Fruit Empire


One night of treatment made Zhong Hanliang tired, but he had to go out and go to the dark meeting first to say hello to the elders. Then find someone to repair the wall of the villa and try to restore it to its original state.

Zhong Hanliang came out of the villa and was about to go to the sky car. He suddenly noticed some unusual movements behind him. With his many years of military experience and extremely high spiritual strength, he knew that someone was following him. Zhong Hanliang sneered secretly, and his spirit was suddenly refreshed. He put his fatigue behind him, deliberately turned around and turned to a secluded path. After walking for a while, he suddenly stopped and turned to a vague shadow not far away and said in a low voice, "Friend, come out. What do you mean by following me?"

The figure suddenly stopped. Zhong Hanliang smiled and took out his tomahawk in his right hand. When he was about to ask, the figure actually said, "Mr. Zhong, I'm Kyle of the dark meeting."

"Deacon Kyle?" Zhong Hanliang didn't know why Kyle's deacon would follow him so secretly.

Kyle in a white robe came out and said to Zhong Hanliang with a smile, "Mr. Zhong, don't be surprised. I didn't mean to follow him. I just told me that a wall in your house collapsed, and I was afraid that something would happen, so I rushed over. It happens that you go out."

Zhong Hanliang put away his tomahawk and replied, "It's not a big deal, but I accidentally did it when I practiced." Zhong Hanliang didn't seem to tell him that his wife had fully recovered.

"Oh!" Kyle nodded to understand, and there was no expression on his face. Obviously, he was quite dissatisfied with Zhong Hanliang's answer. I don't know if Mr. Zhong is free now. Can you come back to the dark meeting with me? The elder heard that you were back and was very much thinking about you.

Zhong Hanliang's impression of Kyle is average and he doesn't have much contact, but he feels that this person is quite punistic. It seems that Kyle will definitely not believe what he just said, but he doesn't need to explain anything.

"I'm also going to the dark day meeting. This time I went to the forest to kill a spotted mantis. I believe the contribution value should be enough..."

In Beiyu City, people in the dark meeting will not drive Tianneng cars, so Zhong Hanliang accompanied Kyle to walk to the east area of Beiyu City.

Soon Kyle was recognized by enthusiastic citizens on the road. They shouted Kyle's name, clapped desperately around the roadside, and their faces were full of excitement when they saw fans see the superstars.

After a while, the two came to the headquarters of the Eastern District.

The headquarters of the Dark Sun Club is full of ingenuity, covered with some octagonal pavilions, full of strange flowers and grass, and then looking at the pond next to it. The scenery is very elegant and beautiful.

Zhong Hanliang and Kyle slowly climbed along the bluestone steps. Soon they saw rows of maple trees. In the wind, after those beautiful red maples, there was a wide red walled tall building.

At this time, there was a long giant plaque on the high building, and three shining "dark sun" giant characters were shining in the autumn sun, emitting their invincible brilliance.

Yuan Xiaobing and Qi Jin accompanied everyone to step on the stone steps in front of the village. Four men in black standing at the door. Bow to the two of them

The elevator door opens...

Zhong Hanliang was very surprised. He didn't expect that the elder in a red robe would wait for him at the door of the elevator.

"How can you bother the elder to wait here in person? Mr. Zhong is rude."

"Mr. Zhong, you're welcome. Let's talk in the room." The elder is still kind.

Kyle knew that he didn't need himself now, so he said, "Mr. Zhong, I'm still busy. Say goodbye." Then he took the elevator down again.

"Is Mr. Zhong's trip to the forest going well? I don't know what level of monster I killed?"

"Kill a spotted mantis this time!" Zhong Hanliang saw that there was no open space in the room, so he gave up the idea of taking out the spotted mantis directly.

The elder also saw Zhong Hanliang's idea and said, "Mr. Zhong is not busy to take it out. It's okay to take out the spotted mantis when he arrives at the warehouse."

"I invite you to come mainly to discuss your wife's condition." The elder listened to Zhang's mother's report last night that the girl brought back by Zhong Hanliang could cure her illness. The elder felt bad, and the troublemaker came. If Zhong Hanliang's wife's condition was cured by the girl, he was afraid that his plan to officially enter the dark day meeting would be ruined. But it was late at night, and it was not convenient for him to visit, but he didn't expect that Katina's illness had been cured by Yuan Lingxuan.

"Thank you, Elder, for your care. My beloved wife has recovered. It only takes a few more days to recuperate, and Zhong will leave Beiyu City." Zhong Hanliang came to the dark meeting for two purposes. One was to tell the elder that his wife had recovered, and the other was to stay for a few more days and go back to the army. After all, it has been more than half a year since he asked for leave.

The kindness on the elder's face was briefly stiff, but he returned to normal for a moment and said happily, "Congratulations on Mrs. Zhong's recovery. In this way, it seems that I don't need to treat Mrs. Zhong anymore. I don't know if it was the master who cured Mrs. Zhong's illness. At this moment, the elder did not expect to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway, which would stir up good things. At the same time, he regretted that he directly treated Zhong Hanliang's wife at that time, and he would not have caused this problem. He said that Zhong Hanliang had already officially joined the dark day meeting.

Zhong Hanliang's face was embarrassed at this moment and said, "Thank you very much. It was two young people whom Zhong met by chance. They saved Zhong in the isolated forest. Unexpectedly, after returning to Beiyu City, they saved his beloved wife's life.

"Oh? I don't know if Mr. Zhong can introduce me to meet these two young talents? The elder must see the bad things and good things for the two little children, and they must not be easily let go.

"They live in my house now. If the elder is free, Zhong can recommend him at any time." Zhong Hanliang thought that the elders of the dark meeting wanted to see Xiao Yang and Yuan Lingxuan, and he was probably unwilling to be cured by his wife Katina's illness. He is still very able to understand this mood.

"I don't know what Mr. Zhong is thinking about the official invitation to join the dark meeting the day before yesterday?" At this moment, the elder still hopes that Zhong Hanliang can agree. As long as Zhong Hanliang enters that room, even if he is unwilling to resist, he is destined to be a person of the dark day. At that time, I can also leave the remote place of Beiyu City.

Zhong Hanliang knew that the elder would definitely ask about this matter, and recently he has learned a lot about the dark day meeting. At least it seems that the dark day will be very good, but there is only one question: "Big elder, when you put forward this proposal the day before yesterday, I asked what kind of organization the dark day is the dark day meeting. Can you tell me about the institutional nature of the federal*? You know that as a federal refiner, I can only join some charitable organizations and other for-profit organizations. The Federation strictly prohibits us from joining.

"Hey! That's all. Mr. Zhong must also know in your heart that the dark day will definitely not be a charitable organization. Otherwise, how can you be required to contribute to the dark day?" The elder can't talk about it anymore. It seems that he can only find an opportunity to deceive Zhong Hanliang into that room.