Fruit Empire

[099] Straight to Huanglong

"Is Mr. Xiao Yang here?"

"Hey, I'm here, I'm here!" Xiao Yang thought that this was finally coming. Wait a little longer, but the flowers are really gone.

He picked up some firewood and now lit a bonfire on the shore to warm himself up. It's late autumn now, and it's still cold at night, especially at sea. He took off his wet clothes, roasted them on the fire, and changed into clean clothes.

As soon as Xiao Yang got on the warship, he felt that the soldiers on the ship looked at him differently from before he got off the ship, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

"Captain, why is it so slow? Did the warship break down halfway? Xiao Yang didn't bring the word "sir". He knew how fast the warship was! It's been an hour since he called. Is it a majesty for yourself? He doesn't like this.

Xiao Yang's guess is right, but O'Carroll has this intention, but just now, this idea has disappeared. Because he received a message from the naval base to congratulate them on the successful installation of eavesdroppers on the ships of those in black. The base has identified traitors in the army and obtained a lot of key information. The destination of the speedboat is an isolated island. The order of the base is to directly attack the yellow dragon, destroy the enemy, and try to capture the enemy alive.

After Ocarroll received the message, his heart was half cold. He didn't expect that Xiao Yang would succeed and be alone. Originally, he despised Xiao Yang very much and thought that what a little child would do? No matter how powerful he was, he could compare with these well-trained special forces. You can complete the tasks that they can't complete!

But the facts show that Xiao Yang really succeeded and was unscathed.

The blanket in Ocarroll's hand draped Xiao Yang and hurriedly ordered, "Prepare food quickly!"

Xiao Yang knew that something must have happened. Wearing a blanket, he sat in O'Carroll's seat rudely: "Report your naval base, I have successfully put the tracker on their ship."

"Hey!" Ocarroll held a hamburger in his hand and respectfully sent it to Xiao Yang: "The base has received the signal. And order my ship to move forward at full speed to destroy those people in black. If they can do it alive, they will be captured alive. If not, they will be destroyed.

"Oh!" Xiao Yang opened a big mouth, and the half-pull hamburger disappeared into his mouth: "Your hamburger is not authentic, just like a Chinese hamburger!"

Ocarroll despised Xiao Yang from his heart and thought to himself: If it's not true, you still bite half of it. If it's done well, you still have to eat it all.

"I won't participate in the encirclement, and I don't know how to cooperate. Don't cause trouble to the naval brothers!"

Xiao Yang stood in the temporary command center, but to be honest, Xiao Yang is not a model of fighting. Xiao Yang is quite good at fighting alone. Since you are not good at it, just let O'Carroll do it.

"Ready to contact!"

"Ready to contact..."

As the target island got closer and closer, there was a warning among the naval soldiers. As soon as the sound disappeared, the naval soldiers all raised their particle guns in their hands and aimed at the island monsters not far away, ready to make the final contact!

"Don't fire, wait to enter the range!"

"Don't fire! Wait for the order!"

The island is getting closer and closer!


As the island entered the range, Ocarroll's order to fire was issued! The naval soldiers pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The strange particle rays rushed towards the island like a tide in the distance at lightning speed.


"Lead up!" Looking at the three or five people in black who had become leaking fish, O'Carroll roared at the naval soldiers.

Ocarroll's order was answered, and the naval soldiers immediately carried it out, all stood up and marched neatly under the leadership of Ocarroll.

This battle was completely a unilateral massacre. The people who lost the island had no cover and cooperation at all. These people in black became the slaughtered weak.

Ocarroll took the naval soldiers to the height of the island and looked at the people in black who were still running away. Ocarroll ordered loudly: "Five people searched for a small team. Those missing people in black must eliminate the people on the island! Don't force yourself to catch it alive, but make sure you are safe.


"Rhubarb, do you think there are many people on the island?" The navy soldiers went to the depths of the forest in groups of five, and Xiao Yang asked Da Huang.

"The people on the island have been basically wiped out. There are only a few people in the forest. There seems to be a shadowed desert not far away. There is a cave there. I just saw a lot of people there!" The rhubarb came to the island before landing.

"Captain, give me a few people, and I will also participate in the operation." Xiao Yang still couldn't help being lonely and participated in the action together!

Ocarroll pointed and said, "Okay! Your Class 10 will follow Mr. Xiao Yang.


Soon Xiaoyang rushed to the periphery of the desert in the shadow area mentioned by Dahuang.

The area of the desert in this shadow area where Xiao Yang is located is much smaller than that in other shadow areas.

Xiao Yang and Rhubarb, a group of naval soldiers and their group slowly moved forward in the desert of the shadow area. The desert has been completely out of sight, and the huge craters have been blown out. As for the large and small caves in the desert area, they have long been burned to an end, and the original loess has been charred.

After a short journey, Xiao Yang and the others finally saw the cave mentioned by Dahuang.

"Rocket gun! Aim at the mouth of the cave and launch freely!" Seeing that the hole in the distance was not too big, Xiao Yang turned his head and ordered four or five naval soldiers carrying energy rockets.


hong hong

After receiving Xiao Yang's order, the four or five naval soldiers resisted rockets and each fired two shells at the island at the entrance of the cave. In an instant, the shell roared and hit the mouth of the hole, and immediately there was a scream of people in the hole.

Seeing that everything 500 or 600 meters away from the rocket gun hit was extinguished by ashes and smoke, Xiao Yang couldn't help sighing that the navy's weapons were really powerful.

In ordinary society, energy rockets have completely disappeared, because energy rockets are too powerful and naturally consume a lot of energy. The cost is extremely high. Of course, this kind of energy rocket can't rely on the fruit energy in the human body. It is the fruit of power consumption, and it is also C and B levels. Ordinary people can't afford to use it at all. A shell is hundreds of thousands or millions, which is simply money-burning and inconvenient to carry. It is impossible to fight alone.