulder: "Don't be afraid, I have me." At the same time, he asked in his heart, "What is rhubarb?"

"The spotted mantis, a quasi-B-level monster."


The spotted mantis approached step by step, and the sound of shaking the ground made Zhong Hanliang's blood boil and extremely happy. Zhong Hanliang's eyes closely at the spotted mantis that had approached not far away, flashed a trace of fanaticism. His fighting spirit was burning. Every time every battle was imminent, he had a Uncontrollable excitement, as if the cells of the body are burning in the spirit of war...

His life has been spent in adventure since he was a child. He was five years old and became his adoptive father*. From then on, he began his military career with his adoptive father. As an adult, he also naturally joined the army. In the past 30 years, he has been to the whirlpool of death, and he has been to the ghostland that makes people schizophrenic. , the antimatter fountain formed during the Big Bang...

What Zhong Hanliang is most proud of is that he has fought with all kinds of strange beasts on countless strange planets. His blood flows with risky factors and believes in the law of the jungle of violence.

The adventure life of nine deaths made him outstanding. He was already the youngest colonel in the army, and with his unique fruit refining skills, he successfully became a federal fruit refiner. His career surpassed his deceased adoptive father and chased Katina, who was known as the "flower of the army". Three years ago, the two also It's not as smooth as the palace of marriage...

However, at the most glorious time of his life, his beloved wife Katina suddenly got a strange disease and slowly aged, and the fruit energy in her body was also rapidly losing. Zhong Hanliang showed that he accompanied his beloved wife to all the federal hospitals, but it did not improve at all. All doctors said that many patients like his wife now have no choice but to delay aging and let patients live three or five years more.

Looking at his wife's aging day by day, his life was on the verge of drying up. His heart was broken. He did not believe that medicine is so developed now that there is still an incurable disease.

Until he heard that there was a small church in Beiyu City - the Dark Day Club, and he saw the flame of hope again. Under the treatment of an elder of the Dark Day Club, his beloved wife's condition improved slightly, she no longer continued to age, and he also stopped releasing it.

The elder told him that if he wants to completely heal his beloved wife, he must make some contributions to the dark day. When the contribution value reaches 10,000 points, he can treat his beloved wife again. Everyone who joined the association had to follow this rule. If he did not have the status of a federal fruit refiner, the elder would not appear directly, regardless of his contribution to the church, he would directly stabilize his wife's condition.

Zhong Hanliang did not feel anything wrong about the contribution value. After all, there is no free lunch in the world, and this system is more superior in the military. The military rank represents their contribution to the Federation, and at the same time, it represents that they will receive a level of welfare.

He knows that his wife doesn't have much time, so he must quickly accumulate contribution value. According to the elder, there are two ways to get contribution value quickly, one is to hunt some advanced beasts, and the other is to provide some rare materials.

As a federal refiner, Zhong Hanliang naturally has a lot of rare materials, but because of his wife's treatment, he has sold a lot. Now there is less than one-tenth left. After all the contributions to the church, he found that the accumulated contribution value was not enough, so he had to hunt beasts alone.

Zhong Hanliang used his status as a colonel to get some information about monsters in the isolated forest in the army, and now he can cure his wife as long as he destroys this spotted mantis and brings it back to the church.

The whole spotted mantis looks like a fierce mantis that has expanded countless times. The stomach is section by section, and the exoskeleton seems to have evolved into sections, which can be retractable like an accordion.

The spotted mantis is oversized, about two meters wide and about five meters long. Compared with the tons of mutant creatures he met on some planets, the spotted mantis is even weak. The whole body of the spotted mantis is covered with a layer of exoskeletal armor, and six very developed exoskeleton limbs, which are also extremely gorgeous, but the color is much darker and extremely powerful.

There is a spherical pimple on the head of the spotted mantis. There are two prominent eyes on top of the pimple, which are shiny. From the long position, it can be seen that these two eyes can rotate almost 360 degrees. Compared with human beings, this kind of eyes are more perfect and practical.

In terms of power, he is not as good as a scale crocodile and a black-backed mantis, but it will have a unique skill. The eyes will emit a black light. After being shot, he will be dizzy for three seconds and unable to move, which can be said to be defenseless.

In addition, it has a unique trick. When a situation is in crisis, it will eject a yellow mucous from its mouth when the folded belly of an accordion suddenly squeezes, which seems to have a corrosive function. At the same time, coupled with his dizzying rays, it has greatly improved its level, so its strength should be quasi-B-level, or C-level peak monster.

Fortunately, the spotted mantis does not seem to spray this corroded sticky material easily, but it will cause great psychological pressure on Zhong Hanliang.