Fruit Empire

[087]The soldiers are divided into two ways

What surprised Jiang Chi and Kyle was not that Xiao Yang could solve the great white shark, but that Katina and Yuan Lingxuan beside him suddenly disappeared on the electronic screen.

Kyle looked at all the pictures carefully and didn't find Yuan Lingxuan and Katina. He said anxiously, "Dr. Jiang, is there something wrong with the monitoring facilities? Otherwise, how can the two living people disappear for no reason?"

"No! Did you pay attention to their conversation? Jiang Chi played the recording that Xiao Yang ordered rhubarb just now.

Kyle also listened carefully to their recording, and Xiao Yang's has always mentioned the word "rhubarb".

"Rhubarb?" Kyle looked at the video again and said strangely, "There are only three people on it. Who is the rhubarb?" After opening the elevator door, rhubarb has hidden himself with illusions.

Jiang Chi shook his head strangely and said, "There must be a third person present, and this person can be invisible and make others invisible. It should be the fruit of special skills. We just need to take good care of Zhong Hanliang. In another hour, Zhong Hanliang will become our person.

"I will go to the operating room now to see how Zhong Hanliang is doing and strengthen the defense there." Kyle didn't dare to take it lightly.

"Okay!" Jiang Chi has now ordered his secret synthetic beast, which is also the overlord in the ocean of one of his proud synthetic beasts - the killer whale.


Xiao Yang looked at the creature in front of him and suddenly remembered the introduction of the fish he had seen on TV: "The killer whale is a large toothed whale, with a length of 8-10 meters and a weight of about 9 tons. The back is black, and the abdomen is gray-white. It has a pointed dorsal fin. The dorsal fin is bent up to 1 meter long, the mouth is slender, and the teeth are sharp. Fierce temperament, carnivorous animals, good at attacking prey, are natural enemies of penguins, seals and other animals. Sometimes they also attack other whales, even great white sharks, which can be called sea overlords.

"Calm down!" Xiao Yang was reminding himself, and he almost shouted out at the same time: "Slow eyes!"

Obviously, Xiao Yang has grown up in battles. This kind of battle experience almost every time he passed by Death. Almost every time, Xiao Yang is making great progress.

With his current ability to slow down and deal with ordinary monsters, he doesn't need to launch with all his strength. But this time, it was unusual. This killer whale was really powerful. This killer whale made Xiao Yang feel that it was more powerful than Zhong Hanliang. The pressure on him by the killer whale was unprecedented, as if it was not a fish animal standing in front of him, but an outsider who looked down on all sentient beings. What chilled Xiao Yang the most was that he did not feel any blood on this killer whale at all!

In Xiao Yang's eyes, the golden pupils slowly flashed, as if the lights in the wind were bright and dark, as if they could be extinguished at any time. Finally, the golden pupils of the slow eye became clearer and clearer, but Xiao Yang fell into a pain.

The killer whale has layers of folds all over its body, and its skin is stacked. Even if there is any weakness, it is covered by this layer of rough skin, and no weakness can be found.

"How could this happen?" Xiao Yang was a little surprised.

After two laps, he found that the thing did not seem to pose any threat to him. The killer whale suddenly flew out of its claws. Layers of folded outer skin on its front claws were stacked and suddenly stretched. The claws were four or five meters deep, and they arrived in front of Xiao Yang in the blink of an eye. A weakness flashed in Xiao Yang's eyes. Unfortunately, before he could see clearly, he had to close his hands in front of him.

"Bang!" Xiao Yang's chest was stuffy. He staggered back two steps and loosened the cross seal in front of him. The killer whale's claws had retracted, and the slow eye failed again.

Xiao Yang had no choice but to carry the claw of the killer whale.

The killer whale was just a test. When it realized that Xiao Yang was not as terrible as it thought, the cunning fish and beast began to slowly approach. Xiao Yang subconsciously retreated. If it could not maintain a certain safe distance from this powerful fish beast, its flexible front paws would be very dangerous. Murder weapon,

With a hard back, Xiao Yang's heart skipped: not good!

He had retreated to the bottom of the rock. Xiao Yang saw a trace of cunning in the eyes of the killer whale on the opposite side, and then the killer whale disappeared in his eyes!

The huge thing suddenly launched an attack with a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye. Xiao Yang suddenly opened his eyes. In his slow eyes, the speed of the killer whale slowed down several times. He finally caught the attack route of the killer whale. Xiao Yang suddenly squatted and made a "bang" sound, and Xiao Yang had two sharp front paws on his head. It stabbed into the rock like a knife.

Xiao Yang rolled around and dodged the killer whale and then hit it. He rolled out seven or eight meters away, followed by a black energy column. The big guy's limbs and claws were deeply embedded in the rock, hanging on the rock like a gecko, swallowed a breath, and poured out a breath of energy!

"Boom!" A loud explosion, and the violent energy flow knocked Xiao Yang out. Although it was not hit directly, the power of the explosion could not be underestimated. Xiao Yang's people were blown away and had not yet fallen in the air. The killer whale suddenly roared, and its limbs suddenly exerted strength. The folded skin suddenly jumped very tightly. Xiao Ke looked aside. Stunned, the killer whale's muscles suddenly collapsed, making the folded skin round, and a trace of muscle lines could be seen. At this time, the originally "long strip" killer whale turned into a meat ball with a diameter of ten meters.

With a crash, an energy bomb hit Xiao Yang with a bang!

"Puff!" A mouthful of blood spewed out of Xiao Yang's mouth. Fortunately, he just passed by, otherwise he would probably die.

He rolled out like a gourd. Xiao Yang's consciousness blurred and lay softly on the ground. His mind was chaotic for a moment. He closed his eyes and wanted to mobilize the fruit energy in his body to make a last try. At this time, he suddenly remembered the green crystal of the nutrient solution refined in the space fruit, and Xiao Yang did not look directly. After taking a big bite and eating the green crystal, Xiao Yang felt that his physical strength had obviously recovered, and most of it had recovered in a moment.

"Dong!" The earth trembled, and the killer whale fell back to the ground, and the meatball-like body slowly shrank and returned to its previous normal state. The killer whale slowly walked to his side, raised a paw and stepped on his back.

The claws moved and turned Xiao Yang over and turned his face up. The killer whale stepped on his chest and looked down at Xiao Yang's face with a huge head!

Xiaoyang, who was trampled under its feet, had no ability to resist. At the mercy of the killer whale, the killer whale studied for a long time and probably didn't find anything interesting from Xiao Yang. He was a little impatient. He held his mouth and shook his neck and threw Xiao Yang far away!

Xiao Yang bumped into the rock, stirred up a burst of dust and fell back to the ground. The killer whale slowly followed and stepped on his chest again - the killer whale was like a puppy playing ball, and he regarded Xiao Yang as a toy!

Suddenly, a golden energy was used on the palm of Xiao Yang's left hand. The killer whale did not notice it. It also thought it was fun to step on Xiao Yang's head. It was *, but it found that Xiao Yang's head under its claws could not be rubbed. It should be very simple for such a spherical object. If the owner Don't force it, this won't happen.

After all, the killer whale is not a smart creature, and its reaction is a little slow. A hand burning with golden flames stretched out from the side, clasped its front paws, and moved away steadily!

Xiao Yang is less than half a meter away from the killer whale, and at this moment, Xiao Yang is waiting for a fatal blow.

The killer whale seems to have lost interest in Xiaoyang, a plaything, and is ready to eat Xiaoyang.

At this time, Xiao Yang shouted: "Cross Chop."


After Xiao Yang killed the killer whale, he swallowed all the remaining green crystals.

After fully recovering, he has been trying to find Yuan Lingxuan and Katina, but after all, he did not find the aimless collision in this huge underground base.

"Where's the seahorse?" When Xiao Yang chased a seahorse beast, he was surprised to find that the seahorse beast had just run into a dead end, and what was more strange was that the seahorse beast disappeared.

Behind the hard limestone land, there are no life characteristics, just like no one has ever been here,

Even Xiao Yang felt surprised. Although he had just been in a daze, he had been tracking the seahorse beast with a special smell. It seemed that when he heard two slight noises, the seahorse disappeared.

There is a mechanism! Almost immediately, Xiao Yang thought of a possibility that there were organs near the limestone, otherwise, a group of people could not have disappeared alive.

He began to search carefully here. Sure enough, there is a narrow passage on the right side of the huge limestone. The front of the passage is divided into two channels. One passage goes out is a canyon. Although the other passage looks like a natural weathered land, and the ground is full of gravel, the end of the passage makes people It feels very abruptly blocked by a huge stone,

It was obvious that the hippocampus entered the narrow passage and suddenly closed the passage. Only in this way could he not react.

There is no doubt that this is a magical design. This channel is narrow and slightly curved, and it is difficult for the people behind to track, and it is impossible for the people who follow closely to enter the channel, because this channel seems to have an echo function, and the underground gravel is full of ground, and it is easy to make a sound.

Even if they follow in, when the person disappears, it is easy for people to misunderstand that the person who will be followed has gone out from another channel. No one will think that the person being followed has entered a passage blocked by a boulder...

"I thought I could block my way with a fast stone!" As soon as Xiao Yang stretched out his hand, he took the energy assault rifle in his hand

However, Xiao Yang looked at the uneven stones above his head and put down the gun. It seems that this is limestone that has been weathered for millions of years. If the gun is really shot down, maybe the canyon may partially collapse, and he will die here. It seems that the person who designed this channel has also thought about this. Maybe the person who controls the seahorse beast wants him to break the stone and let him die here.